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There will be no White uprising. Get over it.

Many Jewish whores in Israel fuck Arab men
Really? All I see of Jewish woman there is bombing Arab children :lul: :lul: :lul:

But yet, your posts are long and meaningless too.
all this is meaningless, pajeet.
You are feeling scorned by white-European culture because you know that you are from a lesser cultural enterprise
Why does your ass always try to project bullshit onto others? You're the curry who tried to insist he wasnt indian but american because of a fucking passport
yet at the same time you worship them
Everyone worships white peoppe. The difference is im actually a white caucasion
and use your closeness in skin pigmentation to belittle others on this site proclaiming how you are "white" and arab.
yeah, and?
Whole thing is your way of publically addressing your sadness about being associated with the "arab" part of your cultural roots.
More projection lmao. I am not in anyway sad about being arab.
I am not jealous of the sub-human inbreed pathetic genetics you have.

If wish you came out 2 more months prior than you did in an abortion. Your parent didn't love you, did they? What's even the purpose of your pathetic existence? Kill your self and liberate your self of this suffering of being in a sub-human body.
All ad hominem. At the end of the day arab genes > pajeet genes. Last time I will address that
That's just your sandnigger projection. Just because you are ashamed of your sandnigger race and delude yourself by believing you are white, don't assume others will do the same. I don't care about dog fucking and goat fucking genes you have.

I am proud to be of the linage of warriors killed off and brutally drove off those mullas from South India. Telugus and Tamils are the highest IQ in India and in US. We have built civilizations while you sandnigger "bomb crap and live in sewers". I just wish I was taller and didn't have severe acne
You yourself have admitted pajeets are the most lowly of races. What is this backtracking now saying your race is anything but shit?
You are a prematurely born disabled ill-formed subhuman who is virgin till 27 with a cut mutilated micro penis. Probably balding also since sandniggers are more prone to balding than curries.

Of course you are a subhuman sandnigger.
Never denied I'm subhuman. Everyone on this site is. But im far less subhuman than you. And my race is less subhuman than your race
This is how real Arabs look like, stop this shit you can't deceive like those kikes

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lnqgmyg3_wY

Saudi 44% Arab only, so these could easily just be immigrants from hindustan. Anyways, these absolutely are real Arabs no matter how much you cry about it

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Culture clearly has more to do in civilization protection and conservation than genes.
Still the same race. So you attacking pakis is just you attacking NW indians
Both Saint Hamudi and Rehab Room are sandnigger. You still haven't provided me source of Hindu names doing worse than Muslim names in job applications.

That guy looks better than other sand niggers who post there. Blue eyes don't mean shit when your face looks inbreed like this with balding in sandnigger fashion

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiugly/comments/342ltd/22m_arab_ppl_say_my_eyes_doesnt_fit_in/

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View: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiugly/comments/2jj0u1/17_m_a_rating_would_be_nice_hating_my_arab_genes/

Even street shitter from here mogg these sandniggers in looking masculine

View attachment 1133114

>go to a subreddit of ugly people
>find ugly people
>claim this is how everyone looks

Pajeet IQ at work

Turks are not Arabs. I said Islam is being diluted in Arab countries and Turkey and Iran are not Arab countries because they don't speak Arabic.

Keeping coping your leaders are giving more rights to womans and replacing Islam slowly but surely
They're genetically thr same race. Speaking Arabic or not is irrelevant

Islam is being replaced only in your head.
Google Trends is literally a source for understanding trends nigger. You coping way to hard. Pakistan is the only Indian subcontinent country to have more males and females. Your Prophet may piss be upon him was also a faggot

Here is the full analysis

"As of this writing, Pakistan is by volume the world leader for Google searches of the terms “shemale sex,” “teen anal sex,” and “man fucking man,” according to Google Trends. Pakistan also ranks second in the world (after similarly gay-intolerant Kenya) for volume of searches for the search term “gay sex pics.” "

You know it's ok to be gay, you can come out :feelskek::feelskek:
Still no primary source
"We waz Algebra and mathematician and shit :soy: :soy: :soy: " right? They ruled South India for less than a century and didn't even leave a mark here.

You mullas got brutally killed afterwards like chad Vijayanagara empire kings
They still conquered and ruled south India. Keep crying, dravidian baboon.
None of them are in South India
They are. Plenty of shitholes in the south just as much as in the north
That's because of shitty socialism. 97% of Indians don't even pay taxes directly. Why would they own public property?
No, it's because your hindu religion glories being filthy


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>go to a subreddit of ugly people
>find ugly people
>claim this is how everyone looks

Pajeet IQ at work
Sandnigger I just imitated what you did. Are you autistic too or what?
Still no primary source
It's in the article sandnigger. How much you will you come you closeted faggot just like your Prophet may piss be upon him.
No, it's because your hindu religion glories being filthy
Looking at Israel vs Palestine or India vs Pakistan will tell who's religion glories being filthy. You mullas all live in slums and shit here.

India is not a Hindu country (yet) only Nepal is and look at them. They mogg all the mulla countries.
They're genetically thr same race. Speaking Arabic or not is irrelevant

Islam is being replaced only in your head.
Dick mutilated sandnigger, I am talking about culture here not genetics.

Arabic countries are liberalizing and non-Arabic Islamic counties are liberalizing. This is fact. Keep delusionally coping consuming denial
They are. Plenty of shitholes in the south just as much as in the north
Source for "as much as" first.

Next all the shit holes here are comprised of laid back inbreeding mullas. Without mullas we would have higher HDI and per capita income.
Still the same race. So you attacking pakis is just you attacking NW indians
Inbreed sandnigger, Sikhs and Rajputs almost have same DNA. Sikhs massacred you mullas while Rajputs cucked themselves.

Race has nothing to do with power-play and politics. Only a strong culture does.
But im far less subhuman than you.
Cope. You are an ill-formed premature birthed inbreed dick mutilated sandnigger mulla who have lower IQ than a peanut peel.

I am better than you just my the virtue of existence.
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But im far less subhuman than you.
Premature birthed are dumber, on top of that you are a sandnigger.


You have ape level IQ. You are only useful for suicide bombing. That is your genetic potential.
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No. That's propaganda. Christianity spread in Asian and Africa with colonization. It was specifically used as a tool to make white man's culture seem superior to the natives. It's literally in pommy missionary books.

Also what were Christian Crusades then?
Come on. You kannadigas killed off those mullas with Vijayanagara Empire and protected South India. You should be the last one telling that.
Just trust me.
And my race is less subhuman than your race
Didn't matter to you did it? You being of a superior race supposedly didn't give you pussy. Then shut the fuck up.

That is just a cope you tell yourself to feel better about your pathetic ill-formed subhuman existence
You yourself have admitted pajeets are the most lowly of races. What is this backtracking now saying your race is anything but shit?
Curries are the worst looking while 60% of Arabs look like curries. Both our woman and men are in the bottom SMV which is good and will only increase our endogamy even more.

Dinosaurs having better genes than cockroach didn't mean they could protect their lineage and genes. They went extinct. Only Jews and Hindus protected our lineages for 4000+ years and still strong in bombing you mullas today, both possessing high IQ.

Whites have everything good to themselves and still are going extinct. Superior genes now doesn't mean shit in preservation. You will just end up in a museum later.
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All ad hominem.
No I am simultaneously insulting you and refuting your point. Doesn't make it an ad hominem. Also you are the one to say that dick mutilated micro penis inbreed pre mature birthed sandnigger.

Go fuck some camels and drink the the camel piss. You claimed it had supposed benefits :lul: :lul: :lul:
At the end of the day arab genes > pajeet genes.
You are the bottom of the bottom of Arab genes.

Also at the end of the day my genes and situation > yours. You balding sissy sandnigger
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I am not in anyway sad about being arab.
Don't lie. No one can be proud of being named Ali Muhammad Hijab Omar.

I mean you would be proud of being named after a pedophile, homosexual zoophilie Prophet Muhammad may piss be upon him
If wish you came out 2 more months prior than you did in an abortion. Your parent didn't love you, did they? What's even the purpose of your pathetic existence? Kill your self and liberate your self of this suffering of being in a sub-human body.
Also this again
You're the curry who tried to insist he wasnt indian but american because of a fucking passport
By definition he is American if he is a citizen, low IQ sandnigger


This sand nigger claimed Hindu names have more failo than Arabs names in hiring. Gave me a bullshit source which proved opposite. :lul:

Sandnigger ill-formed ill-breed will you give me a source for that or retract your statement?
This is your family photo from inbreeding and ill-formation of yours

It is pathetic how much you coped about Pakistan being faggotted. Indication of your per-mature birth and low IQ
Arabic countries are liberalizing and non-Arabic Islamic counties are liberalizing.
Correction: Arabic countries are liberalizing and non-Arabic Islamic counties are radicalizing.
Change you name to @Made In Toilet because you are shit and your custom title to Delusionary
Your genes were so shit you weren't even born properly. That is the reason why you are incel in the first place. Most of the fags in this forum probably mogg you

Another sucidefuel for you

"These findings suggest that adults born preterm or with low birth weight are less likely to experience a romantic partnership, sexual intercourse, or to become parents. However, preterm birth or low birth weight does not seem to impair the quality of relationships with partners and friends. Lack of sexual or partner relationships might increase the risk of decreased well-being and poorer physical and mental health."
Your existence was so distressing. Your mother shat you out 4 months early.

Inbreed Sandnigger stop deluding your self or kill yourself in honor.

This sand nigger claimed Hindu names have more failo than Arabs names in hiring. Gave me a bullshit source which proved opposite. :lul:

Sandnigger ill-formed ill-breed will you give me a source for that or retract your statement?
Honestly, it depends on where you are talking about and who is doing the hiring. This is a real weird concept to port to "names" though. In some places and fields Arab names will produce a better outcome.

P.s. - I think you should give up talking to this idiot and worry about your own problems. That's what I do have had to learn the hard way.
all this is meaningless, pajeet.
It's not.
Why does your ass always try to project bullshit onto others? You're the curry who tried to insist he wasnt indian but american because of a fucking passport.
My passport? No. It's my cultural upbringing and psycho-social makeup that makes me something "American", which for brevity's sake is the only way to describe the experience. But I believe the passport was brought up because you questioned the authenticity of my nationality as well.
Everyone worships white peoppe. The difference is im actually a white caucasion.
No that's not a difference. Everyone does because of the cultural and therefore industrial heights the Western world achieved. It's not because they were light skin color. If it has been India or Africa or Japan, it would be that skin color. In fact, now days, white-Americans do worship themselves, and other ethnic (non-white) races at the same time
yeah, and?
And it's unbecoming, cringe and shows how lonely you feel. Also if encourages you superiority feeling, which is bullshit because it won't earn us anything.
More projection lmao. I am not in anyway sad about being arab.
You are sad and High off it at the same time.
All ad hominem. At the end of the day arab genes > pajeet genes. Last time I will address that
LoL. Sure they look good too. I like both purely interns of aesthetics. If there is an ugly Arab person, they are ugly. If there is a pretty arab person then they are pretty. Same for Indians and darker skin, different feature races. If it fits aesthetically, they look good, there is a percentage of any race's combination of features which is good looking, and a larger percentage which is not. Cross comparing the races for "who looks better" is futile and meaningless. Just like all your posts about having "muh white skin"

It's not.
It is. Eveyrthing posted on this forum is meaningless because we are meaningless.
My passport? No. It's my cultural upbringing and psycho-social makeup that makes me something "American", which for brevity's sake is the only way to describe the experience. But I believe the passport was brought up because you questioned the authenticity of my nationality as well.
You're not american, no white american considers brown people to be americaan
No that's not a difference. Everyone does because of the cultural and therefore industrial heights the Western world achieved. It's not because they were light skin color. If it has been India or Africa or Japan, it would be that skin color. In fact, now days, white-Americans do worship themselves, and other ethnic (non-white) races at the same time
It's not about culture or industry, it's because white people look the best. Stop this cope. You did this same thing last time
LoL. Sure they look good too. I like both purely interns of aesthetics. If there is an ugly Arab person, they are ugly. If there is a pretty arab person then they are pretty. Same for Indians and darker skin, different feature races. If it fits aesthetically, they look good, there is a percentage of any race's combination of features which is good looking, and a larger percentage which is not. Cross comparing the races for "who looks better" is futile and meaningless. Just like all your posts about having "muh white skin"
Ok, it still doesn't change that the average arab looks better than the average indian. This is a fact that 99% of humanity will accept
It is. Eveyrthing posted on this forum is meaningless because we are meaningless.
You're not american, no white american considers brown people to be americaan.
That's total nonsense. Only an uneducated idiot says this. And because of the loss of Christianity in our society as a cohesive element, yes there some uneducated idiots who believe white = American. White = people with ethnic origins in Europe. American = a Nationality of many different ethnic backgrounds. The failing cultural elements make these distinction come back into light. You are just using that to piggy back your Arab-whiteman-worship to make your silly points. Mullah is sad he is Mullah, and prefers to be associated with Nordic white and 10 Downing Street !
It's not about culture or industry, it's because white people look the best. Stop this cope. You did this same thing last time.
LOL. You are literally insane. Yes it is about religion →culture →industry→achievement and success. There is no "look the best" a pretty Indian girl might look better than an ugly white girl in a given situation.
Ok, it still doesn't change that the average arab looks better than the average indian. This is a fact that 99% of humanity will accept
No. Not at all true. Hardly anyone would accept it or care about it in reality.
That's total nonsense. Only an uneducated idiot says this. And because of the loss of Christianity in our society as a cohesive element, yes there some uneducated idiots who believe white = American. White = people with ethnic origins in Europe. American = a Nationality of many different ethnic backgrounds. The failing cultural elements make these distinction come back into light.
White DOES = American. No white American looks at a foreign invading cow worshipper and considers you one of them

@DarkStarDown is this pajeet an american?
You are just using that to piggy back your Arab-whiteman-worship to make your silly points. Mullah is sad he is Mullah, and prefers to be associated with Nordic white and 10 Downing Street !
Whiter than you, shitskin
LOL. You are literally insane. Yes it is about religion →culture →industry→achievement and success. There is no "look the best" a pretty Indian girl might look better than an ugly white girl in a given situation.
Even the prettiest indian woman you can find will only be pretty due to having aryan DNA. The upper castes in pajeetland have more European dna
No. Not at all true. Hardly anyone would accept it or care about it in reality.
Everyone with functioning eyes knows arabs look better than street shitting monkeys

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White = people with ethnic origins in Europe.
This is the inclusive definition, which is not the one used in practice. It's really a scam to make Europeans think they're included as white when they are not. A Slav is not considered as white as an Englishman. The Irish know they're second-class white, and they talk about it.

The definition of white that applies socially is not the same as the one that applies legally. Government forms will tell you that you're white if you're not black or Asian. You'll be white on government forms, on your medical record, on your job application, but in society, you'll be ethnic. That's the scam. All the downsides, none of the upsides. Then some BLM nigger starts reeing in your face about your white privilege.
This is the inclusive definition, which is not the one used in practice. It's really a scam to make Europeans think they're included as white when they are not. A Slav is not considered as white as an Englishman. The Irish know they're second-class white, and they talk about it.

The definition of white that applies socially is not the same as the one that applies legally. Government forms will tell you that you're white if you're not black or Asian. You'll be white on government forms, on your medical record, on your job application, but in society, you'll be ethnic. That's the scam. All the downsides, none of the upsides. Then some BLM nigger starts reeing in your face about your white privilege.
That's utterly bullshit. If you're white skinned and have caucasion features, you will be treated as white by most other white caucasions. I'm iraqi and white but have never felt discriminated or alienated by whites. I would blend in easier in a crowd of South europeans than I would with a crowd of Saudis. Let alone if you're talking about Irish with their green eyes and ginger hair or slavs with blonde hair and blue eyes
That's utterly bullshit. If you're white skinned and have caucasion features, you will be treated as white by most other white caucasions.
No, not by a longshot. They're not obvious about it, not in the diverse cities anyway. They can tell who's the same ethnicity as them, and who is of what other European ethnicities they are familiar with. Everyone else is "foreign".
I'm iraqi and white but have never felt discriminated or alienated by whites.
You've always been discriminated against and alienated by them, but you have nothing else to compare it to. We are the most hated ethnic group in America, so if you don't feel hated, it's because you don't recognize their masked hatred.
I would blend in easier in a crowd of South europeans than I would with a crowd of Saudis. Let alone if you're talking about Irish with their green eyes and ginger hair or slavs with blonde hair and blue eyes
I'm talking about the Irish because of how I've seen them be treated by Anglos. They are second-class whites, not first-class whites. It's not to do with their hair and eye colors, those give them away, but they are recognized by their names and facial features also. White people don't just see "white" and "not white", they break it down further by national origin and religion.
White DOES = American. No white American looks at a foreign invading cow .
I do agree with the general premise of what you are saying. Christianity and Hinduism are misunderstood in America after a certain point. Hinduism is very foreign to the West, but globohomo played nice about it. In fact- There are many Anglo-Indians. There is some racism, but that is because of the big push from Leftist culture which many followed. Things got worse and worse and now, yes there is this type of angry white man. Understandable actually. But YOU are not one of them. They are catholic and protestant Christians. You are a sand nigger with light skin. Nobody cares as much as you think about "invading cow". It's nigger and latino first, and then ethnic Indian-Americans have to pick a side in the culture war. In fact,there are quite a few white-westerners who love Indian culture over the decaying culture of the West anyday. More and more each day.
@DarkStarDown is this pajeet an american?
Whiter than you, shitskin.
You will be very afraid and lonely when you die if you keep this up.
Even the prettiest indian woman you can find will only be pretty due to having aryan DNA. The upper castes in pajeetland have more European dna.
That's the case with many races.
Everyone with functioning eyes knows arabs look better than street shitting monkeys

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Broken record same old photos, you ain't benefitting Mullah !
This is the inclusive definition, which is not the one used in practice. It's really a scam to make Europeans think they're included as white when they are not. A Slav is not considered as white as an Englishman. The Irish know they're second-class white, and they talk about it.
True to some extent. This is not progressive but regressive, and that happens when we lose religion & culture worldwide.
The definition of white that applies socially is not the same as the one that applies legally.
Of course. But what you must realise is that Western European (English Men Protestants) and American Protestants were a way of behavior first and foremost, NOT a skin color. Therefore, how can you be sure that it's the skin color and region being protested to and not the fact that many Europeans are catholic instead of Protestant?
Government forms will tell you that you're white if you're not black or Asian. You'll be white on government forms, on your medical record, on your job application, but in society, you'll be ethnic. That's the scam.
It's not a scam.
All the downsides, none of the upsides. Then some BLM nigger starts reeing in your face about your white privilege.
Lol. Yes the BLM nigger is a prideful SOB !
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No, not by a longshot. They're not obvious about it, not in the diverse cities anyway. They can tell who's the same ethnicity as them, and who is of what other European ethnicities they are familiar with. Everyone else is "foreign".
If you say so. But most europeans have trouble telling that I'm arab. Hell, even I have trouble sometimes. Just 3 minutes ago, I saw some hijabai with blue eyes while in the elevator. I couldn't tell if she was a white muslim or just a blue eyed syrian or something
You've always been discriminated against and alienated by them, but you have nothing else to compare it to.
no i reallt havent. Even when i lived in a town that was lik 90% white, i didnt feel like a racial alien
We are the most hated ethnic group in America, so if you don't feel hated, it's because you don't recognize their masked hatred.
Who is we?

I live in canada fyi not america
I'm talking about the Irish because of how I've seen them be treated by Anglos. They are second-class whites, not first-class whites. It's not to do with their hair and eye colors, those give them away, but they are recognized by their names and facial features also. White people don't just see "white" and "not white", they break it down further by national origin and religion.
Irish people in Britain may be discriminated by anglos, I don't deny that. But most white Americans are Euromutts. Most White Americans don't even seem to be able to tell when someone is mixed or not.

And yes, I do agree that even among whites there is a tier list. A blonde blue eyed nord is obviously more white than a swarthy mediterranean
I do agree with the general premise of what you are saying. Christianity and Hinduism are misunderstood in America after a certain point. Hinduism is very foreign to the West, but globohomo played nice about it. In fact- There are many Anglo-Indians. There is some racism, but that is because of the big push from Leftist culture which many followed. Things got worse and worse and now, yes there is this type of angry white man. Understandable actually. But YOU are not one of them. They are catholic and protestant Christians. You are a sand nigger with light skin. Nobody cares as much as you think about "invading cow". It's nigger and latino first, and then ethnic Indian-Americans have to pick a side in the culture war. In fact,there are quite a few white-westerners who love Indian culture over the decaying culture of the West anyday. More and more each day.
Race is what Americans care about. Not religioun. Stop your retarded cope. You are not American because you are not white
You will be very afraid and lonely when you die if you keep this up.
jfl did you forget what site youre on, you deranged faggot? Most of us will be dying alone
That's the case with many races.
It's the case with every race, yes, glad you agree.

The best looking arabs have more white dna (Syrians)
The best looking indians have more white dna (Afghans)
The best looking asians have more white dna (Turks)
The best looking blacks have more white dna (African American)
Broken record same old photos, you ain't benefitting Mullah !
Arabs look better than Indians, benefits or whatever it is you're yapping about, is irrelevant

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If you say so. But most europeans have trouble telling that I'm arab. Hell, even I have trouble sometimes. Just 3 minutes ago, I saw some hijabai with blue eyes while in the elevator. I couldn't tell if she was a white muslim or just a blue eyed syrian or something

no i reallt havent. Even when i lived in a town that was lik 90% white, i didnt feel like a racial alien

Who is we?

I live in canada fyi not america

Irish people in Britain may be discriminated by anglos, I don't deny that. But most white Americans are Euromutts. Most White Americans don't even seem to be able to tell when someone is mixed or not.

And yes, I do agree that even among whites there is a tier list. A blonde blue eyed nord is obviously more white than a swarthy mediterranean

Race is what Americans care about.
Not really. Good stock is what people care about. Race and skin color is secondary. And you never answered my question, where do you live, where were your born?
Not religioun. Stop your retarded cope. You are not American because you are not white.
You need a dictionary. What you mean is, "I'm not desired by whites for procreation because I'm not white". Hell, I wasn't desired by pretty Indian-looking foid for the same reasons.
jfl did you forget what site youre on, you deranged faggot? Most of us will be dying alone.
You will be more afraid than the average person, I believe.
It's the case with every race, yes, glad you agree.

The best looking arabs have more white dna (Syrians)
The best looking indians have more white dna (Afghans)
The best looking asians have more white dna (Turks)
The best looking blacks have more white dna (African American).
Being "step-shifted" and having mixed genes, can help some combinations look better yet. But this "white-dna" thing is your cope to pretend you are miserable 24/7.
Arabs look better than Indians, benefits or whatever it is you're yapping about, is irrelevant

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Lol. That's all subjective. I do think on average there is some objective truth to what these people are saying, but the bigger point you are missing is that the ugly person is ugly, yet the Afghans and Pakistani's ARE dirt poor refuge. If this actually gives a cultural edge or advantage historically, why is Pakistan not the center of the Indi-Pacific region? Why are the blue eyes super-Syrians living in more of a shithole compared to darkies in Brazil? It seems the blue eyes couldn't stop your Syrians from ending up shitting out their asses with diarrhea and typhoid fever..?

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phul sapport for israel saar vs. allluwacku snackbar marshmallow kafir!!! dirka dirka
God damn 496 replies.
But most europeans have trouble telling that I'm arab.
They don't need to know you're an Arab specifically, just not on the approved ethnicities list. They can tell. You can tell a Syrian from a Moroccan, why would you think they can't tell among the ethnicities they're most familiar with?
And yes, I do agree that even among whites there is a tier list. A blonde blue eyed nord is obviously more white than a swarthy mediterranean
It's not about phenotypes like hair and eye color. That's an easy mistake to make. Again, the most white in the Anglosphere are Anglos, who typically have brown hair. They ethnically outrank the often blond and blue-eyed Germans.

If Germany had been the country with the empire and not Britain, it'd be the other way around. But I suspect that Anglos wouldn't abide by this, and would always prefer their own in spite of this, because it is their nature. It's just the second-class whites who fall for the white meme.

Re: Canada, I have trouble imagining it's different than where I was, but maybe it is. I find it much more likely that they're just subtle enough that you haven't picked up on it. I didn't pick up on it until I lived in a less refined place and saw what they were covering up.
ukraine. There young women are spread far and wide
no chance likely it will be baltic cunts

great thread @Made in Heaven i will make pheno thread after my return maybe even today if i will have mood

this will also includes topics as ethnic nationalism and autism maybe even as offtopic

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