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Brutal The more I think about this analogy I made on forbidden knowledge, the more I realize just how true and brutal it is.



Defeated By Fate |Contra Mundi: Enemy of the World
Sep 11, 2022
DC comics has this supervillain called Anti Monitor. His actual name is Mobius who was a scientist trying to harness the power of the Anti-Life equation (kinda like how we incels are harnessing and weaponizing the power the blackpill), but in the process of tapping into it, he became cursed into this rage-fueled and murderous cosmic entity with an inert drive to destroy all life and positive matter in the multiverse (which is kinda like what we are). The Anti-Life equation is used to subjugate people to one's will but its forbidden and cursed knowledge.
I made this analogy pretty casually but its really very true and deep. The blackpill is forbidden knowledge. Its forbidden because the things it lets us know really disturbs us and destroys us to our core, turning us insane, and making us lash out at """Innocent""" people. I put "innocent" in triple quotes because if you're blackpilled, you know that human beings are innately evil and depraved despite our capacity for good. We humans are a virus and a pestilence.

Forbidden knowledge is only meant for Gods, i.e., beings who are mentally too developed to be affected by the negative reality which the blackpill reveals. Since we can't deal with the negative and evil aspects of primal sociobiology, we become misanthropic and lash out, seeking to end life itself or control the chaos of life into righteous order of biological determinism to the point where we've eliminated freedom and happiness and subjugated everyone, which is what we are trying to do to foids, soys, and normies.

The blackpill, much like the anti-life equation is a double edged sword. It can bring our opponents to their knees and make them kiss our asses, but not without taking a huge toll on our own mental health.
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I've never heard of this, what is it?
Its a mental message used by the wielder to subjugate, conquer through nihilism and biological determinism in order to make his opponents slaves, kinda like how we use the blackpill as a means of conquering and subjugating women.
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What is wrong brocel? :feelsEhh:
This part of your post:

but not without taking a huge toll on our own mental health.
It’s sad having this knowledge :feelsbadman: Don’t know if I have the strength to continue on for as long as I am expected to, knowing the life I am doomed to live due to my physical features.
:feelsbadman: Don’t know if I have the strength to continue on for as long as I am expected to, knowing the life I am doomed to live due to my physical features.
I feel the same way. This blackpill hurts us as much as others. There's no escape.
Its a mental message used by the wielder to subjugate, conquer through nihilism and biological determinism in order to make his opponents slaves, kinda like how we use the blackpill as a means of conquering and subjugating women.
Oh I see. I thought it was real.

In Jack Kirby's original comics, the Anti-Life Equation is said to give the being who learns it power to dominate the will of all sentient and sapient races. It is called the Anti-Life Equation because "if someone possesses absolute control over you—you're not really alive."[3] Most stories featuring the Equation use this concept. A full version of the equation supposedly existed in the mind of the millionaire "Billion Dollar" Bates, but he took it to his death.
They dont say that BP always comes to collect, for no reason. Its brutal and cold.
I want to end all life in the universe.
Maybe normies are right, we should go outside
The word "Analogy" Should be banned from ALL DICTIONARIES, Because it sounds like "Anal"
Jason Voorhees is the best truecel character in all of fiction.
I made this analogy pretty casually but its really very true and deep. The blackpill is forbidden knowledge. Its forbidden because the things it lets us know really disturbs us and destroys us to our core, turning us insane, and making us lash out at """Innocent""" people. I put "innocent" in triple quotes because if you're blackpilled, you know that human beings are innately evil and depraved despite our capacity for good. We humans are a virus and a pestilence.

Forbidden knowledge is only meant for Gods, i.e., beings who are mentally too developed to be affected by the negative reality which the blackpill reveals. Since we can't deal with the negative and evil aspects of primal sociobiology, we become misanthropic and lash out, seeking to end life itself or control the chaos of life into righteous order of biological determinism to the point where we've eliminated freedom and happiness and subjugated everyone, which is what we are trying to do to foids, soys, and normies.

The blackpill, much like the anti-life equation is a double edged sword. It can bring our opponents to their knees and make them kiss our asses, but not without taking a huge toll on our own mental health.
I see the blackpill as being possessed by a powerful Daemon. It gives me supernatural prowess for a short bit but destroys me too.
Maybe normies are right, we should go outside
What do you mean nigga? Fobidden knowledge is a proper concept discussed in various religious texts like the Bible.
What do you mean nigga? Fobidden knowledge is a proper concept discussed in various religious texts like the Bible.
Yeah but you will objectivly get zero benefits from this kind of knowledge.

in Islamic traditions there is a story about Moses going to mount Sinai to recieve the Torah as he was speaking to God he asked "oh God why don't you let me see you?" " watch this mountain Moses" god replied.

As Moses watched the mountain was obliterated from the face of the Earth and turned into a plain, "this is the fate of those who see me" God said and Moses started to pray and ask for forgiveness.

It is essentialy the same thing with the blackpill if you meditate on it too much it will obliterate you.
This is one of your best posts I've seen, I'm serious.

@Linky Love pin?
This is one of your best posts I've seen, I'm serious.

@Linky Love pin?
Done GIF
human beings are innately evil and depraved
Maybe this forbidden knowledge corrupts the interpretation of moral relations in human nature.
Damn i need a cig after reading this
Im out of cigs
Its a mental message used by the wielder to subjugate, conquer through nihilism and biological determinism in order to make his opponents slaves, kinda like how we use the blackpill as a means of conquering and subjugating women.
Blackpill shreds your romantic notions of foids to pieces. This post really succinctly encapsulates the embittered snd tribal minds of us incels. The fact that I'd rather make foids suffer than make the world a better place if I had the power makes it hit too close to home.
Blackpill shreds your romantic notions of foids to pieces.
Shreds every romantic notion about all people and life itself. Blackpill unveils existence has a meat grinder.
The fact that I'd rather make foids suffer than make the world a better place if I had the power makes it hit too close to home.
The fact that it is common knowledge even among normies is a sign that we are living in the end times.
I made this analogy pretty casually but its really very true and deep. The blackpill is forbidden knowledge. Its forbidden because the things it lets us know really disturbs us and destroys us to our core, turning us insane, and making us lash out at """Innocent""" people. I put "innocent" in triple quotes because if you're blackpilled, you know that human beings are innately evil and depraved despite our capacity for good. We humans are a virus and a pestilence.

Forbidden knowledge is only meant for Gods, i.e., beings who are mentally too developed to be affected by the negative reality which the blackpill reveals. Since we can't deal with the negative and evil aspects of primal sociobiology, we become misanthropic and lash out, seeking to end life itself or control the chaos of life into righteous order of biological determinism to the point where we've eliminated freedom and happiness and subjugated everyone, which is what we are trying to do to foids, soys, and normies.

The blackpill, much like the anti-life equation is a double edged sword. It can bring our opponents to their knees and make them kiss our asses, but not without taking a huge toll on our own mental health.
There are points that I consider and others that I reject.

Introduction 1

Is the black pill a forbidden knowledge?
- No!
So explain why normies tend to hate and in your eyes it looks like something negative?...

The concept of the black pill, first of all, is Nothing, this is certain, it is nothing: it does not judge, does not eliminate, is not a "forbidden knowledge". Blackpill demonstrates in practice the male and female desire, blackpill is a number of factors that have been questioned, is not a Spartan "secret". From a young age we are put into practice to learn how the progress of the world, the process, the relationships, etc. work, that we understand that there are disproportionate balances in relation to the prevailing hierarchy, there are stereotypes being imposed on people by appeal of their instincts, you don't create instinct in people you appeal to those that already exist, and that's what the free market does. For decades and centuries, we have always been influenced by ideologies without at least knowing their structure, and the will of those who direct society in their collective also has an ideological basis through their wills, they are only put into practice in social collectivism because they possess the social hierarchy of "sovereignty". The cause of many were born extremely ugly and horrible, already there are studies that show that the dysgenic characteristics are strongly selected, so much of the population today in the contemporary world are born with more problems, black pill has always existed, was controlled by law in keeping punishments for all that degenerate, only that over time the society fell into more ambitions and power, ended up degenerating and today faces the consequences of those who then reformed the world for years and years.

What about the Normies who hate the black pill?

Normans do not exactly hate the black pill, they deny what does not suit them, but the essence of what is does not cease to be, so it remains a truth. The standards now use things that fit themselves, for example, the "improvement" theory: "just get a good job, have friends, have a girlfriend." This is clearly dismissed as dealing, but, they use this "positive" part of the black pill, only that they discard the truth that, for many of its essences are opposed and not practicable as solutions to this theory, evolution happens in what has power, and if its essence has no power and remains the same, that knowledge is not applicable. Even if humans try to be inconsistent, in the end coherence remains above its simple achism.

With regard to the control of women, I absolutely agree, society has only become that dirt today, precisely because of the freedom that women gained from men by giving up their rights to the fragile sex.

We are all born with evil and good within us, but it is we who choose which one to use.

Women are purely emotions, so technically they essentially do emotional harm. Man is right, our evil is when we become rationalists, both emotion and reason are good, but its extremes become destructive. That is why man must rule the earth, but, together with the excitement of his side serving him, that is, women serving men while they are emperors on earth.

In this case, that is my absolute truth about the role that should be played on society, reason reigns over emotion, but emotions do not let Reason fall into the futility of feeling "insignificant", which is what happens with incels. We, incels, are the products of what society has refused to follow, so as a consequence, we become rationalists concerned only with fundamentalism, so over time we get crazy and more angry, but all of this has a cause: the freedom of women to destroy.

Even a transit cell would have billions of women if we kept this path... punishment, the consequence will be anger, rebellion, and none of this will end until society returns to its essence. But this will not come back so soon, there is still a lot to happen in this liberalism, and soon there will be more and more consequences: murders, large numbers of incels, revolts, female promiscuity, sovereignty of Chad according to the female will, and more murders.
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I don't know, I don't see it that way. I lived 30 years with no knowledge of the blackpill and hypergamy. Life stil broke me, destroyed me, fucked me over in every possible way.

Blackpill knowledge liberated me, to realize that it's not my own fault and to stop pondering over what could I have done differently.
will look into the anti monitor lizard character. havent heard of it before. and god is a massive faggot
I don't know, I don't see it that way. I lived 30 years with no knowledge of the blackpill and hypergamy.
I was semi blackpilled at 5th grade
Is the black pill a forbidden knowledge?
- No!
tbh it lifts the veil removes the blinds and breaks the bluepilled mirage. it is a necessity for subhumans to gain enlightment
Damn i need a cig after reading this
when i was a kid I made my own cig by rolling a piece of paper of the same dimenion and putting cotton and paper packed together. then i smoked it. I also made the filter by putting piece of cloth at the smoking end.
I was semi blackpilled at 5th grade
I was aware from very young age of foids preferring the richer, taller, more popular boys. But i wasnt aware how low i was on the ladder and how it isnt preference at all. Generation older than me preached about compensating with attitude and "game" and numbers game, and i believed them. I blamed myself for not trying, and realizing that i never had a chance was liberating.
The blackpill is forbidden knowledge
No it isn't. The blackpill is frowned upon by the dominant gynocentric social system, however most men, even married men, accept the black pill. My boomer dad is a fucking simp, but even he knows that women are extremely shallow and will chose a partner based on money (beainga whore with extra steps) or physical appearance.
I know lots of guys that have internalized the blackpill, it is trivial knowledge in my friend group and none of them even know the official term.
when i was a kid I made my own cig by rolling a piece of paper of the same dimenion and putting cotton and paper packed together. then i smoked it. I also made the filter by putting piece of cloth at the smoking end.
Thats neat, i was a creative kid back then too.

I made a tank using those wooden sticks from icecreams and some other stuff.
tbh it lifts the veil removes the blinds and breaks the bluepilled mirage. it is a necessity for subhumans to gain enlightment
When someone thinks they're free from the supposed existing "matrix": "are chasing me" ( :society: )

He did not refute a part of my text, he did not look at my reasoning, he took a certain part. I can't take this seriously.
I do this: the black pill is not a secret knowledge, it's just a series of factors that have been questioned. That's not "secret," it's basic about the obvious. There are even studies that clearly show that dysgenic characteristics are heavily selected, and how this has resulted and will result in society. It is predictable, no one is trying to hide anything from you except your own person, the norms simply deny that because it does not fit in them as something positive, since they are within the negative parameter. There is no matrix, what exists is its perspective based on reality, but above all there is truth, and it is it that shows whether its influences are right or wrong. No being is contradictory, for it is already within existence and subject to everything that is in it, the coherence exists even in a misleading way.
we become misanthropic and lash out,
Nothing bad with that. Absolute most of normies are either psychos/sociopaths/narcissists or complete animalistic subhumans themselves.

Nobody pities Incels, they just exploit you and then theow in a trash bin. I highly recommend y'all use the same method towards them.

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