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The Joker Has No Rules: Why White guys are winning



Feb 4, 2020

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/115xihc/the_joker_has_no_rules_why_white_guys_are_winning/

White guys are obsessed with this shit.

In high school, does the white guy care about learning or care about grades or care about being a student? Nah, he is obsessed with trying to sleep with a woman of every color out there. He is obsessed with fulfilling his sexual desires and is faced in no guilt in doing so. White guys go above and beyond. White guys are willing to drop everything and travel halfway around the globe to fulfill their sexual fetishes. Asian guys? Guilt ridden and confined by their social circles to do no such thing.

White guys are masters at using guilt to stop men of color from chasing white women and using everyone else as a pawn to do so.

They will use women of color to shame their men for even thinking of sleeping with a white girl while the very Olivia Munns and AOCs of the world will only get with white guys.

They will even use your own brothers to build this fake loyalty to women of your own race and shame you for going for white women. Think about it, the same Asian men being friendzoned by Lus attacking their Asian brothers for chasing girls of other races, I see it on here a lot too which is scary.

Meanwhile, Thad goes off and fucks whatever he wants, he feels no guilt because he has set the game up to stop this from ever happening.

White guys will use shame tactics and every underhanded trick to get girls to sleep with them.

A girl is "boring" or a girl is "lame" if she does not get with them. If a culture of women is not fucking them, then they are "assbackwards" or "ugly as fuck". They do this as a way to control the opinions of everyone in the room and get the girl to feel shame for ever rejecting them. It is low, it is dirty, and unfortunately, it actually works.

Now imagine if Asian men were to say that California girls are a bunch of overrated plastic hags, well.....forget about it. We would never do that. Asian men will rather beat themselves up and say "wah wah it's because I am Asian and we are all ugly" rather than go on the offense. White guys do not play that way, they never see themselves as ugly even if they objectively are. In their eyes, the woman in question is ugly and her entire group of people are trash.

Want a better example? Ever since white women started going to black men, white guys started promoting Asian and Latin women as hot. Why? Simple, to control white women and lower their value in the eyes of others. Control white girls and make them feel the guilt and reward the sellout Asian and latin women who are throwing their men under the bus by sleeping with a white guy.

White guys are masters at using guilt to stop men of color from chasing white women and using everyone else as a pawn to do so.

They will use women of color to shame their men for even thinking of sleeping with a white girl while the very Olivia Munns and AOCs of the world will only get with white guys.

They will even use your own brothers to build this fake loyalty to women of your own race and shame you for going for white women. Think about it, the same Asian men being friendzoned by Lus attacking their Asian brothers for chasing girls of other races, I see it on here a lot too which is scary.

Meanwhile, Thad goes off and fucks whatever he wants, he feels no guilt because he has set the game up to stop this from ever happening.
This subpreddit has gone insane from all the coping.
Yes white guys are just like the jews.
I'd say the gooks replicate the jews even more.
1. They self-segregate from the rest of society like cigans and jews.
2. They act "nice" but are not kind. They are always scheming something. :feelssus:
3. They are extremely jealous; they would rather see you die than fly. When gooks fuck up, they cope by mocking someone else's misery.
4. They are materialistic.
5. They are pro-Israel, jews are literally their role model.
Just by looking at their women you can tell. Complete and utter degenerates but out all the races they are still second to whites.
I have my cock out while reading this.
Yeah I was just pointing out how you claim whites are like jews, when you are partially white yourself.
My only issue with asians is that they don't try to mate guard like whites or arabs do then complain about being cucked. If they were smart they would self segregate from whites and not allow their daughters near whites. One taste of waitu coku and that bitch is owned for life.
Surprisingly smart post.

Black men have somewhat overcome this shame and are now starting to go on the offensive against white guys. White guys feel overwhelmed and have no option but to play buddy buddy with a black guy.
Yes white guys are just like the jews.
I identify as a shekel-loving Askenazi in this modern world but this shitty world dont give me the schekel. its not modern enough...
They will even use your own brothers to build this fake loyalty to women of your own race and shame you for going for white women. Think about it, the same Asian men being friendzoned by Lus attacking their Asian brothers for chasing girls of other races, I see it on here a lot too which is scary.
The crazy thing isn't WM acting in their own self-interest. The crazy thing is AF not being smart enough to figure it out, or willfully going along with it. And also AM for accepting the state of affairs (no other ethnicity of male fails to mate-guard as much).

I'd say the gooks replicate the jews even more.
Not a charitable assessment, but there's one important thing you're missing. Asians don't help other Asians just because they're Asian the way Jews help fellow Jews. So the Jews will probably stay on top a little longer.
and then he busted out his bwc porn and dropped a fat load :feelsYall:

Let me summarize the real reason whites are supperior in the dating market:

Bigger dicks.
Better facial features.
I identify as a shekel-loving Askenazi in this modern world but this shitty world dont give me the schekel. its not modern enough...
I hope you support feminism
Im not reading an essay based on race bait, especially from a nigger. Maybe from a ricecel, sure.

OP had mutliple foids give him their phone numbers btw
White guys are willing to drop everything and travel halfway around the globe to fulfill their sexual fetishes.

I mean, you got us there.

Geomaxxing is the solution for many White males.
this guy needs an account here
they say he's not ugly. how is he not banned.
I've gotten a number from a foid once. Turns out it was a fake number to get me to go the fuck away. Same thing could've happened to him.
White guys were the strongest, we are in a trickle down sexual market, white guys stopped competing for white women (as much) cuz theyre whores, they go for asians or mgtow (staying own way) and become losers, we used to rule the world and now cant even get a wife who appreciates us? Sorry asian bros, im incel anyways so idk
How the fuck has this gotten pinned ?
Surprisingly smart post.

The only reason Black guys date white women is because their own women are buttfuck ugly and white women are infinitely more attractive.
JFL at deathnics thinking they are fighting Imperialism by fucking white women.
Interesting post.
My only issue with asians is that they don't try to mate guard like whites or arabs do then complain about being cucked. If they were smart they would self segregate from whites and not allow their daughters near whites. One taste of waitu coku and that bitch is owned for life.
Surprisingly smart post.

Surprisingly smart post.

Even the comments are good

White men have that "privilege" because they are the dominant cultural, economic, and political force in the world. The US and its satellites (UK, EU, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, and South Korea) make up for 50% of the world economy. It has military bases every where. Its popular culture, though much reduced since its peak in 2000, is still the most influential (though K-pop is making waves). Its science and technology are easily the most advanced (though China has been closing the gap). Its system of values and laws are highly influential and imitated all over the world.
Can you imagine an Asian guy lecturing whites for not abiding by Asian values in the West? This is literally what the West does; white men literally shame other races for not abiding by Western values in their own countries.
In such an environment, white men feel that they own the world. This results in extreme entitlement but also, confidence. They trust that they can get away with **** no other men can get away with; but any other men who try to do the same, angers them and they'll try to beat them down. This is just natural, instinctual male behavior to guard its own territory, and for white men, they think their territory is earth itself.
Remember - everything is about sex, except sex itself. Sex is about power. The hierarchy of power is fundamental to sexual dynamics. This community used to think that it's things like masculine physique that are the most important, but numbers proved them wrong - blacks have it just as bad as Asians, Latino women marry out to whites just as frequently as Asian women, and Asian women don't just marry out to any other race, they marry out to whites.
It really is a matter of white men vs. everyone else.
And the solution? Power. Asians - and other races in general - need more of it, to wrestle it from the hands of whites.
Too much words to just say hes ugly
White men should be wiped off the planet
I've gotten a number from a foid once. Turns out it was a fake number to get me to go the fuck away. Same thing could've happened to him.
I 1 number, she let me paid for a date, she never talked to me again :feelsrope:
A bunch of retarded takes:feelsautistic::feelsautistic:.

Oh man, IRL my grades make me think I can't possibly be more than average intelligent, while my behaviour must look borderline-retarded a lot of times:feelsbadman::feelscry:, but the stuff I read here wheneverrace shit gets brought up always makes me feel like I'm a genius in contrast:feelsthink:. Thanks boyos:feelsokman:.

Im not reading an essay based on race bait, especially from a nigger. Maybe from a ricecel, sure.

OP had mutliple foids give him their phone numbers btw
Getting women's phone numbers is truecel tier for 2024 .is, we are just behind the times brocel:fuk::feelsrope:.

How the fuck has this gotten pinned ?
To make me feel better about myself, as I wrote above:feelsUgh::bigbrain::feelsjuice:.

and then he busted out his bwc porn and dropped a fat load :feelsYall:
As is tradition for those types of racecopers:feelsgah::feelsahh:.
That subr*ddit is a meme, they call it "asian masculinity" but it is anything but masculine. It's just a bunch of guys bitching and moaning about being victims, whining about foids, and then embarrassing themselves by posting their dating app profiles with their real face and real names for a "review" by other losers who then hugbox and circlejerk each other while throwing around cringe advice. It's truly the blind leading the blind.
Men of all races (except sandniggers) are utterly incapable of influencing their foids with whom and what race to sleep around.
Even the jews are too weak. All they can do is to steer far leftists women slightly into a direction, but that's a pathetic form of "influence".
Where is my colorfull harem reddit chinks?

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