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Serious the effects of sexual assault often are exaggerated.

society's logic about sexual assault makes NO sense. people are all like:

if you get raped, you'll never heal and you'll forever be traumatized and live in eternal misery and horror (doesn't sound too ridiculous. but it gets more retarded.)

if you're a kid and someone simply touches your penis and walks away and you don't see them again, you'll forever be traumatized for life. having your penis touched when you're a kid is the most painful thing you can experience

if you're kissed on the lips against your will, you'll be forever traumatized for life

if you get groped, you'll never heal and forever will be traumatized

if you're a minor and have sex with someone older than you or date them, you'll be traumatized for life.

wtf. honestly. sure rape can be very painful, but the other ones? honestly i never understood how someone gets traumatized by having their genitals touched. if someone walks up to you, touches your penis and walks away, and you're a kid, how exactly can THAT traumatize you. the only reason why someone would be traumatized by that is because they're taught to be traumatized. it's called the nocebo effect. if they weren't taught to be traumatized by it, they wouldn't have been traumatized.

it's also interesting how in middle school, a friend of mine had some guy grab his hand and put the hand on another guy's penis. my friend probably wasn't traumatized. but i guess if they're all the same age it isn't traumatic. but i guess if the two guys my friend complained about were much older, he'd be traumatized? so it's only traumatic if they're older than you? how can that make sense? i remember Benji Madden from Good Charlotte got bullied in high school and one time the jocks smeared BENGAY with substance on his genitals. he was maybe 15-17 at the time. so if guys his age do that to him, it isn't traumatic but if a 40 year old does it to him, it's traumatic? And getting kissed on the lips against your will, people act like that's supposed to scar you? one time when i was 12, a guy (who was 13) kissed my lips against my will. it wasn't traumatic at all. it was uncomfortable yes but it wasn't traumatic. anyways i found out he wasn't actually gay or bisexual he was just a socially awkward guy who came from a kissy family. he didn't think what he did was gay. i saw him do other crazy things most people know are weird. he was actually straight, he even liked a girl in my class. what he did wasn't traumatic at all. it was very uncomfortable but wasn't traumatic. i moved on. in fact, when i hear his name, i don't even think about the kiss incident.

A man named Paul Tappan (who is a sociologist) wrote about how sex attacks ruining people for life is a myth. he wrote how trauma from sex attacks usually come from the hysteria and reaction to the attack from society instead of the attack itself. Tappan believes "rape, carnal abuse, defloration, incest, homosexuality (this was 1955) or indecent exposure" should only cause little lasting harm. The Kinsey researchers agreed with Tappan. A rape victim named Charlotte Shane wrote an article about how she won't let her rapist's attack control her for the rest of her life and how it wasn't the worst thing to happen to her. she even said that rape doesn't effect women the same way as each other. some women are effect more severely or less severely is what she says. Fay Weldon also said rape isn't the worst thing to happen to a woman and she's a rape victim too. she faced backlash for what she said back in the late 90s.

Feminists didn't always view rape the way they do now. First wave feminists (late 1800s/early 1900s) believed women were resilient in the face of sexual violence instead of vulnerable. even in the 60s, feminists usually argued that rape is NOT the worst thing that can happen to a woman. then feminists started to say it is the worst thing to happen to a woman in the 70s with the anti-rape movement getting big.

the reason why sexual crimes, regardless of how severe they are, are seen as "extremely" painful is because of society's historical interpretation of sex. since biblical times, sex has been viewed as degenerate and perverse and something that can only be done for reproduction. it wasn't supposed to be fun and anyone who did non-reproductive sexual stuff like anal sex, oral sex, masturbation or sex just for pleasure was seen as evil. also, society has viewed sex as the most intimate relationship one can have with someone else. therefore, society will believes taking this is the ultimate violation. this is what made sexual assault be seen as worse than any other crime. i don't see how making a crime "sexual" makes it more traumatic. how is sexual supposed to be worse than any physical pain or physical violence? sure rape could be traumatic, but touching someone's penis, groping, statutory rape, etc. shouldn't be too painful. it should just be a brief moment of uncomfortable.

i also doubt that rape or child sexual abuse is something that ruins your life eternally. sure it can make your life much harder. sure you can go through a lot of nightmares and horrifying stuff, but i'm sure victims can still experience some joy in their life. i remember asking someone if they think Auschwitz survivors are able to enjoy life, they said Auschwitz survivors will struggle a lot in life but they still could have some happy days. so Auschwitz survivors, including those experimented on by Mengele, can enjoy life to an extent, but someone who was raped or had their penis touched can never feel joy again? Auschwitz was way worse than sexual abuse and rape. It's like society wants to tell us that the penis is so powerful that if we ever are forced to touch it, let alone have it inside us, it'll permanently destroy our souls. well there's nothing powerful about some piece of flesh between the legs. saying that there is power in a penis goes against the idea of empowering women. if rape is about power, like feminists often say, then why give them all that power by allowing what they did to torment you all your life? Charlotte Shane said she thinks it's ridiculous to teach women that a piece of flesh between the legs should control their whole life. i don't think even severe trauma should give you lifelong misery and horror.
Maybe gay rape is because it may change your sexual orientation. There was a study done back in the 70's where they interviewed ten ex cons. Five were prison rapists and five were prison rape victims, all between 18-25 years old and all claimed to be heterosexual prior to incarceration. After incarceration, the five prison rapists still claimed to be heterosexual and only having sex with women. I believe two were married to women, two were cohabiting with women and one was "playing the field".

The five prison rape victims claimed heterosexuality prior to prison but after prison claimed to be homosexual citing that they had came out of the closet in prison. One said that he tried to resume relations with women but "it didn't work out". One of those guys was working as a male prostitute. It's interesting that only the prison rape victims were claiming to be homosexual after the fact, even though they were initially forced into it. And now that they were out, there was no one forcing them to participate in homosexuality, now they were doing it willingly.
Oof, big yikes. Spotted one in the wild.
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Maybe gay rape is because it may change your sexual orientation. There was a study done back in the 70's where they interviewed ten ex cons. Five were prison rapists and five were prison rape victims, all between 18-25 years old and all claimed to be heterosexual prior to incarceration. After incarceration, the five prison rapists still claimed to be heterosexual and only having sex with women. I believe two were married to women, two were cohabiting with women and one was "playing the field".

The five prison rape victims claimed heterosexuality prior to prison but after prison claimed to be homosexual citing that they had came out of the closet in prison. One said that he tried to resume relations with women but "it didn't work out". One of those guys was working as a male prostitute. It's interesting that only the prison rape victims were claiming to be homosexual after the fact, even though they were initially forced into it. And now that they were out, there was no one forcing them to participate in homosexuality, now they were doing it willingly.

Gay people are hated in prison
"Rape" is a broad word nowadays that can be used to describe consented sex a woman regrets, just kissing someone under a certain arbitrary law or real, violent, rape.

I think actual violent rape is traumatic, especially if you're a man being assraped, a small child, etc. Meme rape doesn't traumatize anyone.
"Rape" is a broad word nowadays that can be used to describe consented sex a woman regrets, just kissing someone under a certain arbitrary law or real, violent, rape.

I think actual violent rape is traumatic, especially if you're a man being assraped, a small child, etc. Meme rape doesn't traumatize anyone.
What’s meme rape?
getting pump and dumped by chads does more damage to a foid's mental health than being raped
The majority of rapes should be considered minor crimes
Me neither tbh. If there's no violence or coercion it's at worst some small annoyance.
Yep. Society just views sex crimes as the worst because of how we viewed sex since biblical times
No you said it was worse than pretty much worse than anything a man can experience, and that it mentally destroys women who get raped. Now you're here saying it's not actually that big of a deal. Not very consistent
No I didn’t say it ruins women for life I said it worse than getting bullied. Full stop
Yep. Society just views sex crimes as the worst because of how we viewed sex since biblical times
It's way worse than mere puritanism. Is a bizarre, corrupted mix of puritanism and some other modern shit like feminism/cultural Marxism and modern psychology. It's the most retarded and dysfunctional culture to ever exist, mainly existing in the US but becoming more and more influential in all of the west and even outside of it.
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Dr. Manhattan level iq
It also depends on what kind of assault It was.
If It was real violence maybe on a young victim yes, It can be traumatizing.
However today people label everything as sexual assault and a lot of times it Is not.
I find this a bit offensive also for the victims of real violence.
Suifuel for @GripMaxxing
Then I went and did it again yeah! I told you long ago on the road, I got what they’re waiting for, I’ll run from nothing dog, get soldiers, tell em I ain’t layin low
The key aspect, already explained on this thread, is that they are thaught that their experience was the most awful thing ever, and the worse thing is when they apply this awful and reprehensible idea not only in 13 and 12 year olds, but also girls who are 14, which are of course fully capable of having their own will ( a bubch of them brag about sexual experiences on their social media, while others simply comprehend normally); there are cases that they have a normal experience and people (despicable moralists and self-righteous pricks, most people) simply consider it to be like assault, even if they seek it themselves and allow, ridiculous

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