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Serious The hoax of "mental illness"

To me these are just other "religions". They are masturbatory activities with which we cope with the pain that we inevitably suffer from as a result of being embedded in a society. I do not see how we can escape this.

I do not think that you can do anything on your own. Our survival requires us to interact with the surrounding society constantly. To me, "individualism", is just another religion that masquerades as an anti-religion. You cannot really be an individual in ways that matter (because you would die). therefore you have to content yourself with pretending you are an individual by vociferously demanding the right to change your pronouns or your gender, or any other trifles. That is the only kind of "individualism" that is feasible.

  1. You cannot achieve your "own basic natural needs", because you are not a Chimpanzee.
  2. You have to cope, like the rest of humanity has done for at least the last 500 000 years.
  3. I think you must have considered religion from too narrow a perspective (which is often the case with "religious" people). I was raised an atheist. This forced me to realize that whatever my parents taught me was also a religion, and that everybody has one, either explicit or implicit.
I'll eventually reply to your objections, but you're making too many assumptions about me, and misrepresenting/misundestanding the majority of my arguments and reasoning. I wasn't raised in a religious background, I actually studied it on my own, after first studying a lot of metaphysics and other stuff, studying religion was something that I got into much later in life, not just particular religions but comparative religion, history of religion and epistemology. I think you're conflating the contentious necessity for humans to socialize with the supposed necessity for religion, like any rationalization for living is some kind of religion. You're not actually providing any definition of "religion" that can be distinguished from any other mode of thought. You're implying that because humans reason and don't simply live based on fulfilling instinctual needs, that any kind of thought/reasoning is a "religion". What's the difference between reason and religion, then? Of course we can all achive our basic natural needs, that's what humans and animals do, we're pushed towards survival and reproduction by our own nature. You're just implying that searching for a "higher end" is something innate and necessary for humans when it certainly isn't so, coping with the reality of social existence can be "religious" or not, to me the difference between those is making metaphysical suppositions (including that "higher ends" of humanity are somehow more noble, englightening or "sacred" than the satisfaction of our hunger, tiredness, hornyness, etc) or simply accepting the "trivial" reality of being a living organism. I don't know how fulfilling/conforming to social abstractions could be more "meaningful" than satisfying objective and quantifiable needs of the human body. Ernst Becker actually hits the spot with his analogy that it's all just fear of death - we're coping with the fact that, despite being "reasonable" beings unlike other "animals", we are also just the same as them, we're born, we have to feed ourselves, rest, we coom, we reproduce, and our bodies start to slowly decompose, and we end up dying. Most people simply cannot fathom this "meaningless" sense of existence. Even those who realize that have to cope, because we still live, as you said, in a post-hunter-gatherer society, the more our basic natural needs are easily fulfilled, the more we act because we "want" to, not because we "need" to (mere survival), this gives space/time for us to face this "boredom" of being alive with no such "higher purpose". Anyways, I'll eventually write a worthy and point-by-point reply. We can also talk in private or another thread because we're straying to much from the topic of this thread.
You're not actually providing any definition of "religion" that can be distinguished from any other mode of thought.
To me, religion is "credit masturbation". Let me explain.

Credit/faith/trust/belief is the basis of language. Without these, language is mere noise.

Therefore, we must have an instinct, or an "organ", to process these. The growth of this "organ" is what made the development of language possible (among other things). Because this "organ" impinges on our behavior, it has a pleasure reward mechanism, like all other instincts. This reward mechanism, like those of other instincts, can be masturbated, i.e. we can get the pleasure by stimulating the organ.

For example, we can gossip, which means that we will praise and blame people for the fun of it. That is the simplest form of "credit masturbation". Praise and blame are the most basic behavior that enables us to apportion credit among us.

But we can also create a cargo cult of going to the court of a King to ask for something. That is what the Catholic mass is. The reason people went to the Court of Kings is because they had a lot of credit, which is why it made sense to ask them for things.

Or we can march in the streets of Nuremberg and shout "Heil hitler". Here the "fuehrer prinzip" is the key credit thing. The leader has credit and saluting him enhances it. The whole Nuremberg pageantry is a credit-creating self-fulfilling circle jerk. The problem starts when you begin believing in said credit. That is why worshiping Jesus or Shiva is less dangerous than worshiping Hitler.

This is what I call "religion"

but you're making too many assumptions about me, and misrepresenting/misundestanding the majority of my arguments and reasoning. I wasn't raised in a religious background, I actually studied it on my own, after first studying a lot of metaphysics and other stuff, studying religion was something that I got into much later in life, not just particular religions but comparative religion, history of religion and epistemology.
Sorry about that. But I think you have said too little or too much about yourself. What do you mean by "extreme"?

I think you're conflating the contentious necessity for humans to socialize with the supposed necessity for religion,
Yes, I believe these two things have the same underlying instinctual basis.

Socializing requires trust, and "credit masturbation" is based on our trust-processing instincts.
It’s all bullshit. I read two sentences of your post and I know for a fact all you said is bullshit, and there is no time to waste.

Mental illness exists because consciousness is bound by determinism regulating every aspect of the universe, in this case through genetics which can make or fail a person’s mental capacity and output/experiences. Of course there are phenomena affecting mental health by environment but for the most part the real/significant ones lie in genetics.

I’m sure @Atavistic Autist would possibly like to have a word or two about this:feelshehe:, so I’m leaving it to him.
And the fact that this is pinned shows how stupid this forum has become, they are now supporting this pseudo-science shit.
And the fact that this is pinned shows how stupid this forum has become, they are now supporting this pseudo-science shit.
you idiots keep spamming your retardation here but at the end you say nothing at all, another one to the ignore list
you idiots keep spamming your retardation here but at the end you say nothing at all, another one to the ignore list
Nobody is going to bother explaining all this to you. You probably think autism is being shy and schizophrenia is being imaginative. It's pointless talking to you retards.
I really enjoy reading your conversation @the.oracle and @K9Otaku . Thanks for posting your thoughts, I feel less dumb now :bigbrain:
Please take note, it has never been proven that schizophrenia, depression or anxiety disorders have genetic or physical origins.
Schizophrenia has been shown to have genetic markers. Here's one study from 2004 which explored this.

Schizophrenia has been shown to have genetic markers. Here's one study from 2004 which explored this.

I understand the sucessibility for certain mental "disorders" / "conditions" linked to certain receptors and that genetically people have difference in biochemical balances, this doesn't mean the semantical/"medical"/psychiatric definition of these diseases is correct nor that these concepts correspond precisely to a set of "symptoms" in the same way actual physical diseases do. That can show how certain deficiencies in those receptors could affect an individual's capability to deal with external factors (life experiences) and their sucessibility towards isolation, living "internally" in their minds, etc, but that doesn't mean these mental conditions can be fixed/corrected by medication or psychological treatment. I'll try to do a thoroughly reading of the study but prima facie I can already see the findings are very conflicting. Studies show certain genetic factors could make you more "prone" towards having "schizophrenia", it doesn't say the basic origin of these conditions is genetic or physical themselves. To analyze this question it's necessary to understand the reasoning behind the scientific methodology being used, certain methodologies can generate data results, it doesn't necessarily mean the data being produced proves a relationship of causation, it can simply show correlation between factors. But thanks for the contribution, I'll read that later.
@the.oracle You did not answer my previous post.
@the.oracle You did not answer my previous post.
I will, give me some time so I can get back to this subject, I've been busy with work and some travel, and mostly engaged in more effortless posting around here. I'll answer you brother.
I will, give me some time so I can get back to this subject, I've been busy with work and some travel, and mostly engaged in more effortless posting around here. I'll answer you brother.
Sure. Just wanted to remind you
Straight to the ignore list
I meant "the spectrum", not Rainman-style autism. I am pretty sure that no one on this forum is a Rainman-style case.

The "spectrum" is an attempt by the psychiatry establishment to fraudulently extend the the scope of the Rainman disease in order to explain away some behaviors which do not have a medical cause but are the results of miseducation and general societal malfunction.
[UWSL]The "spectrum" is an attempt by the psychiatry establishment to fraudulently extend the the scope of the Rainman disease in order to explain away some behaviors which do not have a medical cause but are the results of miseducation and general societal malfunction.[/UWSL]
I agree with this part “autism” is too broad.
Mental illnesses" are simply non-conformity behaviours relating to social norms. These behaviours arise from negative experiences throughout life, i.e. actions resulting in prejudicial outcomes for the agent or subject of other's actions.
The mental "re-living" of these experiences one goes through by remembering in their minds these instances causes in turn these "problems of living" to the receptacle of such life experiences, leading to a loop of non-conformity.
It's the natural outcome
That is the whole reason shrinks (psychologists) are scammers.
True,going to therapy is a waste of time and money.
I myself am thinking of getting a prescription for some of these Jewpills, not because I believe they can "cure" me from my "mental issues", but because I know they can be able to "anesthetize"
They can ''anesthetize'' you if you take them every day and increase the dose each day because you develop tolerance.
Psychiatrists are also scammers. Jewpills can't "cure" your "mental illness"
Untitled59 20220513010329
I, like many here, probably read with only one eye. But why are many people defending psychiatry here, lol? Knowledge about human control is primarily a weapon, not a field of medicine, and it is completely understandable from the point of view of ordinary logic that no one has them except military and special services.

Come on, tell me how wrong I am. Tell me that incels are really rehabilitated and someone cares about our real mental health. Say that in the next clinic people are not being held in order to subject them to tests of biological laboratories, those that have recently been found, for example, in [you know where]. Of course there are problems with autistics or schizophrenics, as an example. But they don't even know how to classify them, let alone treat them.

I myself spent a whole month in a similar place. Well, you know, in Russia you go there if you don't want to join the army. That's all I wanted from psychiatry and I got it, of course they tried to give me some pills, but I changed them for cigarettes from real freaks and drug addicts. And I don't think it's much better in other countries. That place was really like a prison and it is a kind of prison. It's just that in ordinary prisons you work for production, and here for dubious medicine as an object of experiments.
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"Mental illnesses" are simply non-conformity behaviours relating to social norms.
In many cases yes OP but not always.

If it comes to you not processing reality correctly then that is a distinctly identifiable problem which has nothing to do with 'behavior'.

I suffer a limited form of that myself - I sometimes think I might hear someone talking just out of earshot and investigate and turns out nobody was.

My brain can go into overdrive trying to create patterns out of small sounds - make me think I'm hearing a familiar song when no music is playing, make me think I hear footsteps when I am actuall hearing a loud bass playing in a vehicle's speakers, etc.

I consider these crippling mental illnesses that I suffer from, they create ongoing stress for me. They are not merely me 'behaving' differently, but perceiving reality incorrectly.

Not in any subjective sense, but in a purely objective sense my mind is telling me things are happening which are not happening. They are hallucinations. Hallucinating is a valid mental illness IMO.
I will, give me some time so I can get back to this subject, I've been busy with work and some travel, and mostly engaged in more effortless posting around here. I'll answer you brother.
I think you really need to get to it, otherwise you will completely forget the whole thing
First let's read this, at the end are my arguments and analysis:

"Mental illnesses" are simply non-conformity behaviours relating to social norms. These behaviours arise from negative experiences throughout life, i.e. actions resulting in prejudicial outcomes for the agent or subject of other's actions.

The mental "re-living" of these experiences one goes through by remembering in their minds these instances causes in turn these "problems of living" to the receptacle of such life experiences, leading to a loop of non-conformity.

External factors causes these "non-conforming" behaviours, because only in a social setting there can be such a thing as non-conformity. That's why "mental illness" is simply a social construct. If you were living alone in an island, there would be no such thing.

But when living in a social setting, patterns for acceptable and non-acceptable behaviour arises and those who do not fit are treated as to be excluded from the benefits of social living.

For instance, if you are ugly, short, bald, deformed, "shy" ("non-NT"), ethnic, you are not fitting the social pattern of acceptability, therefore you are excluded from the benefits of social living, or your participation in these social settings is lessened and not as beneficial as for those who conform, let's say the job market, dating market, familial relationships, friendships, etc.

This rejection causes these problems in living: you are not able to conform, and knowing the Black Pill, you know most of these factors for acceptance are out of your control, so realizing and re-living these past negative experiences makes a consciousness arise, that you are not able to conform either because the factors are outside of your control or because of missed opportunities (let's say you become too old to enter a carreer, or to have actual functional sex, which should be had by fertile men and women).

That is the whole reason shrinks (psychologists) are scammers. They are the same as poets or philosophers, they simply play a non-scientific game where they make conclusions based upon established social norms (which can and in fact do affect scientific methodology itself). If you remove the scientific veil of this profession, you will understand that shrinks can only "help" you realize things about yourself or about the exterior world.

If you are able to conform again, you are "cured", if you do not succeed (as most incels won't), you will still be considered "mentally ill".

THIS IS WHY ONLY PEOPLE THAT CAN SOMEHOW FIT THE SOCIAL STANDARD OF ACCEPTABILITY CAN BE "CURED" FROM THEIR "MENTAL ILLNESS". A foid, simply by having a wet stinky hole, can always be cured from her "mental illness" in this gynocentric world, because she will always be accepted in some degree. A good-looking man, even if he has past traumas and has abused drugs, can also be "cured" because he can always be able to conform as long as he realize what he has to do in order to conform, and his non-changeable features are already conforming to acceptable standards.

Psychiatrists are also scammers. Jewpills can't "cure" your "mental illness". They can only stimulate or supress your biological and innate immune system in some way, just like any other type of medicine will. They can only control the symptoms of your problems in living, they will deactivate your receptors and turn you into a robot devoid of the ability to face your sadness and trauma from bad experiences rationally, thus dumbing you down to your own suffering.

I myself am thinking of getting a prescription for some of these Jewpills, not because I believe they can "cure" me from my "mental issues", but because I know they can be able to "anesthetize" my mind from re-experiencing these past disappointments with such force and frequency, just like weed did for me (it lost effect over time though and I'm currently unable to get more from a dealer), or alcohol can do for some. It will warp my mind to a parallel world where I can live with myself only and not care about the social structure that denies my conformity in the first place. Why do I want to do this? Because I don't want to and am probably unable to conform.

If I wanted to be "cured", I'd have to go to a psychologist to brainwash me into thinking I can somehow conform by doing "x" or "y", but I know for a fact that's not the case. Everytime I tried to adopt a bluepilled/NPC belief, it gave me some false hope and sense of belonging, a sense that I could try again some other way and finally achieve conformity. But in the long run this will inevitably lead to more sorrow, because by exposing yourself again to these social experiences you will be again rejected and fail to conform if you do not have the features that fit the standard of conformity.

This is why the Redpill can actually be damaging to many many men, like it was to me. You set yourself for bigger disappointments by "working on yourself" and spending time, money and effort trying to reach things you were never able to achieve. The higher the mountain, the bigger the fall. Their copout for this reality? "Don't do it for women/others/status, do it for yourself".

"Mental illness" treatment can "work" for some people (as said, foids and good looking men, for instance) because by "adopting a positive mindset" they can expose themselves again to social settings and get their dopamine hits, validation and positive reinforcement, thus opening ground for them to conform again and live "healthy" and NPC lives.

I've been close to people (male and female) that supposedly suffered from "depression", "schizophrenia", "bipolar disorder" and other "mental illnesses", and I can say that based on my analysis, backed by mountains of proof, that they simply (for some reason or another) were going though bad times and were not achieving what they wanted to achieve, or simply had too high standards in their minds they needed to achieve (either socially enforced standards or standards they set to themselves based on false concepts of reality and what's achievable based on the hand you are delt - genetics, where you're born, in which family you're born, etc). As soon as some external factor gets better and they again have the possibility to conform and live up to social standards, they get "better" from their "illnesses" and can live pleasant and healthy lives as most NPCs do in their own ignorance.

Like every commodity there is, there is a market for it. "Mental illness" is not only a good market for medicine professionals and Jewpill companies, especially because the solutions can cause dependence in individuals consooming these "goods", but it is also a great weapon for the government, elites, etc (i.e. the ruling class, the winners of societal standards), it can be used for control, for them to feel better in comparison to you for not conforming, and most important: to shove all kinds of dangerous ideas that can go against their established order, the order of things that benefits them and exclude you.

You are not mentally ill, I am not mentally ill, we are simply outside of the conformity overton window.
Autism is real though, how else would you explain the obviously abnormal behavior of severely autistic children who haven't even been socially conditioned yet? The question is only if mild autism is real, but it seems more likely than me being un-socially conditioned into watching cartoon girls as an oldcel, not being able to speak normally without major effort and having other symptoms of my mental disorder.
interesting thread man, yes it's possible to have genetic risk factors for craziness, or suffer from heavy metal poisoning that triggers mental problems, but they're rarely the whole story, especially when you're studying people that are really nuts and have clearly been through a lot of pain

what you see with a lot of people is indeed what your guy said, they accumulate too many bad experiences, and then keep re-living them because they have nothing else to do, which creates a feedback loop that ends with them talking in public and acting like a nutso

i was following this crazy old lonely guy on Youtube, and all his videos were him having monologues about bad life experiences, where he would do things like repeat what his bullies said to him in a mocking tone, then curse them and call them out, and he just got more and more unhinged over the years, and more willing to do things like talk to himself in public, shit was like a case study, and often relatable

there's a reason why mental institutions started getting closed in the 60s and 70s, it's because they were often just torture chambers for terminally unhappy and frustrated people
When you're ugly, you have no idea if your mental problems are genetic or developed because you're ugly. Even average looking people can know that whatever mental retardations they have (ADHD for example) are genetic, but as an ugly male, you don't know. Not being able to make eye contact may be the direct result of looking people in the eyes from a very young age (impressionable age) and getting looks of disgust because of your appearance. :blackpill::blackpill:
First let's read this, at the end are my arguments and analysis:

"Mental illnesses" are simply non-conformity behaviours relating to social norms. These behaviours arise from negative experiences throughout life, i.e. actions resulting in prejudicial outcomes for the agent or subject of other's actions.

The mental "re-living" of these experiences one goes through by remembering in their minds these instances causes in turn these "problems of living" to the receptacle of such life experiences, leading to a loop of non-conformity.

External factors causes these "non-conforming" behaviours, because only in a social setting there can be such a thing as non-conformity. That's why "mental illness" is simply a social construct. If you were living alone in an island, there would be no such thing.

But when living in a social setting, patterns for acceptable and non-acceptable behaviour arises and those who do not fit are treated as to be excluded from the benefits of social living.

For instance, if you are ugly, short, bald, deformed, "shy" ("non-NT"), ethnic, you are not fitting the social pattern of acceptability, therefore you are excluded from the benefits of social living, or your participation in these social settings is lessened and not as beneficial as for those who conform, let's say the job market, dating market, familial relationships, friendships, etc.

This rejection causes these problems in living: you are not able to conform, and knowing the Black Pill, you know most of these factors for acceptance are out of your control, so realizing and re-living these past negative experiences makes a consciousness arise, that you are not able to conform either because the factors are outside of your control or because of missed opportunities (let's say you become too old to enter a carreer, or to have actual functional sex, which should be had by fertile men and women).

That is the whole reason shrinks (psychologists) are scammers. They are the same as poets or philosophers, they simply play a non-scientific game where they make conclusions based upon established social norms (which can and in fact do affect scientific methodology itself). If you remove the scientific veil of this profession, you will understand that shrinks can only "help" you realize things about yourself or about the exterior world.

If you are able to conform again, you are "cured", if you do not succeed (as most incels won't), you will still be considered "mentally ill".

THIS IS WHY ONLY PEOPLE THAT CAN SOMEHOW FIT THE SOCIAL STANDARD OF ACCEPTABILITY CAN BE "CURED" FROM THEIR "MENTAL ILLNESS". A foid, simply by having a wet stinky hole, can always be cured from her "mental illness" in this gynocentric world, because she will always be accepted in some degree. A good-looking man, even if he has past traumas and has abused drugs, can also be "cured" because he can always be able to conform as long as he realize what he has to do in order to conform, and his non-changeable features are already conforming to acceptable standards.

Psychiatrists are also scammers. Jewpills can't "cure" your "mental illness". They can only stimulate or supress your biological and innate immune system in some way, just like any other type of medicine will. They can only control the symptoms of your problems in living, they will deactivate your receptors and turn you into a robot devoid of the ability to face your sadness and trauma from bad experiences rationally, thus dumbing you down to your own suffering.

I myself am thinking of getting a prescription for some of these Jewpills, not because I believe they can "cure" me from my "mental issues", but because I know they can be able to "anesthetize" my mind from re-experiencing these past disappointments with such force and frequency, just like weed did for me (it lost effect over time though and I'm currently unable to get more from a dealer), or alcohol can do for some. It will warp my mind to a parallel world where I can live with myself only and not care about the social structure that denies my conformity in the first place. Why do I want to do this? Because I don't want to and am probably unable to conform.

If I wanted to be "cured", I'd have to go to a psychologist to brainwash me into thinking I can somehow conform by doing "x" or "y", but I know for a fact that's not the case. Everytime I tried to adopt a bluepilled/NPC belief, it gave me some false hope and sense of belonging, a sense that I could try again some other way and finally achieve conformity. But in the long run this will inevitably lead to more sorrow, because by exposing yourself again to these social experiences you will be again rejected and fail to conform if you do not have the features that fit the standard of conformity.

This is why the Redpill can actually be damaging to many many men, like it was to me. You set yourself for bigger disappointments by "working on yourself" and spending time, money and effort trying to reach things you were never able to achieve. The higher the mountain, the bigger the fall. Their copout for this reality? "Don't do it for women/others/status, do it for yourself".

"Mental illness" treatment can "work" for some people (as said, foids and good looking men, for instance) because by "adopting a positive mindset" they can expose themselves again to social settings and get their dopamine hits, validation and positive reinforcement, thus opening ground for them to conform again and live "healthy" and NPC lives.

I've been close to people (male and female) that supposedly suffered from "depression", "schizophrenia", "bipolar disorder" and other "mental illnesses", and I can say that based on my analysis, backed by mountains of proof, that they simply (for some reason or another) were going though bad times and were not achieving what they wanted to achieve, or simply had too high standards in their minds they needed to achieve (either socially enforced standards or standards they set to themselves based on false concepts of reality and what's achievable based on the hand you are delt - genetics, where you're born, in which family you're born, etc). As soon as some external factor gets better and they again have the possibility to conform and live up to social standards, they get "better" from their "illnesses" and can live pleasant and healthy lives as most NPCs do in their own ignorance.

Like every commodity there is, there is a market for it. "Mental illness" is not only a good market for medicine professionals and Jewpill companies, especially because the solutions can cause dependence in individuals consooming these "goods", but it is also a great weapon for the government, elites, etc (i.e. the ruling class, the winners of societal standards), it can be used for control, for them to feel better in comparison to you for not conforming, and most important: to shove all kinds of dangerous ideas that can go against their established order, the order of things that benefits them and exclude you.

You are not mentally ill, I am not mentally ill, we are simply outside of the conformity overton window.
ead every word high iq:feelsLSD::whitepill:
This also explains retards who think autism is real on not good looking people

These people just have bad halo effect

Actual autism like Chris Chan is the real one and immaturity which like all nts have
In a "civilized" society, these illusions are needed, exactly as you said. But for those who can't gain from this societal structure, and moreso for those who can actually realize they gain nothing from it (for instance, many "normies" and NPCs gain very little from conforming towards this civilized standard, which currently only benefits the top elites, but stay with those beliefs under the illusion that they can gain something from it), the only solution (to me) is going back to our hunter-gatherer instincts and try to adapt this to our current zeitgeist, and that can only be done on an individual level.
Im more then willing to say that brains are nothing more then bio computers. And mental illnesses can be either 2 things. A glitch in our ginetic script or somthing that forms naturally. Then again mutations are nothing more then a glitch in mother natures script.
Nah mental illness is definitely real, schizophrenia is for sure real, bipolar disorder is real, Down syndrome is real. To deny these things, is just absurd im sorry
Whether mental illness is real or not the point the Oracle dude is making is on point... it brings me back to normie fuck elementary where as of you say or do one thing put of element and next you know everyone's got a "label" on you.
Society is the general retard IMO
I feel like in today's world people are so stupid it makes the characters in " Idiocracy " look smart.
At least those mother fuckers cared about trying to fix the crop situation even though there dumb asses were doing what was wrong yet in the real world it seems like no one wants or cares to fix anything.

This has been a very enjoyable high IQ thread.
Nah mental illness is definitely real, schizophrenia is for sure real, bipolar disorder is real, Down syndrome is real. To deny these things, is just absurd im sorry
Another idiot that didn’t even read the post.

And Down syndrome is a physical deformity, not mental. Since you are a grey I thought that you would already know that :feelsclown:
Ironically a visit to the shrink made me more mentally ill.She set up all these expectations and almost convinced me that sky is the limit.
batman irl lol :feelsaww:
No, the Jews are the psychiatrists and psychologists (unironically!!!) and the ones pushing pills to cure your sense of dissociation from society.
It is a business that they do to make money out of people. :smonk:
Psychiatry comes down to who you love vs who you hate. Psychiatry hates us and wants us dead.

There! I condensed the DSM down to just 2 sentences. :blackpill:
Psychiatry comes down to who you love vs who you hate. Psychiatry hates us and wants us dead.

There! I condensed the DSM down to just 2 sentences. :blackpill:
Thats why they wont leave non conformers alone. They are attemmpting death by suicide through constant nagging to hack away at our mental state. Fuck em. Throw out all letters of summons to meetings. I realized this too late.
Thats why they wont leave non conformers alone. They are attemmpting death by suicide through constant nagging to hack away at our mental state. Fuck em. Throw out all letters of summons to meetings. I realized this too late.
in my defense, my direct family has been nagging me to do stupid shit like meetings, work practice etc for the past 10 years. fuck em. Not one word about women.
The APA is a woke mob of Boomers, millennials and now even zoomer, Normies who don't have clue what to do or say. They repeat mantras while rocking back and forth. That's all.
High IQ thread
Read everything
Made me change my view on so called “mental illness” especially “depression” which is something I’m said to have by the shrinks.

Yep! My mind keeps on looping on bad experiences I had like rejection from foid due to my looks/genes (external factor I can’t control) or inability to make big money

Those are all social norms (relationship/jobs etc) but since I’m unable to confirm to them due to external factors I’m labelled as a mentally Ill person
Great post, I wish I knew it earlier. During seven years, I have taken 25+ different psychiatric drugs and spent more than 1.5 year of my life in 6 different psychiatric hospitals and stationary therapies. None of the drug helped, most of them made things worse. After paroxetine I had no energy for anything, after venlafaxine I felt like being for 2 weeks on a constant amphetamine trip during which I almost killed myself, I was hooked on benzos, withdrawal was horrific, withdrawing from any antidepressants are also one of the most unpleasant experience in my life, and it can last months. Some people are taking those pills just because they are unable to go through withdrawals.
Therapy is also a joke - it's a women dominated field, therapists themselves are heavily disordered, mainly narcissists that like to feel superior to their patients, being gurus to them despite inability to fix their own problems, blind leading the blind.
First let's read this, at the end are my arguments and analysis:

"Mental illnesses" are simply non-conformity behaviours relating to social norms. These behaviours arise from negative experiences throughout life, i.e. actions resulting in prejudicial outcomes for the agent or subject of other's actions.

The mental "re-living" of these experiences one goes through by remembering in their minds these instances causes in turn these "problems of living" to the receptacle of such life experiences, leading to a loop of non-conformity.

External factors causes these "non-conforming" behaviours, because only in a social setting there can be such a thing as non-conformity. That's why "mental illness" is simply a social construct. If you were living alone in an island, there would be no such thing.

But when living in a social setting, patterns for acceptable and non-acceptable behaviour arises and those who do not fit are treated as to be excluded from the benefits of social living.

For instance, if you are ugly, short, bald, deformed, "shy" ("non-NT"), ethnic, you are not fitting the social pattern of acceptability, therefore you are excluded from the benefits of social living, or your participation in these social settings is lessened and not as beneficial as for those who conform, let's say the job market, dating market, familial relationships, friendships, etc.

This rejection causes these problems in living: you are not able to conform, and knowing the Black Pill, you know most of these factors for acceptance are out of your control, so realizing and re-living these past negative experiences makes a consciousness arise, that you are not able to conform either because the factors are outside of your control or because of missed opportunities (let's say you become too old to enter a carreer, or to have actual functional sex, which should be had by fertile men and women).

That is the whole reason shrinks (psychologists) are scammers. They are the same as poets or philosophers, they simply play a non-scientific game where they make conclusions based upon established social norms (which can and in fact do affect scientific methodology itself). If you remove the scientific veil of this profession, you will understand that shrinks can only "help" you realize things about yourself or about the exterior world.

If you are able to conform again, you are "cured", if you do not succeed (as most incels won't), you will still be considered "mentally ill".

THIS IS WHY ONLY PEOPLE THAT CAN SOMEHOW FIT THE SOCIAL STANDARD OF ACCEPTABILITY CAN BE "CURED" FROM THEIR "MENTAL ILLNESS". A foid, simply by having a wet stinky hole, can always be cured from her "mental illness" in this gynocentric world, because she will always be accepted in some degree. A good-looking man, even if he has past traumas and has abused drugs, can also be "cured" because he can always be able to conform as long as he realize what he has to do in order to conform, and his non-changeable features are already conforming to acceptable standards.

Psychiatrists are also scammers. Jewpills can't "cure" your "mental illness". They can only stimulate or supress your biological and innate immune system in some way, just like any other type of medicine will. They can only control the symptoms of your problems in living, they will deactivate your receptors and turn you into a robot devoid of the ability to face your sadness and trauma from bad experiences rationally, thus dumbing you down to your own suffering.

I myself am thinking of getting a prescription for some of these Jewpills, not because I believe they can "cure" me from my "mental issues", but because I know they can be able to "anesthetize" my mind from re-experiencing these past disappointments with such force and frequency, just like weed did for me (it lost effect over time though and I'm currently unable to get more from a dealer), or alcohol can do for some. It will warp my mind to a parallel world where I can live with myself only and not care about the social structure that denies my conformity in the first place. Why do I want to do this? Because I don't want to and am probably unable to conform.

If I wanted to be "cured", I'd have to go to a psychologist to brainwash me into thinking I can somehow conform by doing "x" or "y", but I know for a fact that's not the case. Everytime I tried to adopt a bluepilled/NPC belief, it gave me some false hope and sense of belonging, a sense that I could try again some other way and finally achieve conformity. But in the long run this will inevitably lead to more sorrow, because by exposing yourself again to these social experiences you will be again rejected and fail to conform if you do not have the features that fit the standard of conformity.

This is why the Redpill can actually be damaging to many many men, like it was to me. You set yourself for bigger disappointments by "working on yourself" and spending time, money and effort trying to reach things you were never able to achieve. The higher the mountain, the bigger the fall. Their copout for this reality? "Don't do it for women/others/status, do it for yourself".

"Mental illness" treatment can "work" for some people (as said, foids and good looking men, for instance) because by "adopting a positive mindset" they can expose themselves again to social settings and get their dopamine hits, validation and positive reinforcement, thus opening ground for them to conform again and live "healthy" and NPC lives.

I've been close to people (male and female) that supposedly suffered from "depression", "schizophrenia", "bipolar disorder" and other "mental illnesses", and I can say that based on my analysis, backed by mountains of proof, that they simply (for some reason or another) were going though bad times and were not achieving what they wanted to achieve, or simply had too high standards in their minds they needed to achieve (either socially enforced standards or standards they set to themselves based on false concepts of reality and what's achievable based on the hand you are delt - genetics, where you're born, in which family you're born, etc). As soon as some external factor gets better and they again have the possibility to conform and live up to social standards, they get "better" from their "illnesses" and can live pleasant and healthy lives as most NPCs do in their own ignorance.

Like every commodity there is, there is a market for it. "Mental illness" is not only a good market for medicine professionals and Jewpill companies, especially because the solutions can cause dependence in individuals consooming these "goods", but it is also a great weapon for the government, elites, etc (i.e. the ruling class, the winners of societal standards), it can be used for control, for them to feel better in comparison to you for not conforming, and most important: to shove all kinds of dangerous ideas that can go against their established order, the order of things that benefits them and exclude you.

You are not mentally ill, I am not mentally ill, we are simply outside of the conformity overton window.

great post
'Mental illness only exists because people do not like it when others deviate from the mean.'
not totally. You missed the scam psychologist part
Some mental illnesses certainly do exist, though the modern field of psychology has absolutely abused their position and diagnosed far more people than are actually ill.

As with most things, the truth lies between the two extremes, not at either end.
Based and high IQ
Fuck normies, Chads, Stacies, NTs, kikes and shrinks
That's a lot of words, but is the conclusion really anything helpful?

:bigbrain: Mental illness is just non-conformity with normal social behaviour.

You could reduce absolutely anything down to a generalization like that. But what exactly is the use of doing an autistic thing-sorting exercise like this?

Having the flu is just non-conformity with normal social behaviour of feeling well enough to go to work. Surely you could learn to still work the cash register at Wal Mart even though you feel like shit? These problems are fake problems.

Having no legs is just non-conformity with social norms around mobility. But plenty of people with no legs experience fulfilling lives and even play wheelchair rugby. These problems are fake problems.

Sure, a lot of people face problems in their lives that CAN be overcome. But it's a mistake to assume that the fix is a 5 minute process. Sometimes it can take most of a lifetime.
Congratulations! You're now 70 and you've finally figured out how to hold up your side of a conversation and make someone think you're interesting and fun to know. That means you were a fakecel all along, right? And your lifetime of celibacy was fake not real, right?

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