everything youev said is so fucking funn HAHAHAHHAHA
anyways, starting off with your actual propositions, the charles example, thats one example and that is only refering to periods in later periods where the trend that i said was common was common in, stick to to 3000bce-early medieval age please. anyhow, here is it, the skull anthropology of scandanvian-corded ware indo european society, also intertwining with viking age, you have nothing on me kek
"The most extensive Iron Age series from Norway is that of Schreiner, which contains 27 male crania.73 (See Appendix I, col. 41.). They are larger and much more rugged, with heavy browridges and strong muscular markings. Metrically, they approach the Upper Palaeolithic series of Morant; and they could fit easily into the range of the central European Aurignacian group. The Mesolithic crania of Stĺngenäs and MacArthur's Cave would not be out of place here. Yet in most dimensions, they fall a little short of the Upper Palaeolithic mean."
"Such a massive skeleton is typical of other Corded Ware/Boat Axe culture people (see also Table 2). This very specific phenotype of the Corded Ware/ Boat Axe bearers (extreme hypermorphy, pronounced dolichocrany, a high, broad and strongly profiled face, and robust body build), is characteristic of Spiginas 2, Plinkaigalis 241 and 242 individuals, (Česnys 1985a), and similar to those found in sweden (Mark 1956), ( summary, see Česnys 1991a, 1991b, 1991c), and later Fatyanovo people. This type has no precedent in this area (Early Neolithic Kretuonas 1B male average stature is only 157.9 cm, and Early and Late Bronze Age from Kirsna-Turlojiškės is 165.8"
The Korsør find (Brøste, 1945) includes an unusually well preserved skeleton of an adult man. The cranium (Fig. 4) is very large and massive. C 1640 cc, L 197, B 144, H’ 143, G’H 77, and J 150 mm. The skull is dolichocranial (73.1), orthocranial (72.6), akrocranial (99.3), mesene (51.3), leptorhine (38.6) and mesoconch (81.8). In the norma temporalis the glabella and the brownridges protrude above the deepset nasion, the forehead slopes evenly, the crown is slightly arched and proceeds to the sloping occiput which has a lambdoid depression. The facial profile shows a powerful, protruding chin and an end-to-end bite. In the norma verticalis the skull has an almost ovoid form, its phaenozygosis is clear, in the norma occipitalis it, **especially the Korsör skull in their entire form approach our Germanic type. The points of similarity between the Korsör skull and several of our Norwegian skulls from the Iron Age**
"Conclusion Results suggest that our medieval ancestors had
more prominent faces and smaller cranial vaults than modern man."
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"A Swedish study based on 124 skulls from the 500 years preceding the seventeenth century found that the medieval skulls had somewhat smaller teeth and brain cases but larger jaws and wider dental arches than those of a modern population.
4 Other trends that have been reported include a reduction in palatal width between the Romano-British period and the nineteenth century
6 and reductions in bi-zygomatic and maxillary widths between the twelfth and nineteenth centuries.
visual viking age skulls reconstructions
but anyhow, 80 percent of what youev said is just basic obscenity, you cant win