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LifeFuel The White Pill - True Christianity. Debate.


The White Piller

Apr 14, 2018
Hello Brothers,

I want to start by saying I love each and every one of you on here. I am here to share something that brought me out of the Earthly Hell that is Inceldom, and I don't mean by what you all call ascension either. I am not here at all to belittle your experiences or negate the awful pain all of you feel constantly. I know each of you is living in your own personal hell, I know most incels have soft hearts deep down, and I know how degeneracy of Post-Christian Western Society has warped your hearts to the point you all are willing to just take the black pill and die. I want to give you all an alternative that doesn't require you fornicating (Although becoming a volcel because of Christianity is the true Earthly Ascended State Biblically), The White Pill. A Pill for those who understand that the further the West has drifted from Christ, the weaker it has become, the more incels there are, and the more wicked Chad's and women become. It's a Pill anyone can take and will bring you hope to get you through this life and into paradise. It maybe a cope, I can hear it already. However, everyone copes with something (drugs, sex, weed, incel forums, etc.).

To the Muslims on here, I look forward to hearing from you too. I love you guys as well and I am sorry for what the West has done to your lands. Despite our histories of war (admit it, like we Crusaded against you, you have invaded our lands many times as well. However, Christ preaches defense, not offense. forgiveness, not hate) Instead of being good Christians to you, we have taken advantage of you, acted completely Un-Christ like, and used the overwhelming might God granted us to spread the teachings of Christ worldwide for evil and against you among others. However, the purpose of all hearing the Word was achieved in-spite of the evil.

The White Pill is in essence what the left hates the most, True Biblical Christianity. Not this feminized watered-down feel good women will be where they are not supposed to be in the Church Christianity many Churches have fallen to today. Nor am I refering to the no drinking, no dancing, you are going to Hell for sneezing, reject science Christianity either. I am talking about the every man can get a wife, God really loves you despite your suffering, the meek will inherent the Earth, Drinking alcohol in moderation (weed IF it's legal in the lands you live in), dancing at weddings, no-premarital sex, one man-one woman so everyone can get a partner, love your neighbors, stand up and fight against evil, masculine, Men lead unquestionably at home, in the community, and in the church True Christianity. The Christianity that Jesus Preached and is in the Bible.

I am not asking you to reject logic, science, and reason to do this either. I was raised in an agnostic/new age home and came to Christianity in college. For me the hardest part of believing was having to believe God regularly broken his own laws of physics again and again 2,000+ years ago, but finally decided to suddenly stop for no reason. Things such as God making a woman from some the first man's rib, and that all evidence of evolution is fake, that if you don't believe in the Bible word for word you are going to Hell (which translation), or even those who go to Hell suffer pain forever versus simply being dis-created and "Perishing". I also understand how the Bible was put together during the Council of Nicea to favor a "One World Church" and some things where definitely added/deliberately mistranslated. However a lot of Falsehoods like female goddess worship were left out.

Truthfully, I believe a lot of that is just distraction from Satan to make us unable to believe and a side effect of imperfect man trying to comprehend a perfect so incomprehensible to us. I also think ancient man has a penchant to dramatic the events of his day like we do today. However, I do believe most of the realistic events did happen, such as King David, Ancient Israel, and that the Bible was divinely inspired. Also the Laws of Physics are God's Laws of Physics, He programmed them. He really doesn't need to break them to achieve His aims, What we perceive as Time is just another spatial dimension to God, he sees everything all at once because the complete entirety of reality is nothing but a solid stationary shape to Him, He can run game plans that last for millions of years, let alone thousands. The real important thing is to believe in the God of the Bible, to love Him, that Real Christianity can save the West if we let it, to believe in and follow Christ as the Son of Man who died to get you a lifeline into Heaven, that you, like me suffer in this world because we are sinners and everyone ever born already deserves to be discreated by default, and that God understands that we were born into Sin because of our ancestor's actions, and literally came down here to experience life in our shoes, to experience our suffering and die for us (Jesus was volcel, physically unattractive, and the same types of people who give you pain gave him pain too.).

Anyway, I am wrapping this up. I will answer any questions throughout the day. I already know this is too long for most to read, but to so this post up:
1) The West became invincible because of Christianity and the West will fall from turning from it
2) Christian societies are the most stable best run societies in general. The only book to ever been read from the moon is the Bible, and the only religious group to free their own slaves were Christians.
3) Being a Christian Volcel is a gift from God and the true ascended state.
4) Don't let Biblical Events written and vetted by man make you reject Christ
5) The only important thing is Faith in God and Christ
6) Christianity in the West has not been True Christianity for 100+ years and some places in the West Never at all.
7) Returning to Christ will save the West, will end feminism, and will bring prosperity back. It will also be the greatest cope you've ever turned to.

Anyway I would love your thoughts.
Sorry for any typos/bad grammar in advanced.

God Bless guys.
At least this guy isn't bragging. A welcome change.
Christianity was the only thing holding the western degenerates back. Now, there is no going back. Apocalypse is due.
you are most definitely not a True Christian if you put the word of man (secular science) over the word of God. cherrypicking is a grave sin and makes you no better than the modern "Christians" that you are complaining about. you are just cherrypicking different things from the Bible than they do.
There is no basic difference between talmudic law and sharia law. Your white christianity is basically a talmudic law, and I think ISIS is the only group in the world that follows it ad-verbatim and wants to establish world wide.
The idea that femoids haven't pretty much always been like how they are now except for relatively tiny and isolated instances in history is a huge cope. Christianity in general is a fucking giga cope.
you are most definitely not a True Christian if you put the word of man (secular science) over the word of God. cherrypicking is a grave sin and makes you no better than the modern "Christians" that you are complaining about. you are just cherrypicking different things from the Bible than they do.
aren't you a turkish twink? I thought they were muslims?
and this you, a slayer
Christianity is a meme whose time has passed. It was easy for people to believe back when they didn't have a full conception of evolution and cosmology. With what we know today, it's impossible to rationally convince the masses to revert back to religion. Even if a religion were enforced for the social good, people would not believe deep down, and so would not abide by the moral laws freely.
yes i put it on the subreddit ages ago w 5 other incels at a time when gambler and zyros were constantly posting their pics and therefore incorrectly portraying incels to be people with few faults in their looks to the ignorant normie viewer
you are most definitely not a True Christian if you put the word of man (secular science) over the word of God. cherrypicking is a grave sin and makes you no better than the modern "Christians" that you are complaining about. you are just cherrypicking different things from the Bible than they do.


Thank you for your post! I completely understand where you are coming from. I come from a scientific background before I came to Christianity, it's how I was raised. I had family working for NASA growing up, and I myself am an engineer. I have no intention of cherry picking the Bible, leading people astray, and misrepresenting God. You are absolutely correct that is a grave Sin. However while divinely inspired, and put together exactly as God intended it to be, it still had to get filtered through men before it got onto paper. I am only trying to explain how I have justified the seemingly impossible aspects of Christianity that make so many disblieve these days to MYSELF because it seemingly goes against the Laws of Nature as we currently understand them. I do this mental rationalization on those few items so that I may truly believe with all of my mind, body, and soul without lying to myself and others. However these hard to believe aspects are all in the Old Testament, and none of them are really related to the Law. I think every Biblical Law passed to the Israelites was from God, I believe in Moses and the 10 Commandments, Jesus and His Miracles, I believe in the Original Sin of man, and that there is no cheating God or working around His Law. Problem is there is at-least SOME truth in modern science, otherwise smart phones wouldn't work, antibiotics wouldn't work, and the Earth would be flat. I only meant to express to people not to let a personal uncertainty about say evolution keep you from believing in God and His Law. I am meaning to say it doesn't matter HOW God created us, it matters that He did in His Image. Obviously His Word works, it is good, and it will ensure our Salvation.

Also there is no room for cherry picking when it comes to Sin. Fornication, murder, lying, cheating, witchcraft, Adultery, Homosexuality, Polygamy, Porn, etc. are all Sins and affronts to God, all of which will be forgiven if one comes to Christ and believes. Also to be saved you must believe Christ died for your Sins on the Cross, something many Modern Christians like to tip toe around to avoid offending others. There is no cherry picking around that and no way to cheat the Almighty out of His Justice.

If I am error however may God forgive me, because I do believe and do not mean to make a mockery of Him as many do today. I am only trying to bring back a group of people who have drifted so far and share this joy I have found with them. The White Pill is a much better state to live your life through. Being volcel is a position of power that all incels can ascend to (even if they couldn't fornicate if they tried, you can still CHOOSE to empower yourself and become volcel) My goal isn't just to have people paying lip service, but actually believe in the Love and Justice of God so we can restore our society and become better.
Christianity is the farthest thing from lifefuel. If it's true I will be tortured for an eternity.
Christianity is a meme whose time has passed. It was easy for people to believe back when they didn't have a full conception of evolution and cosmology. With what we know today, it's impossible to rationally convince the masses to revert back to religion. Even if a religion were enforced for the social good, people would not believe deep down, and so would not abide by the moral laws freely.

I definitely agree about not enforcing religion. You cannot enforce it and it wouldn't work even if enforced. I am just saying don't let evolution and cosmology make you disbelieve in God and Christ. Honestly I really do believe how we were created is irrelevant to the greater message, except for how we brought our fallen nature upon ourselves and women conspired with Satan to bring us down. Those are the only important points from the creation story IMO. We brought this on ourselves due to our Sin, and woman worked us over into that first Sin. As I said God doesn't NEED to break the Laws of Physics if He doesn't want to. He can run game plans that cover billions of years.

I guess the point is don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Christianity works. Whether we evolved or were created directly, just love God, believe in Christ, and follow his laws to the T.
Matthew 19:12 is my cope.
You do realize that there are numerous christian incels on this site that still suffer eternal loneliness and sexual frustration and that were not all nihilistic atheists right?
Christianity is the farthest thing from lifefuel. If it's true I will be tortured for an eternity.

I prescribe to dis-creationism. The world "Perish" is used a lot and while unbelievers will be in a Lake of Fire, it says they will perish. The torture for eternity thing comes from Catholic Dogma.

We see from Malachi 4:1-3 and Mark 9:47-48 that any human being thrown into the lake of fire will be destroyed. He will perish. His punishment will be eternal. But he will not be tormented for eternity.

Thing is we ALL deserve dis-creation. I sure do. I am not better THAN ANY OF YOU. In fact I have probably Sinned more than many of you. I am dirt. We are all destined and deserving of dis-creation for rejecting God and sinning. However, knowing what we were going through, God sent us Christ as a lifeline into Salvation. All you need to do, brother is believe in Christ and you won't be dead forever and dis-created. You will be in Paradise and forgiven. But not because of anything you did, but because you decided to take the lifeline God threw at you.
You do realize that there are numerous christian incels on this site that still suffer eternal loneliness and sexual frustration and that were not all nihilistic atheists right?

I understand that. To them I would say pray more or talk to me whenever. I can't do anything about the sexual frustration, but I can help with the loneliness. I don't know what's going on in any one of their lives individually so I want to avoid giving blanket advice (like just go find a church). I want to help though. I would also tell incel Christians in general to become volcels until Marriage or follow the example of Paul and to remember Christ was volcel, ugly, hated by the world, and can relate to each and every incel.
Matthew 19:12 is my cope.

For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

Same here man. I really believe God has a special place for an incel who despite all of the hurt, pain, evil, and rejection thrown at him his entire life STILL decides to love and trust in Him. That is called Faith and will be rewarded with treasure in Heaven. God Bless.
Most of it is just a fantasy. There's going to be no uprisings or revolt for us to ever come back to a Christian society and if we did no one is going to take us seriously. We're too far removed from it, sorry.
There is no basic difference between talmudic law and sharia law. Your white christianity is basically a talmudic law, and I think ISIS is the only group in the world that follows it ad-verbatim and wants to establish world wide.

Christianity has nothing to do with Talmudic Law, in fact the Talmud says disgusting things about Christ and Mary. The Talmud is the law that killed Jesus. Where does Christ advocate stealing from non-believers, killing un-believers, etc? TBH Christianity teaches us to treat the unbeliever as you would want to be treated and to spread the Good News that we are all saved. Unfortunately men are sinful, including us Christian men, and because of that Sin has happened. However Christ died to give us a chance at Salvation because MOSAIC law was impossible for any one to follow perfectly and no number of animal sacrifices could make up for the sin. However men loving and leading their wives, women being women, and prohibitions against pleasing your flesh (for your own spiritual developer and communal stability) is not Talmudic Law, it is the law of God.

Furthermore, the Babylonian Talmud is of Satan and is a pagan perversion of the original Oral Law of the Israelites. It is one of the reasons Christ had to come, and as stated prior it is what killed him. Sharia law is a hardcore version of Mosaic Law from my understanding. I only studied it a few times to try to understand it, not an expert in it by no means.
Most of it is just a fantasy. There's going to be no uprisings or revolt for us to ever come back to a Christian society and if we did no one is going to take us seriously. We're too far removed from it, sorry.

What about it makes you think it's fantasy? jc. All of Western Civilization and modern science is built ontop of a Christian Foundation. I am not calling for an uprising or a revolt. I am calling for people to just believe one person at a time and the rest will take care of itself.
I am officially a christian but I consider myself to be an Agnostic-atheist. Most people here like the social values that Christianity gives society and not the faith itself. People used religion to make subjective morals objective. But there is nothing left once the faith in god is removed. That makes it weak and fragile
What about it makes you think it's fantasy? jc. All of Western Civilization and modern science is built ontop of a Christian Foundation. I am not calling for an uprising or a revolt. I am calling for people to just believe one person at a time and the rest will take care of itself.
That's true Christianity gave a lot of things to the West. A lot of people nowadays are getting disconnected from religion, it seems like most prosetylizers are fighting a losing battle. Personally, I don't think it's worth the effort.

But kudos to you for not giving up and wanting to live the life you desire for.
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Sieg Heil fellow christiancel
I am officially a christian but I consider myself to be an Agnostic-atheist. Most people here like the social values that Christianity gives society and not the faith itself. People used religion to make subjective morals objective. But there is nothing left once the faith in god is removed. That makes it weak and fragile

Thanks for posting! I was an Agnostic-atheist for awhile, so I 100% understand your views and where you are coming from. That is a good argument and my response would be that to reach our higher nature and to rise above sinful animal barbarism we need to reach above ourselves. I think any moral code is weak without God. You see it again and again. Take God out of the equation and complex moral societies slide into degeneracy and regress rapidly. I think this suggests the existence of an Absolute Truth and a set of values that work anywhere. However you can't just live by values that honestly defy our sinful nature without the love of God motivating you. Unfortunately while we can use logic to justify for example not killing (If I kill the mail man, I won't get my mail and his brother may come kill me, not a good choice), without God in their hearts people will still kill and justify it without any fear of disobeying God and receiving of judgment. I am not saying Christians dont murder or sin. I am saying when they are filled with the Holy Spirit (love and excitement of God) they aren't going to.

In short I think any ideology is weak and fragile without God.
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holy shit that's a long post i dont have the patience to read this atm
Thanks for posting! I was an Agnostic-atheist for awhile, so I 100% understand your views and where you are coming from. That is a good argument and my response would be that to reach our higher nature and to rise above sinful animal barbarism we need to reach above ourselves. I think any moral code is weak without God. You see it again and again. Take God out of the equation and complex moral societies slide into degeneracy and regress rapidly. I think this suggests the existence of an Absolute Truth and a set of values that work anywhere. However you can't just live by values that honestly defy our sinful nature without either the love of God motiviating you. Unfortuntely while we can use logic to justify for example not killing (If I kill the mail man, I won't get my mail and his brother may come kill me, not a good choice), without God people will still kill and justify it without any fear of disobeying God and receiving of judgment.

In short I think any ideology is weak and fragile without God.
That is true, however I can never believe in the god that is depicted in abrahamic religions and I need measureable evidence. Most ideologies are entirely self serving, because every human is selfish.
That's true Christianity gave a lot of things to the West. A lot of people nowadays are getting disconnected from religion, it seems like most prosetylizers are fighting a losing battle. Personally, I don't think it's worth the effort.

But kudos to you for not giving up and wanting to live the life you desire for.

Thank you!! I agree and it does feel like a losing battle, but I know God is with me and if He is not, then I deserve to lose. I am doing this for God and for everyone. I am not advocating forcing anyone to believe or punishing any unbelievers. I am 100% for freedom of religion. I am just for bringing the Good News back to the West and delivering it in a way that is rational to us and not water downed/weakened. So that people can hear and either rejoice in it or reject it. That choice is between them and God. I am just the messenger.

God Bless!! :)
That is true, however I can never believe in the god that is depicted in abrahamic religions and I need measureable evidence. Most ideologies are entirely self serving, because every human is selfish.

I understand and as someone from a scientific background I can relate to that struggle. That's why I judge no one for not wanting to believe. However I don't think Christianity is self-serving in it's purest form. It's the only belief system that says our God loved us so much that he came down to our lowly level and died for us. That God served us man, when He could have just annihilated the world. Christians as individuals have done very self serving things and it has damaged the Faith immeasurably. Many Christians have brought this upon ourselves. However, while Christians maybe self serving (as you said we are all selfish. I am selfish too like everyone else. God would agree on that too.), I do not think Christianity is. The concepts of Church and State being separate can be traced back to Matthew 22:21 and the writings of St. Augustine for example. Also the concept of the rule of law comes from Christianity as well, the idea that even Kings are under God and subject to His laws and the laws of the land just like everyone else.

I completely understand where you are coming from. I can tell you no one would be angrier than self-serving Christians committing sin than Jesus himself. Amen.

As for the measurable evidence... well that's why it's called Faith I suppose. I know how hard a leap of faith can be, so I understand any hesitations.
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I understand and as someone from a scientific background I can relate to that struggle. That's why I judge no one for not wanting to believe. However I don't think Christianity is self-serving in it's purest form. It's the only belief system that says our God loved us so much that he came down to our lowly level and died for us. That God served us man, when He could have just annihilated the world. Christians as individuals have done very self serving things and it has damaged the Faith immeasurably. Many Christians have brought this upon ourselves. However, while Christians maybe self serving, I do not think Christianity is. The concepts of Church and State being separate can be traced back to Matthew 22:21 and the writings of St. Augustine for example. Also the concept of the rule of law comes from Christianity as well, the idea that even Kings are under God and subject to His laws and the laws of the land just like everyone else.

I completely understand where you are coming from. I can tell you no one would be angrier than self-serving Christians committing atrocities than Jesus himself. Amen.

As for the measurable evidence... well that's why it's called Faith I suppose. I know how hard a leap of faith can be, so I understand any hesitations.
It is good that you can believe but a certain thought experiment and the world around me pretty much destroyed my faith. Whatever I will leave this thread now
holy shit that's a long post i dont have the patience to read this atm
Thats why I summed up the main points at the bottom in bold haha. I have a habit of doing that.
It is good that you can believe but a certain thought experiment and the world around me pretty much destroyed my faith. Whatever I will leave this thread now
Can I ask what that experiment was? I am very curious. As for the world, can't fault you there. Hope everything gets better for you brother.
Jesus is a cuck because he would forgive some old roastie whore just if she let jesus into her heart.
Jesus is a cuck because he would forgive some old roastie whore just if she let jesus into her heart.

I understand your anger towards women and the horrible things they put not just you through, but me as well. It's hard to say this even for me, but if Jesus couldn't forgive her, he couldn't forgive you and he couldn't forgive me. No one is perfect and we are all fallen. While I will never condone associating with sinful women or giving them any romantic interest period, I will also never condone letting hate harden your heart and ruin your soul. We are all sinners brother, just one sin and you deserve dis-creation just like the roastie. However most roasties these days are not coming to Christ from what I can see or when they do it's very superficial.
Can I ask what that experiment was? I am very curious.
Sure but it is pretty simple and I do not think it is that interesting. It is only about the depiction about a good / loving god that enforces moral values.

You program a complex robot to the point where you create a being that comes close to our level of intelligence and sentience. This robot gets certain functions and things that it is supposed to do but you also give him functions that you do not even like. And now you punish him because he exhibits these functions that you gave him in the first place. The robot is confused and is emotionally suffering because all of these traits are part of his personality. That raises three questions.

1. Why did you give him functions and traits that you dislike in the first place?
2. Why should you punish him for that?
3. Why are these traits still there if you could remove them?

God = You Robot = Humanity

Possible conclusions :
1. God does not care about his subjects or their wellbeing, It is sadistic to punish people for traits that you give them = Against the depiction in christianity

2. God never interacts with earth or has no moral standards

3. God does not exist or he only exists in some abstract form

4. God is not perfect and makes mistakes / cannot remove them
A Pill for those who understand that the further the West has drifted from Christ, the weaker it has become, the more incels there are, and the more wicked Chad's and women become. It's a Pill anyone can take and will bring you hope to get you through this life and into paradise.

I am sorry for what the West has done to your (Muslim's) lands. Christ preaches defense, not offense. forgiveness, not hate) Instead of being good Christians to you, we have taken advantage of you, acted completely Un-Christ like, and used the overwhelming might God granted us to spread the teachings of Christ worldwide for evil and against you among others.

The White Pill is in essence what the left hates the most, True Biblical Christianity. Not this feminized watered-down feel good women will be where they are not supposed to be in the Church Christianity many Churches have fallen to today.

Everyone can get a partner, love your neighbors, stand up and fight against evil, masculine, Men lead unquestionably at home, in the community, and in the church True Christianity. The Christianity that Jesus Preached and is in the Bible.

Truthfully, I believe a lot of that is just distraction from Satan to make us unable to believe and a side effect of imperfect man trying to comprehend a perfect so incomprehensible to us.

Anyway, I am wrapping this up. I will answer any questions throughout the day. I already know this is too long for most to read, but to so this post up:
1) The West became invincible because of Christianity and the West will fall from turning from it
2) Christian societies are the most stable best run societies in general. The only book to ever been read from the moon is the Bible, and the only religious group to free their own slaves were Christians.
6) Christianity in the West has not been True Christianity for 100+ years and some places in the West Never at all.
7) Returning to Christ will save the West, will end feminism, and will bring prosperity back. It will also be the greatest cope you've ever turned to.
Spot on Nigga. Spot on. If people are going to get married again, then we need to change the laws.
Sure but it is pretty simple and I do not think it is that interesting. It is only about the depiction about a good / loving god that enforces moral values.

You program a complex robot to the point where you create a being that comes close to our level of intelligence and sentience. This robot gets certain functions and things that it is supposed to do but you also give him functions that you do not even like. And now you punish him because he exhibits these functions that you gave him in the first place. The robot is confused and is emotionally suffering because all of these traits are part of his personality. That raises three questions.

1. Why did you give him functions and traits that you dislike in the first place?
2. Why should you punish him for that?
3. Why are these traits still there if you could remove them?

God = You Robot = Humanity

Possible conclusions :
1. God does not care about his subjects or their wellbeing, It is sadistic to punish people for traits that you give them = Against the depiction in christianity

2. God never interacts with earth or has no moral standards

3. God does not exist or he only exists in some abstract form

4. God is not perfect and makes mistakes / cannot remove them

That's actually an interesting experiment man and a good point. Programming robots is something I am very familiar with actually. Usually we use combinations of neural networks (fancy words for a regression equation that re weights its coefficients inside different levels of matrices or "neurons" to make guesses on things such as handwriting and speech recognition) and various decision tree algorithms like Random Forest for more abstract stuff (like analyzing the content of text). Anyway before I launch one of my bots (or e-bots like tweet collectors with a Random Forest Algorithm for sentiment analysis) I need to train it with training data, since I want it to "think for itself and always learn from it's mistakes" without me having to sit down and write a million conditional (if) statements myself, plus if I did that it wouldn't be dynamic. It would be static and preprogrammed, not self-learning (sentient). My argument therefore is a fifth possibility: God could be training us in a development environment for a higher intended purpose in Heaven. He gives us minimal programming and runs us. We as a species come into this world a blank slate, like a baby. We know nothing higher than what's in-front of us (Animal Nature). We make a mistake, we are punished, we learn and try better next time. Usually it takes pain or unpleasant stimuli to correct biological life unfortunately vs just telling an 'AI' its wrong with margin of error provided so it can improve it's equation. Also since we were the ones who made the mistake and God didn't pre-program that mistake (He preprogrammed almost nothing), we are the one's needing to be corrected so I guess:

1) I didn't directly give the robot any functions other than the ability to learn. I gave the robot self-determination. If the robot develops a function I do not like, I will correct it and continue. If I wanted to write some code that did the same thing again and again and again and needed me to constantly maintain/modify it, I wouldn't bother giving it free-will and the ability to self-improve/learn without me.
2) Punishment is my means of making the robot know it made an error and to re weight it's equation to make a better attempt next time.
3) I am slowly removing each of the bad traits the robot developed itself as they develop. However I gave the robot no traits to start with, just the ability to develop it's own traits and evolve over time while I tell it whether each choice it makes is right or wrong via a system of rewards and punishments.

My Possible Conclusion:
I love my awesome self-learning free willed and free thinking robot I made myself and started it off as a blank slate with minimal functions. I am currently training it in development with training data/stimuli (learning experiences and rewards/punishments) to get it ready to do the final job I originally planned for it in production.

Just my thoughts on that though. Then again I know I am biased pro-God. So I concede that too. I suppose deep down we are all trying to cope and make sense of this world.

Anyway not trying to be pushy or anything. Just had another perspective on that experiment and robots get me excited. I will always be a nerdcel in addition to a christcel lol.
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Spot on Nigga. Spot on. If people are going to get married again, then we need to change the laws.
For sure man! Unbiblical feminist marriage laws lead to men being cheated on, stolen from, losing their kids, and losing their freedoms. Feminism (Unbiblical as well) leads to hypergamy (Natural Animalistic Mating Instinct for Females) and 10% of men (Chads + Chad-lites) hoarding 80%+ of women in harems (thus creating incels and extra roasties wanting Chad's). It's a cycle that will get worse and worse as even soon the Chad-lites will become incel as even fewer Chads hoard more and more women. This is all from a drift in Christianity, this is what happens when we turn from God IMO.
Jesus is a cuck because he would forgive some old roastie whore just if she let jesus into her heart.
False. Are you referring to the "Let he who is without singing cast the first stone" excerpt? I can explain why Jesus said that using historical fact if yu want. The real reason is MUCH different than people realize.
why do you believe in incels? many of these guys would be degenerates if they had the chance.

Alot yes, but not all. I believe in them because I used to be one when I was young. These are men who have suffered immensely from society's drift from God and feminism. I freed myself from that mental prison and I figured I could atleast share how with the one's who would believe, because those are the one's who aren't degenerates.
Christianity has nothing to do with Talmudic Law, in fact the Talmud says disgusting things about Christ and Mary. The Talmud is the law that killed Jesus. Where does Christ advocate stealing from non-believers, killing un-believers, etc? TBH Christianity teaches us to treat the unbeliever as you would want to be treated and to spread the Good News that we are all saved. Unfortunately men are sinful, including us Christian men, and because of that Sin has happened. However Christ died to give us a chance at Salvation because MOSAIC law was impossible for any one to follow perfectly and no number of animal sacrifices could make up for the sin. However men loving and leading their wives, women being women, and prohibitions against pleasing your flesh (for your own spiritual developer and communal stability) is not Talmudic Law, it is the law of God.

Furthermore, the Babylonian Talmud is of Satan and is a pagan perversion of the original Oral Law of the Israelites. It is one of the reasons Christ had to come, and as stated prior it is what killed him. Sharia law is a hardcore version of Mosaic Law from my understanding. I only studied it a few times to try to understand it, not an expert in it by no means.

1. Talmudic law was present way before christ was born. If there is any information about christ and mary then those were added later.
2. Christ was born as a jew, he never contradicted torah (also talmud). Jesus was not killed because of Talmud. He was killed due to conspiracy (assuming biblical narrative is true).
3. Talmud does not suggest to kill or steal goods from non-believers except in a war situation (Sharia law).
4. Christianity does not exclude old testament (i.e. torah, talmud).
aren't you a turkish twink? I thought they were muslims?
and this you, a slayer

Goverment registers everyone as a muslim when they are born. Also what does his picture have to do with anything?
That's actually an interesting experiment man and a good point. Programming robots is something I am very familiar with actually. Usually we use combinations of neural networks (fancy words for a regression equation that re weights its coefficients inside different levels of matrices or "neurons" to make guesses on things such as handwriting and speech recognition) and various decision tree algorithms like Random Forest for more abstract stuff (like analyzing the content of text). Anyway before I launch one of my bots (or e-bots like tweet collectors with a Random Forest Algorithm for sentiment analysis) I need to train it with training data, since I want it to "think for itself and always learn from it's mistakes" without me having to sit down and write a million conditional (if) statements myself, plus if I did that it wouldn't be dynamic. It would be static and preprogrammed, not self-learning (sentient). My argument therefore is a fifth possibility: God could be training us in a development environment for a higher intended purpose in Heaven. He gives us minimal programming and runs us. We as a species come into this world a blank slate, like a baby. We know nothing higher than what's in-front of us (Animal Nature). We make a mistake, we are punished, we learn and try better next time. Usually it takes pain or unpleasant stimuli to correct biological life unfortunately vs just telling an 'AI' its wrong with margin of error provided so it can improve it's equation. Also since we were the ones who made the mistake and God didn't pre-program that mistake (He preprogrammed almost nothing), we are the one's needing to be corrected so I guess:

1) I didn't directly give the robot any functions other than the ability to learn. I gave the robot self-determination. If the robot develops a function I do not like, I will correct it and continue. If I wanted to write some code that did the same thing again and again and again and needed me to constantly maintain/modify it, I wouldn't bother giving it free-will and the ability to self-improve/learn without me.
2) Punishment is my means of making the robot know it made an error and to re weight it's equation to make a better attempt next time.
3) I am slowly removing each of the bad traits the robot developed itself as they develop. However I gave the robot no traits to start with, just the ability to develop it's own traits and evolve over time while I tell it whether each choice it makes is right or wrong via a system of rewards and punishments.

My Possible Conclusion:
I love my awesome self-learning free willed and free thinking robot I made myself and started it off as a blank slate with minimal functions. I am currently training it in development with training data/stimuli (learning experiences and rewards/punishments) to get it ready to do the final job I originally planned for it in production.

Just my thoughts on that though. Then again I know I am biased pro-God. So I concede that too. I suppose deep down we are all trying to cope and make sense of this world.

Anyway not trying to be pushy or anything. Just had another perspective on that experiment and robots get me excited. I will always be a nerdcel in addition to a christcel lol.
I guess everyone can draw their own conclusions from this but my conclusions seem more likely if I look at the world around me and an omnipotent being should never let these mistakes happen in the first place. Free will is not the most efficient thing to reach a goal and not good to minimize suffering. I view all religions as simply manmade concepts due to our history and the unlikeliness of any magical events that happend in the past.

But it's good that you have found your thing and I am not here to convince anyone. I'm just stating my thoughts on this matter
brother, you are
Hello Brothers,

I want to start by saying I love each and every one of you on here. I am here to share something that brought me out of the Earthly Hell that is Inceldom, and I don't mean by what you all call ascension either. I am not here at all to belittle your experiences or negate the awful pain all of you feel constantly. I know each of you is living in your own personal hell, I know most incels have soft hearts deep down, and I know how degeneracy of Post-Christian Western Society has warped your hearts to the point you all are willing to just take the black pill and die. I want to give you all an alternative that doesn't require you fornicating (Although becoming a volcel because of Christianity is the true Earthly Ascended State Biblically), The White Pill. A Pill for those who understand that the further the West has drifted from Christ, the weaker it has become, the more incels there are, and the more wicked Chad's and women become. It's a Pill anyone can take and will bring you hope to get you through this life and into paradise. It maybe a cope, I can hear it already. However, everyone copes with something (drugs, sex, weed, incel forums, etc.).

To the Muslims on here, I look forward to hearing from you too. I love you guys as well and I am sorry for what the West has done to your lands. Despite our histories of war (admit it, like we Crusaded against you, you have invaded our lands many times as well. However, Christ preaches defense, not offense. forgiveness, not hate) Instead of being good Christians to you, we have taken advantage of you, acted completely Un-Christ like, and used the overwhelming might God granted us to spread the teachings of Christ worldwide for evil and against you among others. However, the purpose of all hearing the Word was achieved in-spite of the evil.

The White Pill is in essence what the left hates the most, True Biblical Christianity. Not this feminized watered-down feel good women will be where they are not supposed to be in the Church Christianity many Churches have fallen to today. Nor am I refering to the no drinking, no dancing, you are going to Hell for sneezing, reject science Christianity either. I am talking about the every man can get a wife, God really loves you despite your suffering, the meek will inherent the Earth, Drinking alcohol in moderation (weed IF it's legal in the lands you live in), dancing at weddings, no-premarital sex, one man-one woman so everyone can get a partner, love your neighbors, stand up and fight against evil, masculine, Men lead unquestionably at home, in the community, and in the church True Christianity. The Christianity that Jesus Preached and is in the Bible.

I am not asking you to reject logic, science, and reason to do this either. I was raised in an agnostic/new age home and came to Christianity in college. For me the hardest part of believing was having to believe God regularly broken his own laws of physics again and again 2,000+ years ago, but finally decided to suddenly stop for no reason. Things such as God making a woman from some the first man's rib, and that all evidence of evolution is fake, that if you don't believe in the Bible word for word you are going to Hell (which translation), or even those who go to Hell suffer pain forever versus simply being dis-created and "Perishing". I also understand how the Bible was put together during the Council of Nicea to favor a "One World Church" and some things where definitely added/deliberately mistranslated. However a lot of Falsehoods like female goddess worship were left out.

Truthfully, I believe a lot of that is just distraction from Satan to make us unable to believe and a side effect of imperfect man trying to comprehend a perfect so incomprehensible to us. I also think ancient man has a penchant to dramatic the events of his day like we do today. However, I do believe most of the realistic events did happen, such as King David, Ancient Israel, and that the Bible was divinely inspired. Also the Laws of Physics are God's Laws of Physics, He programmed them. He really doesn't need to break them to achieve His aims, What we perceive as Time is just another spatial dimension to God, he sees everything all at once because the complete entirety of reality is nothing but a solid stationary shape to Him, He can run game plans that last for millions of years, let alone thousands. The real important thing is to believe in the God of the Bible, to love Him, that Real Christianity can save the West if we let it, to believe in and follow Christ as the Son of Man who died to get you a lifeline into Heaven, that you, like me suffer in this world because we are sinners and everyone ever born already deserves to be discreated by default, and that God understands that we were born into Sin because of our ancestor's actions, and literally came down here to experience life in our shoes, to experience our suffering and die for us (Jesus was volcel, physically unattractive, and the same types of people who give you pain gave him pain too.).

Anyway, I am wrapping this up. I will answer any questions throughout the day. I already know this is too long for most to read, but to so this post up:
1) The West became invincible because of Christianity and the West will fall from turning from it
2) Christian societies are the most stable best run societies in general. The only book to ever been read from the moon is the Bible, and the only religious group to free their own slaves were Christians.
3) Being a Christian Volcel is a gift from God and the true ascended state.
4) Don't let Biblical Events written and vetted by man make you reject Christ
5) The only important thing is Faith in God and Christ
6) Christianity in the West has not been True Christianity for 100+ years and some places in the West Never at all.
7) Returning to Christ will save the West, will end feminism, and will bring prosperity back. It will also be the greatest cope you've ever turned to.

Anyway I would love your thoughts.
Sorry for any typos/bad grammar in advanced.

God Bless guys.

brother, you are like a brother to me, but I wholeheartedly reject Christ and your "white pill". Christ's authority is wholly based on the miracles he supposedly performed. If we assume that the miracles attributed to him, really happened, we have no means of verifying them. Since Christ contradicted Moses and the old religion, we must however assume him an impostor and his followers liars. There never was a orthodox christianity, it changes every day, there are a million different sects and a million different interpretations of who Christ really is. Christ didn't care to make anything clear, since he never wrote any precepts himself, and we have only different third-party accounts to rely on. Christianity is a pure blue pill, there is no truth in it. You can't let yourself be crucified and expects things to change. Turning the other cheek will not make a change for the better. If you are nice to people, most will exploit you. Do not expect gratitude and reciprocation (or whatever the fuck the word is I am looking for). Christ did not raise people from the dead, Christ did not rise from the dead. He did not do all these things. His followers were consumate liars, this we can safely assume.

I call on you, brother, to turn from Christ. Turn to Elliot Rodger, the Supreme Gentleman, who beningly is smiling down upon us from Heaven. He indeed strived to make Heaven a place on earth. He deserved girls' attention. And when he did not get it, he transformed into a force of death and destruction, smiling mildly at the prospect of his own anhiliation. He surpassed the fear of death, he transformed into a force of catharsis and divine retribution. He is the embodiment of the black pill and the supreme Annointed of the Involunaty Celibates. His name is bless among the few who venerate his glorious ascension into the Olymp of the Gods of Destruction.

Brother, kneel to the Supreme Gentleman and accept his glorious black pill. Turn from the white lies of the blue pilled Christ. Embrace Elliott Rodger's legacy and become one with the Supreme Gentleman.
Christianity is a meme whose time has passed. It was easy for people to believe back when they didn't have a full conception of evolution and cosmology. With what we know today, it's impossible to rationally convince the masses to revert back to religion. Even if a religion were enforced for the social good, people would not believe deep down, and so would not abide by the moral laws freely.
Christianity is a meme whose time has passed. It was easy for people to believe back when they didn't have a full conception of evolution and cosmology. With what we know today, it's impossible to rationally convince the masses to revert back to religion. Even if a religion were enforced for the social good, people would not believe deep down, and so would not abide by the moral laws freely.
1. Talmudic law was present way before christ was born. If there is any information about christ and mary then those were added later.
2. Christ was born as a jew, he never contradicted torah (also talmud). Jesus was not killed because of Talmud. He was killed due to conspiracy (assuming biblical narrative is true).
3. Talmud does not suggest to kill or steal goods from non-believers except in a war situation (Sharia law).
4. Christianity does not exclude old testament (i.e. torah, talmud).

1) I never said Talmudic Law was created after Christ. However unlike the Torah, the Talmud was not a static document and until around 70 AD wasn't really a document at all. It was an oral law and set of traditions (In the format of one long discussion basically) that the Rabbis memorized and passed down verbally. There are some passages in there that are very suspect and any references to Jesus of course would have been added after his death. Honestly I'd be very interested in hearing what a Jewish Expert in Talmudic Law's input would be on this. Many Jewish Converts to Christianity have said these passages have been used to insult Jesus and Christians, and that the Talmud is covertly extremely anti-christian. This would make sense given the rivalries between Judaism and Early Christianity in Roman Judea. In addition to the persecution of Christians by the Talmudic Sanhedrin (Jewish Courts of Law similiar in concept to Sharia Courts of Law.)

2) When Pilate turned Jesus over to Jewish authorities, he was tried by the Sanhedrin under Rabbinical Law (Babylonian Talmud). The Oral Law was one of the greatest sources of loopholes the Jewish Religious Leaders had. Originally it was meant to give context and support the Mosaic Law written in the Torah, eventually however it supplanted it and become the centerpiece of Jewish Jurisprudence. Problem with Oral Laws is that they can mean whatever the group that has them memorized wants them to mean. A reason that Christ had to come was because loopholes were being used in the law, and the law was being abused against gentiles and even Jews alike. Sanhedrin 43a in the Talmud goes into the death of Jesus. Even after Christ died the Sanhedrin persecuted Christians until the Edict of Milan by the Romans.

3) There are actually many different opinions on this topic (I have been doing a lot of research this morning to avoid looking ignorant), the best I could come up with without knowing Hebrew (I don't trust any other translations 100%) or knowing an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi personally is that there are conflicting narratives in the discussions between Rabbis regarding this. For example, some passages state it's okay to withhold wages from Goyim, others state you don't need to return lost property to Goyim, while others state it's wrong to steal from Goyim. For example Sanhedrin 57a. So I suppose it depends on which Rabbi's school of thought you belong to. Some can claim all men are made in the image of God, gentile or not. Others can claim gentiles are not fully human, that they are humans who decided to become animals because they choose to sin and reject God. What I do know is that I have meant some very rude Orthodox Jews before who wouldn't even hand me a business card because they couldn't touch a gentile.

4) I never said Christianity excludes the OT. I was only trying to say to people not to let the seemingly impossible from the OT dissuade your belief in Christ and God, that I personally do not think you will go to Hell for trying to rationalize the Bible with current scientific understanding, so long as you do not cherry pick through ANY of the laws or reject the history of Israel and the Patriarchs. I probably should have worded it better. The Talmud however, I am not so sure. I think it's a great guide for understanding the historical context of the Torah, however no Christian Group I can think of has included it in their Theology as Cannon. I think the Torah since it is the Written Law > the Oral Law. Men can make Oral Laws whatever they want them to be, with the aggrieved party having no recourse because nothing is in writing. As I said Babylonian Captivity had a large impact on the Oral Law. Which is why the Jerusalem Talmud and Babylonian Talmuds are different. My understanding is Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah come from the Babylonian Talmud, which seems very pagan influenced to me.
The idea that femoids haven't pretty much always been like how they are now except for relatively tiny and isolated instances in history is a huge cope. Christianity in general is a fucking giga cope.
Femoid have always been femoids. They tempted man into sin from the beginning. That is why Christianity had the patriarchal traditions it's had. To keep female nature in check.
It is possible that the loosening of Satan refers to a short period of time when Christians were persecuted by apostate Jews before 70 AD.

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