Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

The forum needs a clear ideology to grow

Just say NIGGER!

Just say NIGGER!

A shower a day keeps inceldom away
Oct 5, 2023
I believe that we need to develop a clear and easily understandable ideology that can be essentially marketed to promote the growth of the forum and the spread of the truth to as many men as possible. I'm also aware that this would be too mentally draining for most users who only use this site to vent or shitpost, but still. This would come in four steps.

Step 1: Popular consensus on key topics such as importance of certain features like race, height, face, NT and so on; perfect ratios; feasibility of certain "solutions" (eg. looksmaxxing, geomaxxing etc.) as pertaining to one's situation in life and any other myriad of important factors that govern men's position in society and solutions for the formerly mentioned. This "consensus" would be achieved by an agreement by forum members with utilization of readily available data as it pertains to a specific topic, be it academic, indirect or by dating apps.

Step 2: Collecting and categorizing this data into a consistent, factual and easily readable form that can be understood by even the most retarded and ADHD-ridden of people. Now, some of you might mention that the wiki makes this redundant, but the wiki has countless junk or irrelevant articles and those articles that are actually on subject are of a varying quality, writing style and factuality. This would also resolve the conflict when it comes to controversial subjects such as JBW, the importance of face and height, the NT questions and the like.

Step 3: Closing the forum to non-members (ie. lurkers), expect the part where the previously mentioned information is stored. Adding a timer to accounts which will disable them if no posts are made by the user in the specific time (the time could increase as the person's post-count increases for an example). Replicating the upvote, donwvote and karma system of Reddit. Creating what some would call a "circle jerk" (which is a good thing, if the ideology that is being circle jerked is correct.)

Step 4: Due to the jannies being too pre-occupied with eating hot-pockets and warning/banning users for nothing, I propose that an ability would be given to certain trusted users to essentially "censor" posts that contain offensive content (humble bragging or the bluepill for an example) and that posts which are heavily "downvoted" are simply removed from the forums.

The most common attack on this would be muh (((free-speech))), but what those people fail to understand is that free-speech is a bad thing as it allows people who are wrong or malicious to spread corruption. The same way (((elites))) censor our speech on main-stream platforms, we should censor the speech of our ideological enemies and corruption-spreaders on our own platforms as it is only fair to do so.
I think our ideology is pretty clear, and if it's not, you are a retard and we dont want you. The more we make things easier for idiots the worse things get
I actually agree
blackpill will never be mainstram popular
men would rather engorge themselves in pussy by betabuxxing than listen to your 'truth' inkwell
I think our ideology is pretty clear, and if it's not, you are a retard and we dont want you.
Go and ask 5 users what they think of JBW and each one of them will give you a completely different and contradictory answer.
The more we make things easier for idiots the worse things get
No, the idiots get more educated or they get censored.
I think our ideology is pretty clear, and if it's not, you are a retard and we dont want you. The more we make things easier for idiots the worse things get
I think our ideology is pretty clear, and if it's not, you are a retard and we dont want you. The more we make things easier for idiots the worse things get
Least aggressive @SlayerSlayer post
blackpill will never be mainstram popular
Of course, I'm not saying it will, but there are thousands of men who are fence sitters, who would be convinced of the truth if it was easier to grasp for a new-comer. These men will greatly benefit and it would cost you or me or anyone else on this forum nothing.
men would rather engorge themselves in pussy by betabuxxing than listen to your 'truth' inkwell
That is because that is the easier option, as the truth is convoluted to find and usually written in a very non-understandable form.
I think our ideology is pretty clear, and if it's not, you are a retard and we dont want you. The more we make things easier for idiots the worse things get
Of course, I'm not saying it will, but there are thousands of men who are fence sitters, who would be convinced of the truth if it was easier to grasp for a new-comer. These men will greatly benefit and it would cost you or me or anyone else on this forum nothing.

That is because that is the easier option, as the truth is convoluted to find and usually written in a very non-understandable form.
you could make it as simple as ever to a toddler and drop in pamphlets and they'd still tell you to fuck off and go back to the whamen
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you could make it as simple as ever to a toddler and drop in pamphlets and they'd still tell you to fuck off and go back to the whamen
And go back to getting divorce raped and committing suicide you mean?
I believe that we need to develop a clear and easily understandable ideology that can be essentially marketed to promote the growth of the forum and the spread of the truth to as many men as possible. I'm also aware that this would be too mentally draining for most users who only use this site to vent or shitpost, but still. This would come in four steps.

Step 1: Popular consensus on key topics such as importance of certain features like race, height, face, NT and so on; perfect ratios; feasibility of certain "solutions" (eg. looksmaxxing, geomaxxing etc.) as pertaining to one's situation in life and any other myriad of important factors that govern men's position in society and solutions for the formerly mentioned. This "consensus" would be achieved by an agreement by forum members with utilization of readily available data as it pertains to a specific topic, be it academic, indirect or by dating apps.

Step 2: Collecting and categorizing this data into a consistent, factual and easily readable form that can be understood by even the most retarded and ADHD-ridden of people. Now, some of you might mention that the wiki makes this redundant, but the wiki has countless junk or irrelevant articles and those articles that are actually on subject are of a varying quality, writing style and factuality. This would also resolve the conflict when it comes to controversial subjects such as JBW, the importance of face and height, the NT questions and the like.

Step 3: Closing the forum to non-members (ie. lurkers), expect the part where the previously mentioned information is stored. Adding a timer to accounts which will disable them if no posts are made by the user in the specific time (the time could increase as the person's post-count increases for an example). Replicating the upvote, donwvote and karma system of Reddit. Creating what some would call a "circle jerk" (which is a good thing, if the ideology that is being circle jerked is correct.)

Step 4: Due to the jannies being too pre-occupied with eating hot-pockets and warning/banning users for nothing, I propose that an ability would be given to certain trusted users to essentially "censor" posts that contain offensive content (humble bragging or the bluepill for an example) and that posts which are heavily "downvoted" are simply removed from the forums.

The most common attack on this would be muh (((free-speech))), but what those people fail to understand is that free-speech is a bad thing as it allows people who are wrong or malicious to spread corruption. The same way (((elites))) censor our speech on main-stream platforms, we should censor the speech of our ideological enemies and corruption-spreaders on our own platforms as it is only fair to do so.
I think our ideology is pretty clear, and if it's not, you are a retard and we dont want you. The more we make things easier for idiots the worse things get
No, I just want a community for incels, not any ideology or some other crap. IMHO if any forum should promote an ideology it should be .club because it is focused on that, this is more focused on incels.
I think our ideology is pretty clear, and if it's not, you are a retard and we dont want you. The more we make things easier for idiots the worse things get
high iq
slapping labels on groups of people is quintessential jewish divide and conquer tactics, fuck off
I think our ideology is pretty clear, and if it's not, you are a retard and we dont want you. The more we make things easier for idiots the worse things get
Step 2: Collecting and categorizing this data into a consistent, factual and easily readable form that can be understood by even the most retarded and ADHD-ridden of people. Now, some of you might mention that the wiki makes this redundant, but the wiki has countless junk or irrelevant articles and those articles that are actually on subject are of a varying quality, writing style and factuality. This would also resolve the conflict when it comes to controversial subjects such as JBW, the importance of face and height, the NT questions and the like.
I believe the best solution in that regard would be further improving and expanding the wiki.
I think making another compendium would just split up the community, and waste resources.
I feel like the incel community doesn't have enough volunteers to be able to easily maintain two separate databases.
Step 3: Closing the forum to non-members (ie. lurkers), expect the part where the previously mentioned information is stored. Adding a timer to accounts which will disable them if no posts are made by the user in the specific time (the time could increase as the person's post-count increases for an example). Replicating the upvote, donwvote and karma system of Reddit. Creating what some would call a "circle jerk" (which is a good thing, if the ideology that is being circle jerked is correct.)
I don't see any good reason as to why the forums content should be exclusively visible to members.
If you don't want to discuss things publicly, you can always open your own jewcord server, only inviting the people whose opinions you approve of.
About the circle jekt part: According to my observations, if debating is discouraged, the quality of posts (which is already pretty meager imo) would further degenerate into Twitter SJW-tier samefaggotry.
Step 4: Due to the jannies being too pre-occupied with eating hot-pockets and warning/banning users for nothing, I propose that an ability would be given to certain trusted users to essentially "censor" posts that contain offensive content (humble bragging or the bluepill for an example) and that posts which are heavily "downvoted" are simply removed from the forums.
Are you talking about moderators?
The most common attack on this would be muh (((free-speech))), but what those people fail to understand is that free-speech is a bad thing as it allows people who are wrong or malicious to spread corruption. The same way (((elites))) censor our speech on main-stream platforms, we should censor the speech of our ideological enemies and corruption-spreaders on our own platforms as it is only fair to do so.
Yeah, but how are you going to be taken seriously if you do the same thing as the (((bad))) guys?
You'd still be a willing slave, just belonging to a different master.

I get it, it's hella annoying that other people seem to have inferior opinions but why would you even share your opinion on things when you already know that everyone will have to agree to you? It would be a waste of time.
slapping labels on groups of people is quintessential jewish divide and conquer tactics, fuck off
Noooo, making a clearly defined set of ideals that is unsusceptible to corruption LE JEWISH!
I believe the best solution in that regard would be further improving and expanding the wiki.
Yes, that is a possible solution, but the thing is that anyone can make contributions to the wiki. This is not me saying that they will add false information, but that quality and style of writing will be quite inconsistent.
I don't see any good reason as to why the forums content should be exclusively visible to members.
Mainly to prevent leftists students from writing hit pieces on us and thus using us as an easy grade.
If you don't want to discuss things publicly, you can always open your own jewcord server, only inviting the people whose opinions you approve of.
The point of this is to compile a objective compendium of knowledge that can't be disagreed with, as it is objective reality.
About the circle jekt part: According to my observations, if debating is discouraged, the quality of posts (which is already pretty meager imo) would further degenerate into Twitter SJW-tier samefaggotry.
Most debates are just flinging either insults or people using word salads to appear pretentious.
Are you talking about moderators?
People who wouldn't be able to ban users, just censor posts which are meant to spread falsehoods.
Yeah, but how are you going to be taken seriously if you do the same thing as the (((bad))) guys?
You'd still be a willing slave, just belonging to a different master.
If they have got this far, they are clearly doing something correctly. It is only logical to adopt the philosophy of the victors and utilize it for your own ends.
Lmao never seen this one before
I made it from this one
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it's a forum for incels to discuss and vent or w/e

not a political movement with a platform
Agreed, but instead of some nihilist shit exposed to newbies it should be radical blackpillism with actual political solutions
Noooo, making a clearly defined set of ideals that is unsusceptible to corruption LE JEWISH!

Yes, that is a possible solution, but the thing is that anyone can make contributions to the wiki. This is not me saying that they will add false information, but that quality and style of writing will be quite inconsistent.

Mainly to prevent leftists students from writing hit pieces on us and thus using us as an easy grade.

The point of this is to compile a objective compendium of knowledge that can't be disagreed with, as it is objective reality.

Most debates are just flinging either insults or people using word salads to appear pretentious.

People who wouldn't be able to ban users, just censor posts which are meant to spread falsehoods.

If they have got this far, they are clearly doing something correctly. It is only logical to adopt the philosophy of the victors and utilize it for your own ends.

I made it from this one
View attachment 1186988
you're a cuck and lack individuality
No, I just want a community for incels, not any ideology or some other crap. IMHO if any forum should promote an ideology it should be .club because it is focused on that, this is more focused on incels.
the problem with overlabelling everything is that it gets gay and retarded quickly. This is basically what woke does-- it puts labels on everything sexual making everything downstream of culture gay and retarded, and on top of that it demands hostile enforcement of these gay and retarded labels all so a few tranny autists feel more accepted.
Agreed, but instead of some nihilist shit exposed to newbies it should be radical blackpillism with actual political solutions
Exactly, nihilism achieves nothing positive for us. We need to devise solutions that will help us live through our lonely lives.
No clear ideology for your face
Plenty of "clear ideology" for dealing with the complications stemming from a subpar face.
We already have it and it is called blackpill.
Nah it should remain decentralised and allow for a variety of different opinions (as long as it's not bluepilled SJW stuff) because that would attract more people to stay.
We already have it and it is called blackpill.
What I mean is that the blackpill is very vague.

If you asked most users on this forum if "Do looks matter?" - essentially all of the will answer with "Yes", but so would most people on the street. Now if you asked a more specific question like "Are looks the only thing that matters?" - the results will be much more varied as some might mention the importance of money or status.

This becomes only worse as your questions become more specific, like regarding the face < height/face >height or JBW debate. Almost every user will have a different and more often than not contradictory statement on these questions.
Nah, it'll just turn into a gay circle jerk. It already has clear rules for what an incel is and bluepill shit is already banned, that's all thats necessary.
Nah it should remain decentralised and allow for a variety of different opinions (as long as it's not bluepilled SJW stuff) because that would attract more people to stay.
Take away foid rights with any means possible (legal ones)
I believe that we need to develop a clear and easily understandable ideology that can be essentially marketed to promote the growth of the forum and the spread of the truth to as many men as possible. I'm also aware that this would be too mentally draining for most users who only use this site to vent or shitpost, but still. This would come in four steps.

Step 1: Popular consensus on key topics such as importance of certain features like race, height, face, NT and so on; perfect ratios; feasibility of certain "solutions" (eg. looksmaxxing, geomaxxing etc.) as pertaining to one's situation in life and any other myriad of important factors that govern men's position in society and solutions for the formerly mentioned. This "consensus" would be achieved by an agreement by forum members with utilization of readily available data as it pertains to a specific topic, be it academic, indirect or by dating apps.

Step 2: Collecting and categorizing this data into a consistent, factual and easily readable form that can be understood by even the most retarded and ADHD-ridden of people. Now, some of you might mention that the wiki makes this redundant, but the wiki has countless junk or irrelevant articles and those articles that are actually on subject are of a varying quality, writing style and factuality. This would also resolve the conflict when it comes to controversial subjects such as JBW, the importance of face and height, the NT questions and the like.

Step 3: Closing the forum to non-members (ie. lurkers), expect the part where the previously mentioned information is stored. Adding a timer to accounts which will disable them if no posts are made by the user in the specific time (the time could increase as the person's post-count increases for an example). Replicating the upvote, donwvote and karma system of Reddit. Creating what some would call a "circle jerk" (which is a good thing, if the ideology that is being circle jerked is correct.)

Step 4: Due to the jannies being too pre-occupied with eating hot-pockets and warning/banning users for nothing, I propose that an ability would be given to certain trusted users to essentially "censor" posts that contain offensive content (humble bragging or the bluepill for an example) and that posts which are heavily "downvoted" are simply removed from the forums.

The most common attack on this would be muh (((free-speech))), but what those people fail to understand is that free-speech is a bad thing as it allows people who are wrong or malicious to spread corruption. The same way (((elites))) censor our speech on main-stream platforms, we should censor the speech of our ideological enemies and corruption-spreaders on our own platforms as it is only fair to do so.

Another self styled genius who wants to control the narrative, fabulous.


Women don't wanna fuck me.
Women don't wanna fuck you.

That's inceldom. That's us. That's our site.

If you and your looksmaxx buddies want to circle jerk to completion over elaborate theories about facial symmetry, lower third and all that shit, go ahead. Fill your boots. I won't stop you. But I'm not interested in that crap and I won't pretend to be part of any fake ass "consensus" that some brainiac wants to impose on the site.
That's inceldom. That's us. That's our site.
If you are a 10 IQ pavement ape. The blackpill goes way beyond just foids.
If you and your looksmaxx buddies want to circle jerk to completion over elaborate theories about facial symmetry, lower third and all that shit, go ahead.
This has nothing to do with looksmaxx, which is nothing but a cope in the face of genetic determinism.
But I'm not interested in that crap and I won't pretend to be part of any fake ass "consensus" that some brainiac wants to impose on the site.
Because you know that your mental copes will be attacked and deconstructed.
Because you know that your mental copes will be attacked and deconstructed.

Let's unpack that sweaty.

I'm here because women have never wanted to fuck me, and sometimes I want to talk online with other brocels who get that and are living the same thing. I like doing that.

Having this community here makes me feel like I'm not alone in this, and in some small way I guess that must feel good, otherwise I wouldn't keep logging on here.

Is that "cope"? Yeah, it probably is. I'm comfortable with that. We're all doing our best to cope in whatever way works, with this thing that we're missing from our lives.

If I wanted "my mental copes and prejudices deconstructed" I'd sign up for a night class in feminist studies. I'm not here for an IQ test and I'm not here for an ideological purity test, regardless of whether it comes from you or any other ass hole who thinks he should be in charge of T.H.E. I.D.E.O.L.O.G.Y. Fuck right off with that. If I wanted your approval or permission I'd ask for it.

I just want to read @based_meme and @ilieknothing and @tehgymcel420 's based takes on shit. I want to read @abuincelalaustrali 's chadfish reports. I want to read @proudweeb 's general style, and @faded 's flippant burns, and @Emba 's unfiltered filth. I enjoy the steely-eyed no nonsense attitude of some of the old hands like @Dregster and @Azaylias who don'tsay much but everything they drop is a fucking bomb. Hell I even like reading @Sheogorath 's anguish over his e-thot because that's something real and it's a bro reaching out to us so that we can bear witness to his pain and share it with him. That's why I'm here. I like those guys and all the others I haven't remembered to name. I wanna post in their threads and feel like I'm on the crew.

I don't believe any of that would be made better by any new moves to have the site enforcing "a clear ideology" in order to "grow."

And be honest, when you say "the site needs a clear ideology" what you really mean is "the site should enforce this ideology that I want it to have, via the big stick of ban-happy heavy moderation."

(BTW Are you seriously saying the site doesn't already have a very clear orthodoxy right now? Say "jew" or "nigger" or "faggot" or "tall" in any thread and observe.)

I would argue that we DON'T need any more policing of that, what we have already where the community largely self-moderates, is already plenty strong enough and it works just fine. And that's the way it should be, a community's style and rules should come from the community, not top down imposed by some little despot who thinks he's right and anyone else is wrong.

And we especially don't need to be formally agreeing on what THE ideology is. I'm old enough to remember mainstream social media before the current generation of soy trigger warnings and intersectional feminist LGBTQI content policies came about. So I've seen what comes next after someone declares that they've got THE ideology and everyone needs to agree to sign up to it or get off the platform: they start banning all the cool people. I would be sad to see that happen here. This place should be a broad church for all incels, not some exclusive special interest thing.
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I believe that we need to develop a clear and easily understandable ideology that can be essentially marketed to promote the growth of the forum and the spread of the truth to as many men as possible.
Truth does not need an ideology to spread. We have no ideology and will have none. Inceldom isn't tied to any belief system. That's a stupid notion to entertain. It's tied to your genetics first, and then to your environment (the culture you're in, predominantly).

As far as the forum's growth is concerned, that's an executive decision for @Master (and @Fat Link ?).

I'll read the rest of your post later, ngl.
I believe that we need to develop a clear and easily understandable ideology that can be essentially marketed to promote the growth of the forum and the spread of the truth to as many men as possible. I'm also aware that this would be too mentally draining for most users who only use this site to vent or shitpost, but still. This would come in four steps.

Step 1: Popular consensus on key topics such as importance of certain features like race, height, face, NT and so on; perfect ratios; feasibility of certain "solutions" (eg. looksmaxxing, geomaxxing etc.) as pertaining to one's situation in life and any other myriad of important factors that govern men's position in society and solutions for the formerly mentioned. This "consensus" would be achieved by an agreement by forum members with utilization of readily available data as it pertains to a specific topic, be it academic, indirect or by dating apps.

Step 2: Collecting and categorizing this data into a consistent, factual and easily readable form that can be understood by even the most retarded and ADHD-ridden of people. Now, some of you might mention that the wiki makes this redundant, but the wiki has countless junk or irrelevant articles and those articles that are actually on subject are of a varying quality, writing style and factuality. This would also resolve the conflict when it comes to controversial subjects such as JBW, the importance of face and height, the NT questions and the like.

Step 3: Closing the forum to non-members (ie. lurkers), expect the part where the previously mentioned information is stored. Adding a timer to accounts which will disable them if no posts are made by the user in the specific time (the time could increase as the person's post-count increases for an example). Replicating the upvote, donwvote and karma system of Reddit. Creating what some would call a "circle jerk" (which is a good thing, if the ideology that is being circle jerked is correct.)

Step 4: Due to the jannies being too pre-occupied with eating hot-pockets and warning/banning users for nothing, I propose that an ability would be given to certain trusted users to essentially "censor" posts that contain offensive content (humble bragging or the bluepill for an example) and that posts which are heavily "downvoted" are simply removed from the forums.

The most common attack on this would be muh (((free-speech))), but what those people fail to understand is that free-speech is a bad thing as it allows people who are wrong or malicious to spread corruption. The same way (((elites))) censor our speech on main-stream platforms, we should censor the speech of our ideological enemies and corruption-spreaders on our own platforms as it is only fair to do so.
I agree. I dream of the day we become mainstream and popular, forcing people to reconcile with their beliefs and truths.

We would be perfect as a political party to take lower and strip those undesirable from under us. Consensus on pure bred white whores or those from other races who can be raped or forced into ourselves to eventually be bred to whitehood. Retards shouldn't be allowed

A Reddit system would not work. Reddit is an echo chamber of left leaning faggot, communistical, feminist, niggers and dykes turning this into a wasteland once the raids start.
Let's unpack that sweaty.

I'm here because women have never wanted to fuck me, and sometimes I want to talk online with other brocels who get that and are living the same thing. I like doing that.

Having this community here makes me feel like I'm not alone in this, and in some small way I guess that must feel good, otherwise I wouldn't keep logging on here.

Is that "cope"? Yeah, it probably is. I'm comfortable with that. We're all doing our best to cope in whatever way works, with this thing that we're missing from our lives.

If I wanted "my mental copes and prejudices deconstructed" I'd sign up for a night class in feminist studies. I'm not here for an IQ test and I'm not here for an ideological purity test, regardless of whether it comes from you or any other ass hole who thinks he should be in charge of T.H.E. I.D.E.O.L.O.G.Y. Fuck right off with that. If I wanted your approval or permission I'd ask for it.

I just want to read @based_meme and @ilieknothing and @tehgymcel420 's based takes on shit. I want to read @abuincelalaustrali 's chadfish reports. I want to read @proudweeb 's general style, and @faded 's flippant burns, and @Emba 's unfiltered filth.
Thank you kindly, Sir! (Hat tip + nod)
I enjoy the steely-eyed no nonsense attitude of some of the old hands like @Dregster and @Azaylias who don'tsay much but everything they drop is a fucking bomb. Hell I even like reading @Sheogorath 's anguish over his e-thot because that's something real and it's a bro reaching out to us so that we can bear witness to his pain and share it with him. That's why I'm here. I like those guys and all the others I haven't remembered to name. I wanna post in their threads and feel like I'm on the crew.

I don't believe any of that would be made better by any new moves to have the site enforcing "a clear ideology" in order to "grow."

And be honest, when you say "the site needs a clear ideology" what you really mean is "the site should enforce this ideology that I want it to have, via the big stick of ban-happy heavy moderation."

(BTW Are you seriously saying the site doesn't already have a very clear orthodoxy right now? Say "jew" or "nigger" or "faggot" or "tall" in any thread and observe.)

I would argue that we DON'T need any more policing of that, what we have already where the community largely self-moderates, is already plenty strong enough and it works just fine. And that's the way it should be, a community's style and rules should come from the community, not top down imposed by some little despot who thinks he's right and anyone else is wrong.

And we especially don't need to be formally agreeing on what THE ideology is. I'm old enough to remember mainstream social media before the current generation of soy trigger warnings and intersectional feminist LGBTQI content policies came about. So I've seen what comes next after someone declares that they've got THE ideology and everyone needs to agree to sign up to it or get off the platform: they start banning all the cool people. I would be sad to see that happen here. This place should be a broad church for all incels, not some exclusive special interest thing.
I'm highly inclined to heartily concur!

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