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Blackpill The Science of Smart: How Your Social Life in High School Affects You Today



Nov 20, 2022
Another fat L for ":soy::Highschool doesn't mean shit bro! Life begins after HS!" copERs and another certified W for HS is the start of life enjoyERs.:smonk:

So I stumbled upon this old article from around 2013, a bit outdated by now but it still provides us with valuable insight. :feelswhere:

“When you get to be our age, you all of a sudden realize that you are being ruled by people you went to high school with,” noted the late novelist Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. “You all of a sudden catch on that life is nothing but high school.”
But when we say it. :feelsjuice:

A new study released by the National Bureau of Economic Research—titled, simply, “Popularity.” Individuals’ social status in high school has a “sizable effect” on their earnings as adults, reports lead author Gabriella Conti of the University of Chicago: “We estimate that moving from the 20th to 80th percentile of the high-school popularity distribution yields a 10% wage premium nearly 40 years later.”
Now yes, 10% isn't let's say 40% which is almost half. However, 10% is at least within the range to where we know that it is noticeable & thus, has a substantial degree of impact upon ones overall life.

The study, funded by the National Institute on Aging, has followed more than 10,000 members of Wisconsin’s 1957 graduating class for more than 50 years, beginning when they were seniors and continuing through decades of establishing careers and raising families to their lives as retirees and grandparents.
This study is quite comprehensive, since it studies a large pool as well as conducts it over quite the long-term. Arguably, It should have started tracking them from Freshman year(first year of HS in the US/ninth grade) or from earlier on.

The Wisconsin program is the granddaddy of a generation of studies that are just now coming to fruition. They’re being joined by a slew of shorter-term studies conducted by psychologists, sociologists, economists and epidemiologists, researchers from varied fields who have all taken an interest in the high school years. “Social scientists are realizing that many of our adult outcomes can be traced back, at least in part, to our experiences in high school,”
Although this is over a decade old by now, I find it interesting that this research became prominent around the time when PUA and all that other stuff was gaining traction, the Incel community was in its very early stages, and ofc ER.

As @WorthlessSlavicShit proved recently, Lookism as a term is gaining popularity nowadays and is about proportional to that of the term sexism around the start of Second-wave feminism. Sadly, I can see this being utilized by foids as an excuse for their "problems," but it is some degree of lifefuel to see at least some are becoming aware.

Now, let's analyze some of the main findings:

We now give an overview of the main results. We consider three groups of determinants of friendship nominations. The first refers to the child’s early family environment. In line with earlier research on the effects of early family life on long-term cognitive and behavioral outcomes (Repetti et al. [2002]), our results show a positive association between a warm early family environment and the number of friendship nominations given and received
Interesting enviornmentpill. Ofc, I am a big believer in genetic predetermines, but you cannot neglect that environment plays an important role in some shape or form. However, what people seem to forget is that family environment is a byproduct of family genetics, for example:
Genes significantly contribute to differences in self-control: the overall heritability is 60%.

This would amount to concede that the manner by which early youth environment is influenced can hinge upon that of genetics.

There is a lot of evidence documenting a tendency for various types of individuals to associate with others who are similar to themselves, a phenomenon that Lazarsfeld and Merton [1954] termed homophily. Homophily has since been documented across characteristics such as age, race, gender, religion and occupations (Fong and Isajiw [2000], Moody [2001], McPherson et al. [2001]). Type-sensitive preferences and matching bias are the two main mechanisms used to explain these patterns (Currarini et al. [2008]). We use indicators of common nationality, family background and friends’ characteristics
to capture preference-based homophily, and find a strong positive association between the degree of group homogeneity and in-degree and out-degree of friendships
Interesting, I guess this further serves to prove that diversity indeed is not a strength. :feelsjuice:

Again, this further ties into the fact that a lot of personality is well, heritable:
According to twin studies, the Big Five personality traits have substantial heritable components explaining 40–60% of the variance, but identification of associated genetic variants has remained elusive.

For a median individual, an increase in the stock of social skills sufficient to move up by one decile is equivalent on average to one additional friendship nomination in high school. This increase in social skills is associated with a 2% wage advantage 35 years later, which is roughly 40% of the return accruing to one more year of education
This find, however, is quire astronomical.

It highlights to us that ascertaining social-skills within HS essentially, can impact your socio-economic status much further down the line. To summarize it up, social-status improvements in HS by just one-decile(having one more friend) can lead to noticeable economic improvement in the future: In fact, this wage boost is about equivalent to almost half a year of extra schooling. :dafuckfeels:

One thing I do like that this study addresses, is this factor:

A more plausible interpretation is that the number of friendship nominations received is a reflection of the popularity of a student among his schoolmates, which is a measure of his skill in building positive personal and social relationships and adjusting to the de-mands of a social situation. During secondary school the individual’s initial reference points
of “generation-superiors” such as parents, class teacher from elementary school and other significant adults are gradually superseded by new reference groups. In this new reference system students come to occupy differentiated positions as an immediate consequence of their own interpersonal behavior (which may have been shaped by their childhood experience) and of what others consider appropriate conduct.
Large parts of an individual’s role performance when adult, as an employee in a team of co-workers for example, will also be in association with status-equals or near-equals. By that time, an individual needs to have acquired and developed the appropriate social skills: understand the “rules of the game” – how to gain acceptance and social support from colleagues, whom to trust and when to reciprocate. Thus, social interactions within the group of classmates provide the bridge to the adult world as they train individual personalities to be socially adequate for the success- ful performance of their adult roles.
In a way, they are kinda saying the quiet part out loud again here. Right here, they more or less admit that HS is when life really begins, when you are no longer seen as a child who needs any kind of support, but simply needs to be thrown to the Jungle and chewed up & spat out.

Now ofc, bluepillers & our friends over at IT would argue this is all due to "sociological" factors. Whilst I do agree for sure, environment can play a role, we cannot negate the genetic role of inheritance towards factors which help one socialize, such as extraversion, combined with the basic fact as to how looks contribute towards this all. All of which, is genetic based & has a moderate to strong correlation with heritability.

We find that the number of friendships nominated by a student (which measures in part a desire for popularity) has no effect on adult earnings. In contrast, actual popularity as measured by the number of friendship nominations that the student receives from his schoolmates has a sizable effect: the wage premium of additional social skills equivalent to a 1-unit increase in the expected number of friendship nominations at high school is 7%
this part further confirms our basic premises. It blows the whole "be a good person n' nice to everyone n' sheit" argument right out of the water- due to the simple fact of the matter that this finds no measurable effect when one names supposed friends, yet a strong correlation is noted when others list you off as a friend. If you were anything like me in HS, all of your friendships were more or less quite one sided, with you steering more towards the one who initiated things.

And yes, there’s some truth to the yearbook predictions, social scientists find. Broadly speaking, the brainy grinds and the glad-handing class officers achieve success as adults. The jocks are fitter and in better health. The outcasts and dropouts are more likely to be depressed and unemployed. The kids who drank and smoked pot under the bleachers are mostly still drinking and doping, sometimes to excess.

Ah, who could have guessed?:feelsjuice::feelsUgh:

Found this quite interesting to read.

@wereq @KILLEVERYLASTCURRY @KillNiggers @veryrare @GeckoBus @LeFrenchCel @proudweeb @Fat Link @VideoGameCoper @reveries @Flagellum_Dei @Diddy @Stupid Clown @BlackCel_from_ZA @based_meme @Uggo Mongo @Biowaste Removal @PersonalityChad @OutcompetedByRoomba @Logic55 @SupremeAutist @user @NeverGetUp @Castaway @AtrociousCitizen @Epedaphic
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Even if I turned into an 8 PSL 6'5" chad tomorrow, my HS experiences left me such an utter abused dog I wouldn't be happy
Thanks for posting this. Had an argument with my mother over this. "Just go to college!" "Everyone is immature in high school!/Everyone is bullied in high school" "Get a job" She finds it hard to believe that I shut-myself in mid high school due to being rejected and bullied, and instead believes I'm just a lazy "leech" now. I was never able to develop the correct social skills or make any friends.
Brutal. High School truly never ends
HS is just a scaled down version of adult life. I remember my bluepilled parents telling me that my life would really begin once I was done with HS, and now look at me....
I wasted my youth away on a purple chat app with people that now think I'm better off dead
The bullies are cops now, and the prom king is the Mayor
another BP classic
I hope the world ends by the end of 2025
Great read. I was always docile, quiet and had little friendships (all of which were one-sided). Never had great social skills, status nor was I outgoing. I’m still the same person I was in high school—only now I’ve got a pile of adult responsibilities added to the mix. It really is depressing.

Interesting, I guess this further serves to prove that diversity indeed is not a strength. :feelsjuice:
Never was. Forcing diversity into these networks disrupts natural dynamics
Good post. Everyday I unlock new depths of over-ness never achieved before. Having a study confirming “life is just one big high school” cements my place in the genetic hierarchy even further. It’s never going to get better.
Thanks for posting this. Had an argument with my mother over this. "Just go to college!" "Everyone is immature in high school!/Everyone is bullied in high school" "Get a job" She finds it hard to believe that I shut-myself in mid high school due to being rejected and bullied, and instead believes I'm just a lazy "leech" now. I was never able to develop the correct social skills or make any friends.
high school sets you for the future Jobs have bullies too and what’s worst is that you’re forced to interact with them this time
Good read and great post
Reminds me of the edmund_kemper thread where he talked about how high school never ends and shit
Read it all + High IQ
It's incredible how normgroids need entire studies to be made just to prove points that anyone with a functional brain can notice straightaway
No surprise. Chad always ends up making more money than the outcast who spent all his time learning how to code. I'm a Chad who became a millionaire just because someone liked him and gave him a job he had no experience in.
What if you never went to high school
This confirms what we already knew (surprise surprise). This is useful in the sense that you can casually look at somebody much later in life and get a good estimate of who they were in high school. Odds are that you're probably going to be right. The politician? Probably the kid at the debate club. That criminal? Probably the kid who always got into fights and was suspended. The musician? Probably the snooty kid who was too cool for school. The big, tall, muscular guy with a beer gut, a construction job, three kids, and a wife who constantly nags him? Probably the quarterback who knocked up his girlfriend in senior year.

The bullies are cops now, and the prom king is the Mayor
Brutal shit.
It's incredible how normgroids need entire studies to be made just to prove points that anyone with a functional brain can notice straightaway
Well they are not known to be the brightest.
It's incredible how normgroids need entire studies to be made just to prove points that anyone with a functional brain can notice straightaway
Indeed, they're morons
I remember reading a brutal Reddit thread a few years ago where the people in the comments were saying that the popular kids that did drugs are now functional members of society, while the losers that only studied are now rotting in their homes and some even killed themselves. It shook me to my care because I saw my own future readings those comments, and now I became one of those losers rotting in my room 24/7.
It's incredible how normgroids need entire studies to be made just to prove points that anyone with a functional brain can notice straightaway
and they still won't change their minds, their 'I know a guy' retarded stories always come first :feelsjuice:
It's incredible how normgroids need entire studies to be made just to prove points that anyone with a functional brain can notice straightaway
That is true, it's just nice to see that scientific measurements can prove what we're saying
Good post.
Thanks mang
Everyday I unlock new depths of over-ness never achieved before. Having a study confirming “life is just one big high school” cements my place in the genetic hierarchy even further. It’s never going to get better.

And Highschool hinges upon seemingly not only having the looks+NTness, but also the environmentpill which is at least half genetic.
Thanks for posting this. Had an argument with my mother over this. "Just go to college!" "Everyone is immature in high school!/Everyone is bullied in high school" "Get a job" She finds it hard to believe that I shut-myself in mid high school due to being rejected and bullied,
Meanwhile your peers were living the care-free time of their life
and instead believes I'm just a lazy "leech" now. I was never able to develop the correct social skills or make any friends.
Brutal mang

I suggest you take up some activity that will get you out & also socializing
Good thread man, it’s so silly to think that your social status in high school isn’t gonna affect you for the rest of your life. After all, if you couldn’t make friends in high school, or not many, it’s gonna affect you like crazy in adulthood, because it’s so much easier to make friends in HS and we couldn’t do it even then.

I had zero friends in high school. A fat fucking zero. There wasn’t a single person I could consider a friend, let alone them consider me a friend.

Even in elementary school despite me thinking I had like 10 “ friends”, it was mostly one sided and none of them probably considered me an actual friend.
Another fat L for ":soy::Highschool doesn't mean shit bro! Life begins after HS!" copERs and another certified W for HS is the start of life enjoyERs.:smonk:

So I stumbled upon this old article from around 2013, a bit outdated by now but it still provides us with valuable insight. :feelswhere:

But when we say it. :feelsjuice:

Now yes, 10% isn't let's say 40% which is almost half. However, 10% is at least within the range to where we know that it is noticeable & thus, has a substantial degree of impact upon ones overall life.

This study is quite comprehensive, since it studies a large pool as well as conducts it over quite the long-term. Arguably, It should have started tracking them from Freshman year(first year of HS in the US/ninth grade) or from earlier on.

Although this is over a decade old by now, I find it interesting that this research became prominent around the time when PUA and all that other stuff was gaining traction, the Incel community was in its very early stages, and ofc ER.

As @WorthlessSlavicShit proved recently, Lookism as a term is gaining popularity nowadays and is about proportional to that of the term sexism around the start of Second-wave feminism. Sadly, I can see this being utilized by foids as an excuse for their "problems," but it is some degree of lifefuel to see at least some are becoming aware.

Now, let's analyze some of the main findings:

Interesting enviornmentpill. Ofc, I am a big believer in genetic predetermines, but you cannot neglect that environment plays an important role in some shape or form. However, what people seem to forget is that family environment is a byproduct of family genetics, for example:

This would amount to concede that the manner by which early youth environment is influenced can hinge upon that of genetics.

Interesting, I guess this further serves to prove that diversity indeed is not a strength. :feelsjuice:

Again, this further ties into the fact that a lot of personality is well, heritable:

This find, however, is quire astronomical.

It highlights to us that ascertaining social-skills within HS essentially, can impact your socio-economic status much further down the line. To summarize it up, social-status improvements in HS by just one-decile(having one more friend) can lead to noticeable economic improvement in the future: In fact, this wage boost is about equivalent to almost half a year of extra schooling. :dafuckfeels:

One thing I do like that this study addresses, is this factor:

In a way, they are kinda saying the quiet part out loud again here. Right here, they more or less admit that HS is when life really begins, when you are no longer seen as a child who needs any kind of support, but simply needs to be thrown to the Jungle and chewed up & spat out.

Now ofc, bluepillers & our friends over at IT would argue this is all due to "sociological" factors. Whilst I do agree for sure, environment can play a role, we cannot negate the genetic role of inheritance towards factors which help one socialize, such as extraversion, combined with the basic fact as to how looks contribute towards this all. All of which, is genetic based & has a moderate to strong correlation with heritability.

this part further confirms our basic premises. It blows the whole "be a good person n' nice to everyone n' sheit" argument right out of the water- due to the simple fact of the matter that this finds no measurable effect when one names supposed friends, yet a strong correlation is noted when others list you off as a friend. If you were anything like me in HS, all of your friendships were more or less quite one sided, with you steering more towards the one who initiated things.

Ah, who could have guessed?:feelsjuice::feelsUgh:

Found this quite interesting to read.

@wereq @KILLEVERYLASTCURRY @KillNiggers @veryrare @GeckoBus @LeFrenchCel @proudweeb @Fat Link @VideoGameCoper @reveries @Flagellum_Dei @Diddy @Stupid Clown @BlackCel_from_ZA @based_meme @Uggo Mongo @Biowaste Removal @PersonalityChad @OutcompetedByRoomba @Logic55 @SupremeAutist @user @NeverGetUp @Castaway @AtrociousCitizen @Epedaphic
The only thing I learnt from secondary school was not trust people.
Even if I turned into an 8 PSL 6'5" chad tomorrow, my HS experiences left me such an utter abused dog I wouldn't be happy
So true brocel , even if we hypothetically become chad(nevER gonna happen) we still can't fill the hole in our soul that soyciety created
I remember reading a brutal Reddit thread a few years ago where the people in the comments were saying that the popular kids that did drugs are now functional members of society, while the losers that only studied are now rotting in their homes and some even killed themselves. It shook me to my care because I saw my own future readings those comments, and now I became one of those losers rotting in my room 24/7.
Mirin the effort post :feelsokman:
You are confusing causation with correlation. It's pure normie brainrot thinking. Plays right into the utterly dumb "Just World Fallacy" type of pea brained normshit way of thinking.

The reason why some men have connections in school is the same reason why they have connections at any other stage of their life. LOOKS. That's it. There is no skills involved (generally speaking). People see you and judge you based of your looks and your physical genetics in like 0.3 seconds.

If you look like a HTN even, all you have to do is play along and foids and scrawny beta fags will grant you authority.
Every adult is just an overgrown 14 year old.
Now ofc, bluepillers & our friends over at IT would argue this is all due to "sociological" factors. Whilst I do agree for sure, environment can play a role, we cannot negate the genetic role of inheritance towards factors which help one socialize, such as extraversion, combined with the basic fact as to how looks contribute towards this all. All of which, is genetic based & has a moderate to strong correlation with heritability.

this part further confirms our basic premises. It blows the whole "be a good person n' nice to everyone n' sheit" argument right out of the water- due to the simple fact of the matter that this finds no measurable effect when one names supposed friends, yet a strong correlation is noted when others list you off as a friend. If you were anything like me in HS, all of your friendships were more or less quite one sided, with you steering more towards the one who initiated things.
Out-degree centrality once again mogged hard by the in-degree one:feelsjuice:.

social network position characteristics: out-degree centrality (the number of people whom the participant names as a friend), in-degree cen- trality (the number of people who name the participant as a friend)
Furthermore, whereas out-degree centrality has not been found to be heritable, other, often sociocentrically-derived, social network position characteristics have been shown to be heritable individual difference variables12.

I remember reading a brutal Reddit thread a few years ago where the people in the comments were saying that the popular kids that did drugs are now functional members of society, while the losers that only studied are now rotting in their homes and some even killed themselves. It shook me to my care because I saw my own future readings those comments, and now I became one of those losers rotting in my room 24/7.
Brutal as fuck & relatable tbh, when did this happen?

I recall a similar thing a few years back, I was reading accounts of how peoples bullies were doing later on in life. They said the "thug" physically violent, lowinhib, obnoxious & very outright aggressive kids ended up being violent criminals, druggies & dealers(often both), whilst later dying, landing in prison for decades, or selling weed & pills outside a trailer to afford their next line of coke.

However, they said the more psychological, manipulative, and verbal bullies who would act like your friend only yo set you up to use you as a l0lcow or "living meme" in my case end up doing well. One guy said one of them literally makes 500k a year.
This confirms what we already knew (surprise surprise). This is useful in the sense that you can casually look at somebody much later in life and get a good estimate of who they were in high school. Odds are that you're probably going to be right. The politician? Probably the kid at the debate club. That criminal? Probably the kid who always got into fights and was suspended. The musician? Probably the snooty kid who was too cool for school. The big, tall, muscular guy with a beer gut, a construction job, three kids, and a wife who constantly nags him? Probably the quarterback who knocked up his girlfriend in senior year.

Brutal shit.
Another fat L for ":soy::Highschool doesn't mean shit bro! Life begins after HS!" copERs and another certified W for HS is the start of life enjoyERs.:smonk:

So I stumbled upon this old article from around 2013, a bit outdated by now but it still provides us with valuable insight. :feelswhere:

But when we say it. :feelsjuice:

Now yes, 10% isn't let's say 40% which is almost half. However, 10% is at least within the range to where we know that it is noticeable & thus, has a substantial degree of impact upon ones overall life.

This study is quite comprehensive, since it studies a large pool as well as conducts it over quite the long-term. Arguably, It should have started tracking them from Freshman year(first year of HS in the US/ninth grade) or from earlier on.

Although this is over a decade old by now, I find it interesting that this research became prominent around the time when PUA and all that other stuff was gaining traction, the Incel community was in its very early stages, and ofc ER.

As @WorthlessSlavicShit proved recently, Lookism as a term is gaining popularity nowadays and is about proportional to that of the term sexism around the start of Second-wave feminism. Sadly, I can see this being utilized by foids as an excuse for their "problems," but it is some degree of lifefuel to see at least some are becoming aware.

Now, let's analyze some of the main findings:

Interesting enviornmentpill. Ofc, I am a big believer in genetic predetermines, but you cannot neglect that environment plays an important role in some shape or form. However, what people seem to forget is that family environment is a byproduct of family genetics, for example:

This would amount to concede that the manner by which early youth environment is influenced can hinge upon that of genetics.

Interesting, I guess this further serves to prove that diversity indeed is not a strength. :feelsjuice:

Again, this further ties into the fact that a lot of personality is well, heritable:

This find, however, is quire astronomical.

It highlights to us that ascertaining social-skills within HS essentially, can impact your socio-economic status much further down the line. To summarize it up, social-status improvements in HS by just one-decile(having one more friend) can lead to noticeable economic improvement in the future: In fact, this wage boost is about equivalent to almost half a year of extra schooling. :dafuckfeels:

One thing I do like that this study addresses, is this factor:

In a way, they are kinda saying the quiet part out loud again here. Right here, they more or less admit that HS is when life really begins, when you are no longer seen as a child who needs any kind of support, but simply needs to be thrown to the Jungle and chewed up & spat out.

Now ofc, bluepillers & our friends over at IT would argue this is all due to "sociological" factors. Whilst I do agree for sure, environment can play a role, we cannot negate the genetic role of inheritance towards factors which help one socialize, such as extraversion, combined with the basic fact as to how looks contribute towards this all. All of which, is genetic based & has a moderate to strong correlation with heritability.

this part further confirms our basic premises. It blows the whole "be a good person n' nice to everyone n' sheit" argument right out of the water- due to the simple fact of the matter that this finds no measurable effect when one names supposed friends, yet a strong correlation is noted when others list you off as a friend. If you were anything like me in HS, all of your friendships were more or less quite one sided, with you steering more towards the one who initiated things.

Ah, who could have guessed?:feelsjuice::feelsUgh:

Found this quite interesting to read.

@wereq @KILLEVERYLASTCURRY @KillNiggers @veryrare @GeckoBus @LeFrenchCel @proudweeb @Fat Link @VideoGameCoper @reveries @Flagellum_Dei @Diddy @Stupid Clown @BlackCel_from_ZA @based_meme @Uggo Mongo @Biowaste Removal @PersonalityChad @OutcompetedByRoomba @Logic55 @SupremeAutist @user @NeverGetUp @Castaway @AtrociousCitizen @Epedaphic
I didn't learn shit in high school
By the time I reached highschool even my "one sided friendships" had already long fallen apart
By the time I reached highschool even my "one sided friendships" had already long fallen apart
brutal. For some of us highschool was the only thing that kept us together. I remember highschool as some of the only good years of my life
Good thread man, it’s so silly to think that your social status in high school isn’t gonna affect you for the rest of your life. After all, if you couldn’t make friends in high school, or not many, it’s gonna affect you like crazy in adulthood, because it’s so much easier to make friends in HS and we couldn’t do it even then.
Yeah 100%, though I will say College also does seem easy to make friends in
I had zero friends in high school. A fat fucking zero. There wasn’t a single person I could consider a friend, let alone them consider me a friend.
Fucking brutal
Even in elementary school despite me thinking I had like 10 “ friends”, it was mostly one sided and none of them probably considered me an actual friend.
Yeah I know what you mean.
Out-degree centrality once again mogged hard by the in-degree one:feelsjuice:.

The whole "you are what you perceive yourself" is such bullshit and this makes it fall flat on its face
The whole "you are what you perceive yourself" is such bullshit and this makes it fall flat on its face

Your own perception is meaningless, what you actually are is what others perceive you to be.
Genes significantly contribute to differences in self-control: the overall heritability is 60%.
Anytime I see numbers like I wonder where the fuck they came from.

Social skills exist, but if your introverted or ND you can't build them. If you're ugly people won't let you practice, you have no choice but to be stunted. Meanwhile that asshole you know is doing ok, or is blessed enough to be too stupid to know otherwise coming home to his wife and kids in the trailer park or whatever.

Good post. Things will tend to continue on their trajectory.
Anytime I see numbers like I wonder where the fuck they came from.

Social skills exist, but if your introverted or ND you can't build them. If you're ugly people won't let you practice, you have no choice but to be stunted. Meanwhile that asshole you know is doing ok, or is blessed enough to be too stupid to know otherwise coming home to his wife and kids in the trailer park or whatever.

Good post. Things will tend to continue on their trajectory.
The End trajectory is Oblivion, which is Nice! No brute can escape from it, and the larvae will Also Die.
It truly is a challenge, having little to no friends in high school can practically dictate your entire life, unless you start making bank then everyone wants to be your friend.

If you look at all of the guys in their mid 20s that have crazy bad anxiety, only go to shops at midnight etc, then chances are they were kids in school eating their lunch in the toilets.

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