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Serious The reason faggots are faggots?

The reason faggots are faggots?

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Fat Link

Fat Link

Its dangerous to go alone.
Jul 31, 2019
Incel.is users are specifically tasked by me to answer this very important and pressing societal matter. :feelshehe:
Incel.is users are specifically tasked by me to answer this very important and pressing societal matter. :feelshehe:
anyone who says fags are fags because of environment or being molested as a kid are coping hard. you can't turn a straight guy into a faggot. you're either straight or not, nothing will change that
anyone who says fags are fags because of environment or being molested as a kid are coping hard. you can't turn a straight guy into a faggot. you're either straight or not, nothing will change that
Then how come there r so many more fags and trans these days when b4 trans didnt even used 2 exist? Dont underestimate environment
They've been molested obviously
If mentally ill's a reason to get homo then half this userbase fruity jfl :lul:
anyone who says fags are fags because of environment or being molested as a kid are coping hard. you can't turn a straight guy into a faggot. you're either straight or not, nothing will change that
There's evidence on being molested turning one homo
could be a lot of reasons, maybe that theory about mom eating too much soy and it fucking w/ early brain chem which guides the plasticity in new directions to be androphilic instead of gynephilic
this fag acquaintance once said he knew he was gay ever since he learned about periods, and thought vaginas were disgusting. Some boys are raised to be gay-- I remember his mom was a hot 'theater' type woman, and encouraged his son to be a 'triple threat-- acting, singing, dancing' he became flamboyantly gay very young just naturally.
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its not possible to be gay for just the sake of attention. That just means you are extra gay
Holy shit get this bluepilled BS out of here Jesus Christ

saying attraction isn't a choice is bluepilled? so you think everyone on this site could all of a sudden "choose" to be faggots who like men? what the fuck are you even talking about?
I think it's a combination of environment and genetics, whist I don't think it's possible to be fully gay by itself (having no attraction to a female at all) I believe it is possible to be bisexual but end up as fully gay due to certain environments facilitating for it.
Incel.is users are specifically tasked by me to answer this very important and pressing societal matter. :feelshehe:
i already have the detailed answer directly sent to you through pm look it up

@Fat Link
Nature's anomaly?
All of these can be true, it’s a case by case basis. But most of the time, they were molested or groomed
Then how come there r so many more fags and trans these days when b4 trans didnt even used 2 exist? Dont underestimate environment
I think a large part of it is female hypergamy. Trannies are degenerate faggots but I can also see why petite feminine manlets often become trannies. This dude (on the right) is 5ft2 and would be living life on ultra hard difficulty:


Now he has a Youtube channel and lives life on easy mode.
I think a large part of it is female hypergamy. Trannies are degenerate faggots but I can also see why petite feminine manlets often become trannies. This dude (on the right) is 5ft2 and would be living life on ultra hard difficulty:


Now he has a Youtube channel and lives life on easy mode.
Thats a fucked up destiny
I'm pretty sure that self-called fags aren't really fags, but they do it only bc it's trendy.
A lot of them were born with it, but there are definitely a large portion of those that were molested or groomed, which changed them psychologically :feelsjuice:
Molestation and sexual exposure during childhood is the correct answer you fucking retards
Incel.is users are specifically tasked by me to answer this very important and pressing societal matter. :feelshehe:
The answer is “all of the above” minus the demon possession one.

Often times they’re actually failed men who in their loneliness and pain are easily manipulated by existing gays. They “reproduce” through grooming, same as the trains.

Today there is certainly a lot of “I’m a special snowflake” and social status tied up in being gay. You’re part of protected class and half the country if not more will defend you to the death just because you’re gay.

A lot of it is grooming though. Not all, but a lot is. Sort of like with school shootings it’s a “mind virus” — people are in discords or see all the favoritism they get from institutions and they start imagining themselves in that boat I expect. Gays and trains are also pushed HARD by tv and games now and educational institutions even as being moral and heroic and the best of us — even though that is just bullshit propaganda.

Now, as for whether gay men are actually attracted to other men I don’t know. Of course even straight men “can” have sex with other men and can even get off that way so it’s a bit of a weird thing to wrap one’s head around. For most normal men though just the image of two men kissing or something is like seeing rats or roaches — it absolutely disgusts me and no matter how much they blast it on tv that Will probably never change. That said I’m actually aware of the propaganda for what it is and especially young people are perhaps susceptible to that kind of programming.
I blame it on porn. Seems fair, since feminists do this all the time for everything they disagree with.
All of the above, plus too much exposition to pornography and bad influence from friends and society.
It’s crazy to think about how porn and birth control have changed society. If you’re doomed to be forever single then it’s kinda like, well, might as well engage with porn as a cope. But ideally I think a reset of western society to more traditional values and probably the destruction of porn and birth control (and fuck, probably social media in general) would be a net positive at this point. Obviously feminism and its consequences have been a disaster long term. Almost like there was good reason ancient societies worked how they did…
I blame it on porn. Seems fair, since feminists do this all the time for everything they disagree with.
It’s crazy how gay and trans shit is pushed everywhere now. Even 4chan is chock full of train porn now and it’s just like, wtf happened to people? I genuinely don’t understand how other men aren’t actively repulsed by that shit. Makes me want to actually barf. “””””Normalization””””” (indoctrination) in young men and its consequences? Young guys see gays in tv shows and stuff represented as heroes all the time now. I honestly think blatant societal propaganda works on most people.
A lot of them were born with it, but there are definitely a large portion of those that were molested or groomed, which changed them psychologically :feelsjuice:
If there’s no “gay gene” type thing then it makes me think it’s nurture not nature. I bet you if you took someone gay from the west and restarted their life from birth in an Amish community good odds they turn out straight — and I don’t mean “pretending” to be straight, I mean actually straight. These days everyone and their mom comes out as gay because there’s real status and positive attention in doing so.
I think a large part of it is female hypergamy. Trannies are degenerate faggots but I can also see why petite feminine manlets often become trannies. This dude (on the right) is 5ft2 and would be living life on ultra hard difficulty:


Now he has a Youtube channel and lives life on easy mode.
I agree that a lot of men turn to trannyism as a cope for their pitiful muck of a life — specially now they theres status attached to it, but that is honestly the delusional cowards way out. If you have braincells and actually grasp the truth then it’s a “cope” that cannot work as you would understand that 1) you’re not actually even remotely a woman you’re merely a man playing dress up and roleplaying (usually horribly) and 2) you’d understand the real reasons why you were pushed to such degeneracy.
I agree that a lot of men turn to trannyism as a cope for their pitiful muck of a life — specially now they theres status attached to it, but that is honestly the delusional cowards way out.
Yeah it's cowards way out but if that dude was 6ft3 with a granite chin then even if his brain chemistry was identical there's no way he'd be anything but a hetero normalfag/chadlite.
Yeah it's cowards way out but if that dude was 6ft3 with a granite chin then even if his brain chemistry was identical there's no way he'd be anything but a hetero normalfag/chadlite.
Good way of phrasing you’re definitely right
-Sexual mimicry to lower female reproductive defense system and increase chances of mating a la male cuttlefish/human FtM transexuals


View: https://youtu.be/MDw-AasvfZk?feature=shared

-Manipulation of root chakra/Kundalini energy via child abuse, especially via porn, anal/prostate manipulation of child (by demons or "extraterrestrials", adults, or self induced(. Single mother home. MKUltra-esque sexual programming, trauma based mind control.

-Unusual environment resulting in estrogenic behaviors (Tigers became gay when isolated on an island). Anti-testosterone environment (too much soy in the food)

-At least one of these
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It's a combination of things, most of which is from the environment (abuse, culture, grooming etc.), some of which is mental illness, and none of which is genetic.
anyone who says fags are fags because of environment or being molested as a kid are coping hard. you can't turn a straight guy into a faggot. you're either straight or not, nothing will change that
Data tells us otherwise. Today's young demographics report a large % identifying as LGBT. You could argue that in the past it was taboo to identify as gay, but gays have been culturally acceptable in the West for over 40 years. Faggots don't appear out of thin air and nobody is born a faggot. Where do you think all of these new faggots are coming from?
anyone who says fags are fags because of environment or being molested as a kid are coping hard. you can't turn a straight guy into a faggot. you're either straight or not, nothing will change that
People do get sucked into behaviors because people are Adaptable and they will follow the narrative of whatever society is making popular. Curiosity ruins a lot of people's minds. Oh, women don't like you, you must be a fag.
Data tells us otherwise. Today's young demographics report a large % identifying as LGBT. You could argue that in the past it was taboo to identify as gay, but gays have been culturally acceptable in the West for over 40 years. Faggots don't appear out of thin air and nobody is born a faggot. Where do you think all of these new faggots coming from?
Nobody was born a faggot. There was never, ever a newborn baby that was gay.
Nobody was born a faggot. There was never, ever a newborn baby that was gay.
Nigger, I wrote five sentences you couldn't even bother reading the whole thing.
Data tells us otherwise. Today's young demographics report a large % identifying as LGBT.
thats just attention seekers such as women claiming lesbian
and nobody is born a faggot.
Nobody was born a faggot. There was never, ever a newborn baby that was gay.
wrong. clearly neither of you have ever known a gay person. sexuality is genetic, my cousin for example is a typical fag and tried touching me when i was 9 and him 10 or 11, he liked doing that while i thought it was disgusting and told him to gtfo (subconscious reaction)
I don’t believe in total fag death because 1 and 3 are correct and much like us, fags are victims of unfortunate circumstances, and therefore are complete degenerates
thats just attention seekers such as women claiming lesbian
Most of these stats are methodologically sound, so there's no room for socially desirable answers.

wrong. clearly neither of you have ever known a gay person. sexuality is genetic, my cousin for example is a typical fag and tried touching me when i was 9 and him 10 or 11, he liked doing that while i thought it was disgusting and told him to gtfo (subconscious reaction)
There is no gay gene, dumbass. In the 90s and 2000s the propaganda was that being gay is genetic. Now that nobody has any evidence for it, the propaganda changed to sexuality fluidity and all of this other nonsense.
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There is no gay gene, dumbass.
ok thanks for letting me know you deny importance of genetics like a normie (and you act like a closeted faggot by the sounds of it)
no straight man would say that straight men can become gay
ok thanks for letting me know you deny importance of genetics like a normie (and you act like a closeted faggot by the sounds of it)
no straight man would say that straight men can become gay
Joined: Jan 6, 2023

Saying there's no gay gene doesn't mean you deny the role of genetics in everything else. :feelstastyman:
I am a bluepilled 15 year old looksmax retard kid who quotes people's join dates as I have no argument
thanks for telling me you're retarded. imagine thinking a straight man can become gay lmao, bluepilled to the core
thanks for telling me you're retarded. imagine thinking a straight man can become gay lmao, bluepilled to the core
I didn't say that. Please go and kys right fucking now.

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