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Serious The reason behind inceldom is porn usage.



Dec 3, 2020
See, what porn does is it numbs own into being less able to appreciate the characteristics of the opposite sex. This is why less people (males and females) are interested in romantic relationships and sex.

Studies have shown that BOTH men and women are having less sex than in the past decades.

If dating apps is the reason for incels, then how come women are having less sex now with dating apps than before? How come also there are more single young people in this generation than in previous generations?

Feminism can’t be the reason either. People point to the fact that women have their own money and don’t need men anymore. This is why they think the amount of relationships are declining. If this is true, then why are young people relationships declining? Young people were never used for money, in the 1960s or now? So explain the change.

Leads me to believe that porn is the reason. Anyone who’s done NoFap for 7+ days will tell you that girls start to look more attractive. You notice little details more and you actually want a relationship. You appreciate things like hair colour, skin tone, voice, etc. It makes you desire a partner for real.

Since so many men and women are watching porn nowadays, they’re not keen on relationships anymore and they don’t bother with them.
Another day another greycel

Porn is a factor, yes, but that's because it breeds degeneracy and moral decay. Not because it makes us want real women less. Infact, for all my porn consumption I still do want the real thing. And I am sure most others are same.

Secondly, you are assuming that women want us, all we gotta do is open arms to them. Blackpill 101 says that's not the case. You are not gonna have women jump on your lap if you stop fapping.

Lastly, you underestimate the role feminism plays in all of this. The very idea of allowing women to chose their partners and whore around without consequences is one of the fundamental causes of inceldom.
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While I agree with Nofap, porn is not the cause of inceldom.
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It's the opposite retard. Inceldom brings porn usage
If dating apps is the reason for incels, then how come women are having less sex now with dating apps than before? How come also there are more single young people in this generation than in previous generations?
That's how :soy: say about us but true for foids: impossible unrealistic beauty standards for men so they prefer to stay single than fuck sub10 male
You also have people arguing that porn makes young men obsessed with sex and makes them constantly press women into having sex.

So which is it, huh ?
Kek. Why are women also having less sex? It’s because their standards are rising and would rather remain volcels than fuck sub6 males. That’s why.

More men are being pushed into inceldom, more women are becoming volcels.
sex goes down because people are masturbating to porn, STDs go up

makes sense
Porn is the cause of volceldom, not inceldom.
Very low iq thread. Porn is just a cope for incels as a result of being involuntary celibate.
Another day another greycel

Porn is a factor, yes, but that's because it breeds degeneracy and moral decay. Not because it makes us want real women less. Infact, for all my porn consumption I still do want the real thing. And I am sure most others are same.

Secondly, you are assuming that women want us, all we gotta do is open arms to them. Blackpill 101 says that's not the case. You are not gonna have women jump on your lap if you stop fapping.

Lastly, you underestimate the role feminism plays in all of this. The very idea of allowing women to chose their partners and whore around without consequences is one of the fundamental causes of inceldom.
Blessed post
Very low iq thread. Porn is just a cope for incels as a result of being involuntary celibate.
Also this, normies ALWAYS confuse the cause with the consequence
If dating apps is the reason for incels, then how come women are having less sex now with dating apps than before? How come also there are more single young people in this generation than in previous generations?
More women are chad only than in the past. They would rather not have sex than have sex with a sub chad male
Cope, otherwise nofap would ascend us
What if it is the opposite?:waitwhat:
The reason behind porn usage is Inceldom
If dating apps is the reason for incels, then how come women are having less sex now with dating apps than before? How come also there are more single young people in this generation than in previous generations?
Foids are like aging NBA stars, they'll sit out the season if the Hornets want to sign them and wait until the Lakers have a roster spot open. Chad (championship) or stay home.
What if it is the opposite?:waitwhat:
The reason behind porn usage is Inceldom
This is the shot people need to be parroting. You turn like 12-13, try talking to girls, they hate you, so you retreat into porn. Chad hits all the developmental milestones necessary to avoid these pitfalls. It's sickening that because your born short or ugly, and in turn your parents give less of a fuck about you, you end up watching Bosnian snuff films on the PC. World is a fuck.
Since so many men and women are watching porn nowadays, they’re not keen on relationships anymore and they don’t bother with them.
Lord please stop these threads I lose more brain cells every time
Just keep NoFaping bro, you will become ascend in an undetermined number of years if you keep the effort up...
No. Porn usage is a symptom of people having less sex. This society has been turned upside down.
GrAYcel thread. We are not incels because we don't find foids attractive. We are incels because FOIDS don't find US attractive.
Meanwhile chad and chadlite and some normies watch porn and none of this applies to them.

But it all applies to us.

Ppl are gonna use all the mental gymnastics to ignore the fact that it’s all about you look or how tall you are. All genetics period.
Meanwhile chad and chadlite and some normies watch porn and none of this applies to them.

But it all applies to us.

Ppl are gonna use all the mental gymnastics to ignore the fact that it’s all about you look or how tall you are. All genetics period.
Your getting cause an effect wrong.

Pornography addiction exists because of increasing Inceldom.
tradcuck cope, i'm only masturbating to pornography because that's my only option, the reason for inceldom is women
Self reported statistics are just bollocks. Women just report less because they lie on them as they don't like to think of themselves as slutty even when the report is anonymous. It's like an automatic defence mechanism.
"It's just porn, bro!
Quit porn and you'll become tall and attractive! Trust me, bro!"
Stfu coper
Kek. Why are women also having less sex? It’s because their standards are rising and would rather remain volcels than fuck sub6 males. That’s why.

More men are being pushed into inceldom, more women are becoming volcels.
Why would women’s standards be rising?
graycel moment
women are to blame
Yes. All those ye olde sperg intellectuals were virgins because of all the porn woodcut prints they masturbated to. Stupid cope.
That's how :soy: say about us but true for foids: impossible unrealistic beauty standards for men so they prefer to stay single than fuck sub10 male
That’s not how it works. You’re trying to make sense of the situation. The desire for sex overrides the thought that someone who is sub10. Especially if you’re not watching porn.
"It's just porn, bro!
Quit porn and you'll become tall and attractive! Trust me, bro!"
Stfu coper
Not what I’m saying. I’m saying if society as a whole (men and women) quit porn, we’ll have relationships.
Another day another greycel

Porn is a factor, yes, but that's because it breeds degeneracy and moral decay. Not because it makes us want real women less. Infact, for all my porn consumption I still do want the real thing. And I am sure most others are same.

Secondly, you are assuming that women want us, all we gotta do is open arms to them. Blackpill 101 says that's not the case. You are not gonna have women jump on your lap if you stop fapping.

Lastly, you underestimate the role feminism plays in all of this. The very idea of allowing women to chose their partners and whore around without consequences is one of the fundamental causes of inceldom.
Sorry I forgot to mention that it’s not just porn making us want real women less. It’s also because it creates a barrier between men and women. Less confidence, less drive to approach and less sexual energy.

No I’m not assuming women want us. I’m saying that women WOULD want us if they didn’t watch any porn. Porn is the reason they/we are nonchalant about dating.

And I believe you greatly overestimate the impact feminism had. Yes it gives women the ability to be more selective. But this cannot cause inceldom. Women still want to find partners and have sex right? They have a sex drive right? It’s a drive. Not a thought in the back of their back that they reserve until they meet Chad. No they want sex too. Just because feminism gives them choice, doesn’t mean they’ll stop having it until they reach an attractive male. They’ll have it with a 5+/10 male.
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Another day another greycel
then how come women are having less sex now with dating apps than before?
Lmao did a woman tell you that by any chance? It's utter bluepill nonsense. Wake up and look around you, reality is telling a different story

I agree porn doesn't help our situation though, it's probably why I have so much anxiety about my dick, literally every porn video features a guy with a 7incher. There's no such thing as small/average dicks in porn
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Lmao did a woman tell you that by any chance? It's utter bluepill nonsense. Wake up and look around you, reality is telling a different story
Women are having more sex than men, but women these days still have less sex than they used to have in the sixties.
Women are having more sex than men, but women these days still have less sex than they used to have in the sixties.
Difficult to compare to the sixties as it was the decade of 'sexual revolution', and people were stoned hippy weirdos.
recent history is more applicable like the 90s and early 2000s...I can assure you women are fucking like rabbits from 13 onwards
Another day another greycel

Porn is a factor, yes, but that's because it breeds degeneracy and moral decay. Not because it makes us want real women less. Infact, for all my porn consumption I still do want the real thing. And I am sure most others are same.

Secondly, you are assuming that women want us, all we gotta do is open arms to them. Blackpill 101 says that's not the case. You are not gonna have women jump on your lap if you stop fapping.

Lastly, you underestimate the role feminism plays in all of this. The very idea of allowing women to chose their partners and whore around without consequences is one of the fundamental causes of inceldom.
greycels getting sassy with these takes these days.

Porn is not at fault, that implies that men have control over the success they have to obtain relationships. If anything disney movies, and rom-coms are more to blame for driving up standards
Difficult to compare to the sixties as it was the decade of 'sexual revolution', and people were stoned hippy weirdos.
recent history is more applicable like the 90s and early 2000s...I can assure you women are fucking like rabbits from 13 onwards
Yes, they definitely are.

I guess that our generations have less sex in general though. Sixties, seventies, eighties and early nineties were wild, we probably couldn't even imagine. My father fucked over 40 women. My grandmother cheated on my grandfather several times etc.
Yes, they definitely are.

I guess that our generations have less sex in general though. Sixties, seventies, eighties and early nineties were wild, we probably couldn't even imagine. My father fucked over 40 women. My grandmother cheated on my grandfather several times etc.
I can't imagine what it was like... though I do get the impression women were less fussy and shallow back then. Maybe we would have ascended.

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