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Serious The reason faggots are faggots?

The reason faggots are faggots?

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I didn't say that. Please go and kys right fucking now.
if it is not genetic then what is it? you can't just change your sexuality on a whim by looking at naked men or viewing porn
if it is not genetic then what is it?
The environment. Children, teenagers, and even young adults are impressionable. The incel-tranny pipeline is an example.


you can't just change your sexuality on a whim by looking at naked men or viewing porn
Nobody is saying that, you fucking mongrel. JFL
The environment. Children, teenagers, and even young adults are impressionable. The incel-tranny pipeline is an example.

yeah bro straight kids/teens are so impressionable that's why they scream and run away if a gay kid tries anything on them
holy fuck you're seriously bluepilled, especially for a 2019 user
Nigger, I wrote five sentences you couldn't even bother reading the whole thing.
Absolutely I agree with you I wasn't arguing. I completely think you're on point.
They could, but they aren’t fucking degenerate fucks
Imagine losing your time hating on fags yet you don’t comprehend every single soul on this earth is rotten and need to be exterminated
Probably genetic predisposition
Biological life will never be perfect. ur dna mutates when replicated and thats how we end up incels or chads. Some are lucky to have been born beautiful and others not.
The gay thing is probably one of these mutations gone wrong. The fagg freaks also want others to be born the same fucked up way so they molest kids and spread lgbt propaganda into normie society to create more freaks.
Mental illness.

There is no gene that makes you gay.

Data tells us otherwise. Today's young demographics report a large % identifying as LGBT. You could argue that in the past it was taboo to identify as gay, but gays have been culturally acceptable in the West for over 40 years. Faggots don't appear out of thin air and nobody is born a faggot. Where do you think all of these new faggots are coming from?
In addition to what based meme said I know some will say “b-but it was just a tv show!” for what I’m about to say but here goes…

In the old HBO prison series Oz the show pointed out in one of its stories that a previously normal, stable heterosexual man could gradually be turned gay or at least bisexual if he was regularly beaten, raped, abused, had his life regularly threatened and was quite simply desperately lonely, deeply confused, searching for any love at all and tragically emotionally vulnerable.

It made the case that a normal man could be so beaten down by life and the horrible things that happened to him in it that he could eventually be turned out and made into a form of fag by another because he not only stopped caring about strictly holding to his straight person feelings and convictions but because once again he was so craving acceptance and intimacy in his nightmare prison environment that he’d take those things even if it required being in the arms of a fag and becoming a fag himself in order to get them.

This story was told in the Keller and Beecher story arc of Oz and I find it completely plausible.

Infact I think it’s even worse in today’s world in regards to what I call the artificial creation of the faggot meaning I believe in todays clown world there are more faggots than there otherwise would ever be due to Liberal/Jewish social engineering encouraging sexually confused young kids to just give faggotry a try as well we here all know of weaker incels disgracefully “trooning out” because they simply can’t take the loneliness of our condition and would rather ruin their body via surgery and hormones and getting pounded in the butt regularly to avoid it.

Additionally going back to the options in the poll claiming to be a faggot automatically gets you attention via degenerate leftists calling you stunning and brave (easy to that when you’ve got the federal government and media backing you) and again there’s plenty of young, dumb, directionless kids out there without natural strong convictions who are highly susceptible to the fag brainwashing and agenda because they want to fit in somewhere anywhere and have a community to belong to in order to feel accepted and loved and avoid loneliness but unfortunately for them theres the high price of being pounded in the butt and possibly contracting HIV/AIDS to be fully embraced by the community of these sick fucks to have to contend with.

So if the fags and far left can say white males only become MAGA or Neo Nazis or hu-white sue pray mysts because it’s the tribal human desire to feel special and a part of a group well then pot meet kettle you poofs, you’re doing the same exact thing and what’s more half of you aren’t even really fags.

You‘re just mentally weak and degenerate and looking for a group to belong to in order to feel special so you attached yourself to the lgbtq fags because you probably deemed it the best fit due to your weak frame, weak morals, beaten down emotions and utter lack of convictions.
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All of the above. No two people are exactly the same. This is not something you can generalize
anyone who says fags are fags because of environment or being molested as a kid are coping hard. you can't turn a straight guy into a faggot. you're either straight or not, nothing will change that
hardcore porn addiction can give people the impression they are faggots, well known phenomena. It can also turn people into pedophiles.
Incel.is users are specifically tasked by me to answer this very important and pressing societal matter. :feelshehe:
The reason faggots are faggots?
It is because GENETICS, The Blackpill Answer is; They are Homosexual because they have a Genetic Predisposition to Like Dick or Whatever.
There are many cases of animals outside of the Human Species showing Homosexual Behavior towards their own species.
Here is a Documentary on it

Just like Straight people didn't have a choice between being straight and being a faggot, Neither do Homosexuals. They realized at Puberty that "Man-butt" is sexy, the same way Straight People felt aroused at women butts around Puberty.
The Blackpill remains Undefeated. Even Faggots Cannot escape the Blackpill.
Either there were molested as children or they just want to do it out of desperation. An example of the latter would be men in the military & in prison turning to faggotry. Probably because there's no women around those environments .
Lack of parenting + unrestricted internet access in the current year + Disney channel
thats just attention seekers such as women claiming lesbian

wrong. clearly neither of you have ever known a gay person. sexuality is genetic, my cousin for example is a typical fag and tried touching me when i was 9 and him 10 or 11, he liked doing that while i thought it was disgusting and told him to gtfo (subconscious reaction)
Why the fuck, do we care.

What the fuck is your point to arguing about the source of faggots.


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Then how come there r so many more fags and trans these days when b4 trans didnt even used 2 exist? Dont underestimate environment
You don't get flayed alive anymore for liking cock as a man maybe? LOL
chemicals : PFAS, soy, processed foods, atrazine in water
All the reasons but mainly genetics
Data tells us otherwise. Today's young demographics report a large % identifying as LGBT. You could argue that in the past it was taboo to identify as gay, but gays have been culturally acceptable in the West for over 40 years. Faggots don't appear out of thin air and nobody is born a faggot. Where do you think all of these new faggots are coming from?
They were afraid to come out as their true nature because it was highly illegal & deadly they were always there ...

I saw some kids who were gay even without pedophile parents or any propaganda who were gay by default they're just like that otherwise there wouldn't be gays in tight controlled societies like muslims or dictatorships makes no sense...

If you argue it's a mental illness it's very often linked with genetics as well :blackpill:
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JFL @ all of the "genetics" answeres. Fucking KEK.
I think it's a combination of environment and genetics, whist I don't think it's possible to be fully gay by itself (having no attraction to a female at all) I believe it is possible to be bisexual but end up as fully gay due to certain environments facilitating for it.
mostly this, it can be a result of many factors
How about all four?
First 3 options are all valid tbh
"They were molested/sexually abused as children" + "They just want attention so claims they are an LGBTQ is a way to get it" + "They are mentally ill" are correct, also those aren't mutually exclusive.

Demon possession isn't a real thing btw. People made that up when they didn't want to take responsibility for their mistakes. The "devil made me do it" is actually pathetically accepted by society when done by certain people (esp women)
anyone who says fags are fags because of environment or being molested as a kid are coping hard. you can't turn a straight guy into a faggot. you're either straight or not, nothing will change that
I suspect either chemical or biological agents. Hearing way too many cases of faggots and troons bragging about how they got with men who are married or have girlfriends. No way in hell are you gonna go most of your teens and twenties and thirties as a boyfriend or husband to a woman then all of a sudden decide you wanna suck dick. Also suspect upbringing. Alot of these mothers from the bra burning generations grew up with a pre determined disdain for high testosterone behavior, and thus, would not think twice about deliberately raising their sons to be soft and soy addled just to avoid all the misery that they take from the mere existence of men with high testosterone counts.
I've heard a lot of faggots were abused as children, and I mean abuse of a sexual nature.

I heard that from a gay man himself, so make of that what you will.
No idea what causes people to be gay/bi. I'd imagine some trans people are mentally ill, some FTMs do it because they think they'll get "male privilege" and of course some men turn into MTFs because they see women being on a pedestal and want to have life on easy mode.

Non-binary people probably mostly want attention.
Incel.is users are specifically tasked by me to answer this very important and pressing societal matter. :feelshehe:
I'd say it could be combination of all of them but demon possession(JFL)
For some reason, a very large percentage of men who go to prison engage in homosexual activities while there. This reason is obvious: male sex drive and lack of pussy. You don't have to be in prison to experience these. I believe most gays are produced in this way, outside of prison.

Stay straight, gents.
Mental illness and lack of sexual activity can make some men to do depraved things. I still hate them for being fags though, they should get ER'd with a flamethrower in GTA.
Incel.is users are specifically tasked by me to answer this very important and pressing societal matter. :feelshehe:
Too much indulgence in liberalism causes a disregard for societal rules and behaviours to be followed
It's just a mental illness like trannyism
True, trannyism is moreso manufactured though. Trannies weren't a thing until mainstream soy media started advertising it
-Sexual mimicry to lower female reproductive defense system and increase chances of mating a la male cuttlefish/human FtM transexuals


View: https://youtu.be/MDw-AasvfZk?feature=shared

-Manipulation of root chakra/Kundalini energy via child abuse, especially via porn, anal/prostate manipulation of child (by demons or "extraterrestrials", adults, or self induced(. Single mother home. MKUltra-esque sexual programming, trauma based mind control.

-Unusual environment resulting in estrogenic behaviors (Tigers became gay when isolated on an island). Anti-testosterone environment (too much soy in the food)

-At least one of these

highest IQ take. fags integrate so easily into hole circles it's comical, some of them are bound to fuck eventually

If you accept that there are masculine foids then you have to accept that there are feminine males. and nowadays some do it for payment. Gay for pay. some gays are married with kids and some do it as a coping mechanism due to lack of hetero sex.

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