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SuicideFuel The incel issue is not just about dating, it's a political war

Satan is god of this world, the texts left out of the bible describe all this. The most high God would be Jesus father, earth and material world are quite low on the hierarchy, being a virgin is considered good since things of this world if we cling to them keep us trapped here. I dont even think the Virginity mentioned all the time in the bible refers to not having sex, it means purity.


Another thing that makes religion pointless to bring up, its too open to interpretation, and all of you get to say - "my interpretation is obviously right". You saying that virginity in the bible means purity sounds like bullshit and coping, because wtf does "purity" mean, really vague, but virginity meaning literally virginity is specific and too the point, you are using some serious mental gymnastics here to take a word in which we know the obvious literal meaning to, and to just look past that and say it means something else, its already there in your face there's no reason to think it means something vague like "purity".

When we talk about "the virgin mary" in the bible I doubt they meant "the pure mary", the reason why her being pregnant was seen as a miracle wasn't because of something vague like "she was pure", it was because "she was a virgin" so it must be a miracle if she's pregnant, what you're saying literally makes no sense at all if you simply use it within context.

I was just about to say all the BS you're saying sounds more like some satanist gnosticism shit and then I look up and I see the link and notice the word "gnosis" in the link (I was actually expecting some christian stuff, but you are ironically (unbeknownst to you) an occultist :lul:). JFL this has to be on purpose, you have to be joking,a guy who believes in God and the bible, but he's literally of a faction that would be considered satanists and people who believe a "corrupt doctrine" of the religion.

You are literally proving my point why religion has no place here, because anybody can say - "my interpretation is the right one".

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The texts shown at gnosis.org did exist around the same time as the biblical canonical texts as they were referenced by Church leaders at the time and even modern day biblical scholars want texts like Gospel of Thomas to be considered part of the canonical texts.


not really my interpretations, read the texts for yourself

Satanists exist, they are the ones running the world, Clinton emails about Spirit cookings and former Clinton chief of staff with cuts on his hand from the spirit cookings and occult symbols on his hand. While her husband flies to some island with Egyptian temples and young girls.


Bill Clinton ditched Secret Service on multiple 'Lolita Express' flights: Report

The Washington Times - Saturday, May 14, 2016

An investigation into official flight records of financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” are once again dragging former President Bill Clinton into the national spotlight.

Flight logs obtained by Gawker in January 2015 put Mr. Clinton on the billionaire’s infamous jet more than a dozen times — sometimes with a woman whom federal prosecutors suspect of procuring underage sex victims for Mr. Epstein. Fox News reported Friday that records show Mr. Clinton declined Secret Service protection on at least five flights.
Satanists exist, they are the ones running the world, Clinton emails about Spirit cookings and former Clinton chief of staff with cuts on his hand from the spirit cookings and occult symbols on his hand. While her husband flies to some island with Egyptian temples and young girls.

1. The people who you are calling satanists ironically have "gnostic beliefs", satanism is riddled with gnosticism.

I mean fucking Aleister Crowley wrote books about this shit

You can't get more "devil worship" than guys like Aleister Crowley, in his time he was likely above in rank all the people you mentioned

2. Learn to use the damn quote system, like come on you are going out of your way to delete sections of the quote parameters, by default it has the username of the person you quoted wtf. I am only seeing your comments by chance because I check the page, when you quote someone and leave out the part that has their user name, post number, etc they don't get an alert that they were quoted (because as far as the system is concerned you didn't actually quote them, you just quoted some random text), just a general alert that another post was made on the page. I'm not checking back again because this thread isn't that interesting.
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I think you're getting mixed up with terminology, i realise the site i linked is named gnosis.org but the texts themselves are early Christian they were found in Nag Hammadi egypt. They have nothing to do with Aleister Crowley.


There is a clear agenda being pushed.
SJWs and bluepilled normans are like brainwashed zombies. All the establishment has to do is direct them to the right target and they'll attack it with everything they have, without even realizing they are being mind controlled. This whole war against incels is 100% manufactured. All those articles, those people at comedy central attacking incels out of nowhere, it's all orchestrated and since liberals don't have a mind of their own once something is introduced in the hive mind it becomes part of the collective.

Inceltears and the rest of the cucks is a nutshell:

SJWs and bluepilled normans are like brainwashed zombies. All the establishment has to do is direct them to the right target and they'll attack it with everything they have, without even realizing they are being mind controlled. This whole war against incels is 100% manufactured. All those articles, those people at comedy central attacking incels out of nowhere, it's all orchestrated and since liberals don't have a mind of their own once something is introduced in the hive mind it becomes part of the collective.

Inceltears and the rest of the cucks is a nutshell:

It's very much like moral panic essentially. I've covered this extensively on other forums, namely lookism and sluthate, to the point that most people from those forums know my standard narrative regarding the matter by heart. This is a new community though, so you may not be familiar with the concept. Eventually I will post a large thread regarding the issue so that people here can become associated with it, but for now I will just post this article that goes over the basics:


The criminological concept known as moral panic offers valuable insights into how and why powerful social agents such as the news media and the police deliberately create public concern or fear of an individual or group.

Moral panic has been defined as a situation in which public fears and state interventions greatly exceed the objective threat posed to society by a particular individual or group who is/are claimed to be responsible for creating the threat in the first place.

The moral panic concept was developed and popularized by South African criminologist Stanley Cohen when he explained the public reaction to disturbances by youths called “mods and rockers” at seaside resorts in Brighton, England during the 1960s. Cohen’s work illustrated how those reactions influenced the formation and enforcement of social policy, law, and societal perceptions of threats posed by the youth groups (1).
Since its inception, the moral panic concept has been applied to a wide range of social problems including but not limited to youth gangs, school violence, child abuse, Satanism, wilding, flag burning, illegal immigration and terrorism.

Central to the moral panic concept is an argument that public concern or fear over an alleged social problem is mutually beneficial to state officials—that is, politicians and law enforcement authorities—and the news media. The relationship between state officials and the media is symbiotic in that politicians and law enforcement need communication channels to distribute their rhetoric and the media need tantalizing news content to attract a wide audience which, in turn, attracts advertisers.

Moral panics arise when distorted mass media campaigns are used to create fear, reinforce stereotypes and exacerbate pre-existing divisions in the world, often based on race, ethnicity and social class.

Additionally, moral panics have three distinguishing characteristics. First, there is a focused attention on the behavior, whether real or imagined, of certain individuals or groups that are transformed into what Cohen referred to as “folk devils” by the mass media. This is accomplished when the media strip these folk devils of all favorable characteristics and apply exclusively negative ones.
Second, there is a gap between the concern over a condition and the objective threat it poses. Typically, the objective threat is far less than popularly perceived due to how it is presented by authorities.

Third, there is a great deal of fluctuation over time in the level of concern over a condition. The typical pattern begins with the discovery of the threat, followed by a rapid rise and then peak in public concern, which then subsequently, and often abruptly, subsides.
Finally, public hysteria over a perceived problem often results in the passing of legislation that is highly punitive, unnecessary, and serves to justify the agendas of those in positions of power and authority.

Is an excerpt from it. I have extensive experience with moral panics and other pathological social phenomena, and certainly see such a societal disease arising in relation to incels.
we can't win any political wars.
we have very intellegent people here to explain our stance (a good example is jack, rip jack)
feminism cannot be beaten, things are VERY fucked up right now and i don't see a future where incels are accepted.
you can't argue with the normie narrative because the normie narrative is built on a things that are not black n' white. normies as a whole don't believe that woman are power hungry, that they hate men etc. incels kills the "female compassion" narrative and that's very unsettling for some people (especially woman). and once feminists get their hands on right wingers, its fucking game over for us.
we can't win any political wars.
we have very intellegent people here to explain our stance (a good example is jack, rip jack)
feminism cannot be beaten, things are VERY fucked up right now and i don't see a future where incels are accepted.
you can't argue with the normie narrative because the normie narrative is built on a things that are not black n' white. normies as a whole don't believe that woman are power hungry, that they hate men etc. incels kills the "female compassion" narrative and that's very unsettling for some people (especially woman). and once feminists get their hands on right wingers, its fucking game over for us.

The feminists and the evangelical Christians are already in an alliance.


There is something familiar about the tide of misinformation which has swept through the subject of sex trafficking in the UK: it flows through exactly the same channels as the now notorious torrent about Saddam Hussein's weapons.
In both cases, the cycle has been driven by political opportunists and interest groups in pursuit of an agenda. In the case of sex trafficking, the role of the neo-conservatives and Iraqi exiles has been played by an unlikely union of evangelical Christians with feminist campaigners, who pursued the trafficking tale to secure their greater goal, not of regime change, but of legal change to abolish all prostitution. The sex trafficking story is a model of misinformation. It began to take shape in the mid 1990s, when the collapse of economies in the old Warsaw Pact countries saw the working flats of London flooded with young women from eastern Europe. Soon, there were rumours and media reports that attached a new word to these women. They had been "trafficked".


Net-works, as opposed to institutions, are shaped by decentralized com-
mand and control structures, are resistant to “decapitation” attacks
targeting leaders, and are amorphous enough to weld together coali-
tions with significantly different agendas while concentrating forces
on a single symbolic target.

What must happen is they must be constrained by the rule of constitutional law in the United States anyway. The continued failure for the alliance of Feminism and Evangelicalism to be bound by the rule of constitutional law will eventually necessitate an armed resistance against them. They have spent the past several decades utterly disregarding the rule of constitutional law with impunity, spreading the fiction materials of their make believe fantasy world across the world, presented as being descriptive of actual reality despite being descriptive of their fabricated make believe fantasy world.

Really this has been happening for somewhat over one hundred years now:


"The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon" was a series of highly controversial newspaper articles on child prostitution that appeared in The Pall Mall Gazette in July 1885.

Written by crusading editor W. T. Stead, the series was a tour de force of Victorian journalism. With sensational crossheads, such as "The Violation of Virgins" and "Strapping Girls Down", the Maiden Tribute threw respectable Victorians into a state of moral panic, and achieved, as a consequence, the implementation of the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1885, which raised the age of consent for girls from 13 to 16, and also re-criminalised homosexual acts.

Together they form the Sex Cult, which is properly classified as a 20th century religious establishment and which must be bound by the establishment clause of the first amendment of the constitution just like any other religious movement.

The Sex Cult consists of a socially convergent state of anosognosic psychotic decompensation characterized by the misidentification of a make believe fantasy world that doesn't exist outside of a themed collection of fiction materials as being the state of actual reality. They have superstitions, mythology, pseudoscience, and an entire themed make believe fantasy world which has little to no correlation to the state of actual existence, being confined primarily to their delusional imaginations and stereotyped collections of fiction materials. They are in every sense of the term a New Religious Movement (NRM), complete with their own heresy and blasphemy constructs, and their religious establishment is treasonously infiltrating into and subverting the political and legal establishment of the United States in an act that can only be considered a treasonous religious insurrection.
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This war is directed at us inferior men, their intention is to diminish us even more so that we live in complete submission, because if more and more men begin to realize the injustices committed against men like us and how they also suffer from the same problems a gigantic mass of men will revolt and start a fight, we can not let them decrease us even more, we will show the truths to all men we will not let them become cucks in the hand of foids who only want total control, they will fear when they realize that they can no longer control the situation with simple manipulations and lies, we will show the chains and we will break them
We won't do shit though because we offer no alternative to modernity/liberalism

we are just ugly guys who can't get laid and lash on people who can, women and beta males have any right to pick on us since we are subhumans by our own standards.

We need a moral high, we have to reject the modern world and look deeper in existential matters. And tbh, there's plenty of answers about women's nature and place in society in the Bible and early Christian Saints if you take them literally, from a traditional approach.

Just think about it, a century ago women weren't even alowed to have public opinions or sit on the same table with men and inceldom was non-existence. There must be something wrong with men, we had power and handed it to the inferior gender, just for them to retristibuted to the very unfeminist elites.
Most of our issues emanates from Lookism. Politics has very little influence.
We won't do shit though because we offer no alternative to modernity/liberalism

It's enough to reject their gynocentric cult to be a danger to them. A religion can't suffer the existence of heretics because their mere presence can undermine faith in the dogma.
We need to end the Betas. They are the column that sustains this corrupted system.

In order to end the Betas, the world needs to recognize what they are missing out on. They need to understand that genes are the key to prosper and being born with shit DNA doesn't help us out at all. The system needs to be fixed as a whole from the ground up.
High IQ post. Incels are the ultimate counterculture movement. Incels have way more power and relevance than MGTOWs, MRAs, PUAs, WNs and even alt-righters.

Not really.

MGTOW or rope is the logical conclusion after taking the blackpill.
Not really.

MGTOW or rope is the logical conclusion after taking the blackpill.

MGTOW is gonna naturally be more popular since it is mostly divorced men and bachelors who could get laid but don't want to. It's basically a volcel movement.
What about incel without the ending s?
The racism one is photoshopped, I just notice it by zooming in. But there is this gem I found from looking at the writers history
View attachment 23743
And I guarantee you linking racism to not being a cuck will have its own article in the future if its not already out.
That's going to really hurt racists and end White Supremacy for good. It's fucking hilarious that they're actually trying to sell cuckoldry to people, have any of you ever watched The School of Life? It's a Propaganda channel on YouTube that masquerades as a Philosophy channel, they have numerous videos extolling the virtues of getting cucked, friendzoned, being refused sex, it's sick.
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