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Blackpill The most brutal rape study just dropped, Chads pretty much have mind control powers and women are the ones using physical force to rape

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
  • Start date


Oct 30, 2022
Title:feelsjuice:. Remember the two studies on rape tactics I've talked about a few times here, which show that the most common sexual coercion/rape tactics are seduction and emotional manipulation, and that it is those tactics that men are much more likely to use than women, while both genders are roughly equally likely to use physical force and other violent coercion?


We've actually gotten another rape tactics study a few years ago, but I didn't notice just how insane it is before TheTinMen blog took a look at it:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/1e5jrrj/sexual_aggression_what_is_the_millennial_shift/

Basically, the study was looking at whether there is a so-called "Millenial Shift" in sexual aggression/coercion, with men being less aggressive than before and women being more so, because of feminism and so on.

Overall, the study has confirmed this, by showing that millenial men and women are much closer when it comes to various male-dominated rape tactics than boomer men and women, and that women now straight up are the majority of people using forceful tactics:


And not only have they done this, they've also, like one of the previous studies I've posted at the beginning, looked at the various sub-tactics of each, and those are quite something.


For my claim that Chads pretty much have "mind control powers", look at the arousal and emotional coercion tactic sets. For boomers, 12.05% of men and 11.31% of women said they took off their clothes to arouse someone to coerce them into sex, while for millenials, it was 8.38% for men and 14.95% for women. Now, already here we can see that sexual aggression shift, but let's talk about the important thing, just how absolutely insane it is to see, as an incel, that the rate here for men is any higher than 0%:shock::shock::shock::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:. Seriously, just imagine yourself, you don't even needto imagine some idealized 5'2 Indian janitor, just imagine yourself trying this, wanting to have sex with a chick and your way to doing that being just taking your clothes off and letting the sight of your body do all the work as she gets so aroused that she can't resist you:shock:. how do you think that would work out for anyone on this forum, and hell, any normie man:fuk::fuk:? Just imagine how animalistic and crazy you would become if you were on the opposite side of that and a woman took off her clothes to seduce you just by the sight of her body. Imagine how, 100%, you would completely lose your mind and wouldn't be able to control yourself if that had happened (let's not lie to ourselves, that's what we'd be like in that situation), and now realize that we share the world with guys who can do that to women and whose bodies have that exact same effect on women:feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:.

Same with those who had removed the other person's clothes to arouse them, which is still male-dominated even:feelsUnreal: (13.33% of boomer and 11.75% of millenial men having done so, while 7.76% and 10.26% of boomer and millenial women, respectively, having done so.) Just imagine having such power over women, being so genuinely attractive to them, that just the realization and mental image of her being naked or half-naked in a room with you is enough to get her turned on and incapable of resisting having sex with you. Just imagine how you'd feel if a woman done that to you, and now realize that there are men out there who have that exact effect on women:dafuckfeels:.

Then you look at emotional coercion, and it gets even worse. Look at how few people used threatening a break-up (4.2 and 5.1% of men, 2.31 and 5.31% of women) compared with simply talking someone into sex by repeatedly asking or just telling them that they like or love them. That to me heavily implies that, althouh it's obviously the first thing you'd think, that those tactics in fact aren't used mostly by people who want more sex from their spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend, but that those people are actually using it on friends, acquiatances, and actual strangers. Imagine being able to get sex just by asking for it or giving someone an excuse by saying that you like them, imagine being attractive:feelsUnreal:. Because that's what this is actually about:feelsthink:. It's not actually that they have powers that allow them to Jedi Mind Trick their way to sex at will, it's that they might as well be capable of that, because what they have is even better, they are attractive and the moment they appear in somebody's field of vision, that person is immediately attracted to them, immediately wants to have sex with them, and they need to just give that woman the tiniest excuse that she's looking for to go wild with them.

And just jfl at the last two items there:feelskek::feelskek::

"Used your authority or position" = 4.32% for millenial women, nobody else is over 2%.

"Been an adut at least 5 years older and they were younger than 16" = 4.32% for millenial women again, but this time millenial men also get through 2% with 2.22% of them doing this.

Hello #MeToo? Hello agecucks and pedobashers? Hello everyone that likes to gang up on unattractive men and relishes every opportunnity to attack those unfortunate guys whenever they remind the world that they are healthy, sexual human beings, where's you fucking outrage now:feelskek::society::feelsclown::lasereyes::feelsree:?!

And finally, the very best part, the force tactics, where millenial women are head and shoulders above the other groups:

Blocking someone's retreat so they can't get away = 4.63% for millenial women, nobody else is even above 3%

Restraining someone by sitting at them or holding them down = 4.3% or millenial women, nobody else is at even half of that

Tying someone up = 3.64% for millenial women, which once again is over twice the figure for anyone else

Threatening physical harm = 2.98% of millenial women, while the second biggest figure is 1.11% for millenial men and the boomers are both under 1%.

Actually physically harming someone to force them into sex = 4.65% of millenial women have done this. The second biggest figure is 1.2% for boomer men, which is almost four times smaller (and very close to the remaining two figures.)

Threatening someone with a weapon = 2.33% for millenial women, which is just over twice the figure 1.12% figure for millenial men, while boomers are under 1%.

Women are more sexually aggressive than ever in recent history (if shifts like this can happen in such a short time, no way it hadn't already happened thousands of times in more distant history), they are literally hunting Chads with ropes and weapons more than men have ever done in the last few decades, even underage Chads as we can see, Chads and women can automatically seduce each other into sex just by asking for it and showing off their bodies to each other... and we are completely denied participation in any of this because of few millimeters of bone. Fucking OVER:society::society::feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:.

@DarkStar @GeckoBus @based_meme @Incline @Copexodius Maximus @comradespiderman29 @lu.jones @wereq @K1ng N0th1ng @weaselbomber @anandkonda @Jason Voorhees @Pancakecel @Defetivecuckachu @CircumcisedClown @RealSchizo @To koniec @Mecoja
Title:feelsjuice:. Remember the two studies on rape tactics I've talked about a few times here, which show that the most common sexual coercion/rape tactics are seduction and emotional manipulation, and that it is those tactics that men are much more likely to use than women, while both genders are roughly equally likely to use physical force and other violent coercion?


We've actually gotten another rape tactics study a few years ago, but I didn't notice just how insane it is before TheTinMen blog took a look at it:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/1e5jrrj/sexual_aggression_what_is_the_millennial_shift/

Basically, the study was looking at whether there is a so-called "Millenial Shift" in sexual aggression/coercion, with men being less aggressive than before and women being more so, because of feminism and so on.

Overall, the study has confirmed this, by showing that millenial men and women are much closer when it comes to various male-dominated rape tactics than boomer men and women, and that women now straight up are the majority of people using forceful tactics:

View attachment 1201857View attachment 1201863View attachment 1201864

And not only have they done this, they've also, like one of the previous studies I've posted at the beginning, looked at the various sub-tactics of each, and those are quite something.

View attachment 1201871

For my claim that Chads pretty much have "mind control powers", look at the arousal and emotional coercion tactic sets. For boomers, 12.05% of men and 11.31% of women said they took off their clothes to arouse someone to coerce them into sex, while for millenials, it was 8.38% for men and 14.95% for women. Now, already here we can see that sexual aggression shift, but let's talk about the important thing, just how absolutely insane it is to see, as an incel, that the rate here for men is any higher than 0%:shock::shock::shock::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:. Seriously, just imagine yourself, you don't even needto imagine some idealized 5'2 Indian janitor, just imagine yourself trying this, wanting to have sex with a chick and your way to doing that being just taking your clothes off and letting the sight of your body do all the work as she gets so aroused that she can't resist you:shock:. how do you think that would work out for anyone on this forum, and hell, any normie man:fuk::fuk:? Just imagine how animalistic and crazy you would become if you were on the opposite side of that and a woman took off her clothes to seduce you just by the sight of her body. Imagine how, 100%, you would completely lose your mind and wouldn't be able to control yourself if that had happened (let's not lie to ourselves, that's what we'd be like in that situation), and now realize that we share the world with guys who can do that to women and whose bodies have that exact same effect on women:feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:.

Same with those who had removed the other person's clothes to arouse them, which is still male-dominated even:feelsUnreal: (13.33% of boomer and 11.75% of millenial men having done so, while 7.76% and 10.26% of boomer and millenial women, respectively, having done so.) Just imagine having such power over women, being so genuinely attractive to them, that just the realization and mental image of her being naked or half-naked in a room with you is enough to get her turned on and incapable of resisting having sex with you. Just imagine how you'd feel if a woman done that to you, and now realize that there are men out there who have that exact effect on women:dafuckfeels:.

Then you look at emotional coercion, and it gets even worse. Look at how few people used threatening a break-up (4.2 and 5.1% of men, 2.31 and 5.31% of women) compared with simply talking someone into sex by repeatedly asking or just telling them that they like or love them. That to me heavily implies that, althouh it's obviously the first thing you'd think, that those tactics in fact aren't used mostly by people who want more sex from their spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend, but that those people are actually using it on friends, acquiatances, and actual strangers. Imagine being able to get sex just by asking for it or giving someone an excuse by saying that you like them, imagine being attractive:feelsUnreal:. Because that's what this is actually about:feelsthink:. It's not actually that they have powers that allow them to Jedi Mind Trick their way to sex at will, it's that they might as well be capable of that, because what they have is even better, they are attractive and the moment they appear in somebody's field of vision, that person is immediately attracted to them, immediately wants to have sex with them, and they need to just give that woman the tiniest excuse that she's looking for to go wild with them.

And just jfl at the last two items there:feelskek::feelskek::

"Used your authority or position" = 4.32% for millenial women, nobody else is over 2%.

"Been an adut at least 5 years older and they were younger than 16" = 4.32% for millenial women again, but this time millenial men also get through 2% with 2.22% of them doing this.

Hello #MeToo? Hello agecucks and pedobashers? Hello everyone that likes to gang up on unattractive men and relishes every opportunnity to attack those unfortunate guys whenever they remind the world that they are healthy, sexual human beings, where's you fucking outrage now:feelskek::society::feelsclown::lasereyes::feelsree:?!

And finally, the very best part, the force tactics, where millenial women are head and shoulders above the other groups:

Blocking someone's retreat so they can't get away = 4.63% for millenial women, nobody else is even above 3%

Restraining someone by sitting at them or holding them down = 4.3% or millenial women, nobody else is at even half of that

Tying someone up = 3.64% for millenial women, which once again is over twice the figure for anyone else

Threatening physical harm = 2.98% of millenial women, while the second biggest figure is 1.11% for millenial men and the boomers are both under 1%.

Actually physically harming someone to force them into sex = 4.65% of millenial women have done this. The second biggest figure is 1.2% for boomer men, which is almost four times smaller (and very close to the remaining two figures.)

Threatening someone with a weapon = 2.33% for millenial women, which is just over twice the figure 1.12% figure for millenial men, while boomers are under 1%.

Women are more sexually aggressive than ever in recent history (if shifts like this can happen in such a short time, no way it hadn't already happened thousands of times in more distant history), they are literally hunting Chads with ropes and weapons more than men have ever done in the last few decades, even underage Chads as we can see, Chads and women can automatically seduce each other into sex just by asking for it and showing off their bodies to each other... and we are completely denied participation in any of this because of few millimeters of bone. Fucking OVER:society::society::feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:.

@DarkStar @GeckoBus @based_meme @Incline @Copexodius Maximus @comradespiderman29 @lu.jones @wereq @K1ng N0th1ng @weaselbomber @anandkonda @Jason Voorhees @Pancakecel @Defetivecuckachu @CircumcisedClown @RealSchizo @To koniec @Mecoja

Mods pin, BRUTAL
I said many times that foids control the sexual market. Yet no one believed me while thinking Chad has more to request than a foid.

And it is the opposite. Foids get It all, chads simply make that fantasy happen in exchange.
Personally I think women are more physically aggressive than men. The only thing that is stopping them is the fact that men are much stronger and imposing than them. I have zero doubts in my mind that if men were smaller and weaker than women on average, we would get constantly abused. Fefails like to claim that they are morally superior because they don't go around beating men up, when the only thing stopping them is that they physically can't do it.

Women love to play the victims but none of the data supports this.
This blackpill is choking me.
Just imagine how animalistic and crazy you would become if you were on the opposite side of that and a woman took off her clothes to seduce you just by the sight of her body. Imagine how, 100%, you would completely lose your mind and wouldn't be able to control yourself if that had happened (let's not lie to ourselves, that's what we'd be like in that situation), and now realize that we share the world with guys who can do that to women and whose bodies have that exact same effect on women:feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:.
Now consider the complete opposite of that.
Imagine being so repulsive, vile and inhuman in the eyes of foids that they would rather be in the company of 700lbs flesh-tearing bears.
We're not talking sex here, they're not being asked to fuck you. They're asked to accompany you alone in a forest and they detest that idea on a subconscious level so much that they'd rather die.
What a hilarious contrast.
Suifuel I did not need this tonight
look at how young teen foids act towards attractive male singers in their 20s

I'm still waiting for a woman to force herself on me and sexually abuse me with her body.
Foids have more of an incentive to be pedophiles because underage males are easier to physically assault even if they can't overpower a male, it's still easier to SA a male victim with physical force if they're younger than if they're older. If given the choice, people will almost always pick the path of least resistance with less effort involved. And here that means female perpetrators should have more reason to select younger male victims over older ones.
Title:feelsjuice:. Remember the two studies on rape tactics I've talked about a few times here, which show that the most common sexual coercion/rape tactics are seduction and emotional manipulation, and that it is those tactics that men are much more likely to use than women, while both genders are roughly equally likely to use physical force and other violent coercion?


We've actually gotten another rape tactics study a few years ago, but I didn't notice just how insane it is before TheTinMen blog took a look at it:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/1e5jrrj/sexual_aggression_what_is_the_millennial_shift/

Basically, the study was looking at whether there is a so-called "Millenial Shift" in sexual aggression/coercion, with men being less aggressive than before and women being more so, because of feminism and so on.

Overall, the study has confirmed this, by showing that millenial men and women are much closer when it comes to various male-dominated rape tactics than boomer men and women, and that women now straight up are the majority of people using forceful tactics:

View attachment 1201857View attachment 1201863View attachment 1201864

And not only have they done this, they've also, like one of the previous studies I've posted at the beginning, looked at the various sub-tactics of each, and those are quite something.

View attachment 1201871

For my claim that Chads pretty much have "mind control powers", look at the arousal and emotional coercion tactic sets. For boomers, 12.05% of men and 11.31% of women said they took off their clothes to arouse someone to coerce them into sex, while for millenials, it was 8.38% for men and 14.95% for women. Now, already here we can see that sexual aggression shift, but let's talk about the important thing, just how absolutely insane it is to see, as an incel, that the rate here for men is any higher than 0%:shock::shock::shock::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:. Seriously, just imagine yourself, you don't even needto imagine some idealized 5'2 Indian janitor, just imagine yourself trying this, wanting to have sex with a chick and your way to doing that being just taking your clothes off and letting the sight of your body do all the work as she gets so aroused that she can't resist you:shock:. how do you think that would work out for anyone on this forum, and hell, any normie man:fuk::fuk:? Just imagine how animalistic and crazy you would become if you were on the opposite side of that and a woman took off her clothes to seduce you just by the sight of her body. Imagine how, 100%, you would completely lose your mind and wouldn't be able to control yourself if that had happened (let's not lie to ourselves, that's what we'd be like in that situation), and now realize that we share the world with guys who can do that to women and whose bodies have that exact same effect on women:feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:.

Same with those who had removed the other person's clothes to arouse them, which is still male-dominated even:feelsUnreal: (13.33% of boomer and 11.75% of millenial men having done so, while 7.76% and 10.26% of boomer and millenial women, respectively, having done so.) Just imagine having such power over women, being so genuinely attractive to them, that just the realization and mental image of her being naked or half-naked in a room with you is enough to get her turned on and incapable of resisting having sex with you. Just imagine how you'd feel if a woman done that to you, and now realize that there are men out there who have that exact effect on women:dafuckfeels:.

Then you look at emotional coercion, and it gets even worse. Look at how few people used threatening a break-up (4.2 and 5.1% of men, 2.31 and 5.31% of women) compared with simply talking someone into sex by repeatedly asking or just telling them that they like or love them. That to me heavily implies that, althouh it's obviously the first thing you'd think, that those tactics in fact aren't used mostly by people who want more sex from their spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend, but that those people are actually using it on friends, acquiatances, and actual strangers. Imagine being able to get sex just by asking for it or giving someone an excuse by saying that you like them, imagine being attractive:feelsUnreal:. Because that's what this is actually about:feelsthink:. It's not actually that they have powers that allow them to Jedi Mind Trick their way to sex at will, it's that they might as well be capable of that, because what they have is even better, they are attractive and the moment they appear in somebody's field of vision, that person is immediately attracted to them, immediately wants to have sex with them, and they need to just give that woman the tiniest excuse that she's looking for to go wild with them.

And just jfl at the last two items there:feelskek::feelskek::

"Used your authority or position" = 4.32% for millenial women, nobody else is over 2%.

"Been an adut at least 5 years older and they were younger than 16" = 4.32% for millenial women again, but this time millenial men also get through 2% with 2.22% of them doing this.

Hello #MeToo? Hello agecucks and pedobashers? Hello everyone that likes to gang up on unattractive men and relishes every opportunnity to attack those unfortunate guys whenever they remind the world that they are healthy, sexual human beings, where's you fucking outrage now:feelskek::society::feelsclown::lasereyes::feelsree:?!

And finally, the very best part, the force tactics, where millenial women are head and shoulders above the other groups:

Blocking someone's retreat so they can't get away = 4.63% for millenial women, nobody else is even above 3%

Restraining someone by sitting at them or holding them down = 4.3% or millenial women, nobody else is at even half of that

Tying someone up = 3.64% for millenial women, which once again is over twice the figure for anyone else

Threatening physical harm = 2.98% of millenial women, while the second biggest figure is 1.11% for millenial men and the boomers are both under 1%.

Actually physically harming someone to force them into sex = 4.65% of millenial women have done this. The second biggest figure is 1.2% for boomer men, which is almost four times smaller (and very close to the remaining two figures.)

Threatening someone with a weapon = 2.33% for millenial women, which is just over twice the figure 1.12% figure for millenial men, while boomers are under 1%.

Women are more sexually aggressive than ever in recent history (if shifts like this can happen in such a short time, no way it hadn't already happened thousands of times in more distant history), they are literally hunting Chads with ropes and weapons more than men have ever done in the last few decades, even underage Chads as we can see, Chads and women can automatically seduce each other into sex just by asking for it and showing off their bodies to each other... and we are completely denied participation in any of this because of few millimeters of bone. Fucking OVER:society::society::feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:.

@DarkStar @GeckoBus @based_meme @Incline @Copexodius Maximus @comradespiderman29 @lu.jones @wereq @K1ng N0th1ng @weaselbomber @anandkonda @Jason Voorhees @Pancakecel @Defetivecuckachu @CircumcisedClown @RealSchizo @To koniec @Mecoja

must read NOW! :bigbrain::bigbrain::bigbrain:
@PLA1092 COME IN HERE :feelsYall::feelsYall::feelsYall:

Amazing thread :feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww:
This shows again that female accusations of violent rape and all that shit are merely projections. No surprise there, the gender obsessed with rape porn, you know, rapes more.:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Women are the dominant gender, men are submissive. Total inversion of what they tell us, as always.

Also hyperkek at the study cited in the comments in that reddit thread:

More women (97.5%) than men (93.5%) had experienced unwanted sexual activity; more men (62.7%) than women (46.3%) had experienced unwanted intercourse . . . There were seven sex differences in reasons for unwanted sexual activity: Five were more frequent for women than men; two reasons were more frequent for men than women - peer pressure and desire for popularity. There were eight sex differences in reasons for unwanted intercourse; more men than women had engaged in unwanted intercourse for all eight.
It says this study is from 1988, the guy posted this link to the paper:

Fascinating stuff. I wonder what normies would think if they knew that it's less safe to let foids around kids than men :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
Will give this a read tomorrow boyo, I can tell it's already high-IQ & worth the read
Hiroshima-Nagasaki black pill. Holy fucking shit, these statistics are PURE 100%, HIGH OCTANE, RAGEFUEL-SUIFUE, WEAPONS-GRADE COMPOUND.


The black cannot be defeated.
@PLA1092 @LeFrenchCel @Uggo Mongo @SlayerSlayer @Fat Link @proudweeb @TheProphetMuscle this needs a pin, brocels.
It's cus of the water
Mods pin this and must read section immediately
Can't say I'm surprised

I'm still waiting for a woman to force herself on me and sexually abuse me with her body.
You need to improve your personality for that boyo
Foids also use shaming tactics to convince a guy to sleep with them, like are you gay? Do you even like women? Are you even a man? Also blackmailing that they will gossip.
Tfw I don't get raped by females. Not even sexually harassed.
:cryfeels: :cryfeels: :cryfeels:

Am I really that ugly?
@WorthlessSlavicShit You always make such High IQ High effort threads and yet call yourself "WorthlessSlavicShit". Fuck you :feelsUgh: Thanks for the tag :feelsokman:
Personally I think women are more physically aggressive than men. The only thing that is stopping them is the fact that men are much stronger and imposing than them. I have zero doubts in my mind that if men were smaller and weaker than women on average, we would get constantly abused. Fefails like to claim that they are morally superior because they don't go around beating men up, when the only thing stopping them is that they physically can't do it.

Women love to play the victims but none of the data supports this.
I think there's some stats somewhere showing that women kill babies and the elderly more often
I think there's some stats somewhere showing that women kill babies and the elderly more often
Makes sense, the moment these animals sense that someone is weaker than them, they pounce. But let women pretend like they are morally superior, they need that cope desperately.
Terabrutal thread.

Read the whole thing
Personally I think women are more physically aggressive than men. The only thing that is stopping them is the fact that men are much stronger and imposing than them. I have zero doubts in my mind that if men were smaller and weaker than women on average, we would get constantly abused. Fefails like to claim that they are morally superior because they don't go around beating men up, when the only thing stopping them is that they physically can't do it.

Women love to play the victims but none of the data supports this.
Yeah especially past menipause foids become pushy and testy. The typical karen phenomenom basically. Women here in germoney are often massive build, literally shoulders and build like men with huge jaws and chins. Then as they age and their hormones become fucked up they completely turn into guys basically. They become top heavy and their behaviour changes to become even more annoying to the point where they seek out conflict with random strangers.
Yeah especially past menipause foids become pushy and testy. The typical karen phenomenom basically. Women here in germoney are often massive build, literally shoulders and build like men with huge jaws and chins. Then as they age and their hormones become fucked up they completely turn into guys basically. They become top heavy and their behaviour changes to become even more annoying to the point where they seek out conflict with random strangers.
im from the caliphate also. I can confirm. ppl from other countries dont fucking believe me when I tell them I get frame and heightmogged by women here.
On google it says the avg germ foid is 69kg. My mom is 70kg. I am fucking the same weight as my mom.
I am 179cm tall and yet when I go outside, I see young foids taller and with bigger frames than me every time. I have literally fucking creepshotted ppl in public and send it to ppl in other countries, and they still wont believe me.
This study says avg zoomer here is almost 182cm:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/shortguys/comments/14wwi54/average_height_for_zoomers_in_germany_is_1817_cm/

Also many foreigners that come here say our women are ugly as fuck and masculine looking. I can't imagine the rape stats for this country. And the abuse men and boys suffer. Psycho cunts everywhere. I know this sounds unbelievable, but many german women get a mustache as they get older, like a bushy one. I have seen that IRL. Fucking kill me, literally ork territory.
Bro I’m too low IQ to understand the tables you posted
The 'mind control' point is overstated here IMO, obviously taking off your clothes as a way to escalate a situation towards sexual intercourse is common. It doesn't seem to be suggesting that they just stripped off at random, but that they did it to suggest sexual intent, which is quite normal.

I also don't find it surprising that sexual aggression has increased among women, acting on your sexual desires is natural behaviour and foids have no real stigma against them doing that. But society considers foids to be perpetual victims, so the increase in their 'sexual aggression' will not be taken seriously.

edit: Further, surveys and self-reporting are a bad way to measure specific forms of sexual aggression, although the general 'milennial shift' pattern seems likely.
Last edited:
Title:feelsjuice:. Remember the two studies on rape tactics I've talked about a few times here, which show that the most common sexual coercion/rape tactics are seduction and emotional manipulation, and that it is those tactics that men are much more likely to use than women, while both genders are roughly equally likely to use physical force and other violent coercion?


We've actually gotten another rape tactics study a few years ago, but I didn't notice just how insane it is before TheTinMen blog took a look at it:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/1e5jrrj/sexual_aggression_what_is_the_millennial_shift/

Basically, the study was looking at whether there is a so-called "Millenial Shift" in sexual aggression/coercion, with men being less aggressive than before and women being more so, because of feminism and so on.

Overall, the study has confirmed this, by showing that millenial men and women are much closer when it comes to various male-dominated rape tactics than boomer men and women, and that women now straight up are the majority of people using forceful tactics:

View attachment 1201857View attachment 1201863View attachment 1201864

And not only have they done this, they've also, like one of the previous studies I've posted at the beginning, looked at the various sub-tactics of each, and those are quite something.

View attachment 1201871

For my claim that Chads pretty much have "mind control powers", look at the arousal and emotional coercion tactic sets. For boomers, 12.05% of men and 11.31% of women said they took off their clothes to arouse someone to coerce them into sex, while for millenials, it was 8.38% for men and 14.95% for women. Now, already here we can see that sexual aggression shift, but let's talk about the important thing, just how absolutely insane it is to see, as an incel, that the rate here for men is any higher than 0%:shock::shock::shock::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:. Seriously, just imagine yourself, you don't even needto imagine some idealized 5'2 Indian janitor, just imagine yourself trying this, wanting to have sex with a chick and your way to doing that being just taking your clothes off and letting the sight of your body do all the work as she gets so aroused that she can't resist you:shock:. how do you think that would work out for anyone on this forum, and hell, any normie man:fuk::fuk:? Just imagine how animalistic and crazy you would become if you were on the opposite side of that and a woman took off her clothes to seduce you just by the sight of her body. Imagine how, 100%, you would completely lose your mind and wouldn't be able to control yourself if that had happened (let's not lie to ourselves, that's what we'd be like in that situation), and now realize that we share the world with guys who can do that to women and whose bodies have that exact same effect on women:feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:.

Same with those who had removed the other person's clothes to arouse them, which is still male-dominated even:feelsUnreal: (13.33% of boomer and 11.75% of millenial men having done so, while 7.76% and 10.26% of boomer and millenial women, respectively, having done so.) Just imagine having such power over women, being so genuinely attractive to them, that just the realization and mental image of her being naked or half-naked in a room with you is enough to get her turned on and incapable of resisting having sex with you. Just imagine how you'd feel if a woman done that to you, and now realize that there are men out there who have that exact effect on women:dafuckfeels:.

Then you look at emotional coercion, and it gets even worse. Look at how few people used threatening a break-up (4.2 and 5.1% of men, 2.31 and 5.31% of women) compared with simply talking someone into sex by repeatedly asking or just telling them that they like or love them. That to me heavily implies that, althouh it's obviously the first thing you'd think, that those tactics in fact aren't used mostly by people who want more sex from their spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend, but that those people are actually using it on friends, acquiatances, and actual strangers. Imagine being able to get sex just by asking for it or giving someone an excuse by saying that you like them, imagine being attractive:feelsUnreal:. Because that's what this is actually about:feelsthink:. It's not actually that they have powers that allow them to Jedi Mind Trick their way to sex at will, it's that they might as well be capable of that, because what they have is even better, they are attractive and the moment they appear in somebody's field of vision, that person is immediately attracted to them, immediately wants to have sex with them, and they need to just give that woman the tiniest excuse that she's looking for to go wild with them.

And just jfl at the last two items there:feelskek::feelskek::

"Used your authority or position" = 4.32% for millenial women, nobody else is over 2%.

"Been an adut at least 5 years older and they were younger than 16" = 4.32% for millenial women again, but this time millenial men also get through 2% with 2.22% of them doing this.

Hello #MeToo? Hello agecucks and pedobashers? Hello everyone that likes to gang up on unattractive men and relishes every opportunnity to attack those unfortunate guys whenever they remind the world that they are healthy, sexual human beings, where's you fucking outrage now:feelskek::society::feelsclown::lasereyes::feelsree:?!

And finally, the very best part, the force tactics, where millenial women are head and shoulders above the other groups:

Blocking someone's retreat so they can't get away = 4.63% for millenial women, nobody else is even above 3%

Restraining someone by sitting at them or holding them down = 4.3% or millenial women, nobody else is at even half of that

Tying someone up = 3.64% for millenial women, which once again is over twice the figure for anyone else

Threatening physical harm = 2.98% of millenial women, while the second biggest figure is 1.11% for millenial men and the boomers are both under 1%.

Actually physically harming someone to force them into sex = 4.65% of millenial women have done this. The second biggest figure is 1.2% for boomer men, which is almost four times smaller (and very close to the remaining two figures.)

Threatening someone with a weapon = 2.33% for millenial women, which is just over twice the figure 1.12% figure for millenial men, while boomers are under 1%.

Women are more sexually aggressive than ever in recent history (if shifts like this can happen in such a short time, no way it hadn't already happened thousands of times in more distant history), they are literally hunting Chads with ropes and weapons more than men have ever done in the last few decades, even underage Chads as we can see, Chads and women can automatically seduce each other into sex just by asking for it and showing off their bodies to each other... and we are completely denied participation in any of this because of few millimeters of bone. Fucking OVER:society::society::feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:.

@DarkStar @GeckoBus @based_meme @Incline @Copexodius Maximus @comradespiderman29 @lu.jones @wereq @K1ng N0th1ng @weaselbomber @anandkonda @Jason Voorhees @Pancakecel @Defetivecuckachu @CircumcisedClown @RealSchizo @To koniec @Mecoja

The fact is , that chad would have the strength anyway to stop them.
Said so , it's normal that some behaviour of foids could be very annoying to him , but I think it's not much important at the end
Also women become very ugly while being predatory, like they are autistic or some shit
I can't explain it
Anyway I prefer women who are the opposite
Personally I think women are more physically aggressive than men. The only thing that is stopping them is the fact that men are much stronger and imposing than them. I have zero doubts in my mind that if men were smaller and weaker than women on average, we would get constantly abused. Fefails like to claim that they are morally superior because they don't go around beating men up, when the only thing stopping them is that they physically can't do it.

Women love to play the victims but none of the data supports this.
Agreed. I also think they would be way more aggressive if they simply could.
im from the caliphate also. I can confirm. ppl from other countries dont fucking believe me when I tell them I get frame and heightmogged by women here.
On google it says the avg germ foid is 69kg. My mom is 70kg. I am fucking the same weight as my mom.
I am 179cm tall and yet when I go outside, I see young foids taller and with bigger frames than me every time. I have literally fucking creepshotted ppl in public and send it to ppl in other countries, and they still wont believe me.
This study says avg zoomer here is almost 182cm:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/shortguys/comments/14wwi54/average_height_for_zoomers_in_germany_is_1817_cm/

Also many foreigners that come here say our women are ugly as fuck and masculine looking. I can't imagine the rape stats for this country. And the abuse men and boys suffer. Psycho cunts everywhere. I know this sounds unbelievable, but many german women get a mustache as they get older, like a bushy one. I have seen that IRL. Fucking kill me, literally ork territory.

Oh yeah the foids are build like fucking line backers even when they are younger they height and jaw mog me. It's that extreme sexual selection paired with an already sturdy people.

Germans are generally wayyy taller than anybody would find in statistics online. It's because there hasn't been ANY statistics on actual ethnic german height since like 2002. The avg heigth for german zoomers must be upwards of 1,85. You shouldn't care what foreigners (shitskins or slavs, brits ect) say tbh, the foreigners will say anything that is anti-german, they don't even believe it themselves. On a global scale german women are some of the best looking ones with the healthiest genes, germanic women in general are. We are just the unlucky ones that don't get a shot because we aren't chad.

179 unironically makes you manlet tier in certain places and i'm even smaller than that. ameritards ect will seethe when they read it but it's true.
Now, already here we can see that sexual aggression shift, but let's talk about the important thing, just how absolutely insane it is to see, as an incel, that the rate here for men is any higher than 0%:shock::shock::shock::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:. Seriously, just imagine yourself, you don't even needto imagine some idealized 5'2 Indian janitor, just imagine yourself trying this, wanting to have sex with a chick and your way to doing that being just taking your clothes off and letting the sight of your body do all the work as she gets so aroused that she can't resist you:shock:. how do you think that would work out for anyone on this forum, and hell, any normie man:fuk::fuk:? Just imagine how animalistic and crazy you would become if you were on the opposite side of that and a woman took off her clothes to seduce you just by the sight of her body. Imagine how, 100%, you would completely lose your mind and wouldn't be able to control yourself if that had happened (let's not lie to ourselves, that's what we'd be like in that situation), and now realize that we share the world with guys who can do that to women and whose bodies have that exact same effect on women:feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:.
I'm so disconnected and removed from "normie life" that I find myself reading these studies and thinking myself a scientist studying alien creatures. We're supposed to be the same species as these people?
millennial females are more likely to rape others than boomer males :feelskek:
Personally I think women are more physically aggressive than men. The only thing that is stopping them is the fact that men are much stronger and imposing than them. I have zero doubts in my mind that if men were smaller and weaker than women on average, we would get constantly abused. Fefails like to claim that they are morally superior because they don't go around beating men up, when the only thing stopping them is that they physically can't do it.

Women love to play the victims but none of the data supports this.
Yes they are the more emotional sex, but they lack the impulse and physical strength to act on the emotions
Being Chad isn't as easy as you think boyo. Can you imagine low-tier foids and landwhales constantly harassing you, stalking you, trying to drug you so that they can ride your dick. Be glad that you're an incel and don't have to deal with any of that :forcedsmile:.
Modern foids are becoming more insane in any conceivable way because everything they do is promoted, everything they don’t like is demonised, and keeping them in check is illegal
Being Chad isn't as easy as you think boyo. Can you imagine low-tier foids and landwhales constantly harassing you, stalking you, trying to drug you so that they can ride your dick. Be glad that you're an incel and don't have to deal with any of that :forcedsmile:.
Cope, twller chads just tell the foids to fuck off
How is getting naked rape? It’s 2024, people walk around naked already.
Are foids really going around raping men in 2024?? what kind of weak dysgenic fuck do you have to be to allow that to happen? they must be letting it happen.
Are foids really going around raping men in 2024?? what kind of weak dysgenic fuck do you have to be to allow that to happen? they must be letting it happen.
According to the stats it's mostly using coercion and intoxication. So they drug a chad (or get them really drunk) then emotionally manipulate them in a drunk state.
Personally I think women are more physically aggressive than men. The only thing that is stopping them is the fact that men are much stronger and imposing than them. I have zero doubts in my mind that if men were smaller and weaker than women on average, we would get constantly abused. Fefails like to claim that they are morally superior because they don't go around beating men up, when the only thing stopping them is that they physically can't do it.

Women love to play the victims but none of the data supports this.
Women are more violent than men meaning they are more prone to violate men’s will than viceversa. Of course they are prevented to do so phisically by contingencies but they still do it if able. Also women are way more likely to a violate men economically and socially than men are with women

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