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Cope The meaning of life is coping

  • Thread starter Personalityinkwell
  • Start date
True bro, everything at it's core is just a cope, that serves as an distrection from the inherent meaninglessness of life. That includes sex, having a family, achieving something great, building something that will outlast yourself. Nothing of it, actually has any intrinsic value, it's just an stragedy by the ego, to justify it's own existence. Jfl, at existentialists saying you have to find your own meaning. How is finding meaning for yourself, anything other than yet another cope, to justify your existence, and distrecting yourself from your own mortality? It's cope or rope, that's essentially all there is to life.
They've called us ugly in some comments. Not only that, but they often call us neckbeards who rot in our basements. When someone mentions a good looking dude in a relationship that is guilty of domestic abuse, inceltears will say "they have good social skills, incels don't". So they bsically paint us as super low on the social ladder. (which is true, but its mainly due to our looks, not social skills)

No normal woman is going to see our posts. Inceltears knows that incels, and not just from this site, but in general, will look at IT, so they want to be as vicious as possible.
Still though, I think ‘bullying’ is only implied when some level of deservedness isn’t involved. They definitely believe everything they post about incels is morally justifiable because of how terrible people incels are considered to be. Bullying is considered an exertion of power by someone strong over someone who is weak and undeserving, everyone here deserves to be mocked in their eyes because they believe the state of inceldom is brought on by a bad attitude.

Clearly they see it differently to ‘virgin shaming’ (which they actually consider bullying and is a bannable offence on IT).
Still though, I think ‘bullying’ is only implied when some level of deservedness isn’t involved. They definitely believe everything they post about incels is morally justifiable because of how terrible people incels are considered to be. Bullying is considered an exertion of power by someone strong over someone who is weak and undeserving, everyone here deserves to be mocked in their eyes because they believe the state of inceldom is brought on by a bad attitude.

Clearly they see it differently to ‘virgin shaming’ (which they actually consider bullying and is a bannable offence on IT).
I don't think they see it as different to virgin shaming. I genuinely believe that's just a virtue signalling excuse. Deep down they want to feel power over someone who is weak, so they look at lonely sexless losers like us.

In fact, there are many examples where an incel is venting and not posting "offensive" material and they still make fun of him.
If you aren't having sex everything you do is coping. If you are having sex, everything you do brings happiness.
I don't think they see it as different to virgin shaming. I genuinely believe that's just a virtue signalling excuse. Deep down they want to feel power over someone who is weak, so they look at lonely sexless losers like us.
I think virtue signalling is often more self-delusional than that. I don’t think virtue signallers are aware of how hypocritical they are, they don’t wake up in the morning and say to themselves “I want to exert power over lonely virgins, how can I do that without looking as malicious as I actually am? Ah yes, I’ll pretend to be combatting misogyny when really all I care about is shitting on virgins.” It is nowhere near as conscious an exercise as that, I’m convinced they genuinely believe that what they are doing is righteous and everyone here is evil. They are virtue signalling to themselves as much as they are to the outer world. They get a kick out of believing they are the good guys.
If you aren't having sex everything you do is coping. If you are having sex, everything you do brings happiness.
Coping and being happy are not two mutually exclusive things.
I think virtue signalling is often more self-delusional than that. I don’t think virtue signallers are aware of how hypocritical they are, they don’t wake up in the morning and say to themselves “I want to exert power over lonely virgins, how can I do that without looking as malicious as I actually am? Ah yes, I’ll pretend to be combatting misogyny when really all I care about is shitting on virgins.” It is nowhere near as conscious an exercise as that, I’m convinced they genuinely believe that what they are doing is righteous and everyone here is evil. They are virtue signalling to themselves as much as they are to the outer world. They get a kick out of believing they are the good guys.
@Ap0calypse thoughts? Is Inceltears a bully subreddit, or do they think they are good people?
Coping and being happy are not two mutually exclusive things.

@Ap0calypse thoughts? Is Inceltears a bully subreddit, or do they think they are good people?
Being happy means having a good life. That's what we wish we had is it not? As opposed to being an incel and having no life.
Being happy means having a good life. That's what we wish we had is it not? As opposed to being an incel and having no life.
Well of course, I never said otherwise.

But how do you become happy? You cope with GOOD copes. You see, when people have lots of sex, social experiences, get a good job, and start families, they feel their lives have "meaning", when there is no meaning, they are just coping with the inherent meaningless of life by creating their own meaning.
Well of course, I never said otherwise.

But how do you become happy? You cope with GOOD copes. You see, when people have lots of sex, social experiences, get a good job, and start families, they feel their lives have "meaning", when there is no meaning, they are just coping with the inherent meaningless of life by creating their own meaning.
My point is if you aren't having sex nothing you ever do can make you happy, which is why it's coping. If you are having sex, the things you do make you even more happy, so no longer copes, at least not in the same meaning.
Sex isn't a coping mechanism. The type of sex Chad and Stacy have is the true meaning of life.
My point is if you aren't having sex nothing you ever do can make you happy, which is why it's coping. If you are having sex, the things you do make you even more happy, so no longer copes, at least not in the same meaning.
They are both copes, just different types of copes.

Video games and porn = copes for not having a good sex and social life.

Sex, social life, and starting a family = coping with the fact that one day you will die and that life is meaningless.

Although some people are religious, so they think life does have some higher meaning, but I think most people on this forum agree that religion is cope.
Sex isn't a coping mechanism. The type of sex Chad and Stacy have is the true meaning of life.
Wrong, life has no purpose at all. Sex is just a mechanism to create other life forms, it's pleasurable because of evolution.

The most pleasurable activity=/=the meaning of life
Even if life has no meaning, we're still humans. Humans need sex or they are doomed to suffer. We will never know what life means since all we will know is suffering. If there is meaning, none of use would know it.
Coping and being happy are not two mutually exclusive things.

@Ap0calypse thoughts? Is Inceltears a bully subreddit, or do they think they are good people?
IT is a bullying subreddit, especially the females on it who have created entire sophisticated fake public personalities to further drive unattractive males into madness.

The soys on it are also terrible people, they’ve spent their whole lives alone but enjoy the social thrill of sucking up to their female masters and pretending to be above us
Even if life has no meaning, we're still humans. Humans need sex or they are doomed to suffer. We will never know what life means since all we will know is suffering. If there is meaning, none of use would know it.
Well sex is an important physiological need, yes. But ultimately it is just a cope. For example, when you eat yummy food, it's a cope. When you have sex, it is a cope.
IT is a bullying subreddit, especially the females on it who have created entire sophisticated fake public personalities to further drive unattractive males into madness.

The soys on it are also terrible people, they’ve spent their whole lives alone but enjoy the social thrill of sucking up to their female masters and pretending to be above us
@ColdLightOfDay there's your answer
@ColdLightOfDay there's your answer
IT is a bullying subreddit, especially the females on it who have created entire sophisticated fake public personalities to further drive unattractive males into madness.

The soys on it are also terrible people, they’ve spent their whole lives alone but enjoy the social thrill of sucking up to their female masters and pretending to be above us
That is utterly ridiculous, there is a difference between conscious and unconscious evil. Very rarely do people commit immoral acts with the knowledge that what they are doing is cruel or evil, they convince themselves they are acting in the name of some greater good. Even the most evil regimes throughout history did what they did in the belief that they were carrying out some righteous cause, Hitler was convinced he was the saviour to mankind.

Their intention is not to drive unattractive men into madness, in their mind they are acting morally by combatting misogyny. People here have characterised the society-wide disdain for ugly men as a concerted effort by some kind of organised cabal when in reality it is just the result of our hierarchical nature as humans.

Guys, I don’t want to insult you here but autistic beliefs like this are the reason they laugh and the reason incels have such a reputation for being hypercondriac cry- babies - stop giving them ammunition.
when in reality it is just the result of our hierarchical nature as humans.
Is that not the nature of bullying, a hierarchy?

And you are naive if you don't think IT doesn't get a thrill out of attacking us. You do realize there are women on there, and women conciously hate ugly low status men, right?

Here's a question, in school, is a bully consciously aware what he is doing is "evil"? How is that any different than IT?
Is that not the nature of bullying, a hierarchy?
I’ve seen you state previously that you were proud that you mog the people over at IT, are you now admitting that they are higher in the hierarchy than you? That’s what they would have to be in order for it to be bullying, bullying is punching down.

Here's a question, in school, is a bully consciously aware what he is doing is "evil"? How is that any different than IT?
A school bully doesn’t care about good or evil, he never justifies to himself that his victim deserves what they get for any other reason than that they are a dweeb and he is stronger. IT acts like they are fighting a moral crusade against misogyny, which going by their words I am convinced they actually believe.
I’ve seen you state previously that you were proud that you mog the people over at IT, are you now admitting that they are higher in the hierarchy than you? That’s what they would have to be in order for it to be bullying, bullying is punching down.
No, I do not think that they are higher in the hierarchy.

A school bully doesn’t care about good or evil, he never justifies to himself that his victim deserves what they get for any other reason than that they are a dweeb and he is stronger. IT acts like they are fighting a moral crusade against misogyny, which going by their words I am convinced they actually believe.
"going by their own words" :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:

No, that is just a facade, an excuse, so they can attack us and entertain themselves by looking down on us. "Watchdog", they aren't doing anything at all. Literally all they do is screencap our shitposts and make fun of us.

@Ap0calypse just fucking lol at this dude who thinks IT has what could be called "good intentions at heart"
I’ve seen you state previously that you were proud that you mog the people over at IT, are you now admitting that they are higher in the hierarchy than you? That’s what they would have to be in order for it to be bullying, bullying is punching down.

A school bully doesn’t care about good or evil, he never justifies to himself that his victim deserves what they get for any other reason than that they are a dweeb and he is stronger. IT acts like they are fighting a moral crusade against misogyny, which going by their words I am convinced they actually believe.
Do you think females believe the advice they give to unattractive males, despite in the past rejecting myriads of them due to their genetics alone?
Do you think a soyman believes the advice he gives despite spending all of highschool alone and getting zero matches on Tinder?

People create fake public personalities to act on their behalf in social situations where reputation is a factor. The truth does not matter, the only thing that matters is the fun of being social and the feeling of being powerful. The animal brain in every IT member will never be convinced by the words alone, they consciously judge the faces and genetic traits of others, this aspect of themselves is only revealed when they are threatened and angered.
No, I do not think that they are higher in the hierarchy.

Okay so let’s extrapolate that logic to another scenario then; an incel in high school is so self-delusional that he thinks he is higher in the hierarchy than the school Chad, so he spreads a rumour Chad is gay. By your logic he is ‘bullying’ the Chad? JFL there has to be a genuine imbalance in power for it to constitute bullying, the incels’ action will not affect the Chad’s life in any way. if the Chad does the same to the incel then that would be bullying.

"going by their own words" :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:

No, that is just a facade, an excuse, so they can attack us and entertain themselves by looking down on us. "Watchdog", they aren't doing anything at all. Literally all they do is screencap our shitposts and make fun of us.
You don’t have to tell me that ffs, of course I know they are a bunch of pathetic self-delusional incels in denial who are totally in the wrong. You even said it yourself, the fact they think they are above incels doesn’t mean that they actually are, you need to actually be above someone to bully them.

I get 0 gratification from debating you on this because you are too weak to defend your ideas with any kind of continuity and you constantly misconstrue what I say, and thats me giving you the benefit of the doubt, you could just be strawmanning.
fucking lol at this dude who thinks IT has what could be called "good intentions at heart"
You’re acting like I’m defending them ffs. Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot all believed they had “good intentions at heart,” even some serial killers like Peter Sutcliffe thought God was instructing them what to do. Believing you are acting out of good will does not in any way absolve the morality of your evil actions.
Okay so let’s extrapolate that logic to another scenario then; an incel in high school is so self-delusional that he thinks he is higher in the hierarchy than the school Chad, so he spreads a rumour Chad is gay. By your logic he is ‘bullying’ the Chad? JFL there has to be a genuine imbalance in power for it to constitute bullying, the incels’ action will not affect the Chad’s life in any way. if the Chad does the same to the incel then that would be bullying.
The flaw in this analogy is that the incel is OBVIOUSLY LOWER than the Chad. However, between us and IT, we are BOTH AT THE BOTTOM IN TERMS OF SOCIAL STATUS.
You don’t have to tell me that ffs, of course I know they are a bunch of pathetic self-delusional incels in denial who are totally in the wrong. You even said it yourself, the fact they think they are above incels doesn’t mean that they actually are, you need to actually be above someone to bully them.

I get 0 gratification from debating you on this because you are too weak to defend your ideas with any kind of continuity and you constantly misconstrue what I say, and thats me giving you the benefit of the doubt, you could just be strawmanning.
No, what I mean is that their "watchdog" phrase, is complete BS, and that it's just used to hide the true nature of their sub.

And I am defending my ideas with continuity, I am trying to explain to you that IT is intending to attack us because it makes them feel better about themselves.
You’re acting like I’m defending them ffs. Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot all believed they had “good intentions at heart,” even some serial killers like Peter Sutcliffe thought God was instructing them what to do. Believing you are acting out of good will does not in any way absolve the morality of your evil actions.
You're not "defending" them, per say, but you genuinely think that they believe they are good people, when in reality they know what we say is mostly true and they just want to criticize our posts in order to feel some sense of superiority to us.
No, what I mean is that their "watchdog" phrase, is complete BS, and that it's just used to hide the true nature of their sub.

I am trying to explain to you that IT is intending to attack us because it makes them feel better about themselves.
The ‘watchdog’ title is total BS not because it gives them cover, but because they are coping with their boring lives by styling themselves as a bunch of online vigilante badasses who are fighting villainy. I agree they are trying to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives by attacking incels. But the reason it makes them feel better is because it makes them feel morally superior, not more attractive or physically superior.

If what you were saying were true and they were equally as blackpilled as we are and were merely putting up a pretence in order to attack incels in order to make themselves feel less lowly then the main feature of their attacks would be mocking incel ugliness and virginity rather than what they perceive to be ‘misogynistic incel ideology,’ which you can’t deny makes up most of the content posted on IT.
they know what we say is mostly true and they just want to criticize our posts in order to feel some sense of superiority to us.
They are cognitively dissonant, delusional fools. If they thought what we were saying was true then they couldn’t make themselves feel superior to us by criticising us for saying it, that doesn’t make any sense.

Far more likely they truly believe we are evil and they make themselves feel superior by pathetically convincing themselves they are moral crusaders who have the moral high ground.
The ‘watchdog’ title is total BS not because it gives them cover, but because they are coping with their boring lives by styling themselves as a bunch of online vigilante badasses who are fighting villainy. I agree they are trying to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives by attacking incels. But the reason it makes them feel better is because it makes them feel morally superior, not more attractive or physically superior.

If what you were saying were true and they were equally as blackpilled as we are and were merely putting up a pretence in order to attack incels in order to make themselves feel less lowly then the main feature of their attacks would be mocking incel ugliness and virginity rather than what they perceive to be ‘misogynistic incel ideology,’ which you can’t deny makes up most of the content posted on IT.

They are cognitively dissonant, delusional fools. If they thought what we were saying was true then they couldn’t make themselves feel superior to us by criticising us for saying it, that doesn’t make any sense.

Far more likely they truly believe we are evil and they make themselves feel superior by pathetically convincing themselves they are moral crusaders who have the moral high ground.
Well yes, they are not trying to feel more attractive or physically superior, but they are still trying to mock us and make themselves feel "cooler" than us, as if they are "normal" people compared to us "losers".
The only difference is that the sex as a cope is pretty fun to do whereas our copes are boring as fuck.
The only difference is that the sex as a cope is pretty fun to do whereas our copes are boring as fuck.

That's what I'm saying!!!!!!!!!!
Read Albert Camus
can you give me a tl;dr in relation to this thread?

Specifically his essay “The Myth Of Sisyphus”, but also his novels “The Stranger” and “The Plague”.

He is the father of absurdism, a branch of existentialism. Basically he meditates on the absurdity of existing, knowing you will die, knowing there is nothing after death, and what to do with your time alive knowing that it’s all in vain anyway. He was a bit of a chad womaniser, but he clearly understood that pussy was the main reason to live since it gave the most pleasure.
Specifically his essay “The Myth Of Sisyphus”, but also his novels “The Stranger” and “The Plague”.

He is the father of absurdism, a branch of existentialism. Basically he meditates on the absurdity of existing, knowing you will die, knowing there is nothing after death, and what to do with your time alive knowing that it’s all in vain anyway. He was a bit of a chad womaniser, but he clearly understood that pussy was the main reason to live since it gave the most pleasure.
smart man tbh.
Well yes, they are not trying to feel more attractive or physically superior, but they are still trying to mock us and make themselves feel "cooler" than us, as if they are "normal" people compared to us "losers".
Agreed, they are all factors - but part of that is the moral superiority complex as well.
Hmm. It is one of the biggest parts of life. Without sex no birth and no physical death. You could all be here without video games, drugs, porn, culture, philosophy, civilization and so on - but not without sex.
God created sex not only so joyful, that we get children, not only out of "procreation duty", but even when we don't want it, but lusting and f*cking around.
The union of the female and male is a shadow of the joy with the union with God. Jesus himself pictured as the bridegroom, the church as the bride. The reunion as the wedding feast/marriage, but even before there is joy.

But Sex as the only meaning of life can only be the answer if you see humans as mere animals - and even in animal kingdom the sex- and childless serve their pack often in some and another way.
You serve either yourself, your wive/family, your nation, humanity as whole, or God (though forms of the last one can be included in some of the former ones) - besides the wive/family thing all can be without or with sex happen.
Religion is a major cope too. Without it millions would rope
Since humans are animals driven by motivation, we require a mental link between any action we're doing and some positive outcome. That link is the cope. Just being alive requires some level of cope, otherwise you'd write everything off as pointless.
"Life is coping"
I'm always coping
Do you think females believe the advice they give to unattractive males, despite in the past rejecting myriads of them due to their genetics alone?
Do you think a soyman believes the advice he gives despite spending all of highschool alone and getting zero matches on Tinder?

People create fake public personalities to act on their behalf in social situations where reputation is a factor. The truth does not matter, the only thing that matters is the fun of being social and the feeling of being powerful. The animal brain in every IT member will never be convinced by the words alone, they consciously judge the faces and genetic traits of others, this aspect of themselves is only revealed when they are threatened and angered.
They absolutely can. There are females who believe right now any man can download Tinder and have success having no idea how bad it is because of their own echo chamber bubble. They don't really think about men or their problems. Of course, when you educate them the goal posts just shift. It never ends at empathy and understanding and you'll always have to be at fault in some way for your situation. To admit would be a fault on them.

There are many females who really believe in all the platitudes they throw around on IT. I'm not saying those specifically on IT because by this point they've seen loads of data and had the ability to introspect on their own interactions. I wouldn't call most of the females browsing IT even bluepilled. Only the ones that first get there. Really they confirm the blackpill on a daily basis. The soys are the most bluepilled ones who think you can escape inceldom. What I've most heard from the females there is "you're not entitled" and "you need to get over it."

When you browse there everyday you hear them appealing to natural selection, telling men to get over it, and saying things like "men in India only get to have sex because females are oppressed there."
yes basically, we live to cope
Pair-bonding >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sex

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