Holy shit. My mistake. Blacks are tanking here. That also matches though the race data we have, where in ~2000, 97.5% of black guys got laid, but now it's around 86% getting laid annually.
Whites have by far the most resilient and stable sex rates in every study so far. All of us nonwhites are getting hammered in one way or another in every study.
The fact that it's blacks, not hispanics that are tanking here, and hispanics are relatively stable, would suggest that most of the "Other" destruction seen in my signature thread graph:
Is definitely coming from Ricecels and Currycels. Other = Rice+Curry+Latino.
If latinos are pretty stable in this study, it would definitely suggest the rapid rise in "Other" male celibacy is the obliteration of curries and ricecels from the dating market.
Probably if hispanics were excluded, the rise in Ethnic male celibacy would be even greater in that graph. Maybe it's already 40%+ celibacy for curries and ricecels.