Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

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Serious The Responses to my Previous Thread Prove The Vast Majority of You Are Intellectual Dwarfs

sorry but tldr ngl:feelsgah::feelsahh:

If you're so High IQ...

Why didn't you link your previous thread in this thread when you wrote it so people who weren't online at the time could check it out?
Educators have used my papers as class material before, I know this is pointless to say, whatever. I know it's true and that's what matters to me. That's why I'm not threatened when people call me low IQ

I have published as well. Big deal. Wont get you laid. You seem like one of those high IQ copers who think you deserve something special. Get in line greycel.
I have published as well. Big deal. Wont get you laid. You seem like one of those high IQ copers who think you deserve something special. Get in line greycel.

>Big deal

There's nothing that's a bigger deal than publishing papers and getting academic history.
You're coping extra hard greycel.

I don't mean in terms of getting laid, but in terms of personal worth. I know people here say sex is everything but I would rather become an intellectual giant respected in the history books like Einstein than be Chad. Of course I would desire both.
but iq is a cope it won't get you laid or anything really, chad can be low iq and still succeed in life
brutal tbh
if you are truly HIGH IQ :feelshaha: tell us , what are the best copes ?and how to break free from the state of suffering , lack of motivation and inceldom after completely TAKING THE BLACKPILL .
when i was bluepilled i was motivated AF but after the blackpill things are different .
come on answer ME .
I would rather become an intellectual giant respected in the history books like Einstein than be Chad. Of course I would desire both.
cope . sex is very important and even help you be more intellectual and hight IQ
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I recently wrote a very well thought out high IQ post. What did I get in response?




Incels.co is not suppose to be the Congo, it's not suppose to be Harlem, it's not suppose to be your get-wasted frat party, it's not suppose to be Afghanistan. The primitives belong to the primitives, and the intellects to the intellects. Incels.co is suppose to be Athens! A place where men who know undiscovered truth can converse and have intellectual discussions using Greek reason to deduce the very nature of reality. The fact that many of you are blackpilled tells me your IQ's are above average, a low IQ individual would have no problem deluding themselves, and would in fact do so as it is the emotionally pleasing thing to do. To think even this semi-superior intellect is being put to pure waste while low IQ Chads used the halo effect their whole life are currently in law school is quite sickening and preposterous. My previous post was so high-IQ, an intellectual and analytical master-piece at examining both the behavior of different individual classifications but on the psycho-systematic structure of incel coping mechanisms. My post delved into advanced copes many on this forum hold but do not even realize they hold it. I will not say I am frustrated, as we live in a purely atheist-deterministic Universe and thus there is no reason to be angry over anything, but I will say I am thoroughly disappointed in the intellectual cowardice.

The vast majority of people on this forum are fucking idiots. I can't even identify with most of them. I used to be on /r/braincels when it used to be a version of /r/incels with legitimately thoughtful posts and without endless memes. Then it turned to garbage as all the regular incels came to post there. I don't identify with most of the low IQ people here and goddamn everyone pisses me off. You bitch about the stupidity of Instagram thots and it pisses me off because you brainlets do not understand that not every foid who rides the cock carousel and spends all their time on social media is stupid.

You know what an example of a stupid foid would be? One who actually marries or dates an incel. You know why? Because every foid in the western world has access to vastly more attractive men who she can sleep with simply by installing Tinder. Every foid can also acquire a beta nu-male who will give her money and gifts in exchange for monthly pity sex. And foids are smart enough to con men into a system where these two options are not mutually exclusive by means of "open relationships" or "polyamory". A foid can have the best sex of her life with a Chad with a big dick and spend an hour in orgasmic bliss nobody here will ever experience while having her material needs catered to by a cuckolded beta male. Only the stupidest possible person would voluntarily turn that system down in favour of being in a monogamous relationship with an incel. Only a very smart person would be able to manipulate a man into disobeying millions of years of evolution and become a genetic dead-end so he can date a single mom. That's why historically men have understood that they need to control women, because women are smart and will manipulate men to their own ends as has happened numerous times.

You're also part of the problem too OP. You're so fucking high on your own arrogance it's astounding. Bragging about your own intelligence contributes nothing to any discussion. You say shit like "Educators have used my papers as class material before," and use big words like "atheist-deterministic Universe" that only serve to show that you can use big words instead of actually transmitting meaning. Bragging about your accomplishments that nobody else can verify is fucking useless. "Educators have used my papers" who gives a shit even if that statement WAS true all it shows is that an educational system full of fuckwits who actually believe that evolutionary biology doesn't apply to humans decided that your writings are good. Why the fuck does that matter when the primary rubric of success in many areas is how much your paper conforms to the dominant ideology of the time? What the fuck does saying "atheist deterministic Universe" even add beyond you flexing your vocabulary? Do you think anyone here will actually know what you mean by "deterministic" beyond "wow you used a big word"? Using those words here typically doesn't add anything to the conversation because by your own admission everyone here is stupid. It's clear you're not actually using the words "atheist deterministic Universe" to convey that we live in a deterministic universe without a God. You're really just doing it to flex on others.

I bet you don't even know what determinism means so here's a primer: a deterministic universe is one where every event has a cause. Events can be caused by other events in a chain of cause and effect. A causes B, which causes C, so on and so forth, all the way back to the "first cause", that which caused all other events. This "first cause" can be either the Big Bang, God, or both depending on who you're asking.

The reason why I'm assuming you don't know what determinism means is because you are flat out wrong in saying we live in a "deterministic universe". We do not live in a perfectly deterministic universe due to quantum physics and the fact that there are random things that occur with no causation. For example, radioactive decay is a completely random event at the microscopic level. A radioactive atom that decays does so randomly, and there is no cause from anywhere else making it do so. It just happens. And because radioactive decay is used in some hardware random number generators, we can say that random events have an observable effect on the universe.
Most of us are low IQ heathens that would be even lower IQ if we could fuck whores all day. You're gonna have to get used to spouting off high IQ gems that will get overlooked and into the ether.
The vast majority of people on this forum are fucking idiots. I can't even identify with most of them. I used to be on /r/braincels when it used to be a version of /r/incels with legitimately thoughtful posts and without endless memes. Then it turned to garbage as all the regular incels came to post there. I don't identify with most of the low IQ people here and goddamn everyone pisses me off. You bitch about the stupidity of Instagram thots and it pisses me off because you brainlets do not understand that not every foid who rides the cock carousel and spends all their time on social media is stupid.

You know what an example of a stupid foid would be? One who actually marries or dates an incel. You know why? Because every foid in the western world has access to vastly more attractive men who she can sleep with simply by installing Tinder. Every foid can also acquire a beta nu-male who will give her money and gifts in exchange for monthly pity sex. And foids are smart enough to con men into a system where these two options are not mutually exclusive by means of "open relationships" or "polyamory". A foid can have the best sex of her life with a Chad with a big dick and spend an hour in orgasmic bliss nobody here will ever experience while having her material needs catered to by a cuckolded beta male. Only the stupidest possible person would voluntarily turn that system down in favour of being in a monogamous relationship with an incel. Only a very smart person would be able to manipulate a man into disobeying millions of years of evolution and become a genetic dead-end so he can date a single mom. That's why historically men have understood that they need to control women, because women are smart and will manipulate men to their own ends as has happened numerous times.

You're also part of the problem too OP. You're so fucking high on your own arrogance it's astounding. Bragging about your own intelligence contributes nothing to any discussion. You say shit like "Educators have used my papers as class material before," and use big words like "atheist-deterministic Universe" that only serve to show that you can use big words instead of actually transmitting meaning. Bragging about your accomplishments that nobody else can verify is fucking useless. "Educators have used my papers" who gives a shit even if that statement WAS true all it shows is that an educational system full of fuckwits who actually believe that evolutionary biology doesn't apply to humans decided that your writings are good. Why the fuck does that matter when the primary rubric of success in many areas is how much your paper conforms to the dominant ideology of the time? What the fuck does saying "atheist deterministic Universe" even add beyond you flexing your vocabulary? Do you think anyone here will actually know what you mean by "deterministic" beyond "wow you used a big word"? Using those words here typically doesn't add anything to the conversation because by your own admission everyone here is stupid. It's clear you're not actually using the words "atheist deterministic Universe" to convey that we live in a deterministic universe without a God. You're really just doing it to flex on others.

I bet you don't even know what determinism means so here's a primer: a deterministic universe is one where every event has a cause. Events can be caused by other events in a chain of cause and effect. A causes B, which causes C, so on and so forth, all the way back to the "first cause", that which caused all other events. This "first cause" can be either the Big Bang, God, or both depending on who you're asking.

The reason why I'm assuming you don't know what determinism means is because you are flat out wrong in saying we live in a "deterministic universe". We do not live in a perfectly deterministic universe due to quantum physics and the fact that there are random things that occur with no causation. For example, radioactive decay is a completely random event at the microscopic level. A radioactive atom that decays does so randomly, and there is no cause from anywhere else making it do so. It just happens. And because radioactive decay is used in some hardware random number generators, we can say that random events have an observable effect on the universe.
The real high IQ post tbh
We are not less than those creatures that live in bliss and paradise.
Because we are on opposit pole of bliss. We live in the centre of hell.
Our idenity and pride is to be dark as night
The vast majority of people on this forum are fucking idiots. I can't even identify with most of them. I used to be on /r/braincels when it used to be a version of /r/incels with legitimately thoughtful posts and without endless memes. Then it turned to garbage as all the regular incels came to post there. I don't identify with most of the low IQ people here and goddamn everyone pisses me off. You bitch about the stupidity of Instagram thots and it pisses me off because you brainlets do not understand that not every foid who rides the cock carousel and spends all their time on social media is stupid.

You know what an example of a stupid foid would be? One who actually marries or dates an incel. You know why? Because every foid in the western world has access to vastly more attractive men who she can sleep with simply by installing Tinder. Every foid can also acquire a beta nu-male who will give her money and gifts in exchange for monthly pity sex. And foids are smart enough to con men into a system where these two options are not mutually exclusive by means of "open relationships" or "polyamory". A foid can have the best sex of her life with a Chad with a big dick and spend an hour in orgasmic bliss nobody here will ever experience while having her material needs catered to by a cuckolded beta male. Only the stupidest possible person would voluntarily turn that system down in favour of being in a monogamous relationship with an incel. Only a very smart person would be able to manipulate a man into disobeying millions of years of evolution and become a genetic dead-end so he can date a single mom. That's why historically men have understood that they need to control women, because women are smart and will manipulate men to their own ends as has happened numerous times.

You're also part of the problem too OP. You're so fucking high on your own arrogance it's astounding. Bragging about your own intelligence contributes nothing to any discussion. You say shit like "Educators have used my papers as class material before," and use big words like "atheist-deterministic Universe" that only serve to show that you can use big words instead of actually transmitting meaning. Bragging about your accomplishments that nobody else can verify is fucking useless. "Educators have used my papers" who gives a shit even if that statement WAS true all it shows is that an educational system full of fuckwits who actually believe that evolutionary biology doesn't apply to humans decided that your writings are good. Why the fuck does that matter when the primary rubric of success in many areas is how much your paper conforms to the dominant ideology of the time? What the fuck does saying "atheist deterministic Universe" even add beyond you flexing your vocabulary? Do you think anyone here will actually know what you mean by "deterministic" beyond "wow you used a big word"? Using those words here typically doesn't add anything to the conversation because by your own admission everyone here is stupid. It's clear you're not actually using the words "atheist deterministic Universe" to convey that we live in a deterministic universe without a God. You're really just doing it to flex on others.

I bet you don't even know what determinism means so here's a primer: a deterministic universe is one where every event has a cause. Events can be caused by other events in a chain of cause and effect. A causes B, which causes C, so on and so forth, all the way back to the "first cause", that which caused all other events. This "first cause" can be either the Big Bang, God, or both depending on who you're asking.

The reason why I'm assuming you don't know what determinism means is because you are flat out wrong in saying we live in a "deterministic universe". We do not live in a perfectly deterministic universe due to quantum physics and the fact that there are random things that occur with no causation. For example, radioactive decay is a completely random event at the microscopic level. A radioactive atom that decays does so randomly, and there is no cause from anywhere else making it do so. It just happens. And because radioactive decay is used in some hardware random number generators, we can say that random events have an observable effect on the universe.

The Universe we live in is 100% deterministic. Quantum mechanics is 100% pre-deterministic and controlled by laws which we haven't figured out. There is no randomness, even quantum jumps from subatomic particles are 100% predetermined since the big bang by the laws of physics. Hawking clarified this when idiots said "Quantum mechanics disproves determinism" by stating that quantum mechanics like everything is determined by purely mechanical laws, we just haven't discovered them yet. It's impossible for any matter to change state without a cause and all things remaining the same all causes have the same effect.

I agree with the first part of your post about women being smart, but you also strawmanned me by saying i said humans are immune from evolutionary biology.
Most of us are low IQ heathens that would be even lower IQ if we could fuck whores all day. You're gonna have to get used to spouting off high IQ gems that will get overlooked and into the ether.

The real high IQ post tbh

No it's not, he thinks qunatum mechanics is not deterministic.
brutal tbh
if you are truly HIGH IQ :feelshaha: tell us , what are the best copes ?and how to break free from the state of suffering , lack of motivation and inceldom after completely TAKING THE BLACKPILL .
when i was bluepilled i was motivated AF but after the blackpill things are different .
come on answer ME .

cope . sex is very important and even help you be more intellectual and hight IQ
the higher iq you are, the harder it is to cope, bc you're more deeply aware of how over it is

the higher iq the incel, the more likely he'll rope, the lower iq the incel, the more likely he'll be happy with vidya, postmaxxing and shit like that
The Universe we live in is 100% deterministic. Quantum mechanics is 100% pre-deterministic and controlled by laws which we haven't figured out. There is no randomness, even quantum jumps from subatomic particles are 100% predetermined since the big bang by the laws of physics. Hawking clarified this when idiots said "Quantum mechanics disproves determinism" by stating that quantum mechanics like everything is determined by purely mechanical laws, we just haven't discovered them yet. It's impossible for any matter to change state without a cause and all things remaining the same all causes have the same effect.

I agree with the first part of your post about women being smart, but you also strawmanned me by saying i said humans are immune from evolutionary biology.

No it's not, he thinks qunatum mechanics is not deterministic.

"It's impossible for any matter to change state without a cause and all things remaining the same all causes have the same effect" is dogmatism. Quantum mechanics is indeterminate. That's part of the entire theory. Here's a link to a Wikipedia article which provides lots of info on this exact subject.

I also didn't say anything about your opinions on evolutionary biology. I said that the educational system is run by people who don't believe in evolutionary biology w/r/t humans, which is why their opinions aren't necessarily worthwhile.
I recently wrote a very well thought out high IQ post. What did I get in response?




Incels.co is not suppose to be the Congo, it's not suppose to be Harlem, it's not suppose to be your get-wasted frat party, it's not suppose to be Afghanistan. The primitives belong to the primitives, and the intellects to the intellects. Incels.co is suppose to be Athens! A place where men who know undiscovered truth can converse and have intellectual discussions using Greek reason to deduce the very nature of reality. The fact that many of you are blackpilled tells me your IQ's are above average, a low IQ individual would have no problem deluding themselves, and would in fact do so as it is the emotionally pleasing thing to do. To think even this semi-superior intellect is being put to pure waste while low IQ Chads used the halo effect their whole life are currently in law school is quite sickening and preposterous. My previous post was so high-IQ, an intellectual and analytical master-piece at examining both the behavior of different individual classifications but on the psycho-systematic structure of incel coping mechanisms. My post delved into advanced copes many on this forum hold but do not even realize they hold it. I will not say I am frustrated, as we live in a purely atheist-deterministic Universe and thus there is no reason to be angry over anything, but I will say I am thoroughly disappointed in the intellectual cowardice.
One sign of intelligence is being able to make your point in a concise manner. it's one thing if your posts are long because of citing examples, but if it takes you so long to explain yourself, you probably aren't as smart as you think you are.
One sign of intelligence is being able to make your point in a concise manner. it's one thing if your posts are long because of citing examples, but if it takes you so long to explain yourself, you probably aren't as smart as you think you are.

If i shortened my post it would come at the expense of detail, which i was not willing to do. Low IQ post.
"It's impossible for any matter to change state without a cause and all things remaining the same all causes have the same effect" is dogmatism. Quantum mechanics is indeterminate. That's part of the entire theory. Here's a link to a Wikipedia article which provides lots of info on this exact subject.

I also didn't say anything about your opinions on evolutionary biology. I said that the educational system is run by people who don't believe in evolutionary biology w/r/t humans, which is why their opinions aren't necessarily worthwhile.

Quantum indetermacy just means we as humans can't determine their behavior. There are still objective and unchanging laws governing quantum properties and movements.
My iq is huge but i'm tired
I believe my writing should be designed for the intellectual elite, not the lowest common denominator
Why? Wouldn't it be more effective to communicate your ideas to the masses? The issues incels face are caused by the masses gas lighting and victimizing us instead of facing blackpill truths. Its to our benefit to change as many minds as possible.

People with high IQ already know the world is shit and posts like yours amount to intellectual masturbation.
I know man. The best threads get shit replies :feelscry:
@MENSA_IQcel macadamia is a huge cope. Glad you admit that if you could indulge in hedonistic pleasure, you would, as would most of us.

Most of the posters on this forum are lowIQcels who come here to postmaxx. Also the medium is the message. If you post a wall of boring text, don't expect people to read. You can't expect everyone to be a high attention span highIQcel. Sometimes you need to tell a parable or a joke rather than a long winded essay. Shorter messages have more potential for memetics, especially if they have an underlying truth.
I had a similar avatar for a while.

But i switched back to my funny one.
Why? Wouldn't it be more effective to communicate your ideas to the masses? The issues incels face are caused by the masses gas lighting and victimizing us instead of facing blackpill truths. Its to our benefit to change as many minds as possible.

People with high IQ already know the world is shit and posts like yours amount to intellectual masturbation.

Just LOL if you think we're going to chnage the minds of the masses. The purpose of discussion is the pursuit of objective truth, not "mass blackpilling"
@MENSA_IQcel macadamia is a huge cope. Glad you admit that if you could indulge in hedonistic pleasure, you would, as would most of us.

Most of the posters on this forum are lowIQcels who come here to postmaxx. Also the medium is the message. If you post a wall of boring text, don't expect people to read. You can't expect everyone to be a high attention span highIQcel. Sometimes you need to tell a parable or a joke rather than a long winded essay. Shorter messages have more potential for memetics, especially if they have an underlying truth.

Unfortunately this is true, oh well, my posts will separate the wheat from the shaft.
The Universe we live in is 100% deterministic. Quantum mechanics is 100% pre-deterministic and controlled by laws which we haven't figured out.

This sounds dogmatic. You assume that it's deterministic and then proceed to disregard any sign or evidence of indeterminacy as yet-to-be-explained determinism.

This is just as bad as throwing away the data because it doesn't fit the theory.
Tl;dr, but it's spelled dwarves, retard.
I read. I have good attention span and yes it was annoying when they say "didn't read" but now I don't care.
This thread went to shit 2 pages ago. Now I'm here to postmaxx. Sorry OP.
This sounds dogmatic. You assume that it's deterministic and then proceed to disregard any sign or evidence of indeterminacy as yet-to-be-explained determinism.

This is just as bad as throwing away the data because it doesn't fit the theory.

Nothing in Quantum Mechanics ever suggested the universe wasn't deterministic.
Nothing in Quantum Mechanics ever suggested the universe wasn't deterministic.

You've obviously never studied physics.

Bell's theorem is disproven for non-local events, like entanglement. Classically, there must always be a causal chain, which is deterministic, but the very nature of the probabilistic system breaks down the chain non-locally. You either have to explain away the local effects of non-locality through hidden, unknown variables (aka magic), or you have to concede the local causal chain.
I'm not in social sciences, but you would be a fool not to take it seriously. The people at my Universities law school IQ-mog you into oblivion.
you sound pretty smart and most of the stuff you posted are high iq as well. i think you should just edit the formatting if you want more people to read your stuff
I recently wrote a very well thought out high IQ post. What did I get in response?




Incels.co is not suppose to be the Congo, it's not suppose to be Harlem, it's not suppose to be your get-wasted frat party, it's not suppose to be Afghanistan. The primitives belong to the primitives, and the intellects to the intellects. Incels.co is suppose to be Athens! A place where men who know undiscovered truth can converse and have intellectual discussions using Greek reason to deduce the very nature of reality. The fact that many of you are blackpilled tells me your IQ's are above average, a low IQ individual would have no problem deluding themselves, and would in fact do so as it is the emotionally pleasing thing to do. To think even this semi-superior intellect is being put to pure waste while low IQ Chads used the halo effect their whole life are currently in law school is quite sickening and preposterous. My previous post was so high-IQ, an intellectual and analytical master-piece at examining both the behavior of different individual classifications but on the psycho-systematic structure of incel coping mechanisms. My post delved into advanced copes many on this forum hold but do not even realize they hold it. I will not say I am frustrated, as we live in a purely atheist-deterministic Universe and thus there is no reason to be angry over anything, but I will say I am thoroughly disappointed in the intellectual cowardice.

Hmmm, maybe you will actually hear my proposal.

What do you think about creating a home for incels? a place to escape this clown world?

Starting out we could live in small tribes on the sea

or on land

If we lack numbers then we could add to our ranks preppers/survivalist/homesteaders or anarchists
Hmmm, maybe you will actually hear my proposal.

What do you think about creating a home for incels? a place to escape this clown world?

Starting out we could live in small tribes on the sea
View attachment 229801
or on land
View attachment 229800

If we lack numbers then we could add to our ranks preppers/survivalist/homesteaders or anarchists

I like the idea of a home for incels but why would you invite anarchists? They are mostly SJW freaks.
you sound pretty smart and most of the stuff you posted are high iq as well. i think you should just edit the formatting if you want more people to read your stuff

I've been working on that a bit more, I think that is my primary flaw.
You've obviously never studied physics.

Bell's theorem is disproven for non-local events, like entanglement. Classically, there must always be a causal chain, which is deterministic, but the very nature of the probabilistic system breaks down the chain non-locally. You either have to explain away the local effects of non-locality through hidden, unknown variables (aka magic), or you have to concede the local causal chain.

I never did study physics but I read Hawking's "Brief History of Time". Hawking makes it very clear that logically the cause and effect rule still applies to the quantum realm. The only reason the quantum world can be measured in probability is because we don't have the exact tools to determine the specific causes and their effects on the subatomic level. It's foolish to say it's completely random just because we can't see or measure the exact cause and effect relationship.
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I never did study physics but I read Hawking's "Brief History of Time". Hawking makes it very clear that logically the cause and effect rule still applies to the quantum realm. The only reason the quantum world can be measured in probability is because we don't have the exact tools to determine the specific causes and their effects on the subatomic level. It's foolish to say it's completely random just because we can't see or measure the exact cause and effect relationship.

You're conflating probability and randomness. They are not the same thing. Probability is, "the outcome of event x is A% and the outcome of event y is B%." Randomness is, "we don't know the probabilities of x, or y, and are not sure if there even might be a u, v, w, or even z." Hawking is saying something to the effect of, "we believe there must be C, D, and E percentages for u, v, and w."

If a causal link is hypothesized (or known) to be probabilistic, and if that probability is unknown, or even unknowable, then it must follow that the causal link is indeterminate. Quantum mechanics gives us very strong evidence for indeterminism, though technically it's not a proof for it.

Determinism is on slow acting quicksand. More experimental evidence will increase the rate of the sinking.
I like the idea of a home for incels but why would you invite anarchists? They are mostly SJW freaks.

Well I was thinking mostly about anarco-capitalism when talking about anarchists


Who would you invite btw?

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