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SuicideFuel The rope is calling my name



Discord: dreye0261_75651
Apr 6, 2024
The first chance I get to rope I will do it and you will know I roped when I stop posting anything on here. There seems to be no hope for me anymore and no point in continuing to exist when I cannot even get some of my basic human needs met. I just suck and fail at everything and Im very embarassed of myself, I always was. I grew up with 0 masculine figures in my life making me a "feminine" or in other words improper man, and as if that and being ugly wasn't enough in itself I don't even have any national or racial pride like some other users on here since Im mixed race, Im just a failed experiment, an abomination that is all I truly am. Every day is suffering for me, I have 0 friends, noone who truly understands me, its just pointless. My hairline started receeding at a young age, my height is meh, my teeth are too crooked and it would take a long time to fix them and I have a multitude of other smaller issues. I have 0 redeemable features if Im being completely honest, everything is meh at best. I have been rated as an LTN but that is only because I
look better on photos when taken at certain angles, otherwise anyone who would see me irl would immediately understand that Im a truecel mutt abomination. Because of this I hope that I either get a chance at another life through some form of reincarnation(if its possible) or that I just cease to exist completely because why not. Its not bad not existing, its just how things are, some people aren't meant to live and that is ok, you can't go against the laws of Nature after all. Anyways, when I rope you will know it. This post is just a foreshadowing
my mental health have been deteriorating as well. I feel like I am actually going insane if I already am not. I feel like the rope is getting closer as the days keep passing. It's getting worse every single day for me mentally. All I want is peace of mind and I cannot have it because I am constantly stressed and overthinking. I am my own worst enemy. My brain is. No foid, normie or anybody else.
my mental health have been deteriorating as well. I feel like I am actually going insane if I already am not. I feel like the rope is getting closer as the days keep passing. It's getting worse every single day for me mentally. All I want is peace of mind and I cannot have it because I am constantly stressed and overthinking. I am my own worst enemy. My brain is. No foid, normie or anybody else.
Your brain is like this because of how you have been treated, if you had been born a normie and NT you would have none of those issues, everything would just come to you eventually. My mental health has been declining severely to the point I get breathing issues when as much as stepping outside of my house, that is how bad my anxiety is. Additionaly I can also barely sleep even when tired. Sometimes its the best for everything to just end
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yeah i can feel the day coming sooner
my mental health have been deteriorating as well. I feel like I am actually going insane if I already am not. I feel like the rope is getting closer as the days keep passing. It's getting worse every single day for me mentally. All I want is peace of mind and I cannot have it because I am constantly stressed and overthinking. I am my own worst enemy. My brain is. No foid, normie or anybody else.
Your brain is like this because of how you have been treated, if you had been born a normie and NT you would have none of those issues, everything would just come to you eventually. My mental health has been declining severely to the point I get breathing issues when as much as stepping outside of my house, that is how bad my anxiety is. Additionaly I can also barely sleep even when tired. Sometimes its the best for everything to just end
i can relate to getting out of breath because of anxiety. Rarely happens to me nowadays but thats because I've gotten numb. I started caring less but when I was a child i couldn't control it at all.
Your brain is like this because of how you have been treated, if you had been born a normie and NT you would have none of those issues, everything would just come to you eventually. My mental health has been declining severely to the point I get breathing issues when as much as stepping outside of my house, that is how bad my anxiety is. Additionaly I can also barely sleep even when tired. Sometimes it for everything to just end
Yeah if you were attractive you wouldnt be mentally ill cause as incels our mental illnesses come from mistreatment
tbh. no psychiatrist can fix us. We've been permanently damaged by bullying.
Psychiatry is a joke lol only good looks can fix us and we cant get that jfl its over for us, if u go to a psychiatrist they will give u kike pills that will mentally and sexually castrate u. If u go to a psychologist they will gaslight u into thinking ur the problem and no ones actually treated you bad cause of your looks and that its just in your head. Our heads are scarred by bullying. I dont know about you but i get paranoia when outside i cant exist normally outside like normies
Psychiatry is a joke lol only good looks can fix us and we cant get that jfl its over for us, if u go to a psychiatrist they will give u kike pills that will mentally and sexually castrate u. If u go to a psychologist they will gaslight u into thinking ur the problem and no ones actually treated you bad cause of your looks and that its just in your head. Our heads are scarred by bullying. I dont know about you but i get paranoia when outside i cant exist normally outside like normies
yeah hits home. As someone uglier than many incel saints I can relate. I was primarily targeted for my looks and behavior. I've always been anxious on top everything add the ugly looks and you're done. Life never began.
yeah hits home. As someone uglier than many incel saints I can relate. I was primarily targeted for my looks and behavior. I've always been anxious on top everything add the ugly looks and you're done. Life never began.
I was also targeted for my looks. But my behaviour was normal before it gradually denormalised from my brain shutting down and entering fight or flight when among normies after being targeted over my looks.
I was also targeted for my looks. But my behaviour was normal before it gradually denormalised from my brain shutting down and entering fight or flight when among normies after being targeted over my looks.
jfl at whoever said that bullying builds character and you get stronger. This is why so many men end up getting their lives ruined. Bullies deserve a stoning that's the least you can do to this scum.
if u go to a psychiatrist they will give u kike pills that will mentally and sexually castrate u. If u go to a psychologist they will gaslight u into thinking ur the problem and no ones actually treated you bad cause of your looks and that its just in your head.
Psichologists are mostly bluepilled, nobody will actually tell you what the reality is. Its pointless to even bother with anything in society in general as an incel
jfl at whoever said that bullying builds character and you get stronger. This is why so many men end up getting their lives ruined. Bullies deserve a stoning that's the least you can do to this scum.
Its a cope like everything else. Normies know deep down everything is unfair in this world and that life either begins or gets over at birth but they cant cope with that so they come up with these shit bluepill copes to maintain their idea of the world being inherently just where only those who dont work hard are relegated to the bottom tier of society. "Bullying builds character" "Bullies peak in high school and work shit jobs while the nerd goes on to work a great job and wins at life"
Psichologists are mostly bluepilled, nobody will actually tell you what the reality is. Its pointless to even bother with anything in society in general as an incel
Not one person but another sub5 would tell you its your looks because of which youre being treated like shit
jfl at whoever said that bullying builds character and you get stronger. This is why so many men end up getting their lives ruined. Bullies deserve a stoning that's the least you can do to this scum.
That is one of the many lies (((they))) have been implanting into our psyche. They tell you, pain and discomfort is what makes you stronger when in reality that is what you want to avoid at all costs
Its a cope like everything else. Normies know deep down everything is unfair in this world and that life either begins or gets over at birth but they cant cope with that so they come up with these shit bluepill copes to maintain their idea of the world being inherently just where only those who dont work hard are relegated to the bottom tier of society. "Bullying builds character" "Bullies peak in high school and work shit jobs while the nerd goes on to work a great job and wins at life"
I am genuinely mindblown how many retards think that screaming and insulting someone at a young age will make them a "better" man. No, they'll just grow inferiority complex and their brain will get used to enter into flight mode whenever they get confronted about anything. Man, fuck those low iq normshits.
That is one of the many lies (((they))) have been implanting into our psyche. They tell you, pain and discomfort is what makes you stronger when in reality that is what you want to avoid at all costs
legit. It's insane how many retards believe in this nonsense. If you were praised as a kid you'll end up being NT , but when you are being abused since an early age it'll be over and your brain is going to be damaged permanently.

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