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Serious The incel homicide rate is actually really low (I put a lot of effort in this so everyone GIH)



Jan 5, 2022
(Remaking this thread because mods deleted it)

So the incel killings wikipedia lists are ER (6 killed), Umpqua (9 killed), Edmonton (1 killed), Aztec (2 killed), Parkland (17 killed), Toronto (11 killed), Tallahassee (2 killed), Hanau (10 killed), Toronto again (1 killed), and Plymouth (5 killed).

Now the media and anti-incels usually say that lonely, frustrated men are not incels unless they actually identify with the word. Applying that logic here would remove most of this list. The Umpqua shooter never called himself an incel. The closest he got was when he was asked online if he was "saving himself for someone special" and said "involuntarily so". The Plymouth shooter explicitly said "I wouldn't clarify myself as an incel". However, just to prove a point, I'm going to be intentionally unfair to us and include them.

The Aztec and Parkland shooters, however, could not be called incel by even the biggest stretch; they're only included on wikipedia because they idolised mass killers including Elliot Rodger (and so did the Umpqua one). But they obviously just liked him as a mass killer and didn't care about him as an incel. Both were motivate by the alt-right. And the Hanau shooter doesn't seem to have even known about incels. He was motivated by schizophrenia and the alt-right. So I will include them in one calculation and exclude them in another.

Now I need the incel population. r/incels had about 40,000 members when it was banned, and I will assume the number of non-incels and alts subbed to it balances out the number of incels not subbed to it. So I'm just gonna take it as the incel population. Keep in mind that it's the number of people specifically in the incel community and not just the number of involuntary celibates, meaning that most of these shooters aren't even in that number, but once again I'm being unfair to us to prove a point.

So the number of claimed incel homicides is 6+9+1+2+17+11+2+10+1+5=64. And these shootings happened over 8 years. So the homicide rate of incels is (64 x 100,000)/(8 x 40,000) = 20 victims per 100,000 incels per year. According to this and this, that is less than 23 countries and 12 of the most populous 100 US cities (St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Kansas City, Cleveland, Memphis, Newark, Cincinnati, Mobile, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, Stockton and Tulsa).

The number of actual incel homicides (so not including Aztec, Parkland and Hanau) is 6+9+1+11+2+1+5=35, making the homicide rate (35 x 100,000)/(8 x 40,000) = 10.9 victims per 100k incels per year. That is less than 37 countries, 4 US states/territories and 39 (i.e. over a third) of the 100 most populous US cities.

Another thing to point out is that most homicides are committed by young men; the same demographic that almost all incels are in. I'm sure if you took the crime rates if just the young men in any city, state or country, they would be much higher than the incel one.

So, TLDR, the incel homicide rate is unsurprisingly on the high side but not an outlier when compared with other people's crime rates. And that's when being unfair to us. Since this obviously would not the case for any terrorist or hate group, this proves anything the media says about incels being terrorists or a hate group is just fearmongering clickbait.
specify incel community instead of just incel as millions are incel but there’s a specific subculture around it that we’re apart of
anything the media says about incels being terrorists or a hate group is just fearmongering clickbait
Well, in general anything that the media says about any topic is clickbait, yes LOL

They make money by catching people's attention, so that's just another day in the life of a reporter, yes
I do enjoy high effort threads and this is one of them.
In case anyone's curious about the actual actual incel homicide rate (i.e. only killers who called themselves incel), that would be ER (6 killed), Toronto (11 killed), Tallahassee (2 killed), and Toronto again (1 killed).

(20 x 100,000)/(8 x 40,000) = 6.25, lower than 59 countries (including the United States), 25 US states/territories and 67 of the most populous 100 US cities
@Dregster look how I'm contributing to the forum
Wish it was higher (I do not encourage violence btw)
Most people who go ER are ironically normies.
specify incel community instead of just incel as millions are incel but there’s a specific subculture around it that we’re apart of
Even for us it's pretty low. I don't know anyone who roped from all the years I've been here. I believe being incel makes you live longer and less likely to rope, because your body keeps reminding itself it has unfinished business, so we never relax. But there are incels who have completely given up, and don't take care of their health who are more likely to rope.
Cruz had a girlfriend. So they can take 17 off there. AM might be famous but even the investigation and the judge recognised and even stated that he wasn't an incel, he was just obsessed with all kinds of killers, was fond of elliot and piggybacked off a term (incel) that he didn't even understand. And as you said, davison didn't really care for incels. His lashing out was more a domestic incident likely exacerbated by pharmaceuticals from what I hear.

People just pick and choose where to apply the term to push their own prejudice. It's like that idaho shit right now. They know NOTHING about the guy who did it and yet people are still calling him an incel... On what grounds? It's retarded.

The 100k incels thing is something normies should note too. 100k is immensely generous. There exist tens of millions of incels at a very, and generously small lower bound. Fact is non-incels commit murder daily. They commit atrocities and all sorts of crimes daily. They commit thousands of instances of domestic abuse daily. This isn't demonstrated in incels. Not even close. It's not even 1% of what non-incels get up too. Many people say "muh theres more non-incels than incels"... Irrelevant. if you scaled both equally, non-incels would still come out on-top. If you picked 1000 incels, and picked 1000 non-incels at random, you would always find much more criminality and harm to others in the non-incel sample.

I dont consider the "incel homicide rate" to be "unsurprisingly high"??? If the media and everyone else are to be believed, then its surprisingly non-existent. We would expect to see incel violence daily at the very least. Yet it's not even bi-daily, or even monthly. The fact that they have to still leech off of elliot as a scapegoat excuse after 8 years just shows that they really don't have a lot of examples of "incel violence".
And that's with pretending that incels are comparable to ISIS.
Cruz had a girlfriend. So they can take 17 off there. AM might be famous but even the investigation and the judge recognised and even stated that he wasn't an incel, he was just obsessed with all kinds of killers, was fond of elliot and piggybacked off a term (incel) that he didn't even understand. And as you said, davison didn't really care for incels. His lashing out was more a domestic incident likely exacerbated by pharmaceuticals from what I hear.

People just pick and choose where to apply the term to push their own prejudice. It's like that idaho shit right now. They know NOTHING about the guy who did it and yet people are still calling him an incel... On what grounds? It's retarded.

The 100k incels thing is something normies should note too. 100k is immensely generous. There exist tens of millions of incels at a very, and generously small lower bound. Fact is non-incels commit murder daily. They commit atrocities and all sorts of crimes daily. They commit thousands of instances of domestic abuse daily. This isn't demonstrated in incels. Not even close. It's not even 1% of what non-incels get up too. Many people say "muh theres more non-incels than incels"... Irrelevant. if you scaled both equally, non-incels would still come out on-top. If you picked 1000 incels, and picked 1000 non-incels at random, you would always find much more criminality and harm to others in the non-incel sample.

I dont consider the "incel homicide rate" to be "unsurprisingly high"??? If the media and everyone else are to be believed, then its surprisingly non-existent. We would expect to see incel violence daily at the very least. Yet it's not even bi-daily, or even monthly. The fact that they have to still leech off of elliot as a scapegoat excuse after 8 years just shows that they really don't have a lot of examples of "incel violence".
You put so well what I wanted to say. Like I showed here:
In case anyone's curious about the actual actual incel homicide rate (i.e. only killers who called themselves incel), that would be ER (6 killed), Toronto (11 killed), Tallahassee (2 killed), and Toronto again (1 killed).

(20 x 100,000)/(8 x 40,000) = 6.25, lower than 59 countries (including the United States), 25 US states/territories and 67 of the most populous 100 US cities
The average self-proclaimed incel kills less people than the average American
(Remaking this thread because mods deleted it)

So the incel killings wikipedia lists are ER (6 killed), Umpqua (9 killed), Edmonton (1 killed), Aztec (2 killed), Parkland (17 killed), Toronto (11 killed), Tallahassee (2 killed), Hanau (10 killed), Toronto again (1 killed), and Plymouth (5 killed).

Now the media and anti-incels usually say that lonely, frustrated men are not incels unless they actually identify with the word. Applying that logic here would remove most of this list. The Umpqua shooter never called himself an incel. The closest he got was when he was asked online if he was "saving himself for someone special" and said "involuntarily so". The Plymouth shooter explicitly said "I wouldn't clarify myself as an incel". However, just to prove a point, I'm going to be intentionally unfair to us and include them.

The Aztec and Parkland shooters, however, could not be called incel by even the biggest stretch; they're only included on wikipedia because they idolised mass killers including Elliot Rodger (and so did the Umpqua one). But they obviously just liked him as a mass killer and didn't care about him as an incel. Both were motivate by the alt-right. And the Hanau shooter doesn't seem to have even known about incels. He was motivated by schizophrenia and the alt-right. So I will include them in one calculation and exclude them in another.

Now I need the incel population. r/incels had about 40,000 members when it was banned, and I will assume the number of non-incels and alts subbed to it balances out the number of incels not subbed to it. So I'm just gonna take it as the incel population. Keep in mind that it's the number of people specifically in the incel community and not just the number of involuntary celibates, meaning that most of these shooters aren't even in that number, but once again I'm being unfair to us to prove a point.

So the number of claimed incel homicides is 6+9+1+2+17+11+2+10+1+5=64. And these shootings happened over 8 years. So the homicide rate of incels is (64 x 100,000)/(8 x 40,000) = 20 victims per 100,000 incels per year. According to this and this, that is less than 23 countries and 12 of the most populous 100 US cities (St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Kansas City, Cleveland, Memphis, Newark, Cincinnati, Mobile, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, Stockton and Tulsa).

The number of actual incel homicides (so not including Aztec, Parkland and Hanau) is 6+9+1+11+2+1+5=35, making the homicide rate (35 x 100,000)/(8 x 40,000) = 10.9 victims per 100k incels per year. That is less than 37 countries, 4 US states/territories and 39 (i.e. over a third) of the 100 most populous US cities.

Another thing to point out is that most homicides are committed by young men; the same demographic that almost all incels are in. I'm sure if you took the crime rates if just the young men in any city, state or country, they would be much higher than the incel one.

So, TLDR, the incel homicide rate is unsurprisingly on the high side but not an outlier when compared with other people's crime rates. And that's when being unfair to us. Since this obviously would not the case for any terrorist or hate group, this proves anything the media says about incels being terrorists or a hate group is just fearmongering clickbait.
Based high IQ post.
You put so well what I wanted to say. Like I showed here:

The average self-proclaimed incel kills less people than the average American
I've had to explain this to people countless times over the last few years tbh. Incel incidents are what we would call a "statistical insignificance" when compared to non-incels. Hell, just the other day, I demonstrated to a guy on IT that in 2020, the UK recorded around 2000 domestic abuse crimes per day... You cannot find such numbers with incels.

It's a case of people simply choosing what to think and believe even when there's a total absence of evidence. Not even a hint towards it being the case. Same guy also directly said he's "done the math" and that incels commit more violence. I asked him for a source to back it because I know for a fact there is no such source in existence. The link he gave me, he must not have read (IT moment tbh) because it didn't back nor demonstrate his claim at all. Moreover, quotes in the article directly contradicted what he believed to be true about incels. Which isn't surprising because those people don't really know what incels are let alone have a nuanced understanding of incels/inceldom.

I could probably find close to 100 if not more murders that have happened in the last week alone, and could repeat this every single week. Yet not a single one of them will be perpetrated by an incel, over 99.99% of the time. Adding to that, we know for a fucking fact that if an incel so much as spat in someones general direction, news networks and the general internet would milk that shit for all they could. Nevermind a story where death was involved.
I've had to explain this to people countless times over the last few years tbh. Incel incidents are what we would call a "statistical insignificance" when compared to non-incels. Hell, just the other day, I demonstrated to a guy on IT that in 2020, the UK recorded around 2000 domestic abuse crimes per day... You cannot find such numbers with incels.

It's a case of people simply choosing what to think and believe even when there's a total absence of evidence. Not even a hint towards it being the case. Same guy also directly said he's "done the math" and that incels commit more violence. I asked him for a source to back it because I know for a fact there is no such source in existence. The link he gave me, he must not have read (IT moment tbh) because it didn't back nor demonstrate his claim at all. Moreover, quotes in the article directly contradicted what he believed to be true about incels. Which isn't surprising because those people don't really know what incels are let alone have a nuanced understanding of incels/inceldom.

I could probably find close to 100 if not more murders that have happened in the last week alone, and could repeat this every single week. Yet not a single one of them will be perpetrated by an incel, over 99.99% of the time. Adding to that, we know for a fucking fact that if an incel so much as spat in someones general direction, news networks and the general internet would milk that shit for all they could. Nevermind a story where death was involved.
Send him this thread
Send him this thread
he would ignore it anyway tbh. He already admitted in his last message to me that he's basically biased and doesnt care. He figures he can justify such stupid views even if it was just one incel. Said he wouldn't change his mind, so not only admits to being closed minded, but doesnt care about actual data, statistics and facts. I wonder if he's bigoted towards other groups of people in this way? Pretty much admitting to the need to cling onto anything that will enable his own prejudices. Much like the rest of that sub
(Remaking this thread because mods deleted it)

So the incel killings wikipedia lists are ER (6 killed), Umpqua (9 killed), Edmonton (1 killed), Aztec (2 killed), Parkland (17 killed), Toronto (11 killed), Tallahassee (2 killed), Hanau (10 killed), Toronto again (1 killed), and Plymouth (5 killed).

Now the media and anti-incels usually say that lonely, frustrated men are not incels unless they actually identify with the word. Applying that logic here would remove most of this list. The Umpqua shooter never called himself an incel. The closest he got was when he was asked online if he was "saving himself for someone special" and said "involuntarily so". The Plymouth shooter explicitly said "I wouldn't clarify myself as an incel". However, just to prove a point, I'm going to be intentionally unfair to us and include them.

The Aztec and Parkland shooters, however, could not be called incel by even the biggest stretch; they're only included on wikipedia because they idolised mass killers including Elliot Rodger (and so did the Umpqua one). But they obviously just liked him as a mass killer and didn't care about him as an incel. Both were motivate by the alt-right. And the Hanau shooter doesn't seem to have even known about incels. He was motivated by schizophrenia and the alt-right. So I will include them in one calculation and exclude them in another.

Now I need the incel population. r/incels had about 40,000 members when it was banned, and I will assume the number of non-incels and alts subbed to it balances out the number of incels not subbed to it. So I'm just gonna take it as the incel population. Keep in mind that it's the number of people specifically in the incel community and not just the number of involuntary celibates, meaning that most of these shooters aren't even in that number, but once again I'm being unfair to us to prove a point.

So the number of claimed incel homicides is 6+9+1+2+17+11+2+10+1+5=64. And these shootings happened over 8 years. So the homicide rate of incels is (64 x 100,000)/(8 x 40,000) = 20 victims per 100,000 incels per year. According to this and this, that is less than 23 countries and 12 of the most populous 100 US cities (St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Kansas City, Cleveland, Memphis, Newark, Cincinnati, Mobile, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, Stockton and Tulsa).

The number of actual incel homicides (so not including Aztec, Parkland and Hanau) is 6+9+1+11+2+1+5=35, making the homicide rate (35 x 100,000)/(8 x 40,000) = 10.9 victims per 100k incels per year. That is less than 37 countries, 4 US states/territories and 39 (i.e. over a third) of the 100 most populous US cities.

Another thing to point out is that most homicides are committed by young men; the same demographic that almost all incels are in. I'm sure if you took the crime rates if just the young men in any city, state or country, they would be much higher than the incel one.

So, TLDR, the incel homicide rate is unsurprisingly on the high side but not an outlier when compared with other people's crime rates. And that's when being unfair to us. Since this obviously would not the case for any terrorist or hate group, this proves anything the media says about incels being terrorists or a hate group is just fearmongering clickbait.
Now list every murderer that ever had an account here and the number will be zero.
Even for us it's pretty low. I don't know anyone who roped from all the years I've been here. I believe being incel makes you live longer and less likely to rope, because your body keeps reminding itself it has unfinished business, so we never relax. But there are incels who have completely given up, and don't take care of their health who are more likely to rope.
Yea I know what you mean. It makes sense also yea most people who are truly suicidal have truly given up on anything
(Remaking this thread because mods deleted it)
Turns out they didn’t
Of course IT didn’t touch either one
Now list every murderer that ever had an account here and the number will be zero.
Also true tbh. This site has been live for over 5 years now. People claim its "sooper dooper dangerous"... They would lead you to believe that this site has caused deaths. Yet as it stands, grand total of such people from this site stands at a lovely 0. Oh how very dangerous

Turns out they didn’t
Of course IT didn’t touch either one
IT never touch shit that shows their shit up tbh.
@Caesercel @Dregster @Fat Link @Infinity @Komesarj @MarquisDeSade @proudweeb @Robtical @SlayerSlayer @TheProphetMuscle please put this in must read
@Caesercel @Dregster @Fat Link @Infinity @Komesarj @MarquisDeSade @proudweeb @Robtical @SlayerSlayer @TheProphetMuscle please put this in must read
Done little buddy. :feelsokman:
99.9% of incels who want to die only kill themselves, the incel saint shooters represent the other 0.01%.

Incel terrorists represent a very tiny minority, yet soys are focusing on these people to show that "muh incels are dangerous"

For one AM, how many brocels hanged themselves in their room?

For one Cho, how many brocels shot themselves in the head?

If one day, an oppressed transexual :feelsclown: decides to go on a kill rampage bc his/her life is too hard ( :feelskek: ) and that after this, media consider that lmaoq+++ propagandists are all dangerous bc of this single person, they would spend their whole energy to defend that "we are not like that", "we are mentally sane" etc.
99.9% of incels who want to die only kill themselves, the incel saint shooters represent the other 0.01%.

Incel terrorists represent a very tiny minority, yet soys are focusing on these people to show that "muh incels are dangerous"

For one AM, how many brocels hanged themselves in their room?

For one Cho, how many brocels shot themselves in the head?

If one day, an oppressed transexual :feelsclown: decides to go on a kill rampage bc his/her life is too hard ( :feelskek: ) and that after this, media consider that lmaoq+++ propagandists are all dangerous bc of this single person, they would spend their whole energy to defend that "we are not like that", "we are mentally sane" etc.
A tranny went ER on a LGBT club
A legit incel wouldn't care about anything and just keep it to himself, lifelessly waste his life away coping, i.e. herbivore men. Also because they already know that it's actually over.

The guys that are frustrated not getting their Becky or Stacy gf would be reluctant to become those types. Usually, they're normie tier in looks. They learn about this late and become super frustrated whilst incels already know it was over for them early on.
(Remaking this thread because mods deleted it)

So the incel killings wikipedia lists are ER (6 killed), Umpqua (9 killed), Edmonton (1 killed), Aztec (2 killed), Parkland (17 killed), Toronto (11 killed), Tallahassee (2 killed), Hanau (10 killed), Toronto again (1 killed), and Plymouth (5 killed).

Now the media and anti-incels usually say that lonely, frustrated men are not incels unless they actually identify with the word. Applying that logic here would remove most of this list. The Umpqua shooter never called himself an incel. The closest he got was when he was asked online if he was "saving himself for someone special" and said "involuntarily so". The Plymouth shooter explicitly said "I wouldn't clarify myself as an incel". However, just to prove a point, I'm going to be intentionally unfair to us and include them.

The Aztec and Parkland shooters, however, could not be called incel by even the biggest stretch; they're only included on wikipedia because they idolised mass killers including Elliot Rodger (and so did the Umpqua one). But they obviously just liked him as a mass killer and didn't care about him as an incel. Both were motivate by the alt-right. And the Hanau shooter doesn't seem to have even known about incels. He was motivated by schizophrenia and the alt-right. So I will include them in one calculation and exclude them in another.

Now I need the incel population. r/incels had about 40,000 members when it was banned, and I will assume the number of non-incels and alts subbed to it balances out the number of incels not subbed to it. So I'm just gonna take it as the incel population. Keep in mind that it's the number of people specifically in the incel community and not just the number of involuntary celibates, meaning that most of these shooters aren't even in that number, but once again I'm being unfair to us to prove a point.

So the number of claimed incel homicides is 6+9+1+2+17+11+2+10+1+5=64. And these shootings happened over 8 years. So the homicide rate of incels is (64 x 100,000)/(8 x 40,000) = 20 victims per 100,000 incels per year. According to this and this, that is less than 23 countries and 12 of the most populous 100 US cities (St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Kansas City, Cleveland, Memphis, Newark, Cincinnati, Mobile, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, Stockton and Tulsa).

The number of actual incel homicides (so not including Aztec, Parkland and Hanau) is 6+9+1+11+2+1+5=35, making the homicide rate (35 x 100,000)/(8 x 40,000) = 10.9 victims per 100k incels per year. That is less than 37 countries, 4 US states/territories and 39 (i.e. over a third) of the 100 most populous US cities.

Another thing to point out is that most homicides are committed by young men; the same demographic that almost all incels are in. I'm sure if you took the crime rates if just the young men in any city, state or country, they would be much higher than the incel one.

So, TLDR, the incel homicide rate is unsurprisingly on the high side but not an outlier when compared with other people's crime rates. And that's when being unfair to us. Since this obviously would not the case for any terrorist or hate group, this proves anything the media says about incels being terrorists or a hate group is just fearmongering clickbait.
You forgot George Sodini.
Didn't read. But the title is no surpise. Most cels are harmless.
Technically most mass-killers were incel. Cho was incel, Eric Harris was incel etc.
Islamic suicidebombers and jihadis in general are often incel
Yup but only 1 of those was actively in incel culture
I did the math once and IIRC even if you claim every dubiously entitled "incel" killing you get <10 deaths per year since the Isla Vista Massacre.

Slipping on banana peels is more dangerous and equally preventable.
There was one member on here though that got raided by the feds that would had been on this list if his search results hadn't gotten flagged by Google .
There was one member on here though that got raided by the feds that would had been on this list if his search results hadn't gotten flagged by Google .
Skill issue
Incel killings are lower than what an average men who get gfs kill
bad news, this only proves that 99% of incels would not be able to kill a woman.
Forgot ST Cho
it's true, we once again fail to live up to the enormous expectations society puts onto our shoulders
(Remaking this thread because mods deleted it)

So the incel killings wikipedia lists are ER (6 killed), Umpqua (9 killed), Edmonton (1 killed), Aztec (2 killed), Parkland (17 killed), Toronto (11 killed), Tallahassee (2 killed), Hanau (10 killed), Toronto again (1 killed), and Plymouth (5 killed).

Now the media and anti-incels usually say that lonely, frustrated men are not incels unless they actually identify with the word. Applying that logic here would remove most of this list. The Umpqua shooter never called himself an incel. The closest he got was when he was asked online if he was "saving himself for someone special" and said "involuntarily so". The Plymouth shooter explicitly said "I wouldn't clarify myself as an incel". However, just to prove a point, I'm going to be intentionally unfair to us and include them.

The Aztec and Parkland shooters, however, could not be called incel by even the biggest stretch; they're only included on wikipedia because they idolised mass killers including Elliot Rodger (and so did the Umpqua one). But they obviously just liked him as a mass killer and didn't care about him as an incel. Both were motivate by the alt-right. And the Hanau shooter doesn't seem to have even known about incels. He was motivated by schizophrenia and the alt-right. So I will include them in one calculation and exclude them in another.

Now I need the incel population. r/incels had about 40,000 members when it was banned, and I will assume the number of non-incels and alts subbed to it balances out the number of incels not subbed to it. So I'm just gonna take it as the incel population. Keep in mind that it's the number of people specifically in the incel community and not just the number of involuntary celibates, meaning that most of these shooters aren't even in that number, but once again I'm being unfair to us to prove a point.

So the number of claimed incel homicides is 6+9+1+2+17+11+2+10+1+5=64. And these shootings happened over 8 years. So the homicide rate of incels is (64 x 100,000)/(8 x 40,000) = 20 victims per 100,000 incels per year. According to this and this, that is less than 23 countries and 12 of the most populous 100 US cities (St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Kansas City, Cleveland, Memphis, Newark, Cincinnati, Mobile, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, Stockton and Tulsa).

The number of actual incel homicides (so not including Aztec, Parkland and Hanau) is 6+9+1+11+2+1+5=35, making the homicide rate (35 x 100,000)/(8 x 40,000) = 10.9 victims per 100k incels per year. That is less than 37 countries, 4 US states/territories and 39 (i.e. over a third) of the 100 most populous US cities.

Another thing to point out is that most homicides are committed by young men; the same demographic that almost all incels are in. I'm sure if you took the crime rates if just the young men in any city, state or country, they would be much higher than the incel one.

So, TLDR, the incel homicide rate is unsurprisingly on the high side but not an outlier when compared with other people's crime rates. And that's when being unfair to us. Since this obviously would not the case for any terrorist or hate group, this proves anything the media says about incels being terrorists or a hate group is just fearmongering clickbait.
Good post mate. Yeah it’s skewed by the media since we’re a target scape goat and the west’s punching bag.

Remember when that train shot up a school and they refused to release the manifesto? No doubt because we can’t have trans people being represented in a bad light — but young disenfranchised men — oh yeah that’s A-OK :feelsseriously:

It’s kind of like how when a shooting happens the media manipulates it how they want to all the time — withholding certain facts or framing it a specific way etc. To be informed on anything now requires a lot of research from different outlets even international ones probably too as otherwise it’s more likely than not that you’ll be mislead by a biased institution. But even then youre still left with the question of who do you believe. I’ve seen the media outright lie about so much shit at this point it’s surreal.
Most homicides are done by sexhaving soldiers, thugs and policemen.

Most of the mass shooting and stabbings are niggers having chimpouts. Even spree killing in the USA is mostly gang-related.

our (((friends))) in the media take the exception of the exception of the exception --- that is, spree killings in malls and schools perpetrated by frustrated not otherwise criminal and not gang-related love-deprived youths that are not ostensibly sponsored by the military-industrial-media complex (although some are MKULTRA alumni) and blow it out of proportion as if the brunt of the world's violence is done by disaffected youths.

All incel and non-incel dissaffected youths' killings combined do not add up to an hour of Hamas-Israel war, or Ukraine war, or gangland beheadings etc.

The difference is that you're only supposed to kill and die for your (((masters))) never as a rebellion against bullying, shitty treatment by normies or sexual frustration.

What the (((system))) seeks to delegitimize is not killings themselves but the fact that some people decided to kill and die in their own terms instead of killing and dying on command of their masters.
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Meanwhile women kill dozens of millions of innocent babies every year, their own babies.

When you stop and think about things and compare them to mainstream media/government propaganda, it's simply insane. This world is insane.
>Dude, this group of people is actually..... not entirely comprised of murderers, so the media is wrong!
Holy FUCK, who could have thought.
Sexhavers get a lot of sex by committing a homicide. IT's a huge boost in street cred- a thugmaxx that is hard to deny. When an incel kills out of frustration and mental illness it is more like a wacky batman villian.
(Remaking this thread because mods deleted it)

So the incel killings wikipedia lists are ER (6 killed), Umpqua (9 killed), Edmonton (1 killed), Aztec (2 killed), Parkland (17 killed), Toronto (11 killed), Tallahassee (2 killed), Hanau (10 killed), Toronto again (1 killed), and Plymouth (5 killed).

Now the media and anti-incels usually say that lonely, frustrated men are not incels unless they actually identify with the word. Applying that logic here would remove most of this list. The Umpqua shooter never called himself an incel. The closest he got was when he was asked online if he was "saving himself for someone special" and said "involuntarily so". The Plymouth shooter explicitly said "I wouldn't clarify myself as an incel". However, just to prove a point, I'm going to be intentionally unfair to us and include them.

The Aztec and Parkland shooters, however, could not be called incel by even the biggest stretch; they're only included on wikipedia because they idolised mass killers including Elliot Rodger (and so did the Umpqua one). But they obviously just liked him as a mass killer and didn't care about him as an incel. Both were motivate by the alt-right. And the Hanau shooter doesn't seem to have even known about incels. He was motivated by schizophrenia and the alt-right. So I will include them in one calculation and exclude them in another.

Now I need the incel population. r/incels had about 40,000 members when it was banned, and I will assume the number of non-incels and alts subbed to it balances out the number of incels not subbed to it. So I'm just gonna take it as the incel population. Keep in mind that it's the number of people specifically in the incel community and not just the number of involuntary celibates, meaning that most of these shooters aren't even in that number, but once again I'm being unfair to us to prove a point.

So the number of claimed incel homicides is 6+9+1+2+17+11+2+10+1+5=64. And these shootings happened over 8 years. So the homicide rate of incels is (64 x 100,000)/(8 x 40,000) = 20 victims per 100,000 incels per year. According to this and this, that is less than 23 countries and 12 of the most populous 100 US cities (St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Kansas City, Cleveland, Memphis, Newark, Cincinnati, Mobile, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, Stockton and Tulsa).

The number of actual incel homicides (so not including Aztec, Parkland and Hanau) is 6+9+1+11+2+1+5=35, making the homicide rate (35 x 100,000)/(8 x 40,000) = 10.9 victims per 100k incels per year. That is less than 37 countries, 4 US states/territories and 39 (i.e. over a third) of the 100 most populous US cities.

Another thing to point out is that most homicides are committed by young men; the same demographic that almost all incels are in. I'm sure if you took the crime rates if just the young men in any city, state or country, they would be much higher than the incel one.

So, TLDR, the incel homicide rate is unsurprisingly on the high side but not an outlier when compared with other people's crime rates. And that's when being unfair to us. Since this obviously would not the case for any terrorist or hate group, this proves anything the media says about incels being terrorists or a hate group is just fearmongering clickbait.
´´we´´ killed 64 people in like 10 years this is almost nothing considering the world has 8 billion people and the us alone has 330 million,basically you will not be killed by an incel ever unless you´re really unlucky but the aztec shooter was an incel.
Incels aren’t the problem normscum are
(Remaking this thread because mods deleted it)

So the incel killings wikipedia lists are ER (6 killed), Umpqua (9 killed), Edmonton (1 killed), Aztec (2 killed), Parkland (17 killed), Toronto (11 killed), Tallahassee (2 killed), Hanau (10 killed), Toronto again (1 killed), and Plymouth (5 killed).

Now the media and anti-incels usually say that lonely, frustrated men are not incels unless they actually identify with the word. Applying that logic here would remove most of this list. The Umpqua shooter never called himself an incel. The closest he got was when he was asked online if he was "saving himself for someone special" and said "involuntarily so". The Plymouth shooter explicitly said "I wouldn't clarify myself as an incel". However, just to prove a point, I'm going to be intentionally unfair to us and include them.

The Aztec and Parkland shooters, however, could not be called incel by even the biggest stretch; they're only included on wikipedia because they idolised mass killers including Elliot Rodger (and so did the Umpqua one). But they obviously just liked him as a mass killer and didn't care about him as an incel. Both were motivate by the alt-right. And the Hanau shooter doesn't seem to have even known about incels. He was motivated by schizophrenia and the alt-right. So I will include them in one calculation and exclude them in another.

Now I need the incel population. r/incels had about 40,000 members when it was banned, and I will assume the number of non-incels and alts subbed to it balances out the number of incels not subbed to it. So I'm just gonna take it as the incel population. Keep in mind that it's the number of people specifically in the incel community and not just the number of involuntary celibates, meaning that most of these shooters aren't even in that number, but once again I'm being unfair to us to prove a point.

So the number of claimed incel homicides is 6+9+1+2+17+11+2+10+1+5=64. And these shootings happened over 8 years. So the homicide rate of incels is (64 x 100,000)/(8 x 40,000) = 20 victims per 100,000 incels per year. According to this and this, that is less than 23 countries and 12 of the most populous 100 US cities (St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Kansas City, Cleveland, Memphis, Newark, Cincinnati, Mobile, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, Stockton and Tulsa).

The number of actual incel homicides (so not including Aztec, Parkland and Hanau) is 6+9+1+11+2+1+5=35, making the homicide rate (35 x 100,000)/(8 x 40,000) = 10.9 victims per 100k incels per year. That is less than 37 countries, 4 US states/territories and 39 (i.e. over a third) of the 100 most populous US cities.

Another thing to point out is that most homicides are committed by young men; the same demographic that almost all incels are in. I'm sure if you took the crime rates if just the young men in any city, state or country, they would be much higher than the incel one.

So, TLDR, the incel homicide rate is unsurprisingly on the high side but not an outlier when compared with other people's crime rates. And that's when being unfair to us. Since this obviously would not the case for any terrorist or hate group, this proves anything the media says about incels being terrorists or a hate group is just fearmongering clickbait.
Not enough normies

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