I think you're severely overestimating the damage done, but this isn't that major of a point so i'll go to the next one.
Again I think you're overestimating it. When I travelled around Middle America when I was younger, one of the things that whitepilled me and gave me hope, and will always stick with me, was a town where I talked to a girl who was 18 (My age at the time), who was innocentmaxxed, she didn't use social media at all, and apparently that was common in this town among some girls her age. This town is actually one of the prospective locations I might consider moving to when I have enough money, won't give out of the name of it for security reasons, but I travelled to quite a lot of states, not on my own dime of course since i'm a jobless poorcel, but on my best friends, we travelled around the country a few years back.
Obviously not every rural area is the same, some are definitely worse than others, but NOWHERE was as bad as L.A. States and Areas i'd personally recommend would be, Montana, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, West Virginia, The West Side of Nebraska, The East Side of Idaho, some very select areas in The Bible Belt, avoid major cities, or anywhere even really close to one, the more rural, small population, and isolated the better.
I've never been to Alaska but I imagine it's probably pretty decent there aswell.
Looks does not = Height, that doesn't mean someone who is an 8/10 who's 4'10 will do better than a 6.5/10 who's 6'4 of course, and what do you mean weight is harder the more you lose? Less calories go in + Burning of more and more calories should mean weight loss should be pretty consistent if not even faster.
Well I am learning Japanese as a backup, but I definitely don't believe its my only hope, it's just a backup, but yeah I could become an English teacher in some rural town relatively easily. As for the IQ thing, cope, I was studying Evolutionary Biology and Psychology in University, which I got in on scholarships alone based on merit, considering how the school system is so anti male, and anti white, the entire system was rigged against me from the start, I could dickwave about my IQ results from the Stanford-Binet test that my highschool paid for when I was 16, but that'd be bragging. The only reason i'm not in University anymore is because they got me kicked out because of some spats with a professor. This, along with research, led me to realize Academia is corrupt, it's infiltrated, it's bullshit. The only way you can succeed, even if you're smart, is to be a Good Goy slave, shut up, and follow the narrative.
Programming was just a hobby for me, I never got into it that seriously, as I had more important priorities then, and now.
The reason why white women don't like their looksmatch anymore isn't because we have "shit tier genetics" it's because Marxism has devolved society to a primitive sexual market and brainwashed them. It's just one of the many layers of White Genocide.
In The Interview, I was very clear, there's a certain type of Asian woman, typically South East Asian, who tends to hate their own people and is only attracted to white men, when they have and portray this mindset blindly, especially when they have some boomer husband who only married them for sex, obviously this resonates negatively in their son. So lets say I have to last resort in Japan, well firstly i'm not gonna go after some Gaijin hunter who is only into me because i'm white, because of how I will hypothetically look, the exotic nature of me being white, looksmaxxed, able to speak Japanese, understand the culture, etc, i'll have an artificial boost in the sexual market in general, and Japanese women are of a much higher stock than South East Asian women, they make great mothers, very accepting of patriarchal standards, etc. I am very well aware of what makes Children suffer and how to prevent that.
The fact that you think every woman is degenerate and hypergamous is what's legitimately low IQ. Have you travelled around America like I have? You're an "oldcel" surely from your boomer ways you should have a lot more money than I do, i'm sure you can spend a few months to a year traveling around from state to state, city to city, town to town, it'll be a lot harder for you to deny reality when you it's blasting you right in the face, then again I guess denying reality is a common trait among Boomers. JFL.
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And here we see the final boomer non argument screech. It's over.