Same, I also fell for the scam of TindER Gold.
I obviously wasn’t undER the illusion that getting TindER Gold would result in me getting 20 matches a day like Chad, but I ACTUALLY believed that getting TindER Gold and making my profile 10x more visible would allow me to get AT LEAST a “handful of matches” (up to 5) PER WEEK.
AftER a month I Got zERo matches. And I immediately cancelled my subscription. I was obviously angry at TindER because I felt scammed even though I WASN’T ACTUALLY scammed because TindER ONLY promised to make my profile “10x more visible” (so instead of my profile being seen by 50 sluts in a day, it would be seen by 500 sluts in a day), but they DIDN’T promise to get me more matches.
THAT (getting matches) was dependant on the female hypERgamous usERs who judge based on your face, and considERing the fact that my 2/10 “Butt ugly” face DIDN’T change DESPITE my upgrade to the “Gold” vERsion of subscription, it’s no surprise that my “zERo success rate” on TindER DIDN’T change eithER DESPITE my profile being 10x more visible or whatevER)
Realising that I had just spent $100 for a month of TindER Gold and got litERally nothing for it while chad uses the free vERsion and fucks diffERent pussy evERy night, put me into a state of heavy depression for a few days. But at the end of it, I became even more blackpilled than before
EvERy brutal expERience of FAILURE in relation to trying to have sex and/or socialise, hurts you in the short tERm (by causing you pain/suffERing) but benefits you in the long tERm (by teaching you harsh lessons about reality which vast majority of people will nevER learn because they nevER went through our expERiences, lessons which may help you minimise expERiencing pain/suffERing in the future)
Enlightenment BEGINS AT THE END of pain.
Many of us are clearly significantly more knowledgeable and wise than the avERage pERson, but sadly most people won’t realise that it came at the cost of a great deal of suffERing