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Blackpill The only thing banning abortion would do is make foids pawn off Chad's bastards to the state where they would be raised as taxpayer funded orphans

  • Thread starter mr9jg8n.f89df874jktq
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Sep 4, 2018
There are some incredibly stupid bluepilled comments on what is supposed to be a blackpilled forum. The only thing banning abortion would do is increase the number of bastards who end up as welfare cases/wards of the state. Basically it will just end up making you pay for Chad's spawn.

Anti-Abortion movement are gigantic simps for Foids and think women who get abortions should never be prosecuted - you think they will favor banning fornication for instance? Zero Chance. If anything they will be on the frontlines fighting in favor for the rights of Foids and Chads to fornicate in the name of 'life'.

Back in the day the social stigma against illegitimacy was effectively greater than the stigma against abortion/infanticide. Women would simply drown Chad's bastard infants to escape prosecution for fornication and cry for sympathy by saying their child died at birth.

The Anti-Abortion movement is not your friend - all they care about is Forced Births (unironically). If you really wanted to punish foids & chads you would pass laws against fornication, but as I said there is 0% chance that happens as long as you are allied to the anti-abortion movement. Anti-Abortion movement would see anti-fornication laws and the social stigma against fornication resulting in an increase in abortions/infanticide and hence they would oppose any such laws.
Yup. I agree. It's not that I support abortion its just that I don't think poor ratchet hoes should be having kidz anyways. My taxes are already outrageously high
Keep seething, anti abortion is based because it makes foids rage.
Keep seething, anti abortion is based because it makes foids rage.
Stop being a bluepilled cuck. There is zero chance women ever take responsibility for anything no matter what the law is. You can't change something that is biologically determined - it's hardcoded into foid dna to shirk responsibility.

Being forced to carry a baby to term will also result in the foid getting free maternity leave - a vacation for basically breeding Chad's kid and dumping it off to the state where you'll be forced to pay for it FOR DECADES with your paychecks.
You can say the same about homicide against children or any other group that is economically disadvantaged
Yup. I agree. It's not that I support abortion its just that I don't think poor ratchet hoes should be having kidz anyways. My taxes are already outrageously high
Ban welfare and child support for never married single mothers.
I support abortion in America because it mostly kills niglets and keeps their population at a sustainable level
Stop being a bluepilled cuck. There is zero chance women ever take responsibility for anything no matter what the law is. You can't change something that is biologically determined - it's hardcoded into foid dna to shirk responsibility.

Being forced to carry a baby to term will also result in the foid getting free maternity leave - a vacation for basically breeding Chad's kid and dumping it off to the state where you'll be forced to pay for it FOR DECADES with your paychecks.
Maybe in your cuckold country that's the case, in my country none of that shit exists, no such thing as government helping single mother. And abortion is fully illegal, even in cases of rape. My country proves that it is possible to have anti abortion laws AND force foids to take responsability by not giving them a hand with the kid, instead of the false dichotomy you are trying to get everyone in here to believe: Either abotion is legal or your taxes pay for Chad's spawn. How about neither of those two? Abortion is illegal AND foid have to prostitute themselves trying to make money for Chad's kid. Making it so that they'll think twice before being a slut. My country might be a shitshole in all other regards, but this is one of the few things we get right. Calling me bluepilled for not wanting women to kill their children so that they can be more promiscous with Chad is retarded.
i don't understand why i should be murdering babies and literally cutting their limbs one by one,because their parents were/are huge scumbags/sluts.

it's true their parents had them dishonorable and they most likely continue to lead lives of deep sin,but that doesn't give me the right to murder children,
Maybe in your cuckold country that's the case, in my country none of that shit exists, no such thing as government helping single mother. And abortion is fully illegal, even in cases of rape. My country proves that it is possible to have anti abortion laws AND force foids to take responsability by not giving them a hand with the kid, instead of the false dichotomy you are trying to get everyone in here to believe: Either abotion is legal or your taxes pay for Chad's spawn. How about neither of those two? Abortion is illegal AND foid have to prostitute themselves trying to make money for Chad's kid. Making it so that they'll think twice before being a slut. My country might be a shitshole in all other regards, but this is one of the few things we get right. Calling me bluepilled for not wanting women to kill their children so that they can be more promiscous with Chad is retarded.
which country do you live in,if you don't mind me asking?
which country do you live in,if you don't mind me asking?
I'd rather not dox myself to be honest. It's a very small country.
Ban welfare and child support for never married single mothers.
Maybe in your cuckold country that's the case, in my country none of that shit exists, no such thing as government helping single mother. And abortion is fully illegal, even in cases of rape. My country proves that it is possible to have anti abortion laws AND force foids to take responsability by not giving them a hand with the kid, instead of the false dichotomy you are trying to get everyone in here to believe: Either abotion is legal or your taxes pay for Chad's spawn. How about neither of those two? Abortion is illegal AND foid have to prostitute themselves trying to make money for Chad's kid. Making it so that they'll think twice before being a slut. My country might be a shitshole in all other regards, but this is one of the few things we get right. Calling me bluepilled for not wanting women to kill their children so that they can be more promiscous with Chad is retarded.
I'm not talking about the government 'helping single mothers' - I'm talking about women abandoning the children to the state where they become orphans that YOU PAY FOR.
I'm not talking about the government 'helping single mothers' - I'm talking about women abandoning the children to the state where they become orphans that YOU PAY FOR.
Well I would rather pay for raising a kid on an orphanage than pay for a foid's abortion.
Well I would rather pay for raising a kid on an orphanage than pay for a foid's abortion.
That costs 100000000000000000x more in money. Just come out and say you want to pay more for Chad & Foid Children.
i don't understand why i should be murdering babies and literally cutting their limbs one by one,because their parents were/are huge scumbags/sluts.

it's true their parents had them dishonorable and they most likely continue to lead lives of deep sin,but that doesn't give me the right to murder children,
That means you are in favor subsidizing Chad & Foid children - which means you don't really hate Chad & Foid - since you are paying for their procreation - making you a cuckold.
It’s true. Niggers only vote democrat. Republicans would be cucking themselves by allowing more Democratic voters to be born and not killed in the womb.
That costs 100000000000000000x more in money. Just come out and say you want to pay more for Chad & Foid Children.

That means you are in favor subsidizing Chad & Foid children - which means you don't really hate Chad & Foid - since you are paying for their procreation - making you a cuckold.
i am in favour of not killing innocent children because of the mistakes of their parents and their desires to get rid of them.i am not happy that i am feeding someone because their parents were/are a humiliating joke,but the child is innocent in all of this.so i am to murder the just because of the unjust?how does that make any sense?

also,how can i be in favour of chad and stacy,if they themselves wanted to murder their child?not even they want the child .if anything,i am making them seethe in anger by depriving them of murdering their own children,instead of making them happy.
i am in favour of not killing innocent children because of the mistakes of their parents and their desires to get rid of them.i am not happy that i am feeding someone because their parents were/are a humiliating joke,but the child is innocent in all of this.so i am to murder the just because of the unjust?how does that make any sense?
Tumblr 77af57cfc1de8baf481a5443379dbab5 b76c429f 1280
i am in favour of not killing innocent children because of the mistakes of their parents and their desires to get rid of them.i am not happy that i am feeding someone because their parents were/are a humiliating joke,but the child is innocent in all of this.so i am to murder the just because of the unjust?how does that make any sense?

also,how can i be in favour of chad and stacy,if they themselves wanted to murder their child?not even they want the child .if anything,i am making them seethe in anger by depriving them of murdering their own children,instead of making them happy.
So you admit you are in favor of being a cuckold paying for the procreation of Chad & Foid's children - but you know what the worst part is? Orphans tend to be criminals who lack respect for authority figures and become larger social problems in the future - so you effectively believe in perpetuating the cycle of bad behaviour making the situation worse in the future.
Good. I hope normies start to feel it even more in their pockets. Maybe society will start to see how fefails whoredom needs to be controlled
Good. I hope normies start to feel it even more in their pockets. Maybe society will start to see how fefails whoredom needs to be controlled
That's not how it works. It's called Human Nature. You cannot stop whoredom - it's the scorpion and the frog. At best you can get women to save face and cover up their whoredom like they used to do before the modern era and still do in non-Western cultures where saving face is most important.
Keep seething, anti abortion is based because it makes foids rage.
:yes::feelsautistic: this also government assistance is no where near enough to pay for the true total cost of a kid in both time and money :feelsLSD:
It also would make foids be more careful in having sex, cause them to use condoms more (screws over Chad), and many foids would put the baby up for adoption.

Absolute :bluepill: thread
:yes::feelsautistic: this also government assistance is no where near enough to pay for the true total cost of a kid in both time and money :feelsLSD:
Which is why they will fully pawn the kid off to the state where the government ends up paying 100% to care for it for decades only for it to ultimately become a criminal with illegitimate children of its own and thus ultimately costing the taxpayer even more down the line.
It also would make foids be more careful in having sex, cause them to use condoms more (screws over Chad), and many foids would put the baby up for adoption.

Absolute :bluepill: thread
Did you even read the OP I said by giving the child up to the state (not all orphans are adopted) it becomes an onus on the taxpayer (meaning you are paying for chad and stacy's kid like a cuckold). You are being evolutionarily and economically bluepulled by thinking its enlightened to pay for chad & stacy's bloodline.
Did you even read the OP I said by giving the child up to the state (not all orphans are adopted) it becomes an onus on the taxpayer (meaning you are paying for chad and stacy's kid like a cuckold). You are being evolutionarily and economically bluepulled by thinking its enlightened to pay for chad & stacy's bloodline.
The onus is miniscule in the grand scheme of things. The amount of tax dollars collected compared to what I pay in taxes is light years apart.
The onus is miniscule in the grand scheme of things. The amount of tax dollars collected compared to what I pay in taxes is light years apart.
Collectively you and other incels are still giving part of your money to proliferate Chad & Stacy's bloodline.
That costs 100000000000000000x more in money. Just come out and say you want to pay more for Chad & Foid Children.
Just did a little research and from what I can tell, seems most orphanages in my country are privately funded by the catholic church, not taxes. But regardless, even if it was the case that inevitably some of my taxpayer money goes into funding the life of Chad and Foid children, I still would prefer that over living in a world where Chad and Foid have virtually no constrain or consequences for their slutty ways.

I still hold my opinion that anti abortion is based, first because it spites the whores, just browse any foid subredit at the moment for 5 seconds and see for yourself. They really are hurting over this. Second, I do have my convictions about human rights and human life, and one of those convictions is life is sacred unless the person holding said life decides to end it on their own terms, nobody else should have a right to do so. So in my eyes "Abortion rights" are not real rights, you don't have a right to murder.

At the end of the day you simply can't escape paying for chad and foid kids, even if abortion is legal, there will always be a lot of them abandoning their kids in orphanages and having YOU pay for it.

This made me realize that is meaningless to try and hold a competition to see whose opinion is less cuckold, because at the end of the day unless you completely unplug yourself from society and go live on a mountain where you grow your own food and never pay taxes, then your taxes WILL finance foid's lifestyle and therefore make you a cuckold.

So it all boils down to who the lesser evil each individual considers to be. If you consider that the lesser evil is giving foids the right to murder their offspring so that you can save some pennies in taxes, then sure, but I consider that to be a bigger evil personally. Anyways, just my two cents.
Collectively you and other incels are still giving part of your money to proliferate Chad & Stacy's bloodline.
It's either that or let foids murder babies and help Chad's orgasms.

Both are cucked in a way, but paying taxes in general is cucked. @Robtical made a thread on this.
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Just did a little research and from what I can tell, seems most orphanages in my country are privately funded by the catholic church, not taxes. But regardless, even if it was the case that inevitably some of my taxpayer money goes into funding the life of Chad and Foid children, I still would prefer that over living in a world where Chad and Foid have virtually no constrain or consequences for their slutty ways.

I still hold my opinion that anti abortion is based, first because it spites the whores, just browse any foid subredit at the moment for 5 seconds and see for yourself. They really are hurting over this. Second, I do have my convictions about human rights and human life, and one of those convictions is life is sacred unless the person holding said life decides to end it on their own terms, nobody else should have a right to do so. So in my eyes "Abortion rights" are not real rights, you don't have a right to murder.

At the end of the day you simply can't escape paying for chad and foid kids, even if abortion is legal, there will always be a lot of them abandoning their kids in orphanages and having YOU pay for it.

This made me realize that is meaningless to try and hold a competition to see whose opinion is less cuckold, because at the end of the day unless you completely unplug yourself from society and go live on a mountain where you grow your own food and never pay taxes, then your taxes WILL finance foid's lifestyle and therefore make you a cuckold.

So it all boils down to who the lesser evil each individual considers to be. If you consider that the lesser evil is giving foids the right to murder their offspring so that you can save some pennies in taxes, then sure, but I consider that to be a bigger evil personally. Anyways, just my two cents.
It makes it an inconvenience sure to carry the baby - but ultimately the community is paying for their bastard children and those orphans are going to be even worse behaved as they won't have parental authorities to guide them - they'll be more predisposed towards making even more bastards and engaging in greater levels of degeneracy. That means you are giving degenerate genes and behaviors the ability to spread to a greater level than it has ever spread before.

That is why back in the day there were a greater effective stigma against illegitimacy than infanticide/abortion. Stacys would lie and say their child died at birth (when they would actually drown them) to escape punishment for engaging in fornication.

As far as 'evil' - YHWH - the lord of the Bible murdered the Egyptian first-borns and he murdered Chad David and Stacy Bathsheba's bastard child for being a disgrace.

The God of the Bible is anti Chad/Stacy and he knows in order to be effectively anti Chad/Stacy you need to stomp out Chad/Stacy bloodlines.
So you admit you are in favor of being a cuckold paying for the procreation of Chad & Foid's children - but you know what the worst part is? Orphans tend to be criminals who lack respect for authority figures and become larger social problems in the future - so you effectively believe in perpetuating the cycle of bad behaviour making the situation worse in the future.
by that logic,anyone born of chad or stacy parents(many of us were.after all,we know how hard it is for some to procreate),should immediatedly be octrasized from the community even though their parents sins and faults aren't connected to them.also you talk about being a cuck as if we are doing something that chads and stacies desire when in reality it's the total opposite.

there is no point in continuing this conversation,as you see no difference between child and parents,plus even if orphans tend to be on the rougher side(no clue,but it wouldn't surprised me),i don't see how we would be morally superior if we ourselves became murderers which few of these orphans ever will.

you are just seething in anger,and with this much vitriol one would be lead to believe you are living in the middle of the woods not paying a single cent to taxes,and hunting and gathering for yourself,when i am almost sure that isn't the case at all.
Anti-simp sentiment has never been higher than it is today. Maybe this time around foids will actually get cutoff from government gibs, you never know m8 miracles happen.
While Seeing foids rage over Roe v. Wade is of course lifefuel, the practical outcome of overturning the law is not good for incels, and men in general. We will have to wagecuck harder to pay for chads' and tyrone's spawn. Also, the blue states may start passing laws to pay for abortion "tourists" from the red states. More wagecucking. In addition, the presence of unwanted children always correlates with high crime.
You hit it out of the park with this post.

Abortions only make unwanted kids go away. The worst of the worst of society comes from this group. Cheering abortion ban is counterproductive to what we stand for.

Chad always wins and you need to get that in your head. Chad will abandon women at record rates. Women don't learn, they'll have 3 and 4 baby daddies.

To somehow think that this will cause some women to fall into your hands, you are dreaming. Women will always go with what feels good first and deal with the consequences later.
I am in support of foids suffering the consequences of their actions. I don't care about society, I will not long enough for the long term consequences.

This thread is making me choke from soy. :feelsohgod:
by that logic,anyone born of chad or stacy parents(many of us were.after all,we know how hard it is for some to procreate),should immediatedly be octrasized from the community even though their parents sins and faults aren't connected to them.also you talk about being a cuck as if we are doing something that chads and stacies desire when in reality it's the total opposite.
I am in support of foids suffering the consequences of their actions. I don't care about society, I will not long enough for the long term consequences.

This thread is making me choke from soy. :feelsohgod:

God is fine with killing the products of fornication. See when God murdering David's bastard with Bathsheba for being a dishonor. Technically it's not murder as the fetus doesn't receive a soul until after the first trimester - that was the consensus of Christianity until the 19th century. It's called ensoulment.

You are causing a minor inconvenience for Stacy (while causing zero inconvenience for Chad by the way) but in the long-run you are helping them by proliferating by their bloodlines and as orphans they'll be even more degenerate societal drains as they won't respect any authorities.

This is literally you paying for Chad & Stacy's kids:

God is fine with killing the products of fornication. See when God murdering David's bastard with Bathsheba for being a dishonor. Technically it's not murder as the fetus doesn't receive a soul until after the first trimester - that was the consensus of Christianity until the 19th century. It's called ensoulment.

You are causing a minor inconvenience for Stacy (while causing zero inconvenience for Chad by the way) but in the long-run you are helping them by proliferating by their bloodlines and as orphans they'll be even more degenerate societal drains as they won't respect any authorities.

This is literally you paying for Chad & Stacy's kids:

abortion is recgonized as a huge sin in the catholic church and i am catholic.also i am pretty sure you are misreading the holy bible because i am pretty sure david son is killed as a payment for his sin.

i am not sure you understand your position as a human being.from your blood a bloodline of thousands and thousands of years can be traced.you seriously tellling me that your entire bloodline was propagated by ugly men? We all have chad and stacy blood in us.

anyway i will try not to reply again.
abortion is pure evil
YHWH disagrees. It says in numbers that if a woman is pregnant with a fetus of unknown paternity she should take a poison water (abortefacient) to deal with the issue.
because i am pretty sure david son is killed as a payment for his sin.
That is exactly my point - Chad's sons should be punished for his sins. God says that Chad David & Stacy Bathsheba needed punishment.
YHWH disagrees. It says in numbers that if a woman is pregnant with a fetus of unknown paternity she should take a poison water (abortefacient) to deal with the issue.

That is exactly my point - Chad's sons should be punished for his sins. God says that Chad David & Stacy Bathsheba needed punishment.
you are twisting ideas to fit your ideal society where we murder babies because they carry chads blood even though every human on earth carries his blood. you can research catholic dogma on your,so i am not going to waste time here,especially when you are hellbent on this.
I want my taxes low, I don't care about upsetting femoids, they've won. The world is theirs, there will be no incel uprising, laws will continue to support women, there will be no anti fornication laws or really any laws that don't benefit women. I'd rather just grab whatever benefits I can.
Women should not have children that they feel the need to abort.

This is the principle issue. You cannot complain about there being no attenuating solution without first acknowledging the principle issue.

The best solution is to never have to fix this problem.
bastards who end up as welfare cases/wards of the state. Basically it will just end up making you pay for Chad's spawn


If you take a look at American adoption listings, you will notice some quite odd: A majority of the children are Mulattoes.
you are twisting ideas to fit your ideal society where we murder babies because they carry chads blood even though every human on earth carries his blood. you can research catholic dogma on your,so i am not going to waste time here,especially when you are hellbent on this.
There are different degrees of Chad ancestry, obviously incels are generally going to have less Chad blood than a Chad, of course there are always exceptions/genetic throwbacks. There will be some chads born in cuck/incel/betabuck families and cucks/incels/betabucks born in chad families, but probability dictates that chads have chad children and the inverse as well.
Doesnt matter if abortion is legal or not. Most foids can sustain Chads bastard children by just opening OnlyFans. Y´all are delusional and outdated goofballs.
We should abort all sex havers by using sulphuric acid bags and ramming them with lorry trucks (in video game)

If you take a look at American adoption listings, you will notice some quite odd: A majority of the children are Mulattoes.
Killing all black people would benefit the rumbling. Same with any colored nation. Leave the whites last, I want them to all get traumatized:lul::feelsgah:
Doesnt matter if abortion is legal or not. Most foids can sustain Chads bastard children by just opening OnlyFans. Y´all are delusional and outdated goofballs.
It's not just the money it's also about the time and opportunity costs you're ignoring.
God is fine with killing the products of fornication. See when God murdering David's bastard with Bathsheba for being a dishonor. Technically it's not murder as the fetus doesn't receive a soul until after the first trimester - that was the consensus of Christianity until the 19th century. It's called ensoulment.

You are causing a minor inconvenience for Stacy (while causing zero inconvenience for Chad by the way) but in the long-run you are helping them by proliferating by their bloodlines and as orphans they'll be even more degenerate societal drains as they won't respect any authorities.

This is literally you paying for Chad & Stacy's kids:

If it’s a minor inconvenience they wouldn’t care so much. I don’t care about the future, I won’t be alive then and I won’t ever have any kids
If it’s a minor inconvenience they wouldn’t care so much. I don’t care about the future, I won’t be alive then and I won’t ever have any kids
Tell us about your plan to rope.
If it’s a minor inconvenience they wouldn’t care so much. I don’t care about the future, I won’t be alive then and I won’t ever have any kids
No details?
stopped readin after "abortion"

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