Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

LifeFuel The official Rumble channel of the real world Incel movement is now online!

Rifles can cut down trees bro! Especially .30 ones...

It's cool, but ultimately foolish. Bad optics.
I certainly agree with your sentiment stated above but i think you neglect some other considerations at play here. It is not bad optics to be edgy and aggressive when our movement is born from this kind of platform where the users have painfully short attention spans and are prone to edgepost and debate bro maxx as part of its culture. We also must be provocative to intrigue and inspire users to even be bothered to look at and join our website and movement in the first place. The downside of that is we get accused of being feds, but such is the balance of optimizing the economics of attention and interest.

Yes, down the road we will have to pivot and transform to a more circumspect, conciliatory, politically intelligent posture as the one you describe if we hope to become a viable political movement. But presently we are in the infancy of our movement and must scream and rattle, lest we be smothered in the crib. This is also one of the reasons why we are building in different levels of our organization so when we scale up we can have a public-facing, milquetoast facade to appease normies while also catering to our radical, edgy incel base.
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When we pool our intellectual, creative, financial and other human resources, we can achieve great and inspirational things. Nothing is ever going to get done if all these cunts do is sit around here on these forums and larpmaxx, edgelordmaxx and just denigrate foids all day. That is exactly what the normies and the feds want you faggots to do. They don't want you binding together and creating a real world political organization that is led by brilliant lawyers such as myself and which will one day lobby to vindicate the rights of incel men. Go a join our forums, read the manifesto that I myself have authored, listen to my many amazing and brilliant speeches and then make a decision about us.
Fair enough
I certainly agree with your sentiment stated above but i think you neglect some other considerations at play here. It is not bad optics to be edgy and aggressive when our movement is born from this kind of platform where the users have painfully short attention spans and are prone to edgepost and debate bro maxx as part of its culture. We also must be provocative to intrigue and inspire users to even be bothered to look at and join our website and movement in the first place. The downside of that is we get accused of being feds, but such is the balance of optimizing the economics of attention and interest.

Yes, down the road we will have to pivot and transform to a more circumspect, conciliatory, politically intelligent posture as the one you describe if we hope to become a viable political movement. But presently we are in the infancy of our movement and must scream and rattle, lest we be smothered in the crib. This is also one of the reasons why we are building in different levels of our organization so when we scale up we can have a public-facing, milquetoast facade to appease normies while also catering to our radical, edgy incel base.
All Very good and reasonable points bro. Thanks for pointing them out. I do get it.

I certainly understand the need for a fanatically rabid core of "true believers." But only gullible retards think a "incel army" is a good idea. That helps no one IRL. It only makes then targets.

Lest you forget, bros are being arrested for merely, "uttering" incelspeak...

Anything that reeks of IRL violence is going to smother you're baby... Even larping.

Many men, here at least, are mentally unstable and actually believe stupid shit. Look at the cartoon lusters! Only a few know real hardship...

No, the sooner incel men act like adult men that can cooperate, and not like spoiled brats, the better.

Perhaps you forget that this is a tiny community? Mostly of angery men seeking peace. Not men seeking trouble.

Being edgy and violent only feeds the stereotype. The sooner that changes, the sooner normies will consider our plight.

"Violent incel paramilitary group member goes er on randos because nobody loved him! News at 9!"

It's a flawed strategy. Optics are very important in today's world. People are weak, cowardly and ignorant. Look up "the backfire effect." Once they believe something, they always believe it.

Instead, how about...

"Ugly homeless man receives estate from heirless millionaire! Opens a homeless shelter! news at 9!"

It's better to launch a clean and harmless looking ship that no one will dare shoot at, than to patch up a sinking one.

Be admired by all, or be hated and feared by all. It's like that. You cannot easily change a tattoo.
As you wish... But with a name like Aurelius, one would exspect more calm Stoicism.
I am only part Aurelius, the other half of me is a Sith Lord and we rely on our anger; it makes us stronger, gives us focus, in the words of my own great and wise master, Lord Sidious. Although I don't expect a Gungan such as yourself to assimilate these hallowed Sith traditions.
Optics are very important. And as a leader you should be able to view yourself as others do.
I have a plan and always have had one. Only the inner sanctum of the leadership cadre is privy to what my strategies actually entail and the rank and file, yourself included, cannot know what we are intending as it will lose its dramatic effect. Optics only matter in so far as you care about the perceptions of those whom you are addressing and I have said it many times before but, incels are already despised, feared, loathed and hated; we have nothing to lose and everything to gain and there is no such thing as bad publicity since people couldn't conceivably think any less of us.
Why tf would anyone cater to the desires of autistic retards? They are already doomed by stupidity. Only useful as cannon fodder... Fuck them. You want to lead a pack of morons? Why? Unless you want to lead them off a cliff...
No. I engage multiple demographics who possess highly disparate intellectual sensibilities. See my thread in the bunker whereby I elucidate the technical legal infeasibility of the ipf being a federal front for evidence of my more sophistocated and erudite approach to engaging the target demographic: https://incels.is/threads/for-those-who-think-the-incel-protection-force-is-the-fbi.613404/
im just voicing the many other observercels thoughts and worries bro.
This is neither the time nor the place for such dissention in the ranks. We are a paramilitary organization which abides by principles of discipline, obedience and respect towards superiors. If you have something disparaging to say about the movement or myself, do so via PM and do so carefully. I have been known to threaten to cut the heads off my enemies in video speeches that I have made before and you know that if anyone is good for his word in such matters it is a guy wearing a balaclava with an AK-47 in hand.
self reflection is an important asset for a leader... Especially an incel leader. Why would any already shell shocked dudecel follow a bully?
I am not a bully but I am not going to sit idly by while these fucking retards come in here and shout that I am a fed without a scintilla of proof and merely their delusional, conspiratorial conjectures to animate such idiocy. Would you refrain from defending yourself if some fucktard cast aspersions on your good name and repute? I think fucking not.
acta non verba!
talk is cheap...
Which is why I take action. Meet me in northern Michigan and see for yourself. I wouldn't even need my firearms for you or 99.9% of the rabble on this forum.
plain talk is important. You should be grateful that someone is willing to speak plainly to you.
I don't abide insolence from subordinates as I come from a military background where we enforce discipline mercilessly on those who show such impudent manners.
as stated earlier, I do have ideas that will actually be useful. But you seem too enamored with you're own bullshit to step out if it and clean it up.
You don't understand why I do what I do and I don not need to account myself to you or anyone other then my command staff for that matter.
I'm not gonna kiss you're ass just because you talk a lot.
Then gtfo of our forums and my website because we don't want traitors and scum who can't respect the authority of those who have rightfully earned their place in the hierarchy. I spend an average of 40 hours a week dedicating myself to the advancement of the movement and all I fucking get is people like you complaining, bitching and moaning about how I am either a fed or a sperg.
I'm old. And I can help you. But only if you're Stoic about it and not have a tantrum like a trust fund kid.
I am not a trust fund kid. I have wage slaved in the sorts of jobs that most normies look down upon, have worked 70 hour weeks, have worked nights and swing shifts before and put up with more shit and condescending pompous NPC faggotronics then you can conceivably comprehend.
Instead of doubling down on a ego-driven sunk cost, that makes things worse, you can actually help men.

Only a true leader can accept facts and do the hard work required for success.

IRL is not debating idiot foids online. It's helping IRL men improve there shitty IRL lives.
I already told you to PM me if you had advice or post in in our forums. This is not the venue for questioning our methods or our mission.
Fair enough
I look forward to seeing you around the forums comrade and please PM me once you have joined us. You will be welcome on our site, I personally guarantee it.
For you and any schizoid delusional retards out there who still think I am a fed (and those who do are welcome to meet me in rl for a physical battle to the death)
Nicolas Cage Laughing GIFs | Tenor
I don't have a smart phone for fear of the government using it to triangulate my location and then deploy FBI and Mossad resources against me to extradite me to Jerusalem and stand trial for crimes against the jews like the great Eichmann. I use a shitty Cannon Powershot camera which only has about a 4 minute maximum recording capacity.
based paranoidcel.

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