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Venting The racepill destroyed me

words can not express how much I despise being a shitskin. This is much more than inceldom. Sure, being shitskin RUINS your dating chances, but this isnt only about women. I've become so jaded and bitter after all the racism Ive gotten throughout my life.

Random racist slurs from strangers
Girls telling me their family would disown them if they dated me
Always getting shit for things I havent done cos stereotypes.
Random ID checks from cops
Getting told to "go back" whenever I complain about something totally irrelevant
People giving me dirty looks (especially old people)
Restaurants suddenly deciding I need a ""reservation""
Not being able to enter some clubs cos "i am bad for business"
People always assume and expects the worst of me without even knowing me
People thinking less of me cos im shitskin, they treat me like a super guy even for simplest achievements.

And worst of all: I fucking hate middle east more than anything, knowing that your ancestors are such a loser failures that all of our countries are straight up shitholes that we had to immigrate here.

I am so sick and tired of EVERYTHING. I just wanna go, I just wanna disappear.

I see no chances
Wake up in the morning and I ask myself
Is life worth living ? Should I blast myself ?
I am tired of being ugly and even worse I am ethnic
My soul hurts so I am looking for a gun to end it
Foids dont care about a negro
Turn a nigga down and she is a hero

This is a special kind of feel that really hurts.
I'm with you brother. I'm tired just like you and want it to end.
Whenever I experience something shitty nowadays I don't even feel angry, I just feel defeated, like i'm exhausted from being hurt so much.
I really don't even want to earn money. I'm already in the place in the world where my chances are at my best, liberal America, and yet because i'm an ugly ethnic I still can't do anything right. I've got no motivation or drive anymore.
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This is a special kind of feel that really hurts.
I'm with you brother. I'm tired just like you and want it to end.
Whenever I experience something shitty nowadays I don't even feel angry, I just feel defeated, like i'm exhausted from being hurt so much.
I really don't even want to earn money. I'm already in the place in the world where my chances are at my best, liberal America, and yet because i'm an ugly ethnic I still can't do anything right. I've got no motivation or drive anymore.
I get discriminated for my skin colour and religion lol. Have a muslim name buts not a common Muslim name so it depends who reads it out
Us southern Europeans are ethnic-tier too, with most of us looking ethnic except the minority that have Germanic ancestry.
Are you greek?
words can not express how much I despise being a shitskin. This is much more than inceldom. Sure, being shitskin RUINS your dating chances, but this isnt only about women. I've become so jaded and bitter after all the racism Ive gotten throughout my life.

Random racist slurs from strangers
Girls telling me their family would disown them if they dated me
Always getting shit for things I havent done cos stereotypes.
Random ID checks from cops
Getting told to "go back" whenever I complain about something totally irrelevant
People giving me dirty looks (especially old people)
Restaurants suddenly deciding I need a ""reservation""
Not being able to enter some clubs cos "i am bad for business"
People always assume and expects the worst of me without even knowing me
People thinking less of me cos im shitskin, they treat me like a super guy even for simplest achievements.

And worst of all: I fucking hate middle east more than anything, knowing that your ancestors are such a loser failures that all of our countries are straight up shitholes that we had to immigrate here.

I am so sick and tired of EVERYTHING. I just wanna go, I just wanna disappear.

I see no chances
Wake up in the morning and I ask myself
Is life worth living ? Should I blast myself ?
I am tired of being ugly and even worse I am ethnic
My soul hurts so I am looking for a gun to end it
Foids dont care about a negro
Turn a nigga down and she is a hero

Extremely high IQ post.
I relate to everything, and the 2 Pac ending was perfect.
i always knew about it
Whitecels get more opportunities in life to succeed while ethnicels can only LDAR or end up in prison through the school to prison pipeline. If I was white I'd be working in an air conditioned office right now.
Whitecels get more opportunities in life to succeed while ethnicels can only LDAR or end up in prison through the school to prison pipeline. If I was white I'd be working in an air conditioned office right now.
Only hope we have is to STEMcel and hope to beta bux a landwhale one day, I want to die.
words can not express how much I despise being a shitskin. This is much more than inceldom. Sure, being shitskin RUINS your dating chances, but this isnt only about women. I've become so jaded and bitter after all the racism Ive gotten throughout my life.

Random racist slurs from strangers
Girls telling me their family would disown them if they dated me
Always getting shit for things I havent done cos stereotypes.
Random ID checks from cops
Getting told to "go back" whenever I complain about something totally irrelevant
People giving me dirty looks (especially old people)
Restaurants suddenly deciding I need a ""reservation""
Not being able to enter some clubs cos "i am bad for business"
People always assume and expects the worst of me without even knowing me
People thinking less of me cos im shitskin, they treat me like a super guy even for simplest achievements.

And worst of all: I fucking hate middle east more than anything, knowing that your ancestors are such a loser failures that all of our countries are straight up shitholes that we had to immigrate here.

I am so sick and tired of EVERYTHING. I just wanna go, I just wanna disappear.

I see no chances
Wake up in the morning and I ask myself
Is life worth living ? Should I blast myself ?
I am tired of being ugly and even worse I am ethnic
My soul hurts so I am looking for a gun to end it
Foids dont care about a negro
Turn a nigga down and she is a hero
I feel you brother. go Michael Jackson tbh tbh
Us southern Europeans are ethnic-tier too, with most of us looking ethnic except the minority that have Germanic ancestry.
a lot of you guys have mena DNA. those dark swarthy features can't come from anywhere but the middle east.
a lot of you guys have mena DNA. those dark swarthy features can't come from anywhere but the middle east.
That is true that southern Europeans, especially Greeks, have remarkable MENA admixture. But native southern European people have always had darker complexions. Look at the Basque, brown-eyed brown-haired people with a type 2-3 skin tone and they're very pure. Same with Sardinians that are the pure descendants of neolithic farmers. Neolithic farmers came from the Levant/Aegean so Sardianians are pretty much what the people from those areas would look like today were it not for admixture with other peoples.

Picture related. Before the Yamnaya (indo-Europeans), all people in Europe were Meds plus native European hunter gatherers which were dark skinned people with light and blue eyes. Yamnaya were the ones that brought the ancestor language of all modern European languages (except the Basque which is the last surviving native language), lactose tolerance, and blonde hair and blue eyes (there are many different blue eye genes, also multiple light hair and red hair genes).


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Well, you always advise whites to go to Asia to fuck, maybe you'd be considered a catch in some parts of the world? Maybe somewhere you aren't part of the racial minority?
Is it the advice for him to go back where he came from lol
That is true that southern Europeans, especially Greeks, have remarkable MENA admixture. But native southern European people have always had darker complexions. Look at the Basque, brown-eyed brown-haired people with a type 2-3 skin tone and they're very pure. Same with Sardinians that are the pure descendants of neolithic farmers. Neolithic farmers came from the Levant/Aegean so Sardianians are pretty much what the people from those areas would look like today were it not for admixture with other peoples.

Picture related. Before the Yamnaya (indo-Europeans), all people in Europe were Meds plus native European hunter gatherers which were dark skinned people with light and blue eyes. Yamnaya were the ones that brought the ancestor language of all modern European languages (except the Basque which is the last surviving native language), lactose tolerance, and blonde hair and blue eyes (there are many different blue eye genes, also multiple light hair and red hair genes).
Thanks for the info. Warmer climate countries gives you a darker complexion, so I guess its natural.

A lot of them don't like to hear that they relate to Arabs and North Africans. They too get triggered over it lol.
Thanks for the info. Warmer climate countries gives you a darker complexion, so I guess its natural.

A lot of them don't like to hear that they relate to Arabs and North Africans. They too get triggered over it lol.
Us MENAs are subhuman, that is why they want to deny that they have any relation to us.
at the airport my brother and i got pulled up by 2 tall white, fully armed police guard scary looking motherfuckers. they asked us several questions about what we are doing where we are going, made us show our itinerary and passports. this was while we were just walking to our waiting area after we got through the bag checks and everything. jfl at living as a shitskin
at the airport my brother and i got pulled up by 2 tall white, fully armed police guard scary looking motherfuckers. they asked us several questions about what we are doing where we are going, made us show our itinerary and passports. this was while we were just walking to our waiting area after we got through the bag checks and everything. jfl at living as a shitskin
Wow that sucks. I feel bad for you.
I hate being a subhuman ethnic.
words can not express how much I despise being a shitskin. This is much more than inceldom. Sure, being shitskin RUINS your dating chances, but this isnt only about women. I've become so jaded and bitter after all the racism Ive gotten throughout my life.

Random racist slurs from strangers
Girls telling me their family would disown them if they dated me
Always getting shit for things I havent done cos stereotypes.
Random ID checks from cops
Getting told to "go back" whenever I complain about something totally irrelevant
People giving me dirty looks (especially old people)
Restaurants suddenly deciding I need a ""reservation""
Not being able to enter some clubs cos "i am bad for business"
People always assume and expects the worst of me without even knowing me
People thinking less of me cos im shitskin, they treat me like a super guy even for simplest achievements.

And worst of all: I fucking hate middle east more than anything, knowing that your ancestors are such a loser failures that all of our countries are straight up shitholes that we had to immigrate here.

I am so sick and tired of EVERYTHING. I just wanna go, I just wanna disappear.

I see no chances
Wake up in the morning and I ask myself
Is life worth living ? Should I blast myself ?
I am tired of being ugly and even worse I am ethnic
My soul hurts so I am looking for a gun to end it
Foids dont care about a negro
Turn a nigga down and she is a hero
Well look at it like this. At least you don't have to worry about your entire race/culture being replaced and wiped out like whitecels do.

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