Fucking a little baby is fucked up, sticking your dick in a vagina of a foid which is not developed yet is wrong. However when the foid has been developed than it shouldn't be a big problem.
Whats your criteria for a female being "developed"
I've had this argument already with posters who claim the arbitrary number 18 is the indicator even though it isn't even a world wide standard and not to long ago was much lower
I asked the user what were is physical and mental criteria for "developed", these were basically his answers:
Physical Criteria - Physical changes to the body, "obvious aging features"
Mental Criteria - "intelligence level sufficient of independently and successfully functioning in a society"
They were just vague arbitrary BS answers, which were easy to dismantle as follows:
Physical Criteria - Biology already has a pretty dependable criteria for determining whether a female is physically ready to take part in sexual intercourse, its called the menstruation cycle, its kind of ridiculous for people to argue that they somehow know better that literally what was programmed into our very genetic code, like they know better than biology does about when were physically ready to reproduce.
Not to mention we have been reproducing with women in those age groups for thousands of years prior to modern "age of consent" standards. Your criteria is really arbitrary and it changes from era to era, in fact we don't even have to look back that far, in modern times it changes from country to country (Sweden = 15, Japan = 13, Mexico = 12, etc), in fact we can narrow down the scope and it still changes (some states in America its 16 in others its 18).
JFL so look at that, it changes from time period, in modern times it varies in countries, and if you look at each country it still varies even further based on states. Its not a dependable criteria, its all arbitrary really.
Mental Criteria - Here's the thing, societies change over time, what it required for a woman to "successfully function" in modern society is obviously completely different back in the 1950's, or even further way back during the times of hunter gatherer communities. So if your argument is seriously just that you adhere to that subjective and ever changing mental criteria then your standards don't mean anything, if you were born in the 1920's you would be fucking 14 year olds then, because women didn't need to really learn anything other than house work and rearing children, and they were thought those things at a very young age. Women didn't need education or degrees, or anything.
So here's the question you have to ask, who decides which era of society we have to consider when we apply your mental criteria, if we choose the modern era then you can't have sex with anyone younger than 18, if we choose the era when patriarchy was its strongest then you can have sex with and marry a very young girl, 16, 15, even 14 maybe. Your mental criteria is arbitrary and subjective, it all depends on which era you exist in.
Also as a side note, not sure if you've talked to women much, their mental development doesn't really go past a young teen, they are all essentially fully grown children, they'd be fucked without men, and modern society just makes them even less likely to "grow up" mentally, they don't have to, their life is on tutorial mode.
that would include 8 and 9 year olds, cause they sometimes get puberty and periods early.
IDK about you, but even i'm not desperate enough to fuck an 8 year old
13 is lowest i'd comfortably go
Just put on a helmet like your avatar has so you can't see the age