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SuicideFuel The worst day in Elliot Rodger's life. Brutal.

Wristlet 2

Wristlet 2

"The only thing I could do was even the score."
Jan 13, 2020
It was the day that I decided to go out in Isla Vista in an attempt to lose my virginity before I turned 22. That was the only thing that could have saved me. I was giving the female gender one last chance to provide me with the pleasures I deserved from them.

I was too nervous to go out there sober, so I bought a bottle of vodka and took a few shots to garner enough courage to walk out at such an hour. I had taken one too many, for by the time I reached Del Playa Street, my head was clouded with drunkenness. At the start, it benefited me greatly. I saw lots of good looking popular kids socializing in groups all over the place, and if I wasn’t drunk it would have intimidated me too much. I was so drunk that I walked right into a wild house party that was taking place on Del Playa. They had a DJ playing annoying hip hop music that all the young people liked these days, and there was a ping pong table set up where lots of popular kids were playing “beer pong”, a crude drinking game.

There were about one hundred people at that party, and everyone was socializing with a group of friends except for me. I walked around in my drunken confidence for a few moments, helped myself to the beer they had, and tried to act like a normal party-goer. I soon became frustrated that no one was paying any attention to me, particularly the girls. I saw girls talking to other guys who looked like obnoxious slobs, but none of them showed any interest in me. As my frustration grew, so did my anger. I came across this Asian guy who was talking to a white girl. The sight of that filled me with rage. I always felt as if white girls thought less of me because I was half-Asian, but then I see this white girl at the party talking to a full-blooded Asian. I never had that kind of attention from a white girl! And white girls are the only girls I’m attracted to, especially the blondes. How could an ugly Asian attract the attention of a white girl, while a beautiful Eurasian like myself never had any attention from them? I thought with rage. I glared at them for a bit, and then decided I had been insulted enough. I angrily walked toward them and bumped the Asian guy aside, trying to act cocky and arrogant to both the boy and the girl. My drunken state got the better of me, and I almost fell over to the floor after a few minutes of this. They said something along the lines that I was very drunk and that I needed to get some water, so I angrily left them and went out to the front yard, where the main partying happened. Rage fumed inside me as I realized that I just walked away from that confrontation, so I rushed back into the house and spitefully insulted the Asian before walking outside again.

I stood awkwardly in the front yard for a bit, realizing how pathetic I looked all by myself when everyone was partying around me. To calm down, I climbed up onto a wooden ledge that bordered the street and plunged down on one of the chairs there. Isla Vista was at its wildest state at that time, and I saw lots of guys walking around with hot blonde girls on their arm. It fueled me with rage, as it always had. I should be one of those guys, but no blonde girls gave me that chance. I looked down at all of them, and in my drunken carelessness, extended my arm out and pretended to shoot them all, laughing giddily as I did it. Eventually, some partiers climbed up onto the ledge. They were all obnoxious, rowdy boys whom I’ve always despised. A couple of pretty girls came up and talked to them, but not to me. They all started socializing right next to me, and none of the girls paid any attention to me. I rose from my chair and tried to act arrogant and cocky toward them, throwing insults at everyone. They only laughed at me and started insulting me back. That was the last straw, I had taken enough insults that night. A dark, hate-fueled rage overcame my entire being, and I tried to push as many of them as I could from the 10-foot ledge. My main target was the girls. I wanted to punish them for talking to the obnoxious boys instead of me. It was one of the most foolish and rash things I ever did, and I almost risked everything in doing it, but I was so drunk with rage that I didn’t care. I failed to push any of them from the ledge, and the boys started to push me, which resulted in me being the one to fall onto the street. When I landed, I felt a snap in my ankle, followed by a stinging pain. I slowly got up and found that I couldn’t even walk. I had to stumble, and stumble I did. I tried to get away from there as fast as I could.

As I stumbled a few yards down Del Playa with my shattered leg, I realized that someone had stolen my Gucci sunglasses that my mother had given me. I loved those sunglasses, and had to get them back. I vehemently turned around and staggered back towards the party. At that point, I was so drunk that I forgot where the party was, and ended up walking onto the front yard of the house next to it, demanding to know who took my sunglasses. The people in this house must have been friends with the ones I previously fought with, for they greeted me with vicious hostility. They called me names like “faggot” and “pussy”, typical things those types of scumbags would say. A whole group of the obnoxious brutes came up and dragged me onto their driveway, pushing and hitting me. I wanted to fight and kill them all. I managed to throw one punch toward the main attacker, but that only caused them to beat me even more. I fell to the ground where they started kicking me and punching me in the face. Eventually, some other people from the street broke up the fight. I managed to have the strength to stand up and stagger away.

It was the first time in my life that I had been truly beaten up physically to the point where my face was bruised up. I had suffered a lot of bullying in my life, but most of it wasn’t physical. I had never been beaten and humiliated that badly. Everyone in Isla Vista saw what happened, and it was truly horrific.

The worst part of this whole ordeal was not getting beaten up, oh no. It was the fact that no one showed any concern. There was only one group who helped me to the end of Del Playa, but after that they abandoned me. Not one girl offered to help me as I stumbled home with a broken leg, beaten and bloody. If girls had been attracted to me, they would have offered to walk me to my room and take care of me. They would have even offered to sleep with me to make me feel better. But no, not one girl showed an ounce of concern for me. They didn’t care. No one cared about me. I was all alone.

As I got to my room, I was so traumatized that I called the only people in the world I knew, my parents and my sister. Yes, I even called my sister, someone I never got along with. I sulked for a long time, and then I reached up to my neck to feel my special golden necklace, and I felt nothing there. In the midst of the fight, one of those horrible punks had snatched off my special golden necklace that my grandma Ah Mah had given me! That necklace was one of the most special items I had, and now one of those evil, wretched thugs will be selling it to buy drugs. I broke down in anguish and wailed in agony, crying and crying until I passed out in my bed, all alone.


The highly unjust experience of being beaten and humiliated in front of everyone in Isla Vista, and their subsequent lack of concern for my well-being, was the last and final straw. I actually gave them all one last chance to accept me, to give me a reason not to hate them, and they devastatingly blew it back in my face. I gave the world too many chances. It was time for Retribution.

Brutal tbh. Some normies use this as an example of how Elliot was entitled etc, but honestly:

  1. Notice how, in the ledge, some chads got in there, and then some girls followed and hit on them. Without them doing anything. This was probably commonplace in Isla Vista, Elliot was used to seeing that, and expected the same. THAT is why he "never hit on girls", because he saw they hit on chads constantly, and realized if they like you you don't have to do anything. Also, the few times he tried anything in went wrong.
  2. They pushed him off a ledge, broke his leg, stole his stuff, beat him up, and NOBODY CARED. This is the fate of average males in society that we talk about so much, and even on reddit it's brought up sometimes. If you're a male and not chad, PEOPLE SIMPLY DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU.
Honestly I can't imagine how this affected Elliot. It was probably the worst day in his life. I feel for him.

Not only that, but this may singlehandedly be the reason he went ER. He was planning it from before sure, but was he gonna actually go through? Maybe not. Saying it and doing it are two very different things. And I think without this humiliation he probably wouldn't have done it. We'll never know though.
I guess this is what happens to people who get isolated for long periods of years, either that or targeting your frustrations inwards
Elliot was so based and he had more balls than any of us
This was very very depressing. I had literally NO friends in high school so I can understand his pain.

Although, he was an extreme standardcel mentalcel. He thought he was an exotic chad( beautiful Eurasian ) with high standards ( only blonde white girls ).
He was delusionalmaxxed

Someone should make a movie on his life similar to Joker movie. Would be interesting.
This was very very depressing. I had literally NO friends in high school so I can understand his pain.

Although, he was an extreme standardcel mentalcel. He thought he was an exotic chad( beautiful Eurasian ) with high standards ( only blonde white girls ).
He was delusionalmaxxed

Someone should make a movie on his life similar to Joker movie. Would be interesting.
lol no, he was lonely as fuck, if some becky tier girl would've showed interest in him i highly doubt he would've rejected her
lol no, he was lonely as fuck, if some becky tier girl would've showed interest in him i highly doubt he would've rejected her
Did he approached any Becky or his looksmatch?
“Normal party GOER”
The anniversary of the massacre is in 3 days and I plan to write my comments on the manifesto the day before.
If I was given the same treatment, I would surely go ER:
if i could make a movie of ER
We should crowdfund an ER movie. Michael Cera will play ER
While there have been a few shooters who were frustrated with lack of affection from women and being shit on by that gender (don't want to call him or them incel because PaedoTears love that even though they are murderers themselves) it was almost surreal to read something which echoed the life experiences of so many of us lonely men.

One line that resonated with me the most and it's something that I've always held close is when he said he noticed that "bad behaviour is rewarded" by women and in general. Society covers their eyes and ears to this fact but it's the very reason for so much suffering. There is such a rat race to be accepted by women and if you not born as a 9 or a 10 looks wise then you have to either be rich or famous instead, both of which are very rare cases in for example college or high school environments.

So the only other options are to either become a bootlicking cuck and hope you can lick chads cum up after he's done just to get a taste of pussy i.e. IncelTears/Male Feminists, become a thug or become an Incel. Hence why thuggery is prevalent.
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Elliot was so based and he had more balls than any of us
LOL, no.

I feel for the kid believe me I do but if he had REAL courage he would've systematically targeted the actual people who actually did him wrong and not simply a bunch of randos.

If I were him for example and committed to going on a rampage I would've made sure to kill the kid who callously flicked a cigarette at me as well the evil stepmother and the cuck father who brought him into this world but took no responsibility for his own selfish race mixing act and instead seemingly distanced himself from Elliot at every opportunity.

I'd of also gone after the oneitis and taken her out as well.
LOL, no.

I feel for the kid believe me I do but if he had REAL courage he would've systematically targeted the actual people who actually did him wrong and not simply a bunch of randos.

If I were him for example and committed to going on a rampage I would've made sure to kill the kid who callously flicked a cigarette at me as well the evil stepmother and the cuck father who brought him into this world but took no responsibility for his own selfish race mixing act and instead seemingly distanced himself from Elliot at every opportunity.

I'd of also gone after the oneitis and taken her out as well.
bro its not that easy
bro its not that easy
Nothing worthwhile in life ever is.


"Where there's a will, there's a way".

Uncle Ted proved that to us.
Nothing worthwhile in life ever is.


"Where there's a will, there's a way".

Uncle Ted proved that to us.
i mean, first off, he was insanely nervous, as you can tell from what happened at the sorority house

also, he couldn't possibly get everyone who wronged him, he would've been arrested and gotten only one person. he had to get one person who wronged him (or more if they were in the same place) and then randoms. which he planned to do, he was gonna get that whore soumaya who treated him so poorly, but in the end didn't because he was so stressed out i guess
i mean, first off, he was insanely nervous, as you can tell from what happened at the sorority house


From his low kill count he probably should not of even bothered as a violent nature truly wasn't in him despite his rage.

Its as I always say about "our kind" ie we are at our core (despite what the assholes on IT and NPC's of society think) the truly empathic/caring/loving/romantic/idealistic ones.

Elliot deserved to live in a better world with a better humanity as do all of us here.

Unfortunately however THIS shithole with its resulting NPC/IT/Kiwi Farms SHITHEADS is what we've got.

Killing any of them doesn't matter one whit as they never learn anything from it and the dead asshole is just replaced with another living asshole not long after the dead asshole in question is buried.

Does that mean I think we should do nothing to attempt to get justice for ourselves?

No, but at least truly think out what you're doing and want to accomplish before you go and do it and if it will bring you any kind of peace whether as you lay dying next to your victims or preparing to spend the next 50-80 odd years in some dank, dark and dusty Jewish gulag prison cell waiting to die/be executed for getting your "revenge".

Personally I'm of the opinion to just distance oneself from the normies the best you possibly can as and if you become able since many of them or at least the worst of them tend to end up self destructing/destroying themselves any way in time and hey also remember that killing them isn't the ONLY means of revenge/justice that you can acheive.

There's slashing tires, there's starting fires, there's bags of dog shit to be planted on their yard you could be out doing, heck there's reporting them for any illegal activity you might catch THEM doing from your own personal surveillance/spying/detective skills, etc, etc.

Gotta think outside of the box boyyos.

Remember if you're dead too via self inflicted gun shot wound after your rampage or via a police sniper you can't actually "enjoy" what you've just got done doing can you so...it ends up being kinda worthless dontchathink?

Better to be a pesky mosquito and "kill" the normies who tormented you in a "death by a thousand" cuts sense where and if ever possible in your own personal scenarios/cases, etc.
LOL, no.

I feel for the kid believe me I do but if he had REAL courage he would've systematically targeted the actual people who actually did him wrong and not simply a bunch of randos.

If I were him for example and committed to going on a rampage I would've made sure to kill the kid who callously flicked a cigarette at me as well the evil stepmother and the cuck father who brought him into this world but took no responsibility for his own selfish race mixing act and instead seemingly distanced himself from Elliot at every opportunity.

I'd of also gone after the oneitis and taken her out as well.
he was going to shoot up a sorority house and kill a bunch of Stacies but the door was locked. after that he panicked and just started attacking randos
he was going to shoot up a sorority house and kill a bunch of Stacies but the door was locked. after that he panicked and just started attacking randos
The Stacies themselves were simply "randos" and not the specific oneitis that rejected/hurt/harmed him.

Also attacking a sorority was NOT necessary if he desired to take out a large swathe of blonde bimbos.

Shit, all he had to do was find a Starbucks.

There's gotta be a fuck ton of those trendy overpriced shitholes in Isla Vista right???
The Stacies themselves were simply "randos" and not the specific oneitis that rejected/hurt/harmed him.

Also attacking a sorority was NOT necessary if he desired to take out a large swathe of blonde bimbos.

Shit, all he had to do was find a Starbucks.

There's gotta be a fuck ton of those trendy overpriced shitholes in Isla Vista right???
you need to read up on ER lore bro. the starbucks near his campus was actually a place of relaxation and spiritual peace for him. it was one of his favorite places to reflect on life while drinking vanilla lattes. he would never want to bring violence and destruction to a place like that
you need to read up on ER lore bro. the starbucks near his campus was actually a place of relaxation and spiritual peace for him. it was one of his favorite places to reflect on life while drinking vanilla lattes
Hmmm, well there you go.

What better place for him to carry out his rampage and die at the same time than there?
Elliot embarrassed himself and brought that on himself. Why would anyone help a guy who was physically assaulting people?
what game is that avi from, man, i've always wondered what it was
Notice how, in the ledge, some chads got in there, and then some girls followed and hit on them. Without them doing anything. This was probably commonplace in Isla Vista, Elliot was used to seeing that, and expected the same. THAT is why he "never hit on girls", because he saw they hit on chads constantly, and realized if they like you you don't have to do anything. Also, the few times he tried anything in went wrong.
that's what I always said about him and his "autism" of asking why the girls didn't compliment him instead of the other way around
he was calling attention to the fact that they didn't compliment him EVER, which implicitly meant low chances of success if he pursued them, which was further made awkward by them not making any fucking advance at all, which is the norm since the 2000s
Elliot embarrassed himself and brought that on himself. Why would anyone help a guy who was physically assaulting people?
cope if it was a foid she would've gotten a swarm of simps helping her instantly, and if it was a chad, as he fell off the ledge he would've gotten a lot of foids around him helping him out, "ohh are you ok chad?" "cant you see he's drunk, why did you push him off?", and taking him to the hospital and then to the cops to report it
that's what I always said about him and his "autism" of asking why the girls didn't compliment him instead of the other way around
he was calling attention to the fact that they didn't compliment him EVER, which implicitly meant low chances of success if he pursued them, which was further made awkward by them not making any fucking advance at all, which is the norm since the 2000s
exactly tbh
Awful experience
Brutal tbh. Some normies use this as an example of how Elliot was entitled etc, but honestly:

  1. Notice how, in the ledge, some chads got in there, and then some girls followed and hit on them. Without them doing anything. This was probably commonplace in Isla Vista, Elliot was used to seeing that, and expected the same. THAT is why he "never hit on girls", because he saw they hit on chads constantly, and realized if they like you you don't have to do anything. Also, the few times he tried anything in went wrong.
  2. They pushed him off a ledge, broke his leg, stole his stuff, beat him up, and NOBODY CARED. This is the fate of average males in society that we talk about so much, and even on reddit it's brought up sometimes. If you're a male and not chad, PEOPLE SIMPLY DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU.
Honestly I can't imagine how this affected Elliot. It was probably the worst day in his life. I feel for him.

Not only that, but this may singlehandedly be the reason he went ER. He was planning it from before sure, but was he gonna actually go through? Maybe not. Saying it and doing it are two very different things. And I think without this humiliation he probably wouldn't have done it. We'll never know though.
I was too high inhib to try anything like that in college.
fucking ER bait all the time. Jesus Christ guys, can't we find someone cooler and more incel-ly to worship like Marc Lepine (14 foids dead, compared to ER's pathetic 2), or Mutsuo Toi (ricecel, score 30 after being rejected). ER is so fucking lame.
Brutal tbh. Some normies use this as an example of how Elliot was entitled etc, but honestly:

  1. Notice how, in the ledge, some chads got in there, and then some girls followed and hit on them. Without them doing anything. This was probably commonplace in Isla Vista, Elliot was used to seeing that, and expected the same. THAT is why he "never hit on girls", because he saw they hit on chads constantly, and realized if they like you you don't have to do anything. Also, the few times he tried anything in went wrong.
  2. They pushed him off a ledge, broke his leg, stole his stuff, beat him up, and NOBODY CARED. This is the fate of average males in society that we talk about so much, and even on reddit it's brought up sometimes. If you're a male and not chad, PEOPLE SIMPLY DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU.
Honestly I can't imagine how this affected Elliot. It was probably the worst day in his life. I feel for him.

Not only that, but this may singlehandedly be the reason he went ER. He was planning it from before sure, but was he gonna actually go through? Maybe not. Saying it and doing it are two very different things. And I think without this humiliation he probably wouldn't have done it. We'll never know though.
Brutal. Simply pure and unadultered RageFuel. Normtards always try to claim that he never tried and had no real problems, jfl. Just because he was financially better off than them doesn't mean that his life was good in any given way. But due to their solipsism they are incapable of seeing anything about that.

it's from the hellboy movie
Very good taste. Kroenen is the best.
I have a similiar story to his,mine was at a concert,might post it later but I feel like it might be too descriptive.
They didnt brake any of my bones but I was black knighted by some brutes.
I was pretty beat up.Fortunately my only other friend I went with to the concert was there to save me.
I have a similiar story to his,mine was at a concert,might post it later but I feel like it might be too descriptive.
They didnt brake any of my bones but I was black knighted by some brutes.
I was pretty beat up.Fortunately my only other friend I went with to the concert was there to save me.
brutal tbh
So yeah it's decided now. ER was indeed a mentalcel standardcel.
There is no denying he was at this point tbh
But he simply didnt know better. I think the problem and his life, is what happens when you go a lifetime without ANY positive reinforcement
fucking ER bait all the time. Jesus Christ guys, can't we find someone cooler and more incel-ly to worship like Marc Lepine (14 foids dead, compared to ER's pathetic 2), or Mutsuo Toi (ricecel, score 30 after being rejected). ER is so fucking lame.
Lol your avi reminds me of @Midwestcel
fucking ER bait all the time. Jesus Christ guys, can't we find someone cooler and more incel-ly to worship like Marc Lepine (14 foids dead, compared to ER's pathetic 2), or Mutsuo Toi (ricecel, score 30 after being rejected). ER is so fucking lame.
Elliot was based and an inspiration. And it's not bait. Nothing wrong with discussing his life apart from the day of retribution.
Elliot was based and an inspiration.

Agree with the based part, but if your inspiration is to get sub-double digit kills, I suggest you read more about other fellow shooters.
Brutal tbh. Some normies use this as an example of how Elliot was entitled etc, but honestly:

  1. Notice how, in the ledge, some chads got in there, and then some girls followed and hit on them. Without them doing anything. This was probably commonplace in Isla Vista, Elliot was used to seeing that, and expected the same. THAT is why he "never hit on girls", because he saw they hit on chads constantly, and realized if they like you you don't have to do anything. Also, the few times he tried anything in went wrong.
  2. They pushed him off a ledge, broke his leg, stole his stuff, beat him up, and NOBODY CARED. This is the fate of average males in society that we talk about so much, and even on reddit it's brought up sometimes. If you're a male and not chad, PEOPLE SIMPLY DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU.
Honestly I can't imagine how this affected Elliot. It was probably the worst day in his life. I feel for him.

Not only that, but this may singlehandedly be the reason he went ER. He was planning it from before sure, but was he gonna actually go through? Maybe not. Saying it and doing it are two very different things. And I think without this humiliation he probably wouldn't have done it. We'll never know though.
what game is that avi from, man, i've always wondered what it was

that's what I always said about him and his "autism" of asking why the girls didn't compliment him instead of the other way around
he was calling attention to the fact that they didn't compliment him EVER, which implicitly meant low chances of success if he pursued them, which was further made awkward by them not making any fucking advance at all, which is the norm since the 2000s

honestly I hate the guy

he's nearly midget height, goes to a party full of chads, expects girls to hit on them

gets pissed and tries to kill them by pushing them off a balcony

cries over some shitty flamboyant sunglasses

goes back for another beating, too stupid to realize he's lucky to be alive after trying to murder people

cries to his sister...

he is like the world's ultimate, delusional pussy
honestly I hate the guy

he's nearly midget height, goes to a party full of chads, expects girls to hit on them

gets pissed and tries to kill them by pushing them off a balcony

cries over some shitty flamboyant sunglasses

goes back for another beating, too stupid to realize he's lucky to be alive after trying to murder people

cries to his sister...

he is like the world's ultimate, delusional pussy
it was a massive spergout and i'm surprised i didn't have a similar one after being shat on all my life
oh wait, i do know why, it's because you didn't even need to provoke anyone to get randomly punched in the face in eastern europe, so i had my fill of chaos and violence
it was a massive spergout and i'm surprised i didn't have a similar one after being shat on all my life
oh wait, i do know why, it's because you didn't even need to provoke anyone to get randomly punched in the face in eastern europe, so i had my fill of chaos and violence

rich areas in the USA are rather "laid back"

poor areas you get beat up for looking weird / ugly

ER was an idiot and was lucky he even survived as long as he did without getting the shit kicked out of him
Rest in peace, sweet prince Elliot

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