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Blackpill The incels who are more blackpilled and believe in looks theory usually have more life experience.

It only matters when you're at least average. In your case, it matters.

Can confirm it doesn't matter even one little bit. If she's attracted then you wont change it by being aspie. If she's not attracted the game was over before it began.
Can confirm it doesn't matter even one little bit. If she's attracted then you wont change it by being aspie. If she's not attracted the game was over before it began.
Yeah I'm ugly as f-ck so it's over for me.
Genetics and looks are everything, but people hete exaggerate a bit by saying that it's over for sub-8 or sub-6'3, etc.
his slay count is about 60 right now. i talk to him every day, he goes to college upstate.
How?! Is he rich or something? Or does he have no standards? He looks unattractive TBH.
All I know is that it's over for me.
I have a difficult time believing 60.

How?! Is he rich or something? Or does he have no standards? He looks unattractive TBH.

actually i have no fucking clue. he's NT, charming, and outgoing as literal fuck. i guess that's why?

let's put down all our incel copes on the table as to why he's successful.
Honestly i vote @whogivesafucc should be banned. He knows he's not a 2.5 and is obviously just LARPing for validation at this point.

Ban him. Ban him now.
actually i have no fucking clue. he's NT, charming, and outgoing as literal fuck. i guess that's why?

let's put down all our incel copes on the table as to why he's successful.
To be fair, PSLI ratings mean nothing. A PSLI 5 can outdo a PSLI 7.
Honestly i vote @whogivesafucc should be banned. He knows he's not a 2.5 and is obviously just LARPing for validation at this point.

Ban him. Ban him now.
No, if he gets banned then you should get banned too. Ban the retard who gave him a 2.5/10.
only me and my one friend right now are incels.

@Junkyard Roach Get the fuck in here

here's my other friend


MOGS me to the fucking oblivion realm, was incel till 20.

He looks like he would be a serious pretty boy if he was a little lower body fat. Good skull structure and features. I don't even know what he's supposed to prove though.
I am a 2/10 who gets avoided by women in the streets, looks are everything but futile.
OK but that's in different locations I live in New York City trust me when I say that looks don't matter up here
He looks like he would be a serious pretty boy if he was a little lower body fat. Good skull structure and features. I don't even know what he's supposed to prove though.

so you would agree he's at the very least average looking?

this guy approached girls and shit and got rejected al the time because he was a virgin, he had to lie just to get sex and now he gets it like it's nothing.

i don't know anymore honestly im stumped.
i don't know anymore honestly im stumped.

Despite being average, he approached, he tried. You haven't.

If I looked like you or him you bet your ass I'd hop on Tinder right now.
Normie white tier gets laid , what's that supposed to prove?
In all honesty, @whogivesafucc complaining is like a fat guy complaining "why don't I lose weight?" while shoving a box of deep fried chocolate Twinkies down his throat. Dude, if you want women, you have to go out and talk to women.
In all honesty, @whogivesafucc complaining is like a fat guy complaining "why can't I lose weight?" while shoving a Twinkie down his throat. Dude, if you want women, you have to go out and talk to women.

Tbh I'm happy he's incel. Such a cancerous attention seeking faggot.

A lot of these lookism fags are 5-7/10 in looks but cant find a gf. They are just mental. Neurotic about looks.
Yeah agreed, can't stand those assholes who think being average is bad. They mog me to oblivion.
No he said somebody rated him a 2.5

Look at his tagline ffs.

He knows he's not 2.5, this is all just an attention seeking ploy. Like when a roastie says she's ugly and then gets orbiters telling her otherwise.

Ban him.
Look at his tagline ffs.

He knows he's not 2.5, this is all just an attention seeking ploy. Like when a roastie says she's ugly and then gets orbiters telling her otherwise.

Ban him.
He said somebody on here rated him a 2.5/10. You tell an extreme aspie something and he will take it for the truth. Ban the faggot who gave him that rating.
I got rejected by a girl that is like 4 PSL points below me, which was enough to destroy my confidence, permanently.
well there you go come to New York City guarantee you'll get a girl the only thing you need is a good personality and be low inhibition af
I possess both qualities, NYC, HERE I COME!!!

KEK, fuark wait I got a facial deformity. It's over for me..
He said somebody on here rated him a 2.5/10. You tell an extreme aspie something and he will take it for the truth. Ban the faggot who gave him that rating.

no, but i did get 3.5 before.

i gave myself 2.5 lol.
no, but i did get 3.5 before.

i gave myself 2.5 lol.
Come on bro what got into your head? You're not that low, no way. You're probably having an off day, it's what happens when you spend time on here. Take a little break or something.
I got rejected by a girl that is like 4 PSL points below me, which was enough to destroy my confidence, permanently.
That just sounds like a dumb cunt who is delusional.
Come on bro what got into your head? You're not that low, no way. You're probably having an off day, it's what happens when you spend time on here. Take a little break or something.

What got into his head is he's an attention seeking faggot. Even these posts are feeding his agenda.

Ban him.
True, and this is why I don't think anyone under 23 should be posting here.

You can be aware that it's over, but you don't really know the feels until it is truly over for you.

You have to try. You have to fail. You have to be completely beaten down.
True, and this is why I don't think anyone under 23 should be posting here.

You can be aware that it's over, but you don't really know the feels until it is truly over for you.

You have to try. You have to fail. You have to be completely beaten down.
I'm 24 should I try?
Ive never approached but i know if i did id end up like Dan Cilley.
I noticed this trend in incel communities many years ago. The incels who strongly believe in looks theory and hypergamy are also the ones with more life experience. We have gone out more, been to more social events, had more friends, and been rejected more, compared to those who deny these theories (which should just be called facts at this point).

Who would do you think is more likely to know the truth?

A) A 30+ KHV incel who has gone out a lot, done it all, and has lots of experience with rejection.

B) An 18 year old autist who stays in his basement all day and either has a single digit number of rejections or flat out never approached a woman in his life.

Yea same boat here. I used to approach women alot when i was younger.

I can completely relate.
this is what incels dont get it

when we say "approach women" we dont say go to nightclub and do cold approach there. only 8/10 can pull that off. You gotta approach women from your social circle

ive asked out more or less 100 women irl, and they were almost all from social circles, language course , university , work etc etc etc

I have no friends or social circle so that shit isn't helping me. I went to some events and tried to cold approach women but as friendless incel you can forget it.
I noticed this trend in incel communities many years ago. The incels who strongly believe in looks theory and hypergamy are also the ones with more life experience. We have gone out more, been to more social events, had more friends, and been rejected more, compared to those who deny these theories (which should just be called facts at this point).

Who would do you think is more likely to know the truth?

A) A 30+ KHV incel who has gone out a lot, done it all, and has lots of experience with rejection.

B) An 18 year old autist who stays in his basement all day and either has a single digit number of rejections or flat out never approached a woman in his life.

Why are you and gsrtvp the only mods that actually make threads?
You're probably right OP. Most people who deny looks theory have a very limited understanding of the world

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