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The type of people on incel tears are the worst humans on earth.



Nov 7, 2017
Theyre not just limited to incel tears either. They also post on sitrs such as kiwifarms, tvtropes, and other sites where low t incels in denial and ugly femoids congregate. Theyre like some weird positivity cult where you have to be delusional and pretend the world is sunshine and rainbows and recite platitudes all day. These people are impervoius to logic and become enraged at any kind of complaining. They see incel communities as a threat because we are the polar opposite of them ideologically.

If everyone with the mindset of the average inceltears user died tomorrow the world would be a better place.
Ugly males are the worst humans on earth.

Few incels truly understand that nothing you do matters.
Enigmatic93 said:
Theyre not just limited to incel tears either. They also post on sitrs such as kiwifarms, tvtropes, and other sites where low t incels in denial and ugly femoids congregate. Theyre like some weird positivity cult where you have to be delusional and pretend the world is sunshine and rainbows and recite platitudes all day. These people are impervoius to logic and become enraged at any kind of complaining. They see incel communities as a threat because we are the polar opposite of them ideologically.

If everyone with the mindset of the average inceltears user died tomorrow the world would be a better place.

inceltears hates kiwifarms. inceltears is made of virtue-signalling white knights and retarded femgroids, kiwifarms is made of right-wing trolls. they're two entirely different demographics
Also cringe anarchy, insane people facebook and just neckbeard things. All those degenerates need to be thrown into the gas chambers.
I somewhat feel sorry for them. It takes a special kind of someone who is desperately seeking attention and truly sick in the head to make fun of lonely virgins all day.
oblivioncel said:
inceltears hates kiwifarms. inceltears is made of virtue-signalling white knights and retarded femgroids, kiwifarms is made of right-wing trolls. they're two entirely different demographics

Doesn't matter if they're right wing. They are still scum.
Worst of all is that there are virgin men who support the inceltears

Idiots throwing themselves under the bus. Slaves.
inuyoshi said:
Worst of all is that there are virgin men who support the inceltears

Idiots throwing themselves under the bus. Slaves.

the incels who post on that sub do so because they yearn to be wanted, ironically 90% of people on that sub are self admitted virgins, the rest are hambeasts
They're all about the same "haha look how much more normal I am than you loser" doctrine. Who cares.
They are beta cucks, feminists, and white knights. What can you expect?
Be warned that these are "guesstimates" I pull out of my ass

1) 1/5th of them are sub5 teenagers who violently refuse to admit their doomed fate. When I was 14 I would have HATED the blackpill too, because it offers no hope. At 14 I was the kind of guy who coped with things like positive thinking or "basketball will make me taller". Hearing as a child that you will never slay pretty women is a heartbreaking, soul-breaking thing to hear, despite it being true.

2) 1/5th of them are sadistic women who get off leading low-status men on false trails and adding insult to their injuries

3) 1/5th are ideological opponents to the objectivity of beauty ("fat acceptance" crowd, neoliberal crowd, third-wave feminist crowd)

4) 1/5th are white knights who use this sub to try to get laid

5) 1/5th are women who like to think themselves as moral and virtuous, and hate the cognitive dissonance they feel when we reveal their actual sexual tastes.

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