Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Discussion The New Goobermint PsyOp PDF Attacking "The Manosphere"



commanded to be joyful (now on discord: coco01228)
Apr 19, 2023
@Stupid Clown has asked me to repost my reply from his thread here:

TLDR - The government just made another pile of shit document calling us ideologically motivated terrorists. As always, they refuse to engage with our actual talking points and just cherry pick shitposts to support their own worldview. It is pathetic and reading it felt like chinese water torture - it's prattle. MAAAH EVIL MAAH EVIL MEN EBIL WOMEN ABUSE EVIL AWWAA - they even came up with a measure to determine how "evil" people are online. I can't understate how fucking retarded this.

Look at this shit, they gave Sandman a 93 on the evil scale:



I hope I don't to explain how bonkers it is to try to quantify value judgements using math. These same people probably shit on the nazis and other groups for trying to do the same thing - quantify human values scientifically. Yet they do the same to us. Absolutely gone, no words.

Now, for the rest of my reply, pasted from @Stupid Clown 's thread.
As per request, I read the PDF.
  • no concrete examples or approaches
  • full of raw ideological verbiage, bombarding the reader with value judgements about what is hateful and what is not etc
  • mentions incels.is but only cherry picks posts that support their view points (i.e. they pick a bunch of posts by pedos and screenshot them, or they pick posts by ppl complaining about being alone and say this is the core issue).
  • They never bring up any of the posts showing research data though.
  • Outrageous claims about an epidemic of anti-female violence in society - meanwhile onlyfans has a multi-billion dollar turn over rate annually. Also most victims of male violence are men + IPV symmetry (google it)
Also this book (written by women):

Since these people view the whole issue as ideological, all they have to offer is unjustifiable ideological claims.
Interesting things I found

  • they say they have soys on social media larping as right wingers and manosphere dudes, trying to redirect men to "healthier" venues
  • they say that they pinpoint and attack specific individuals to de-radicalize them over time (makes me rethink some interactions I had over the years :feelsugh::feelsugh::feelsugh:)
  • they recommend even more internet censorship using things like AI. This wont work. AI has to be trained on new terminology to learn. Human's dont. If a poser stops using the word "foid" and replaces it with "banana," how would an AI distinguish the 900 different use cases for "banana?" A word can change meaning based on context, gestures, tone of voice, context of thread, time of the year etc. The staggering complexity of language is too much for AI.
Take the sentence "I want to burn witches on a pile of wood with gasoline like its 1668."
Add some slang: "I want to roast some tuna on a campfire with kerosene like its 1994."

AI will not understand the second sentence, but users on this forum would, because context. So for AI to detect the second sentence as evil, it would have to rely on loose associations to determine the correct context (i.e. is it in "incel" context or is the guy talking about going to summer camp as a child?).

The infinite complexity of this will forever stifle AI.
Another way this could go down is similar to the "its ok to be white" slogan. AI can only figure out the meaning behind this by being taught the intention of its creators. On its own, it can not decipher this message, other than taking it literal.

For instance, what if incels stopped talking negatively about women and instead started talking super positive, but meant it negative. "I looove women, they are so squishy and nice! I want to cuddle them forever yay!"
"GOD I wish i could spoil a bitch! :feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww:"

This is why they will never catch up, unless they literally censor everything. Totalitarian measures are the only way, and it is where we are going.

Now back to the PDF: It contains almost no value outside of ideological gibberish, made up metrics to measure how "evil" someone is. All the data suffers from presuppositions about what incels are and what the problem is (i.e. they act like its just an ideology made up by a bunch of angry lonely men - which begs the question why their made-up ideology is superior, but that's too high IQ for them).

Thx for tagging me, I fuk wit da luv crew :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:

Screenshot from 2024 05 01 15 57 44

Now let's tag some giga iq users to get the ball rolling:

@WorthlessSlavicShit @Cybersex is our hope @NorthernWind @Atavistic Autist @DarkStarDown
@WacoGoesDown (fellow aircraft lover autist) @lonelysince2006
"Evil scale" Then im the fucking mao zedong :lul:
I hope the bitch that worte that is reading you post , taking notes and learning how to do a proper work.
"Evil scale" Then im the fucking mao zedong :lul:
:lul: :lul: :lul:

That's the problem with trying introduce concrete measures on how to deal with "extremist" groups and people.
You first have to quantify the threat level somehow in order to respond correctly.
The problem of course is that value judgements can not be quantified. You can't measure of much of a threat someone is, or how evil or good they are. It's simply impossible.

They have to be aware of this, it's elementary logic that you can't measure someones opinion ffs.
So the only reason they did this is to give the government some kind of magic made-up metric so they have a foundation to tailor their action plan on.

It's crazy anyway that people like this are payed by somebody. Even a child know that you cannot measure things like that with numbers.
Maybe it's just a bullshit job to make money?
I don't think Americans are all that retards
I hope the bitch that worte that is reading you post , taking notes and learning how to do a proper work.
I 100% feels like it was written by women. Strong prattle energy ngl. Never getting to the point, passive-aggressive accusatory tone, victim mentality.

High iq like always gecko :feelsokman:

Read every word
View attachment 1149812
It's crazy anyway that people like this are payed by somebody. Even a child know that you cannot measure things like that with numbers.
Maybe it's just a bullshit job to make money?
I don't think Americans are all that retards
I think it's what I said in my other reply. This is for the government. Since you can't measure opinions and value judgments, they had to make this up. If they didn't the government would have nothing to work from, to task law enforcement with. They have to be able to quantify people groups, so they can use their resources efficiently. Or they would have to monitor half the country. It's retarded.

Same issue is very common in the fields of psychology, psycho-therapy and the like. Quantifying human behavior is baloney.
@JayGoptri knows all about that too.
High iq like always gecko :feelsokman:

Read every word
nah thank @Stupid Clown for discovering the PDF and bringing it up, he was the first to make a thread on it. I wonder how they will square this shit with the recent William Costello study from February.
In that one they found that 42% of incels here are ethnic + most users are center left, not right wing. Also found that only 5% even profess to violent intentions.

Ridiculous. They ignore their own data in favor of pushing their ideology. Again, the concept of "threat" is subjective. There are 4 million dog bites in the US every year, yet nobody classifies dogs as a national issue. When put into context to other societal problems, incel related violence is not even a blip on the radar.
nah thank @Stupid Clown for discovering the PDF and bringing it up, he was the first to make a thread on it. I wonder how they will square this shit with the recent William Costello study from February.
In that one they found that 42% of incels here are ethnic + most users are center left, not right wing. Also found that only 5% even profess to violent intentions.

Ridiculous. They ignore their own data in favor of pushing their ideology. Again, the concept of "threat" is subjective. There are 4 million dog bites in the US every year, yet nobody classifies dogs as a national issue. When put into context to other societal problems, incel related violence is not even a blip on the radar.
It's pretty crazy how low IQ these government researchers are. They think everything is "left vs right." Tribalism brain rot.
nah thank @Stupid Clown for discovering the PDF and bringing it up, he was the first to make a thread on it. I wonder how they will square this shit with the recent William Costello study from February.
In that one they found that 42% of incels here are ethnic + most users are center left, not right wing. Also found that only 5% even profess to violent intentions.

Ridiculous. They ignore their own data in favor of pushing their ideology. Again, the concept of "threat" is subjective. There are 4 million dog bites in the US every year, yet nobody classifies dogs as a national issue. When put into context to other societal problems, incel related violence is not even a blip on the radar.
Only 5%?? Lmaoo. But they act like this whole forum is violent

And that's just 5% of this forum not even 5% of all incels.

Then you would also have to take into account the infiltrators that try to blend in so they say violent shit to get other users approval.
AI will not understand the second sentence, but users on this forum would, because context. So for AI to detect the second sentence as evil, it would have to rely on loose associations to determine the correct context (i.e. is it in "incel" context or is the guy talking about going to summer camp as a child?).

The infinite complexity of this will forever stifle AI.
Even "toilets" will give it alot of trouble. And I think the incel movement and blackpill in general is much harder to suppress than other so called "supremacist movements" because we have no unified principles or ideology that require a certain vernacular to discuss. The foundations of the blackpill are based in our simple everyday observations of nature: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that men are created unequal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain immutable traits, that among these are height, race, and the ability to looksmax." The incel movement does not require any external force to be propagated. It has arisen as a consequence of an imbalance in society and nature. We are that balance, and only the hand of God can keep the scales from correcting themselves. Those in power often believe that they can overcome nature, and their hubris will be their downfall.
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they even came up with a measure to determine how "evil" people are online. I can't understate how fucking retarded this.

Look at this shit, they gave Sandman a 93 on the evil scale:

View attachment 1149778

This is a hundred times funnier than I've expected it to be:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:.
It's pretty crazy how low IQ these government researchers are. They think everything is "left vs right." Tribalism brain rot.
I mean they only understand power since they are moral relativists. So really, their entire worldview always breaks down to "victim vs oppressor" mentality. They define themselves completely based on what they deem "the enemy."
Communists operate in a similar way, I think Lenin even said "the revolution never ends."

If you look at some of the conflicts in the soviet union, they were similar in terms of ridiculousness. There was this bitch fight about how evolution works, and this one retard had like 1000s of scientists deported and executed for holding a different opinion. It was insane.

Lysenkoism was a political campaign led by Soviet biologist Trofim Lysenko against genetics and science-based agriculture in the mid-20th century, rejecting natural selection in favour of a form of Lamarckism, as well as expanding upon the techniques of vernalization and grafting.

More than 3,000 mainstream biologists were dismissed or imprisoned, and numerous scientists were executed in the Soviet campaign to suppress scientific opponents. The president of the Soviet Agriculture Academy, Nikolai Vavilov, who had been Lysenko's mentor, but later denounced him, was sent to prison and died there, while Soviet genetics research was effectively destroyed. Research and teaching in the fields of neurophysiology, cell biology, and many other biological disciplines were harmed or banned.

All these retarded left-leaning revolutionary movements go down the same slippery slope - once they gain power, they don't know what to do anymore. Because their entire worldview is "us vs them." But once the enemy is defeated... they have no constructive plan. So they just keep creating new enemies. The infighting continues until the whole shit-show collapses. Just look at the french revolution.

So with these people in our current government, ditto. They have to create new enemies to keep their movement going, we are just a convenient target right now. It's like some Marvel Villain that has to consume to stay alive, Galactus or some shit. The revolution always ends up eating it's own children.

Women also express similar behaviors of needing constant validation and supply to stay sane. So maybe that's why they are partial to these retarded ideologies.
Only 5%?? Lmaoo. But they act like this whole forum is violent

And that's just 5% of this forum not even 5% of all incels.

Then you would also have to take into account the infiltrators that try to blend in so they say violent shit to get other users approval.
They cherry pick that shit to support their ideology, but they dare not touch must-read
This is a hundred times funnier than I've expected it to be:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:.
bro you have on idea
you should skim it, its fucking hilarious

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv

like look at this shit, how did this pass the neutrality censor?

Gun Violence and Misogyny
Gun violence and misogyny are two interconnected epidemics that continue to ravage American
life. The symptoms and solutions to each of these often overlap and intersect with one another.
Mass violence events which explicitly target women are some of the most prolific and infamous
in the United States. Social media posts and manifestos clearly state that many of these
perpetrators hold deeply misogynistic and far-right viewpoints regarding gender, gender identity,
and sexuality.

View: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P6Ev4--8CUnaFvRVzBapKMt4QYLyNUYQ/view?usp=drivesdk
I mean they only understand power since they are moral relativists. So really, their entire worldview always breaks down to "victim vs oppressor" mentality. They define themselves completely based on what they deem "the enemy."
Communists operate in a similar way, I think Lenin even said "the revolution never ends."

If you look at some of the conflicts in the soviet union, they were similar in terms of ridiculousness. There was this bitch fight about how evolution works, and this one retard had like 1000s of scientists deported and executed for holding a different opinion. It was insane.

All these retarded left-leaning revolutionary movements go down the same slippery slope - once they gain power, they don't know what to do anymore. Because their entire worldview is "us vs them." But once the enemy is defeated... they have no constructive plan. So they just keep creating new enemies. The infighting continues until the whole shit-show collapses. Just look at the french revolution.

So with these people in our current government, ditto. They have to create new enemies to keep their movement going, we are just a convenient target right now. It's like some Marvel Villain that has to consume to stay alive, Galactus or some shit. The revolution always ends up eating it's own children.

Women also express similar behaviors of needing constant validation and supply to stay sane. So maybe that's why they are partial to these retarded ideologies.
Good observation.
Beyond parody
Beyond parody
Are you making light of a document defending the status quo?
Careful there, thats +20 evil points for you :feelswhere::feelswhere::feelswhere:
I hate when people tell others how they should think
@Stupid Clown has asked me to repost my reply from his thread here:

TLDR - The government just made another pile of shit document calling us ideologically motivated terrorists. As always, they refuse to engage with our actual talking points and just cherry pick shitposts to support their own worldview. It is pathetic and reading it felt like chinese water torture - it's prattle. MAAAH EVIL MAAH EVIL MEN EBIL WOMEN ABUSE EVIL AWWAA - they even came up with a measure to determine how "evil" people are online. I can't understate how fucking retarded this.

Look at this shit, they gave Sandman a 93 on the evil scale:

View attachment 1149778


I hope I don't to explain how bonkers it is to try to quantify value judgements using math. These same people probably shit on the nazis and other groups for trying to do the same thing - quantify human values scientifically. Yet they do the same to us. Absolutely gone, no words.

Now, for the rest of my reply, pasted from @Stupid Clown 's thread.
As per request, I read the PDF.
  • no concrete examples or approaches
  • full of raw ideological verbiage, bombarding the reader with value judgements about what is hateful and what is not etc
  • mentions incels.is but only cherry picks posts that support their view points (i.e. they pick a bunch of posts by pedos and screenshot them, or they pick posts by ppl complaining about being alone and say this is the core issue).
  • They never bring up any of the posts showing research data though.
  • Outrageous claims about an epidemic of anti-female violence in society - meanwhile onlyfans has a multi-billion dollar turn over rate annually. Also most victims of male violence are men + IPV symmetry (google it)
Also this book (written by women):

Since these people view the whole issue as ideological, all they have to offer is unjustifiable ideological claims.
Interesting things I found

  • they say they have soys on social media larping as right wingers and manosphere dudes, trying to redirect men to "healthier" venues
  • they say that they pinpoint and attack specific individuals to de-radicalize them over time (makes me rethink some interactions I had over the years :feelsugh::feelsugh::feelsugh:)
  • they recommend even more internet censorship using things like AI. This wont work. AI has to be trained on new terminology to learn. Human's dont. If a poser stops using the word "foid" and replaces it with "banana," how would an AI distinguish the 900 different use cases for "banana?" A word can change meaning based on context, gestures, tone of voice, context of thread, time of the year etc. The staggering complexity of language is too much for AI.
Take the sentence "I want to burn witches on a pile of wood with gasoline like its 1668."
Add some slang: "I want to roast some tuna on a campfire with kerosene like its 1994."

AI will not understand the second sentence, but users on this forum would, because context. So for AI to detect the second sentence as evil, it would have to rely on loose associations to determine the correct context (i.e. is it in "incel" context or is the guy talking about going to summer camp as a child?).

The infinite complexity of this will forever stifle AI.
Another way this could go down is similar to the "its ok to be white" slogan. AI can only figure out the meaning behind this by being taught the intention of its creators. On its own, it can not decipher this message, other than taking it literal.

For instance, what if incels stopped talking negatively about women and instead started talking super positive, but meant it negative. "I looove women, they are so squishy and nice! I want to cuddle them forever yay!"
"GOD I wish i could spoil a bitch! :feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww:"

This is why they will never catch up, unless they literally censor everything. Totalitarian measures are the only way, and it is where we are going.

Now back to the PDF: It contains almost no value outside of ideological gibberish, made up metrics to measure how "evil" someone is. All the data suffers from presuppositions about what incels are and what the problem is (i.e. they act like its just an ideology made up by a bunch of angry lonely men - which begs the question why their made-up ideology is superior, but that's too high IQ for them).

Thx for tagging me, I fuk wit da luv crew :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:

View attachment 1149781

Now let's tag some giga iq users to get the ball rolling:

@WorthlessSlavicShit @Cybersex is our hope @NorthernWind @Atavistic Autist @DarkStarDown
@WacoGoesDown (fellow aircraft lover autist) @lonelysince2006
No amount of gaslighting is changing me until I ascend
They only cherry
@Stupid Clown has asked me to repost my reply from his thread here:

TLDR - The government just made another pile of shit document calling us ideologically motivated terrorists. As always, they refuse to engage with our actual talking points and just cherry pick shitposts to support their own worldview. It is pathetic and reading it felt like chinese water torture - it's prattle. MAAAH EVIL MAAH EVIL MEN EBIL WOMEN ABUSE EVIL AWWAA - they even came up with a measure to determine how "evil" people are online. I can't understate how fucking retarded this.

Look at this shit, they gave Sandman a 93 on the evil scale:

View attachment 1149778


I hope I don't to explain how bonkers it is to try to quantify value judgements using math. These same people probably shit on the nazis and other groups for trying to do the same thing - quantify human values scientifically. Yet they do the same to us. Absolutely gone, no words.

Now, for the rest of my reply, pasted from @Stupid Clown 's thread.
As per request, I read the PDF.
  • no concrete examples or approaches
  • full of raw ideological verbiage, bombarding the reader with value judgements about what is hateful and what is not etc
  • mentions incels.is but only cherry picks posts that support their view points (i.e. they pick a bunch of posts by pedos and screenshot them, or they pick posts by ppl complaining about being alone and say this is the core issue).
  • They never bring up any of the posts showing research data though.
  • Outrageous claims about an epidemic of anti-female violence in society - meanwhile onlyfans has a multi-billion dollar turn over rate annually. Also most victims of male violence are men + IPV symmetry (google it)
Also this book (written by women):

Since these people view the whole issue as ideological, all they have to offer is unjustifiable ideological claims.
Interesting things I found

  • they say they have soys on social media larping as right wingers and manosphere dudes, trying to redirect men to "healthier" venues
  • they say that they pinpoint and attack specific individuals to de-radicalize them over time (makes me rethink some interactions I had over the years :feelsugh::feelsugh::feelsugh:)
  • they recommend even more internet censorship using things like AI. This wont work. AI has to be trained on new terminology to learn. Human's dont. If a poser stops using the word "foid" and replaces it with "banana," how would an AI distinguish the 900 different use cases for "banana?" A word can change meaning based on context, gestures, tone of voice, context of thread, time of the year etc. The staggering complexity of language is too much for AI.
Take the sentence "I want to burn witches on a pile of wood with gasoline like its 1668."
Add some slang: "I want to roast some tuna on a campfire with kerosene like its 1994."

AI will not understand the second sentence, but users on this forum would, because context. So for AI to detect the second sentence as evil, it would have to rely on loose associations to determine the correct context (i.e. is it in "incel" context or is the guy talking about going to summer camp as a child?).

The infinite complexity of this will forever stifle AI.
Another way this could go down is similar to the "its ok to be white" slogan. AI can only figure out the meaning behind this by being taught the intention of its creators. On its own, it can not decipher this message, other than taking it literal.

For instance, what if incels stopped talking negatively about women and instead started talking super positive, but meant it negative. "I looove women, they are so squishy and nice! I want to cuddle them forever yay!"
"GOD I wish i could spoil a bitch! :feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww:"

This is why they will never catch up, unless they literally censor everything. Totalitarian measures are the only way, and it is where we are going.

Now back to the PDF: It contains almost no value outside of ideological gibberish, made up metrics to measure how "evil" someone is. All the data suffers from presuppositions about what incels are and what the problem is (i.e. they act like its just an ideology made up by a bunch of angry lonely men - which begs the question why their made-up ideology is superior, but that's too high IQ for them).

Thx for tagging me, I fuk wit da luv crew :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:

View attachment 1149781

Now let's tag some giga iq users to get the ball rolling:

@WorthlessSlavicShit @Cybersex is our hope @NorthernWind @Atavistic Autist @DarkStarDown
@WacoGoesDown (fellow aircraft lover autist) @lonelysince2006
pick jokes or things from the sewers or loungue
And frame it as our honest opinions
And also, There have been about 10 cases of recorded incel violence in the last 15 years, But uncountable instances of gang violence so it’s laughable that they frame us as terrorists but not the crips or bloods
Are you making light of a document defending the status quo?
Careful there, thats +20 evil points for you :feelswhere::feelswhere::feelswhere:
I am above Stalin on the evil scale
It should be illegal to train violent breeds of for legged roid fuckers to specifically and automatically attack government roastie toasties
they will just censor on per user basis but good luck irl, niggerfaggots
I think it's what I said in my other reply. This is for the government. Since you can't measure opinions and value judgments, they had to make this up. If they didn't the government would have nothing to work from, to task law enforcement with. They have to be able to quantify people groups, so they can use their resources efficiently. Or they would have to monitor half the country. It's retarded.

Same issue is very common in the fields of psychology, psycho-therapy and the like. Quantifying human behavior is baloney.
@JayGoptri knows all about that too.
Yes Psycho-therapy as a field can exist in proper form, but for that the Psychotherapist has to be a generalist drawing from all fields of the humanities to render his judgments and options to a "patient". Since today, no (or very VERY few) Psychotherapist can do that, it's a bunk enterprise. Mostly they do ego building self-indulgent exercises. Whoever the patient is will be told whatever garbage is in style at the moment.
Hey FBI.... You're a nigger
Movie Theater Lol GIF by Tyler, the Creator
Reactionaries being reactionary is nothing new.

If anything, it serves to prove that the Marxist-Rodgerist revolution is already marching at full steam.
It's insane how intelligent you are despite having been homeless for so long; meanwhile, the Department of Homeland Security is conceiving wily figments of imagination to portray castigated men as corrupted for their reaction against inexorable phenomena. Society wants its denizens to submit and conform to the political climate no matter how they might be cheated. The guilt-mongering presented throughout the history of civilisation has twisted the perspective of ideological struggles, manipulating the presentation of ideological conflicts and motivations to make them appear as society-oriented revolutions as opposed to commonsensical and individual valuations.

Civilisations thrive off the use and abuse of marginalized groups: the Negroes of the Confederate States galvanized the agrarian prosperity, Jewish administrations helped revitalize the crippled Weimar economy, ancient Greece necessitated slavery to obtain their cultural zenith. It is no different now, the incel is the Negro, the Jew, the Slave. Society is effectively imposing a master morality onto us, and it does so by deploring men as puling cowards and vile scoundrels.

"Incel" a generalised term for an instinctively disliked man, and it groups most men together in the process of its conception—especially those that fail to meet the criteria for success and social acceptance.

It's worrying that federal agencies are now explicitly participating in these shameful and exploitive tactics; then again, institutions and systems of power have always taken advantage of the entities they claim to possess unremitting governance over. Nothing new isrevitalizedhere.
bro you have on idea
you should skim it, its fucking hilarious

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv

like look at this shit, how did this pass the neutrality censor?

View: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P6Ev4--8CUnaFvRVzBapKMt4QYLyNUYQ/view?usp=drivesdk

"Stupid and dumb" is a thirteen, which means that to be grouped into this category implicates the worst degree of evil apropos the lunatic system of quantitating incel-related values. Apparently, stupidity and dumbness is itself categorical of the incel schema, and it is the most potent manifestation of involutary celibacy.
Lmao im not even halfway through but there's already some insane kekfuel in here. Some highlights before I go to bed:

THEY GAVE MONEY TO REDPILLERS to test their bullshit 'healthy' masculinity ads HAHAHAHAH. They funded muh extremist terrorists they are trying to fight against lmaoooo. The chain here of Department of Homeland Security giving money to a non-profit who gave it to red pill youtubers for their meme ads.
Our primary goal was to conduct targeted advertising campaigns across a spectrum of accounts... However,not all accounts were eligible for campaign testing because they had been demonetized. These accounts included Just Pearly Things, Fresh & Fit, SandMan, and Legion of Men (pg. 10)

And then then they end up saying that refusing to simp is in fact mysogynistic:
A disconcerting trend has surfaced within the manosphere on YouTube, characterized by a series of videos where men proudly proclaim to "stop simping." Through public humiliation of women, they demonstrate how not sympathizing with, showing too much attention for, or otherwise being submissive to women can lead to the actual harassment and bullying of women (pg. 17)
Oh yes by not being a walking doormat and standing up for yourself when women insult you, you are in fact a misogynist terrorist.

On MGTOW and the term 'gynocentrism':
This concern over ‘gynocentrism’ in society pulls a conspiratorial mindset into evaluation of contemporary gender norms, suggesting that there is a grand conspiracy to center women and feminism in our culture at the expense of men and the “traditional” gender binary.
Yeah sweaty gynocentrism is a completely unreasonable conspiracy but muh patriarchy oppressing me by making attractive videogame characters is absolutely real and very bad :foidSoy:

And the hate for passport bros exposes the cultural chauvinism embedded in feminism. They slander other cultures for being regressive and patriarchal when in fact it is our western gynocentric culture that is abnormal throughout both the contemporary international community and through history. They expose themselves here as being cultural imperialists:
These discussions starkly expose a mindset resistant to women asserting their independence and embracing a contemporary, feminist identity. Beyond reflecting regressive views, this trend prompts a sobering inquiry into the societal repercussions of fostering such toxic nostalgia for an era when women were confined to restrictive roles.

Fuck what a doozy I'm gonna have to finish this up tomorrow. Thanks to both of you for sharing.
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incel trait: you aren't in the DHS screencap
they recommend even more internet censorship using things like AI. This wont work. AI has to be trained on new terminology to learn. Human's dont. If a poser stops using the word "foid" and replaces it with "banana," how would an AI distinguish the 900 different use cases for "banana?" A word can change meaning based on context, gestures, tone of voice, context of thread, time of the year etc. The staggering complexity of language is too much for AI.
We should start doing this right fucking now.

Banana's rights were a mistake.

God, I wanna hate fuck a banana so fucking hard.

3D bananas > 2D bananas.

@AsakuraHao wants us to believe that Margot Robbie is an orange.
We should start doing this right fucking now.

Banana's rights were a mistake.

God, I wanna hate fuck a banana so fucking hard.

3D bananas > 2D bananas.

@AsakuraHao wants us to believe that Margot Robbie is an orange.
stop talking about this white roaste
better talk about superior anime girls like her
What are your honest thoughts about kaori kanzaki v0 7nzn0mk1ip6b1
Theoretically, AI can probably 'combat' new terminologies, but that'd mean ridiculous amount expenses and electrical energy, potentially bringing down our quality of life significantly. That only highlights the sheer hubris and pettiness of these people.
Let's radicalase agian: I hope her new bf will put her to the coffin, dumb slut
The I.N.C.E.L Movement strikes again!

Seriously, why do they see us as this dangerously extremist group?
Incels are common enough in this hypergamous society, and the VAST MAJORITy are peaceful, if bitter and/or depressed.

Even the violent ones like ER are lone wolves, not member of an organized terrorist cell.
The goobermint really be writing these very long DNR “studies” trying to analyze the manosphere and its discourse, and highlighting the “threat level”. Why not just opt for a solution at that point and give incels state mandated gfs? Fund the money where it matters. :feelsYall:
The goobermint really be writing these very long DNR “studies” trying to analyze the manosphere and its discourse, and highlighting the “threat level”. Why not just opt for a solution at that point and give incels state mandated gfs? Fund the money where it matters. :feelsYall:
Subhuman used to have the same Van Gogh avi

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