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Serious The Responses to my Previous Thread Prove The Vast Majority of You Are Intellectual Dwarfs

Also what evidence do you back up your claims with?
Read half of it and all you do is state things and false and "laughable"
You really are just an arrogant retards.
Unironically this is why you incel

My evidence is my personal combination of read books, scholarly articles, personal experiences, academic journals that all combined to form my current worldview. Actually, since I am close to being a PHD, I could cite myself as the source and it would be academically valid.
My evidence is my personal combination of read books, scholarly articles, personal experiences, academic journals that all combined to form my current worldview. Actually, since I am close to being a PHD, I could cite myself as the source and it would be academically valid.
So it is your opinion, and you are so high iq that it must be right and everyone else is wrong.
PHD in social sciences don't mean shit.
Self awareness doesn't meant high IQ. Many people on this site are very low IQ, including me.
Yeah same here I’m just knowledgeable in some areas, while others I’m a complete utter brainlet retard.
All the theorys have already been covered.
Ops original thread is just an over explained, poorly formatted rehash of countless other threads and opinions.
There is nothing new under the sun and we do not need arrogant greycels coming on here thinking they are somehow more enlightened or intelligent than everyone else.
This forum is now for copes and shitposting.
This tbh.
All the incels helped build the wiki and pretty much everything is covered there.

It doesn't cover the depression/anxiety incels suffer from and its impact on brain capabilities which will further bring down their social value and their descent towards mentalcel.
Maybe i'll make a scientific thread about that some day but i'm pretty much jaded right now for this endeavour.
My evidence is my personal combination of read books, scholarly articles, personal experiences, academic journals that all combined to form my current worldview. Actually, since I am close to being a PHD, I could cite myself as the source and it would be academically valid.
And you’re close to a Ph.D. in what? From which university?
And you’re close to a Ph.D. in what? From which university?

I have published papers so I do not want to dox myself. It's in a very math intensive field, that's all I'm going to say.
muh scientific blackpill pseudo intellectuals 02wowowo2323q2923orto305jukllkkpijmt

All the theorys have already been covered.
Ops original thread is just an over explained, poorly formatted rehash of countless other threads and opinions.
There is nothing new under the sun and we do not need arrogant greycels coming on here thinking they are somehow more enlightened or intelligent than everyone else.
This forum is now for copes and shitposting.
It's not really high iq to generalize, just because a few of the users here write some shit like that
I honestly think this guy is writing in this stick-up-his-ass tone and attitude as a way to generate controversy and postmaxx
Large blocks of text fron greycels are pretty much instantly discarded around here.

Also, OP tried way too hard to sound smart and is therefore a faggot for life
tdlr im gonna make a poopie in my pants
So have I.

Educators have used my papers as class material before, I know this is pointless to say, whatever. I know it's true and that's what matters to me. That's why I'm not threatened when people call me low IQ
Educators have used my papers as class material before, I know this is pointless to say, whatever. I know it's true and that's what matters to me. That's why I'm not threatened when people call me low IQ
Just larp on an anonymous incel board theory.
You must know that none of your claims have any weight right
Educators have used my papers as class material before, I know this is pointless to say, whatever. I know it's true and that's what matters to me. That's why I'm not threatened when people call me low IQ
I feel like it is okay to be prideful about your achievements. But the fact that you cite your intelligence - a trait I generously suppose you have - in a way that seems so vigorously and intimately connected with your identity is why users here are calling it your cope.
Just larp on an anonymous incel board theory.
You must know that none of your claims have any weight right

I get validation from your comment because the fact that my accomplishments are literally unbelievable make me feel even more intelligent. I have done what no other incel can even BELIEVE i have done.
Educators have used my papers as class material before, I know this is pointless to say, whatever. I know it's true and that's what matters to me. That's why I'm not threatened when people call me low IQ
Don’t worry about it. I can tell you are an intelligent articulated man. Some people are jealous of others being able to interpret different theories that don’t confirm to their outlook. We should welcome all new ideas and perspectives from others with an open mind. Maybe since you’re new it’s ruffled some feathers with some, mainly because of your self-confidence in your intellectual abilities.
I feel like it is okay to be prideful about your achievements. But the fact that you cite your intelligence - a trait I generously suppose you have - in a way that seems so vigorously and intimately connected with your identity why users here are calling it your cope.

The reason I base my entire identity off my intelligence is because I want to draw more incels into discussions like these. I hope people see my avatar, name, and challenge my ideas. I hope it brings forth positive dialogue much like BlackPilPres and Fontaine did.
I get validation from your comment because the fact that my accomplishments are literally unbelievable make me feel even more intelligent. I have done what no other incel can even BELIEVE i have done.
I don't take social sciences seriously.
I am working towards a masters in engineering, and have been offered a PHD.
Do you believe me, does it matter?
Don’t worry about it. I can tell you are an intelligent articulated man. Some people are jealous of others being able to interpret different theories that don’t confirm to their outlook. We should welcome all new ideas and perspectives from others with an open mind. Maybe since you’re new it’s ruffled some feathers with some, mainly because of your self-confidence in your intellectual abilities.

Thank you. I know it comes off as self-aggrandizing but I want people to feel challenged so they are tempted to engage in more discussion.
I don't take social sciences seriously.
I am working towards a masters in engineering, and have been offered a PHD.
Do you believe me, does it matter?

I'm not in social sciences, but you would be a fool not to take it seriously. The people at my Universities law school IQ-mog you into oblivion.
Thank you. I know it comes off as self-aggrandizing but I want people to feel challenged so they are tempted to engage in more discussion.

I'm not in social sciences, but you would be a fool not to take it seriously. The people at my Universities law school IQ-mog you into oblivion.
Oh boo hoo, I am sad now
Thank you. I know it comes off as self-aggrandizing but I want people to feel challenged so they are tempted to engage in more discussion.
Did you post originally on braincels?

Also I’ll add most users here are teenagers who still have a limited intellectual capacity. Most need to be drip fed meme style content to appease their mind. Posts with many paragraphs tend to get lost onto them and so they just give up, hence you get the “LOL didn’t read” replies.
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"The Vast Majority of You Are Intellectual Dwarfs"
Brutal intellectual heightpill
The reason I base my entire identity off my intelligence is because I want to draw more incels into discussions like these. I hope people see my avatar, name, and challenge my ideas. I hope it brings forth positive dialogue much like BlackPilPres and Fontaine did.
If you want people to listen to you seriously, maybe you should write posts with easily accessible, valuable content rather than “challenging” or goading them into a discussion based on your presentation of yourself as an arrogant, insufferable character.

Oh boo hoo, I am sad now
I’m not even sure law is considered a social science. Isn’t it more like a professional field? It’s like calling medicine science.
I recently wrote a very well thought out high IQ post. What did I get in response?




Incels.co is not suppose to be the Congo, it's not suppose to be Harlem, it's not suppose to be your get-wasted frat party, it's not suppose to be Afghanistan. The primitives belong to the primitives, and the intellects to the intellects. Incels.co is suppose to be Athens! A place where men who know undiscovered truth can converse and have intellectual discussions using Greek reason to deduce the very nature of reality. The fact that many of you are blackpilled tells me your IQ's are above average, a low IQ individual would have no problem deluding themselves, and would in fact do so as it is the emotionally pleasing thing to do. To think even this semi-superior intellect is being put to pure waste while low IQ Chads used the halo effect their whole life are currently in law school is quite sickening and preposterous. My previous post was so high-IQ, an intellectual and analytical master-piece at examining both the behavior of different individual classifications but on the psycho-systematic structure of incel coping mechanisms. My post delved into advanced copes many on this forum hold but do not even realize they hold it. I will not say I am frustrated, as we live in a purely atheist-deterministic Universe and thus there is no reason to be angry over anything, but I will say I am thoroughly disappointed in the intellectual cowardice.

We have an abundance of attention whoring larpers who are only on here to get their dopamine validation hits with being featured in obscure forums & media, post maxing garbage to make a status of themselves here & other nefarious reasons.
Self awareness doesn't meant high IQ. Many people on this site are very low IQ, including me.
This, I wouldnt be surprised if the average iq here was 90 or something. Lots of people here are beyond retarded (not literally (probably))

Also mister high iq, use it to examine the audience you are dealing with and then either adapt your theories/posts to them or be frustrated that nobody here with a 10 second attention span reads it.
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didn’t read because your a greycel but most people say that shit when the post appears long no matter how “high iq” it is
You and @BlkPillPres can talk. I don’t know how long you have been lurking here but a lot of us are low IQ high school dropouts. I think the incel wiki has a lot of factual content already written so it is hard to say something new or different. Also jumping into here is like diving into a pool of diarrhea and complaining you only found a nugget or two. There are many aspies here too, the really unlike able type that looks down on everyone or talks down to people.
My evidence is my personal combination of read books, scholarly articles, personal experiences, academic journals that all combined to form my current worldview. Actually, since I am close to being a PHD, I could cite myself as the source and it would be academically valid.

Wait, hang on. A PhD in what?
@MENSA_IQcel whats the other post?
aztooktheblackpill (18:03:21): too long, didn't read
I recently wrote a very well thought out high IQ post. What did I get in response?




Incels.co is not suppose to be the Congo, it's not suppose to be Harlem, it's not suppose to be your get-wasted frat party, it's not suppose to be Afghanistan. The primitives belong to the primitives, and the intellects to the intellects. Incels.co is suppose to be Athens! A place where men who know undiscovered truth can converse and have intellectual discussions using Greek reason to deduce the very nature of reality. The fact that many of you are blackpilled tells me your IQ's are above average, a low IQ individual would have no problem deluding themselves, and would in fact do so as it is the emotionally pleasing thing to do. To think even this semi-superior intellect is being put to pure waste while low IQ Chads used the halo effect their whole life are currently in law school is quite sickening and preposterous. My previous post was so high-IQ, an intellectual and analytical master-piece at examining both the behavior of different individual classifications but on the psycho-systematic structure of incel coping mechanisms. My post delved into advanced copes many on this forum hold but do not even realize they hold it. I will not say I am frustrated, as we live in a purely atheist-deterministic Universe and thus there is no reason to be angry over anything, but I will say I am thoroughly disappointed in the intellectual cowardice.

Aristotle IQ
Literally Who?
Making a high effort post as a greycel isn’t very small
Educators have used my papers as class material before, I know this is pointless to say, whatever. I know it's true and that's what matters to me. That's why I'm not threatened when people call me low IQ
What are you studying? Being such a clever cunt, surely you are aware that word are empty on the internet. I could claim to be pilot or something an back it up with things found online - it doesn't prove anything. I'm not saying you aren't high iq. I just think if your trying too hard to prove you are; which generally means that you are not. Like trump for example: says hes a 'stable geniuse' that he 'knows all the best words' etc. The guys a fuckin retard, he can hardly string a coherent sentence together. Just because you say you are clever does not make it so.
Fucking pleddit incel subreddits used to be higher IQ than this forum, most people here are postmaxing spergs and shitposters and would unironically be better off migrating to 4cuck.
Fucking pleddit incel subreddits used to be higher IQ than this forum, most people here are postmaxing spergs and shitposters and would unironically be better off migrating to 4cuck.
that would be a great advice if 4chan wasn't full of blupilled pol tradcucks or worse, HRT/tranny/fembot shilling r9k retards
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that would be a great advice if 4chan wasn't full of blupilled pol tradcucks or worse, hrt/tranny shilling r9k retards
And most people here are cucks who would have no problem with betabuxing some used up whore if she would "settle" for them and are speck of female attention away from dropping everything that life taught them and becoming another vicious pseudo-normie. I'd say that they would make a good company with failed normies on 4cuck.
Are you sure you lurked enough before joining?
Anyways, welcome fellow nerdcel.
Incels.co is known for being an extremely varied place in which male virgins congregate to vent and share ideas, with this being the only criteria it invites ample diversity when it comes to intellect and philosophical views. If I had to pin the reasoning behind the response behind to your post, I'd say it's mostly because it's the natural human response to attack that which challenges its pride.

(Well, that and the fact that postmaxxing and achieving a high post count is highly addictive and leads to a low attention span. But they'll still make a post on the thread regardless of if they have anything to actually contribute towards it or not).

Baseline, don't expect much from the general user that posts here, most of them are simply regular people who vent their frustrations and try to cope with their situation by taking seemingly irrational actions.

You can't prevent human nature, even the most intelligent people aren't immune to their animalistic nature (although they don't succumb to it nearly as frequently). We're all worthless here pewpew.
I recently wrote a very well thought out high IQ post. What did I get in response?




Incels.co is not suppose to be the Congo, it's not suppose to be Harlem, it's not suppose to be your get-wasted frat party, it's not suppose to be Afghanistan. The primitives belong to the primitives, and the intellects to the intellects. Incels.co is suppose to be Athens! A place where men who know undiscovered truth can converse and have intellectual discussions using Greek reason to deduce the very nature of reality. The fact that many of you are blackpilled tells me your IQ's are above average, a low IQ individual would have no problem deluding themselves, and would in fact do so as it is the emotionally pleasing thing to do. To think even this semi-superior intellect is being put to pure waste while low IQ Chads used the halo effect their whole life are currently in law school is quite sickening and preposterous. My previous post was so high-IQ, an intellectual and analytical master-piece at examining both the behavior of different individual classifications but on the psycho-systematic structure of incel coping mechanisms. My post delved into advanced copes many on this forum hold but do not even realize they hold it. I will not say I am frustrated, as we live in a purely atheist-deterministic Universe and thus there is no reason to be angry over anything, but I will say I am thoroughly disappointed in the intellectual cowardice.

This forum is not the best place for intellectuals but still decent platform to express your thoughts. PLEASE don't be discouraged by the lowIQ postmaxers.

Referring to Plato's five regimes I would say we live in a Democracy. The poor are the norm - and here Intellectual poverty is the norm.

But it should not discourage you, and the rest of the high IQ poster, to post and have conversations. You can also PM to other high IQ posters they are quite often very responsive so you can have chat (or group chat) conversations.
This forum is not the best place for intellectuals but still decent platform to express your thoughts. PLEASE don't be discouraged by the lowIQ postmaxers.

Referring to Plato's five regimes I would say we live in a Democracy. The poor are the norm - and here Intellectual poverty is the norm.

But it should not discourage you, and the rest of the high IQ poster, to post and have conversations. You can also PM to other high IQ posters they are quite often very responsive so you can have chat (or group chat) conversations.

I have been doing that actually, had quite a few great discussions. There are quite a few great users here, it's all about separating the shaft
Follow Orwell's six rules of writing. Your fancy five dollar words amounts to you showing off and tldr responses.

Also, you can click into people's profiles and ignore. Their low is posts won't show up. Shape your own echo chamber.
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Follow Orwell's six rules of writing. Your fancy five dollar words amounts to you showing off and tldr responses.

Also, you can click into people's profiles and ignore. Their low is posts won't show up. Shape your own echo chamber.

I believe my writing should be designed for the intellectual elite, not the lowest common denominator

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