Redpill advice only works if you haven’t reached your full genetic potential. For incels, this roof is fairly low. On the other hand, volcels and people with Chad genes just need to improve themselves. This is why some fatcels are considered volcel.
When potential Chads take the redpill, they can easily move on without noticing the blackpill and live in blissful ignorance. While those unfortunate enough to be incel are confronted with the blackpill. Right after failing the redpill.
Starting at a lower point and finishing at a lower point is part of the definition of incel. The winning move is to rope.
It is easy to change hair (grow beard, get haircut).
It is moderately difficult to change body composition (lose fat gain muscle).
It is hard to change bone structure (craniofacial surgery, leg lengthening surgery, clavicle lengthening surgery)
Notice how the harder it is to change something; the more costly, invasive, and radical the methods of change becomes.
Conjecture: The traits that are harder to change have more impact on your life than those that are easier to change.