I see where this is coming from, but I've been studying this quite a bit recently, and I think there's some confusion here between a 'shit test' and 'just not attracted to you'. These are two distinct things. Hear me out..
The purpose of a shit test is to validate the 'apparent' value of potential mate before 'buying'. This means that the shit test will only be given to a potential mate that a female 'thinks' is of sufficiently high value, but IS NOT YET SURE.
This plays into the heirarchy of attractiveness as follows:
a.) If a female perceives a male as very low value (aka just isn't attracted to him), then she will act disinterested or bored by his presence.. or even annoyed or contemptuous toward him if he's put her off sufficiently. This is not a shit test, because he is already seen as low value, and thus the test would be pointless.
b.) If a female perceives a male as extremely high value (aka a high tier Chad within the top tenth of a decile of attractiveness), then he will not get a shit test because he will already be seen as such high value that the test would be pointless.
c.) If a female perceives a male as 'potentially' high value, or very near the 'fuckable' threshold, but she is not sure if he is faking or otherwise lying about who he presents himself to be, then he will definitely get a shit test. This is specifically designed to make him self-conscious, defensive, unsure of himself, or otherwise reveal that he is actually weak or low value. This is because (as a previous poster mentioned) a truly high-value male would be so sure of himself that such a petty test would never shake his confidence or make him defensive, and what's more, he would be so unconcerned about losing her that he would immediately put her in her place (in a firm but not disrespectful way).
Anyway, that's what the videos and articles I've read on it claim, and it seems to ring true to me. Also my brother is a high tier Chad lite (like 7.5-8/10), who he said he's approached literally thousands of attractive girls, and he also swears by the shit test concept and says he gets (and passes) them all the time.