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Theory The vast majority of incels- real incels, that is, seem to fall within a certain standard deviation of traits

Biowaste Removal

Biowaste Removal

Real-life Uruk-hai. FORUM ADMlNISTRATOR
Feb 17, 2024
Based on talking to several users on here and reading the biographies of famous incels such as elliot rodger, as well as polls and surveys conducted on this forum this past months I have noticed a pattern which just happens to correlate with my personal experience

Almost all incels- actual incels, not fakefags or larpers, have certain traits and shared/common experiences
I will start off with listing them

Height: Most incels tend to be between 5'7 (170cm) to 5'11 (180cm) in height, either that or slightly below the average in the country they are living in. However, extremely short incels are uncommon.

Body: Most incels tend to have been very skinny, weak and unathletic in their childhood, but get fat when they get older, either due to gymcelling done improperly or stress eating from depression

Face: Most incels tend to be genuinely unattractive, either that or they have several key features that distort their otherwise normal face. They aren't necessarily deformed in the literal since, or extremely ugly, but rather just a few points uglier than a low-tier normie. This is emphasized by the fact that almost all incels tend to have receding hairlines or just high hairlines in the first place, which can only be fixed with a hair transplant or invasive medications.

NT: This is the most homogenous statistic for incels. In a recent poll it seemed like there were a cluster of users on here who fell between the 35-39 scores on the Autism Quotient, with almost everyone falling between 30-45.
This indicates that the majority of incels are more autistic than someone who has Asperger's, but slightly, not yet low-functioning. This is reinforced by my personal experience

Experience growing up: This part is the most interesting, almost all incels tend to have the following pattern

Abusive parents in some way shape or form. Whether psychological verbal or physical. Often helicopter parents too. These parents tend to be inept at raising children in a healthy way, and morph everything about the child according to their own worldview, hindering the childs development. These parents always become gaslighting towards the child when they get older, while simultaneously "wishing the child had never been born".

As a child, incels may have some true friends. But upon growing older, everyone develops their own intentions, while incels who have autism are left in the dark and still believe the world is a good place.

In fact, incels may start off with too much empathy or sympathy, which leads to them getting taking advantage of.

They can get up to severely bullied until late high school, or ostracized since middle school. Humans have an innate repulsion towards other humans that are non-NT, exhibiting traits such as introversion, and this is worse for men than for women. In fact I even have a theory that autistic and mentally ill people are part of the uncanny valley theory, but that's something for another thread. This is why incels who are often autistic are the victims coupled with the fact that they are well below average in appearance or "funny-looking".

Every child needs attention, so incels almost always have a jestermaxxing phase. However, they don't realize that the others are laughing AT them intsead of WITH them, until it's too late and they become an abused dog. This is because they never learned how to socialize properly because of their abusive or helicopter family, and was mostly ostracized after childhood missing developmental milestones, so when they try to be funny, they become the butt of the joke itself, not to mention autism comes into play

After this experience, we tend to become withdrawn and antisocial. Then these normie fucks have the AUDACITY to ask us "why is he so weird/awkward/quiet/rude?"

Because we are withdrawn and antisocial after these negative experiences we tend to develop extremist views, hell we try to find anything that's counter-culture so that we can fit in. Because the majority of society has stomped on us over and over again, telling us we can't fit in, that we must be the butt of every joke, without every telling us the reason.
And with these negative experiences and views we get demonized even more by society.
Upon entering college we become stressed at life, mostly ignored because of all the reasons stated above, more and more ostracized and we fall deeper and deeper into a spiral as we hopelessly reflect on our past
What are the implications of this? Maybe it means we are very alike. Maybe it means god made us as a group to suffer. Maybe we are victims of natural selection so we all have undesirable traits in common. You can have your own interpretation. At the end of the day, it's the objective truth.
Tags: @DarkStarDown @Chudpreet @fantasycel @Todd Thundercock @Stupid Clown @NorthernWind @InceldianWarrior @Natey Nate @To koniec @SociallyStupid @Nograsscel
Wow, this tracks nearly perfectly with me. I don't have anything to add, thank you for this high-IQ post.
i read all of that and it's true. :blackpill:
:bigbrain:Extremely high-IQ post. From the stories that I have read on here about users as well as my own life, this thread describes the vast majority of incels. The jestermaxxing part especially hit hard:feelsbadman:.
Very good post and hits uncannily close:shock::dafuckfeels:.

Body: Most incels tend to have been very skinny, weak and unathletic in their childhood, but get fat when they get older, either due to gymcelling done improperly or stress eating from depression
This one hits the deepest. I hate that despite getting much fatter than I’ve ever wanted to be, I’m still pretty weak overall, just like when I was skinnier:fuk::feelsseriously:.

They can get up to severely bullied until late high school, or ostracized since middle school.
Yes to both:cryfeels:.

Every child needs attention, so incels almost always have a jestermaxxing phase. However, they don't realize that the others are laughing AT them intsead of WITH them, until it's too late and they become an abused dog.
“Thankfully”, this is the one part that doesn’t really describe me. I’m pretty sure I always understood quite well why the others were laughing so often whenever I did or said something, or was mentioned:fuk:.
Some of this is accurate but some of the points are stretches. Most people should be 5'7 to 5'11 anyways and tbh I still have a good amount of friends I still hang out with.

I agree with the looks thing, we're not really genuinely deformed but definitely LTN or a bit below in looks on average. I consider myself LTN. My LTN looks combined with my poor social skills (in regards to foids) and my non-NTness explains it.
Bookmarked, will read when I get off my wageslave
I would add also low energy or even low vibes.
I have seen a few guys during my life who literally translated energy - 'this guy doesn't fuck' or 'this guy never had sex'.
Not to sound occult or 'new age' garbage but some people do have very low/weak energy ( I'm sure that females are able to pick this instantly ).

These guys usually are pale, can be a little fat and absolutely lack natural, healthy aggression. Little kids can abuse them and they wouldn't know how to react ( I myself belong to this category for sure ).
Of course females don't want to have relationships with such guys because they will be a huge mess.

This may fall into 'weak/unathletic' category but I believe that such guys form their own separate category.
People may be weak or unathletic but they still may lead an active lifestyle and are able to stand up for themselves.
So what do you think is the determining factor ?

I think it's our upbringing and/or ND (except for those of us who are physically deformed of course, although if you're deformed it's most likely you will also have a very bad upbringing and end up quasi-ND even if you were born NT).

I would be curious to know if there are incels who had normal upbringings. Maybe those who were deformed by puberty ?

5'4 in west EU
I used to be very fat, weak and unathletic as a child. I'm much fitter now than before, but I had to do change by myself without any help.
my face isn't that bad besides a weak lower-third (not a humblebrag, I am just comparing my situation to your "average incel" criteria)
I don't think I have autism but I don't think I'm NT. I think I have BPD tho.

Experience growing up
-Abusive, neglectful helicopter parents.
-No friends tbh
-More or less ostracised since elementary school, was already an abused dog at 8 I think, probably partly caused by becoming obese.
-I relate to the uncanny valley thing. People always react weirdly to me.
-I don't think I had a jestermaxxing phase. I used to just "be myself" (which never made me friends) , but I'm not sure if I'm just more withdrawn now or if I changed and became more dour.
-I became a political extremist at 13 I think. It was kinda cringe looking back but it's what redpilled and made me become stronger physically and mentally so overall I'm glad I did. I used to cry a LOT as a child but I haven't cried a single time since.

I think I was always quite withdrawn and anti-social. I can't remember a time where I wasn't.

These guys usually are pale, can be a little fat and absolutely lack natural, healthy aggression. Little kids can abuse them and they wouldn't know how to react ( I myself belong to this category for sure ).
Wouldn't this just be a consequence of their upbringing or very low T ?
It just sounds like abused dog imo.
Btw, if a little kid abuses you just slap him across the face or grab him and lift him up. I'm not arguing with a child.
Wouldn't this just be a consequence of their upbringing or very low T ?
It just sounds like abused dog imo.
Btw, if a little kid abuses you just slap him across the face or grab him and lift him up. I'm not arguing with a child.
Maybe it's related to having extremely low t, hormonal disturbances or some other sickness.
But such people do exist.
Pretty solid description of me, except the hairline and the abusive parents. They were helicopter, though. I spent too much time with them as a kid.
After this experience, we tend to become withdrawn and antisocial.
Honestly, the introversion is the thing that really gets me. How has this trait persisted throughout human history? It seems like the "introvert gene" should have been bred out long ago, shouldn't it?
Pretty solid description of me, except the hairline and the abusive parents. They were helicopter, though. I spent too much time with them as a kid.

Honestly, the introversion is the thing that really gets me. How has this trait persisted throughout human history? It seems like the "introvert gene" should have been bred out long ago, shouldn't it?
Introverted (solitary) Chads were still attractive to females.
Good observation. Many incels are autistic and average looking, and had a history of jestermaxxing. Personally, I ain't got bullied as much, and actually had a history of violence back in school with assaulting people, but still was the class clown.
Based on talking to several users on here and reading the biographies of famous incels such as elliot rodger, as well as polls and surveys conducted on this forum this past months I have noticed a pattern which just happens to correlate with my personal experience

Almost all incels- actual incels, not fakefags or larpers, have certain traits and shared/common experiences
I will start off with listing them

Height: Most incels tend to be between 5'7 (170cm) to 5'11 (180cm) in height, either that or slightly below the average in the country they are living in. However, extremely short incels are uncommon.

Body: Most incels tend to have been very skinny, weak and unathletic in their childhood, but get fat when they get older, either due to gymcelling done improperly or stress eating from depression

Face: Most incels tend to be genuinely unattractive, either that or they have several key features that distort their otherwise normal face. They aren't necessarily deformed in the literal since, or extremely ugly, but rather just a few points uglier than a low-tier normie. This is emphasized by the fact that almost all incels tend to have receding hairlines or just high hairlines in the first place, which can only be fixed with a hair transplant or invasive medications.

NT: This is the most homogenous statistic for incels. In a recent poll it seemed like there were a cluster of users on here who fell between the 35-39 scores on the Autism Quotient, with almost everyone falling between 30-45.
This indicates that the majority of incels are more autistic than someone who has Asperger's, but slightly, not yet low-functioning. This is reinforced by my personal experience

Experience growing up: This part is the most interesting, almost all incels tend to have the following pattern

Abusive parents in some way shape or form. Whether psychological verbal or physical. Often helicopter parents too. These parents tend to be inept at raising children in a healthy way, and morph everything about the child according to their own worldview, hindering the childs development. These parents always become gaslighting towards the child when they get older, while simultaneously "wishing the child had never been born".

As a child, incels may have some true friends. But upon growing older, everyone develops their own intentions, while incels who have autism are left in the dark and still believe the world is a good place.

In fact, incels may start off with too much empathy or sympathy, which leads to them getting taking advantage of.

They can get up to severely bullied until late high school, or ostracized since middle school. Humans have an innate repulsion towards other humans that are non-NT, exhibiting traits such as introversion, and this is worse for men than for women. In fact I even have a theory that autistic and mentally ill people are part of the uncanny valley theory, but that's something for another thread. This is why incels who are often autistic are the victims coupled with the fact that they are well below average in appearance or "funny-looking".

Every child needs attention, so incels almost always have a jestermaxxing phase. However, they don't realize that the others are laughing AT them intsead of WITH them, until it's too late and they become an abused dog. This is because they never learned how to socialize properly because of their abusive or helicopter family, and was mostly ostracized after childhood missing developmental milestones, so when they try to be funny, they become the butt of the joke itself, not to mention autism comes into play

After this experience, we tend to become withdrawn and antisocial. Then these normie fucks have the AUDACITY to ask us "why is he so weird/awkward/quiet/rude?"

Because we are withdrawn and antisocial after these negative experiences we tend to develop extremist views, hell we try to find anything that's counter-culture so that we can fit in. Because the majority of society has stomped on us over and over again, telling us we can't fit in, that we must be the butt of every joke, without every telling us the reason.
And with these negative experiences and views we get demonized even more by society.
Upon entering college we become stressed at life, mostly ignored because of all the reasons stated above, more and more ostracized and we fall deeper and deeper into a spiral as we hopelessly reflect on our past
What are the implications of this? Maybe it means we are very alike. Maybe it means god made us as a group to suffer. Maybe we are victims of natural selection so we all have undesirable traits in common. You can have your own interpretation. At the end of the day, it's the objective truth.
You literally described my entire life especially with the jestermaxxing part, great work you did on there, really 9/10 points for this post
Thank you for making this thread.
I read every letter, good read indeed!
And i pretty much agreed, since this is exactly what happened to me personnally and many of US here.

(at least they are jabbed!!:feelskek:)

clap f GIF
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Based on talking to several users on here and reading the biographies of famous incels such as elliot rodger, as well as polls and surveys conducted on this forum this past months I have noticed a pattern which just happens to correlate with my personal experience

Almost all incels- actual incels, not fakefags or larpers, have certain traits and shared/common experiences
I will start off with listing them

Height: Most incels tend to be between 5'7 (170cm) to 5'11 (180cm) in height, either that or slightly below the average in the country they are living in. However, extremely short incels are uncommon.

Body: Most incels tend to have been very skinny, weak and unathletic in their childhood, but get fat when they get older, either due to gymcelling done improperly or stress eating from depression

Face: Most incels tend to be genuinely unattractive, either that or they have several key features that distort their otherwise normal face. They aren't necessarily deformed in the literal since, or extremely ugly, but rather just a few points uglier than a low-tier normie. This is emphasized by the fact that almost all incels tend to have receding hairlines or just high hairlines in the first place, which can only be fixed with a hair transplant or invasive medications.

NT: This is the most homogenous statistic for incels. In a recent poll it seemed like there were a cluster of users on here who fell between the 35-39 scores on the Autism Quotient, with almost everyone falling between 30-45.
This indicates that the majority of incels are more autistic than someone who has Asperger's, but slightly, not yet low-functioning. This is reinforced by my personal experience

Experience growing up: This part is the most interesting, almost all incels tend to have the following pattern

Abusive parents in some way shape or form. Whether psychological verbal or physical. Often helicopter parents too. These parents tend to be inept at raising children in a healthy way, and morph everything about the child according to their own worldview, hindering the childs development. These parents always become gaslighting towards the child when they get older, while simultaneously "wishing the child had never been born".

As a child, incels may have some true friends. But upon growing older, everyone develops their own intentions, while incels who have autism are left in the dark and still believe the world is a good place.

In fact, incels may start off with too much empathy or sympathy, which leads to them getting taking advantage of.

They can get up to severely bullied until late high school, or ostracized since middle school. Humans have an innate repulsion towards other humans that are non-NT, exhibiting traits such as introversion, and this is worse for men than for women. In fact I even have a theory that autistic and mentally ill people are part of the uncanny valley theory, but that's something for another thread. This is why incels who are often autistic are the victims coupled with the fact that they are well below average in appearance or "funny-looking".

Every child needs attention, so incels almost always have a jestermaxxing phase. However, they don't realize that the others are laughing AT them intsead of WITH them, until it's too late and they become an abused dog. This is because they never learned how to socialize properly because of their abusive or helicopter family, and was mostly ostracized after childhood missing developmental milestones, so when they try to be funny, they become the butt of the joke itself, not to mention autism comes into play

After this experience, we tend to become withdrawn and antisocial. Then these normie fucks have the AUDACITY to ask us "why is he so weird/awkward/quiet/rude?"

Because we are withdrawn and antisocial after these negative experiences we tend to develop extremist views, hell we try to find anything that's counter-culture so that we can fit in. Because the majority of society has stomped on us over and over again, telling us we can't fit in, that we must be the butt of every joke, without every telling us the reason.
And with these negative experiences and views we get demonized even more by society.
Upon entering college we become stressed at life, mostly ignored because of all the reasons stated above, more and more ostracized and we fall deeper and deeper into a spiral as we hopelessly reflect on our past
What are the implications of this? Maybe it means we are very alike. Maybe it means god made us as a group to suffer. Maybe we are victims of natural selection so we all have undesirable traits in common. You can have your own interpretation. At the end of the day, it's the objective truth.
Non nt+ jestermaxxing+introversion.

I hate normies
Which is why retardation, introversion and even autism exists, although most of these were passed on by females.
That's the cruel irony of it. Genetic defects are most often passed on the X chromosome. Women have two of these, so they have a sort of "backup". Women are carriers for defects, but rarely display them. Men have only one X chromosome, so if they carry the gene for a defect, they will most likely display it.
High IQ post, especially the NTpill and upbringing of incels which plenty of people tend to miss.
I would add also low energy or even low vibes.
I have seen a few guys during my life who literally translated energy - 'this guy doesn't fuck' or 'this guy never had sex'.
Not to sound occult or 'new age' garbage but some people do have very low/weak energy ( I'm sure that females are able to pick this instantly ).

These guys usually are pale, can be a little fat and absolutely lack natural, healthy aggression. Little kids can abuse them and they wouldn't know how to react ( I myself belong to this category for sure ).
Of course females don't want to have relationships with such guys because they will be a huge mess.

This may fall into 'weak/unathletic' category but I believe that such guys form their own separate category.
People may be weak or unathletic but they still may lead an active lifestyle and are able to stand up for themselves.
This fits me perfectly. The low energy thing has to be something beyond whatever science can explain because even after all the lifestyle changes I made, my personality is still the same.

Physically, I have a ton of energy now but it seems like the low energy thing is personally and mind based. Im a black male but this still affects me. I HAVE met FAR more white and asian males who are like this so Im thinking it has something to do with genes and/or maybe blood type. This goes off into the deep end but I have O negative blood and it’s a trend I noticed.
We are the same. We are family
It's scary how accurately you have described me.
NT is irrelevant. NT incels reject the label so that's why you won't see them on here.
Based on talking to several users on here and reading the biographies of famous incels such as elliot rodger, as well as polls and surveys conducted on this forum this past months I have noticed a pattern which just happens to correlate with my personal experience

Almost all incels- actual incels, not fakefags or larpers, have certain traits and shared/common experiences
I will start off with listing them

Height: Most incels tend to be between 5'7 (170cm) to 5'11 (180cm) in height, either that or slightly below the average in the country they are living in. However, extremely short incels are uncommon.
I've noticed this also: Most here tend to skew to around the average for their country/region, yet they are often slightly below it(1-2 inches), such as myself since I am about 5'9 which is one inch below the average here(US): Yet I feel as if for Gen-Z, the average is probably more around 5'11-5'11.5, it's just the stats will be skewed since it accounts for older people.
Body: Most incels tend to have been very skinny, weak and unathletic in their childhood, but get fat when they get older, either due to gymcelling done improperly or stress eating from depression
I was pretty skinny growing up, and it wasn't until I started College that I really actually began to gymcel: I definitely did notice an improvement, yet I still am for the most part quite skinny.

I haven't worked-out in forever, and my diet has became more shit: Based on my family genetics, it won't surprise me if I become a fatcel later down the line, that's if I make it that long.
Face: Most incels tend to be genuinely unattractive, either that or they have several key features that distort their otherwise normal face. They aren't necessarily deformed in the literal since, or extremely ugly, but rather just a few points uglier than a low-tier normie. This is emphasized by the fact that almost all incels tend to have receding hairlines or just high hairlines in the first place, which can only be fixed with a hair transplant or invasive medications.
Correct. :yes:

I've seen some users here faces, and whilst they all are "unattractive" or "ugly" they definitely are not trucel-tier or even really close to it: Most are around 3-4s or so, so "conventionally ugly" if you will.

It makes sense, since actual truce-tier guys(deformed; sub-3) are quite rare to begin with, and like most Incels in denial they aren't even blackpilled let alone redpilled: If let's just say this site actually was only filled of genuine trucel sub-3 guys, than it would have 15 users online maximum.
NT: This is the most homogenous statistic for incels. In a recent poll it seemed like there were a cluster of users on here who fell between the 35-39 scores on the Autism Quotient, with almost everyone falling between 30-45.
This indicates that the majority of incels are more autistic than someone who has Asperger's, but slightly, not yet low-functioning. This is reinforced by my personal experience

Experience growing up: This part is the most interesting, almost all incels tend to have the following pattern

Abusive parents in some way shape or form. Whether psychological verbal or physical. Often helicopter parents too. These parents tend to be inept at raising children in a healthy way, and morph everything about the child according to their own worldview, hindering the childs development. These parents always become gaslighting towards the child when they get older, while simultaneously "wishing the child had never been born".
Since I am White, my parents are much better in comparison to most here's parents: However, they definitely are far from ideal.

They are helicopter parents for sure, and that definitely hindered my experiences & growth/development.
As a child, incels may have some true friends. But upon growing older, everyone develops their own intentions, while incels who have autism are left in the dark and still believe the world is a good place.
Such an accurate summary of my childhood & transition to teen years.....
In fact, incels may start off with too much empathy or sympathy, which leads to them getting taking advantage of.
This. :yes:

I was literally told I was "too nice" by multiple people throughout my childhood & teen years.
They can get up to severely bullied until late high school, or ostracized since middle school. Humans have an innate repulsion towards other humans that are non-NT, exhibiting traits such as introversion, and this is worse for men than for women. In fact I even have a theory that autistic and mentally ill people are part of the uncanny valley theory, but that's something for another thread. This is why incels who are often autistic are the victims coupled with the fact that they are well below average in appearance or "funny-looking".
What's the "uncanny valley" theory? I feel like such a dumbass for asking.

And yes, the rest of this is accurate & relatable.
Every child needs attention, so incels almost always have a jestermaxxing phase. However, they don't realize that the others are laughing AT them intsead of WITH them, until it's too late and they become an abused dog. This is because they never learned how to socialize properly because of their abusive or helicopter family, and was mostly ostracized after childhood missing developmental milestones, so when they try to be funny, they become the butt of the joke itself, not to mention autism comes into play
Like I said, this goes back to the whole "living meme" term which I was labeled in HS by "friends" & even some foids. :fuk:

I spent most/all of Highschool trying to "normiemaxx" which was effectively me just jestermaxxing & being a "living meme" for all the normies & foids around me: Honestly, I can't believe it took me so long to realize what I was doing was just embarrassing myself. I think in a way I did know, I just wanted to buy into the cope that "they're just laughing with me" or some shit such as that.
After this experience, we tend to become withdrawn and antisocial. Then these normie fucks have the AUDACITY to ask us "why is he so weird/awkward/quiet/rude?"
This, always makes my blood boil.
Because we are withdrawn and antisocial after these negative experiences we tend to develop extremist views, hell we try to find anything that's counter-culture so that we can fit in. Because the majority of society has stomped on us over and over again, telling us we can't fit in, that we must be the butt of every joke, without every telling us the reason.
Probably why you see so many Incels in denial on either end of political extremism, religious fundamentalism, etc.
And with these negative experiences and views we get demonized even more by society.
Upon entering college we become stressed at life, mostly ignored because of all the reasons stated above, more and more ostracized and we fall deeper and deeper into a spiral as we hopelessly reflect on our past
What are the implications of this? Maybe it means we are very alike. Maybe it means god made us as a group to suffer. Maybe we are victims of natural selection so we all have undesirable traits in common. You can have your own interpretation. At the end of the day, it's the objective truth.
We all share a "collective conscious" similar to any other "in group" of sorts.
What's the "uncanny valley" theory? I feel like such a dumbass for asking.

And yes, the rest of this is accurate & relatable.
Uncanny valley: Humans have an innate repulsion towards objects that try to mimic human life, but are not entirely on point. This originated as a meme theory for horror/creepypasta image sources, but after talking to @AsiaCel I had a bit of a revelation and saw how it could be applied to the autistic, mentally ill, just overall non-NT human beings.
"living meme"
This goes hand in hand with the uncanny valley theory. We are dehumnized, no?
We all share a "collective conscious" similar to any other "in group" of sorts.
I would say drawing historical parallels, we are most similar to Mao-era chinese peasants who all had an equally shitty experience with their landlords kek
High iq thread but life was good outside of inceldom & non NT until late teens a certain event prompted me to have worse issues than 99.99999% of the global population and a good 99% of this forum
Height: Most incels tend to be between 5'7 (170cm) to 5'11 (180cm) in height, either that or slightly below the average in the country they are living in. However, extremely short incels are uncommon.
I've seen a lot of turbomanlets here.
Dude, this is literally a super high IQ post. Every single point related to me and just about describes my life perfectly. I was always the skinny unathletic guy. Back in elementary school, I had some friends without issues. Once we got to middle school, none of them were my friends anymore. I made one friend in middle school who was also autistic and we were good friends. Everyone else in the school ostracized or worse, bullied me for my looks and autism. I had health issues preventing me from gaining weight and people made fun of me by calling me anorexic. They also called me "pear face" because of my narrow jaw and big forehead. I used to be way too nice as a child, and it did get taken advantage of. Over time I got more jaded and sick of people, so I stopped socializing and kept to myself. Then people thought I was a creep. I would just sit in the back of every class and say nothing unless I had to. I grew to be 6 feet tall at age 18 and gained from 135 pounds to 155 pounds. Now, people don't mess with me because I'm bigger and look creepy. I often reminisce about the past when things were better. The nostalgia hurts because I will never be close to that happy in life again. Sometimes I re-watch old anime shows I liked as a kid and it makes me feel like I'm escaping this shit reality for a while.
Some of this is accurate but some of the points are stretches. Most people should be 5'7 to 5'11 anyways and tbh I still have a good amount of friends I still hang out with.

I agree with the looks thing, we're not really genuinely deformed but definitely LTN or a bit below in looks on average. I consider myself LTN. My LTN looks combined with my poor social skills (in regards to foids) and my non-NTness explains it.
You mog me by having a good amount of friends. I had zero friends for 4.5 years straight. I recently made one friend, but we can only hang out around once a month because he works a lot and has a wife and kid to take care of. My looks are also LTN. I'm not disgustingly ugly, but not attractive either. I look similar to how Elliot Rodger did.
Face: Most incels tend to be genuinely unattractive, either that or they have several key features that distort their otherwise normal face. They aren't necessarily deformed in the literal since, or extremely ugly, but rather just a few points uglier than a low-tier normie. This is emphasized by the fact that almost all incels tend to have receding hairlines or just high hairlines in the first place, which can only be fixed with a hair transplant or invasive medications.
I conducted a poll a while back and the majority had asymmetry in the face which I think is worthy of note.
If you send this to Vivian, maybe she will let you ascend with her.
Based on talking to several users on here and reading the biographies of famous incels such as elliot rodger, as well as polls and surveys conducted on this forum this past months I have noticed a pattern which just happens to correlate with my personal experience

Almost all incels- actual incels, not fakefags or larpers, have certain traits and shared/common experiences
I will start off with listing them

Height: Most incels tend to be between 5'7 (170cm) to 5'11 (180cm) in height, either that or slightly below the average in the country they are living in. However, extremely short incels are uncommon.

Body: Most incels tend to have been very skinny, weak and unathletic in their childhood, but get fat when they get older, either due to gymcelling done improperly or stress eating from depression

Face: Most incels tend to be genuinely unattractive, either that or they have several key features that distort their otherwise normal face. They aren't necessarily deformed in the literal since, or extremely ugly, but rather just a few points uglier than a low-tier normie. This is emphasized by the fact that almost all incels tend to have receding hairlines or just high hairlines in the first place, which can only be fixed with a hair transplant or invasive medications.

NT: This is the most homogenous statistic for incels. In a recent poll it seemed like there were a cluster of users on here who fell between the 35-39 scores on the Autism Quotient, with almost everyone falling between 30-45.
This indicates that the majority of incels are more autistic than someone who has Asperger's, but slightly, not yet low-functioning. This is reinforced by my personal experience

Experience growing up: This part is the most interesting, almost all incels tend to have the following pattern

Abusive parents in some way shape or form. Whether psychological verbal or physical. Often helicopter parents too. These parents tend to be inept at raising children in a healthy way, and morph everything about the child according to their own worldview, hindering the childs development. These parents always become gaslighting towards the child when they get older, while simultaneously "wishing the child had never been born".

As a child, incels may have some true friends. But upon growing older, everyone develops their own intentions, while incels who have autism are left in the dark and still believe the world is a good place.

In fact, incels may start off with too much empathy or sympathy, which leads to them getting taking advantage of.

They can get up to severely bullied until late high school, or ostracized since middle school. Humans have an innate repulsion towards other humans that are non-NT, exhibiting traits such as introversion, and this is worse for men than for women. In fact I even have a theory that autistic and mentally ill people are part of the uncanny valley theory, but that's something for another thread. This is why incels who are often autistic are the victims coupled with the fact that they are well below average in appearance or "funny-looking".

Every child needs attention, so incels almost always have a jestermaxxing phase. However, they don't realize that the others are laughing AT them intsead of WITH them, until it's too late and they become an abused dog. This is because they never learned how to socialize properly because of their abusive or helicopter family, and was mostly ostracized after childhood missing developmental milestones, so when they try to be funny, they become the butt of the joke itself, not to mention autism comes into play

After this experience, we tend to become withdrawn and antisocial. Then these normie fucks have the AUDACITY to ask us "why is he so weird/awkward/quiet/rude?"

Because we are withdrawn and antisocial after these negative experiences we tend to develop extremist views, hell we try to find anything that's counter-culture so that we can fit in. Because the majority of society has stomped on us over and over again, telling us we can't fit in, that we must be the butt of every joke, without every telling us the reason.
And with these negative experiences and views we get demonized even more by society.
Upon entering college we become stressed at life, mostly ignored because of all the reasons stated above, more and more ostracized and we fall deeper and deeper into a spiral as we hopelessly reflect on our past
What are the implications of this? Maybe it means we are very alike. Maybe it means god made us as a group to suffer. Maybe we are victims of natural selection so we all have undesirable traits in common. You can have your own interpretation. At the end of the day, it's the objective truth.
Good observation & valid I reckon.
Great observations! Looking back I did always think jesters set themselves up for failure
Height: Most incels tend to be between 5'7 (170cm) to 5'11 (180cm) in height, either that or slightly below the average in the country they are living in. However, extremely short incels are uncommon.
Checks out with myself:yes:
Body: Most incels tend to have been very skinny, weak and unathletic in their childhood, but get fat when they get older, either due to gymcelling done improperly or stress eating from depression
Opposite for me. I was bigger up until 8th grade and slimmed out heavily after that. I'm now on the lower end of the average weight range for my height (5'9").
Face: Most incels tend to be genuinely unattractive, either that or they have several key features that distort their otherwise normal face. They aren't necessarily deformed in the literal since, or extremely ugly, but rather just a few points uglier than a low-tier normie.
Checks out in my case :yes:I think I can safely rate myself a 3/10, as that's what my experiences are congruent with. I definitely don't experience what true sub-3s like St. Sam or BO2cel do, but I also don't get treated like a normie, just a regular ugly guy.
NT: This is the most homogenous statistic for incels. In a recent poll it seemed like there were a cluster of users on here who fell between the 35-39 scores on the Autism Quotient, with almost everyone falling between 30-45.
This indicates that the majority of incels are more autistic than someone who has Asperger's, but slightly, not yet low-functioning. This is reinforced by my personal experience
:yes:I've personally been diagnosed with OCD and anxiety disorder, so while not 'tistic, I still classify as non-NT
Abusive parents in some way shape or form. Whether psychological verbal or physical. Often helicopter parents too. These parents tend to be inept at raising children in a healthy way, and morph everything about the child according to their own worldview, hindering the childs development. These parents always become gaslighting towards the child when they get older, while simultaneously "wishing the child had never been born".
The helicopter parents + non NT combo is deadly for males
As a child, incels may have some true friends. But upon growing older, everyone develops their own intentions, while incels who have autism are left in the dark and still believe the world is a good place.
I think neurotypical incels are honestly more likely to hold this bluepilled Disney-esque worldview. Most incels-in-denial and anti-incel incels seem to be NT LTNs. A lot of 'tistic incels are "chronically online" and were likely exposed to gore at a young age, so even if they're bad at picking up social cues, body language, etc., leading them to be easy targets to take advantage of, I wouldn't really say they're in the dark about reality.
In fact, incels may start off with too much empathy or sympathy, which leads to them getting taking advantage of.
They can get up to severely bullied until late high school, or ostracized since middle school. Humans have an innate repulsion towards other humans that are non-NT, exhibiting traits such as introversion, and this is worse for men than for women. In fact I even have a theory that autistic and mentally ill people are part of the uncanny valley theory, but that's something for another thread. This is why incels who are often autistic are the victims coupled with the fact that they are well below average in appearance or "funny-looking".
I'm 20 and haven't had an irl friend in half a decade :feelsbadman:
Every child needs attention, so incels almost always have a jestermaxxing phase. However, they don't realize that the others are laughing AT them intsead of WITH them, until it's too late and they become an abused dog. This is because they never learned how to socialize properly because of their abusive or helicopter family, and was mostly ostracized after childhood missing developmental milestones, so when they try to be funny, they become the butt of the joke itself, not to mention autism comes into play
I had not only a jestermaxxer phase but also a wannabe-thugmaxxer pajigger phase :feelskek: And yeah, it was very much congruent with what you describe here, I thought I became "cool" when I had really turned myself into a laughingstock.
Because we are withdrawn and antisocial after these negative experiences we tend to develop extremist views, hell we try to find anything that's counter-culture so that we can fit in.
I disagree here. There are definitely many outcasts who adopt fringe views just to be edgy, but the general phenomenon of fringe movements (MRAs, WNs, commies) being comprised primarily of outcasts is simply because outcasts are the only ones with enough free time and reason to question the status quo to educate themselves on these views. Chads, Stacies, and societal normies who live just fine in the cucked neoliberal system have no reason to fight against it
:bigbrain:Extremely high-IQ post. From the stories that I have read on here about users as well as my own life, this thread describes the vast majority of incels. The jestermaxxing part especially hit hard:feelsbadman:.
Based on talking to several users on here and reading the biographies of famous incels such as elliot rodger, as well as polls and surveys conducted on this forum this past months I have noticed a pattern which just happens to correlate with my personal experience

Almost all incels- actual incels, not fakefags or larpers, have certain traits and shared/common experiences
I will start off with listing them

Height: Most incels tend to be between 5'7 (170cm) to 5'11 (180cm) in height, either that or slightly below the average in the country they are living in. However, extremely short incels are uncommon.

Body: Most incels tend to have been very skinny, weak and unathletic in their childhood, but get fat when they get older, either due to gymcelling done improperly or stress eating from depression

Face: Most incels tend to be genuinely unattractive, either that or they have several key features that distort their otherwise normal face. They aren't necessarily deformed in the literal since, or extremely ugly, but rather just a few points uglier than a low-tier normie. This is emphasized by the fact that almost all incels tend to have receding hairlines or just high hairlines in the first place, which can only be fixed with a hair transplant or invasive medications.

NT: This is the most homogenous statistic for incels. In a recent poll it seemed like there were a cluster of users on here who fell between the 35-39 scores on the Autism Quotient, with almost everyone falling between 30-45.
This indicates that the majority of incels are more autistic than someone who has Asperger's, but slightly, not yet low-functioning. This is reinforced by my personal experience

Experience growing up: This part is the most interesting, almost all incels tend to have the following pattern

Abusive parents in some way shape or form. Whether psychological verbal or physical. Often helicopter parents too. These parents tend to be inept at raising children in a healthy way, and morph everything about the child according to their own worldview, hindering the childs development. These parents always become gaslighting towards the child when they get older, while simultaneously "wishing the child had never been born".

As a child, incels may have some true friends. But upon growing older, everyone develops their own intentions, while incels who have autism are left in the dark and still believe the world is a good place.

In fact, incels may start off with too much empathy or sympathy, which leads to them getting taking advantage of.

They can get up to severely bullied until late high school, or ostracized since middle school. Humans have an innate repulsion towards other humans that are non-NT, exhibiting traits such as introversion, and this is worse for men than for women. In fact I even have a theory that autistic and mentally ill people are part of the uncanny valley theory, but that's something for another thread. This is why incels who are often autistic are the victims coupled with the fact that they are well below average in appearance or "funny-looking".

Every child needs attention, so incels almost always have a jestermaxxing phase. However, they don't realize that the others are laughing AT them intsead of WITH them, until it's too late and they become an abused dog. This is because they never learned how to socialize properly because of their abusive or helicopter family, and was mostly ostracized after childhood missing developmental milestones, so when they try to be funny, they become the butt of the joke itself, not to mention autism comes into play

After this experience, we tend to become withdrawn and antisocial. Then these normie fucks have the AUDACITY to ask us "why is he so weird/awkward/quiet/rude?"

Because we are withdrawn and antisocial after these negative experiences we tend to develop extremist views, hell we try to find anything that's counter-culture so that we can fit in. Because the majority of society has stomped on us over and over again, telling us we can't fit in, that we must be the butt of every joke, without every telling us the reason.
And with these negative experiences and views we get demonized even more by society.
Upon entering college we become stressed at life, mostly ignored because of all the reasons stated above, more and more ostracized and we fall deeper and deeper into a spiral as we hopelessly reflect on our past
What are the implications of this? Maybe it means we are very alike. Maybe it means god made us as a group to suffer. Maybe we are victims of natural selection so we all have undesirable traits in common. You can have your own interpretation. At the end of the day, it's the objective truth.
I am extremely short, so that part doesn’t track. But the idea that I didn’t fit in and searched for counter cultures to engage in is spot on. I think when I was 12 or so my favorite website was “hip forums” where a bunch of drugged out hippies from the 1960s would get together and talk about marijuana brownie mixes and reminisce about the good old days. I talked to a lot of them almost every night over forums for a period of a few years.
I am extremely short, so that part doesn’t track. But the idea that I didn’t fit in and searched for counter cultures to engage in is spot on. I think when I was 12 or so my favorite website was “hip forums” where a bunch of drugged out hippies from the 1960s would get together and talk about marijuana brownie mixes and reminisce about the good old days. I talked to a lot of them almost every night over forums for a period of a few years.
Are you oldcel?
31 and change. How do you define it?
You'd be kind of in between, older than most here but a little too young to be full-blown oldcel. 30+ is wizard though congrats. I was asking because you were talking about stoner hippies from the 60's, and you hardly see any of them nowadays at least when i grew up so you probably grew up at an earlier time
You'd be kind of in between, older than most here but a little too young to be full-blown oldcel. 30+ is wizard though congrats. I was asking because you were talking about stoner hippies from the 60's, and you hardly see any of them nowadays at least when i grew up so you probably grew up at an earlier time
Yeah, I think it was because it was an online forum that I stumbled onto around 2000ish. I guess that would mean it was mostly populated by 60+ year olds, which I guess isn’t unheard of for that time period.
people would actually talk to me and respond and I was interested in the levels and topics at the time.
Based on talking to several users on here and reading the biographies of famous incels such as elliot rodger, as well as polls and surveys conducted on this forum this past months I have noticed a pattern which just happens to correlate with my personal experience

Almost all incels- actual incels, not fakefags or larpers, have certain traits and shared/common experiences
I will start off with listing them

Height: Most incels tend to be between 5'7 (170cm) to 5'11 (180cm) in height, either that or slightly below the average in the country they are living in. However, extremely short incels are uncommon.

Body: Most incels tend to have been very skinny, weak and unathletic in their childhood, but get fat when they get older, either due to gymcelling done improperly or stress eating from depression

Face: Most incels tend to be genuinely unattractive, either that or they have several key features that distort their otherwise normal face. They aren't necessarily deformed in the literal since, or extremely ugly, but rather just a few points uglier than a low-tier normie. This is emphasized by the fact that almost all incels tend to have receding hairlines or just high hairlines in the first place, which can only be fixed with a hair transplant or invasive medications.

NT: This is the most homogenous statistic for incels. In a recent poll it seemed like there were a cluster of users on here who fell between the 35-39 scores on the Autism Quotient, with almost everyone falling between 30-45.
This indicates that the majority of incels are more autistic than someone who has Asperger's, but slightly, not yet low-functioning. This is reinforced by my personal experience

Experience growing up: This part is the most interesting, almost all incels tend to have the following pattern

Abusive parents in some way shape or form. Whether psychological verbal or physical. Often helicopter parents too. These parents tend to be inept at raising children in a healthy way, and morph everything about the child according to their own worldview, hindering the childs development. These parents always become gaslighting towards the child when they get older, while simultaneously "wishing the child had never been born".

As a child, incels may have some true friends. But upon growing older, everyone develops their own intentions, while incels who have autism are left in the dark and still believe the world is a good place.

In fact, incels may start off with too much empathy or sympathy, which leads to them getting taking advantage of.

They can get up to severely bullied until late high school, or ostracized since middle school. Humans have an innate repulsion towards other humans that are non-NT, exhibiting traits such as introversion, and this is worse for men than for women. In fact I even have a theory that autistic and mentally ill people are part of the uncanny valley theory, but that's something for another thread. This is why incels who are often autistic are the victims coupled with the fact that they are well below average in appearance or "funny-looking".

Every child needs attention, so incels almost always have a jestermaxxing phase. However, they don't realize that the others are laughing AT them intsead of WITH them, until it's too late and they become an abused dog. This is because they never learned how to socialize properly because of their abusive or helicopter family, and was mostly ostracized after childhood missing developmental milestones, so when they try to be funny, they become the butt of the joke itself, not to mention autism comes into play

After this experience, we tend to become withdrawn and antisocial. Then these normie fucks have the AUDACITY to ask us "why is he so weird/awkward/quiet/rude?"

Because we are withdrawn and antisocial after these negative experiences we tend to develop extremist views, hell we try to find anything that's counter-culture so that we can fit in. Because the majority of society has stomped on us over and over again, telling us we can't fit in, that we must be the butt of every joke, without every telling us the reason.
And with these negative experiences and views we get demonized even more by society.
Upon entering college we become stressed at life, mostly ignored because of all the reasons stated above, more and more ostracized and we fall deeper and deeper into a spiral as we hopelessly reflect on our past
What are the implications of this? Maybe it means we are very alike. Maybe it means god made us as a group to suffer. Maybe we are victims of natural selection so we all have undesirable traits in common. You can have your own interpretation. At the end of the day, it's the objective truth.
High IQ post.

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