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Blackpill The anti religious sentiment on this forum is cringe and bluepilled

I bet their lives were shit as well.

Since the dawn of time (exacerbated by the media), caucasian features has been painted as the idealistic standards of beauty (white skin halo).

I know God loves me, but he never assured my life on this earth would be easy, because the gift that awaits me is far greater than anything on earth.

That's why I don't care about dying. Being black makes me want to cry everytime I look in the mirror, but I just remind myself that eventually all this will be over. I don't know whether I'll end up speeding up my death-date or whether I'll cope until it happens.

There's also a Stacy out there that's exclusively attracted to black incels, and she would gladly fuck you and give you hourly blowjobs, but she'll refrain from being your gf because she believes not being your gf will lead to some greater good.

How do you guys cope this hard? Honestly I wish I could.
religion isn't about logical reasoning
Well at least you had the balls to admit this... most religious people don’t.
but also faith in something.
Faith = the purposeful suspension of critical thinking. If god gave humanity the gift of logic (something no other animal is capable of) and then asks us to throw it out the window as the only means to find him then he cannot be respected. “Works is mysterious ways” is such a cop out.
Every issue you're seeing in this world is the result of Humans thinking they're above God
Ironically you seem to be falling for this too, and you're religious
"I resent being black."
E.g. if you had godlike powers you would turn into a white person. This results in you thinking that existence would be fairer if you had been white.

This is a sin called hubris, believing that you can do better than God(s).

JFL at the average Christcuck in this forum being a sinner, it's like your IQ is too low to recognise that you're playing a rigged game and you're cheating not out of malice but out of stupidity.
How do you guys cope this hard?
I tried looking for answers on earth but all I've met is bullshit, hate, stupidity and negative experiences.

Christianity proved the most sane choice for me.
most religious people don’t.
Then they're not religious or just fools (I cant judge)

In the bible there's a story of Jesus raising Lazurus long after he died.

Any logical HUMAN being would say: "Impossible" and they're right it's impossible.

Religion is about believing the impossible and neglecting all human logic.
Religion is a shitty cope because throughout history all the already-successful people always broke the rules while peons like you were told to tighten your belt and suffer because your shit life is part of god's unquestionable plan. Religion says Chad and Stacy will go to hell for living a sinful promiscuous life but that is only a smokescreen to protect you from the knowledge that the only life you're ever going to have is being wasted.
“Works is mysterious ways” is such a cop out.
Indeed. Trying to explain things with human understanding is futile.
Ironically you seem to be falling for this too, and you're religious
"I resent being black."
E.g. if you had godlike powers you would turn into a white person. This results in you thinking that existence would be fairer if you had been white.

This is a sin called hubris, believing that you can do better than God(s).

JFL at the average Christcuck in this forum being
a sinner, it's like your IQ is too low to recognise that you're playing a rigged game and you're cheating not out of malice but out of stupidity.
What gave you the impression that "christcucks" believe they're not sinners?
Indeed. Trying to explain things with human understanding is futile.

What gave you the impression that "christcucks" believe they're not sinners?
Ideally you Christians should avoid sin. And some thoughts are sinful, such as having lust for another man's wife. Therefore, if you truly adhered to the morals you preach, you would immediately discard that sinful thought "I resent being black= God should have made me white = I know better than God". Starting from removing it from your signature, so you don't accidentally think it again.
Again, you've restricted yourself to a set of morals that fuck up your life and you even fucked up at following it. This is goldfish IQ on your part.

Really, I'm giving you sound advice. Remove that part of your signature and talk to your priest about resenting being black. This would be how you prevent eternal torture if your religion was true and Judeo-Christian God existed.
Believing in religion is almost exactly a 1:1 analogue to believing bluepill, it's quite mind boggling you can believe one and not the other, unless you're actually bluepilled, and not blackpilled.

"Just worship god more" = "Just improve your personality"
"Just submit yourself to god bro" = "Just let Chad cuck you bro"
"Donate to the church for nothing in return" = "Donate to patreon whores for nothing in return"
"So and so happened because you sinned" = "She rejected you because you didn't shower"
"Just wait until god shows you the way and wait for salvation bro" = "Just be nice and you'll eventually get a gf bro"

None of these things are true if you believe blackpill which is based on what actually happens, not what normies and foids virtue signal. Religion is essentially the same thing, extreme virtue signal. And before another one of you copes and says that religion gave structure to society, I don't disagree with that at all, but that has nothing to do with the acutal existence and worship of god, and more about how people threatened low level people and cultivated power and status back then, which was high IQ. But that has already been largely been replaced by pure status of money and wealth.

You're so blackpilled that you believe in something that all bluepillers believe in.

Ideally you Christians should avoid sin. And some thoughts are sinful, such as having lust for another man's wife. Therefore, if you truly adhered to the morals you preach, you would immediately discard that sinful thought "I resent being black= God should have made me white = I know better than God". Starting from removing it from your signature, so you don't accidentally think it again.
Again, you've restricted yourself to a set of morals that fuck up your life and you even fucked up at following it. This is goldfish IQ on your part.

Really, I'm giving you sound advice. Remove that part of your signature and talk to your priest about resenting being black. This would be how you prevent eternal torture if your religion was true and Judeo-Christian God existed.
Duly noted.
To be honest I find a lot of bluepillers tend to be more the "spiritual" types than actual atheists, in that they're not christian but usually believe in their own super natural stuff, many gravitating to forms of faux hinduism or buddhism. The left massively turned on people like Richard Dawkins for criticising Islam and stuff like that, as well as because he criticised women. Same happened to Lawrence Krauss who got Metoo'd, and Thunderf00t who got the same treatment. The left from my experience have no real love for atheism and will often come out heavily in defence of religion on many occasions while various atheists got shafted for criticising feminism

Most religions are bluepilled.

What a lot of people who criticize Christianity don't understand is that there's a cucked version of Christianity and an uncucked version.

The cucked version of Christianity is, "God loves you and wants you to be happy!" It's completely contrary to what the Bible actually says.

The uncucked version is, "God hates the wicked and is filled with wrath at the world." This is the only version of the religion that promotes change and repentance among society. If there was one true religion, it would be this.

The rest of religions are bluepilled copes except for Islam. Islam is pretty based.
High IQ observation
Well yeah, but the point is more that most bluepillers aren't really atheists, but tend to gravitate more to the weird lenient forms of religion than anything else. I've always found a lot of leftwingers honestly tend to hate atheists, particularly considering a lot of prominent atheists came out against feminism.

My argument is less about whether christianity is good or bad, more that I don't really agree with atheism is inherently a bluepilled stance, and is more neutral than anything else.

I do remember liberals at my college having weird spiritual beliefs so you might be right. Although I would say liberals definitely reject any form of authority from God so they basically live as if He does not exist. They might not be militant atheists but their lives are still hedonistic and self-focused which is generally what an atheistic person does anyways.

They definitely hate Christianity but they probably do hate atheism too since if you were a true atheist, you would not subscribe to any morality such as feminism, race tolerance, and etc. Having morals and also believing that God does NOT exist is an oxymoron.

Giga high IQ post.
Religion is necessary to keep the destructive nature of humans and especially foids in line.
Without religion we would still dwell in the matriarchal stone age.
based thread low iq soy atheistcels who can't surpass their egoistic concept of 'good' god will never understand need of the religion in balanced society
You're so blackpilled that you believe in something that all bluepillers believe in.


Why do you and religion copers keep associating atheism with liberals and left wingers jfl.
I don't think it's necessarily the case to say you can't have morals without god. Ultimately the source of morals from god is just a matter of might makes right. The idea that god is the most powerful thus he gets to decide what is right or wrong.

I don't see any reason why a person cannot have morals themselves and attempt to implement them themselves by attempting to convince others of their benefit in the same way a Christian would attempt to convince others of the virtue of theirs.

The concept of "goodness" and "badness" becomes conflated without someone to set those boundaries. The lines between black and white becomes blurry to the point where everything becomes gray.

If morality is defined by an ever changing society then morality does not really exist. "Goodness" cannot exist without something to define it. "Goodness" and "badness" are left up to interpretation, therefore it's a abstract idea that does not exist in reality.
Why do you and religion copers keep associating atheism with liberals and left wingers jfl.

Cope. All atheists I know IRL are faggots and liberals.
Liberals aren't atheist because that would mean offending mudslimes and other protected groups. They tend to believe in some cucked new age shit, Eastern philosophy (which is pretty sterile as long as you don't go beyond ankle-depth), or the most cucked form of Christianity (think those people that always throw the "cast the first stone" line at you whenever you dare to be even a little critical).
"If you don't agree with me you're bluepilled"

At the core of the blackpill is nihilism and that doesn't bind well with religion.

The blackpill is "looks matter, if you're ugly you're never going to succeed."

However what you're talking about is philosophy which is not the blackpill. It's almost an entirely separate topic.
Cope. All atheists I know IRL are faggots and liberals.

That's cause you likely only know the view of modern white American and European liberal soy faggots which is an extreme cope. You can just look at China for example, they've replaced their entire thousands of years old Buddhist majority they took from curries with worship of the state in a matter of 70 years. They even have a term called "Baizuo" which literally means liberal whites. And you can't possibly tell me China is remotely liberal. Religion was only used as a threat to control peasants to do slave work, via a power structure. That's no longer necessary because you have military and money to act as that threat now. Morality via religion is also a huge cope, the only thing that matters to people in life is hedonism and the people at the top always get it. That includes world leaders, religious leaders, rich people, and good looking people.
The simple fact that jews push for atheism is enough of a reason to believe in God.
That's cause you likely only know the view of modern white American and European liberal soy faggots which is an extreme cope. You can just look at China for example, they've replaced their entire thousands of years old Buddhist majority they took from curries with worship of the state in a matter of 70 years. They even have a term called "Baizuo" which literally means liberal whites. And you can't possibly tell me China is remotely liberal. Religion was only used as a threat to control peasants to do slave work, via a power structure. That's no longer necessary because you have military and money to act as that threat now. Morality via religion is also a huge cope, the only thing that matters to people in life is hedonism and the people at the top always get it. That includes world leaders, religious leaders, rich people, and good looking people.

Communism is literally liberal. JFL are you serious? Communism and socialism is the ultimate wet dream of all modern liberals. Just because China does not subscribe to feminism or lgbt doesn't mean they aren't liberal.
Religion is a gigacope leftover from a time when man made up evidence of how the world works instead of discovering it.
It's easier to convince the average man that there is an all powerful God, than it is to convince them that females care about looks
Religion is a tool for us
Throughout history religion has been the only force that has allowed for control of females and the destruction of hypergamy.
On the other hand, any society that has implications low religiosity or full blown atheism has always lead to mass amounts of hypergamy and female freedom
Muslim philosphers like Al-Farabi and Avicenna would agree with you. Most people will never learn the truth about this world and what is right and wrong, so it must be imposed as a religious dogma so societies can just work. Religion is just a tool.
I kind of agree. If there is a realistic way to end hypergamy, degeneracy and every other cultural illness that has made us incels in the first place, imposing a religion would perfectly work. If foids cant fuck countless chads and have to show any kind of value (besides having a vagina) to try to seize the chaddest of the chads available, and when they marry they cant divorce, the inceldom problem is literally over (for the most part).

normies believe in the bluepilled version of religions, it would be hard to convince to adopt the older, based religious teachings. Religions get interpreted through the political and socioeconomic situation of the times anyways, and todays bluepilled narative has rendered religions useless

Indeed. I joined a bluepilled buddhist sect when i was younger, and it was absolutely disappointing. I discovered the most blackpilled and orthodox interpretation of buddhism lately and i just cant believe how much the western leftist interpretation of everything destroyed
Ive changed my mind over many topics after discussions here.

For obvious reasons. Polygamous societies are known to become ultraviolet. To prevent this from happening, society would have to make laws to enforce monogamy.
Ultraviolent and unfairly distributed.
To be honest I find a lot of bluepillers tend to be more the "spiritual" types than actual atheists, in that they're not christian but usually believe in their own super natural stuff, many gravitating to forms of faux hinduism or buddhism. The left massively turned on people like Richard Dawkins for criticising Islam and stuff like that, as well as because he criticised women. Same happened to Lawrence Krauss who got Metoo'd, and Thunderf00t who got the same treatment. The left from my experience have no real love for atheism and will often come out heavily in defence of religion on many occasions while various atheists got shafted for criticising feminism

Indeed. There are not many truly atheists in this world right now imho. Most people that say they are atheists believe in some kind of retarded interpretation of spirituality that was handed to them by our decadent culture ("new age"). Atheist, nowadays, usually means christian-hater and nothing else.
attempting to convince others of their benefit in the same way a Christian would attempt to convince others of the virtue of theirs.
Because, as OP said, "It's easier to convince the average man that there is an all powerful God, than it is to convince them that females care about looks"

Anyway good read. Good thread OP
Communism is literally liberal. JFL are you serious? Communism and socialism is the ultimate wet dream of all modern liberals. Just because China does not subscribe to feminism or lgbt doesn't mean they aren't liberal.

Nothing about China is communist or socialist other than the base blanket of things like health care which literally every non retarded country has. The country is more feast or famine than the USA is.
Nothing about China is communist or socialist other than the base blanket of things like health care which literally every non retarded country has. The country is more feast or famine than the USA is.

JFL now I know you're purely retarded.
Religion implies objective morality which is ridiculous. Traditions and rules with good reasons for why they are need should be enough to teach people what to do. Religion relies on the existence of a god, and there is no evidence to suggest that such a thing exists.

People in the past have used religion to enforce illogical rules just as much as they've used it to protect society.
Why does objective morality not exist? I'm not familiar with religious arguments or philosophy because I'm not interested in either of those subjects. But if humans all evolved under the same environmental and sexual selection pressures, would we not have similar ingrained views of what is 'moral'. It is comparable to the objectivity of beauty, which I'm sure everyone here is familiar with.
> Believes magic Chad is the reason for morality

1Who has believed what he has heard from us?a
And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
2For he grew up before him like a young plant,
and like a root out of dry ground;
he had no form or majesty that we should look at him,
and no beauty that we should desire him.
3He was despised and rejectedb by men,
a man of sorrowsc and acquainted withd grief;e
and as one from whom men hide their facesf
he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

4Surely he has borne our griefs
and carried our sorrows;
yet we esteemed him stricken,
smitten by God, and afflicted.
5But he was pierced for our transgressions;
he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
and with his wounds we are healed.
6All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have turned—every one—to his own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.

7He was oppressed, and he was afflicted,
yet he opened not his mouth;
like a lamb that is led to the slaughter,
and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent,
so he opened not his mouth.
8By oppression and judgment he was taken away;
and as for his generation, who considered
that he was cut off out of the land of the living,
stricken for the transgression of my people?
9And they made his grave with the wicked
and with a rich man in his death,
although he had done no violence,
and there was no deceit in his mouth.

10Yet it was the will of the Lord to crush him;
he has put him to grief;g
when his soul makesh an offering for guilt,
he shall see his offspring; he shall prolong his days;
the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.
11Out of the anguish of his soul he shall seei and be satisfied;
by his knowledge shall the righteous one, my servant,
make many to be accounted righteous,
and he shall bear their iniquities.
12Therefore I will divide him a portion with the many,j
and he shall divide the spoil with the strong,k
because he poured out his soul to death
and was numbered with the transgressors;
yet he bore the sin of many,
and makes intercession for the transgressors.
Why does objective morality not exist? I'm not familiar with religious arguments or philosophy because I'm not interested in either of those subjects. But if humans all evolved under the same environmental and sexual selection pressures, would we not have similar ingrained views of what is 'moral'. It is comparable to the objectivity of beauty, which I'm sure everyone here is familiar with.
Objective implies more than just being held by all people, it implies that it is written by a great force that is beyond humans.
1Who has believed what he has heard from us?a
And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
2For he grew up before him like a young plant,
and like a root out of dry ground;
he had no form or majesty that we should look at him,
and no beauty that we should desire him.
3He was despised and rejectedb by men,
a man of sorrowsc and acquainted withd grief;e
and as one from whom men hide their facesf
he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

4Surely he has borne our griefs
and carried our sorrows;
yet we esteemed him stricken,
smitten by God, and afflicted.
5But he was pierced for our transgressions;
he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
and with his wounds we are healed.
6All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have turned—every one—to his own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.

7He was oppressed, and he was afflicted,
yet he opened not his mouth;
like a lamb that is led to the slaughter,
and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent,
so he opened not his mouth.
8By oppression and judgment he was taken away;
and as for his generation, who considered
that he was cut off out of the land of the living,
stricken for the transgression of my people?
9And they made his grave with the wicked
and with a rich man in his death,
although he had done no violence,
and there was no deceit in his mouth.

10Yet it was the will of the Lord to crush him;
he has put him to grief;g
when his soul makesh an offering for guilt,
he shall see his offspring; he shall prolong his days;
the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.
11Out of the anguish of his soul he shall seei and be satisfied;
by his knowledge shall the righteous one, my servant,
make many to be accounted righteous,
and he shall bear their iniquities.
12Therefore I will divide him a portion with the many,j
and he shall divide the spoil with the strong,k
because he poured out his soul to death
and was numbered with the transgressors;
yet he bore the sin of many,
and makes intercession for the transgressors.

Didn't read tbh. I hope I don't get so bored of my current copes that I have to resort to believing in theologism or mysticism, that's when you know it's actually time to rope.
Objective implies more than just being held by all people, it implies that it is written by a great force that is beyond humans.
But I thought, subjective = unique to the opinion of an individual and objective = the same across all individuals. Like how we classify beauty here, it is objective because it has the same implications no matter who is viewing it. Perhaps this is an issue of definition?
Didn't read tbh. I hope I don't get so bored of my current copes that I have to resort to believing in theologism or mysticism, that's when you know it's actually time to rope.

>says we believe in a Chad in the sky

>won't read the evidence saying otherwise

well that's your decision buddy boyo
But I thought, subjective = unique to the opinion of an individual and objective = the same across all individuals. Like how we classify beauty here, it is objective because it has the same implications no matter who is viewing it. Perhaps this is an issue of definition?
That is right but when people say morality is objective in the context of religion they are usually trying to imply that is decided by god or some greater force than people.
That is right but when people say morality is objective in the context of religion they are usually trying to imply that is decided by god or some greater force than people.
Oh I understand now.
>says we believe in a Chad in the sky

>won't read the evidence saying otherwise

well that's your decision buddy boyo

Random """scripture""" by written by some faggot who lived in a hut in the forest isn't evidence for god. I think I would rather watch footage of my own shit swirl in the toilet bowl on loop for hours and find it more convincing. Still not a single word
Random """scripture""" by written by some faggot who lived in a hut in the forest isn't evidence for god. I think I would rather watch footage of my own shit swirl in the toilet bowl on loop for hours and find it more convincing. Still not a single word

You are coping HARDCORE right now. You are so triggered by religion that you can't even look at it. It's like you're a vampire screeching "GET THAT ACCURSED BOOK AWAY FROM ME RIGHT NOW!"

It's clear that you're thinking with your emotions and not with logic. Basically like a foid.
It's funny how incels on both sides get so passionate and emotional about this shit. Personally, I'm an atheist but honestly the percentage of atheists who are retards is about the same as the percentage of religious people who are retards. Whichever side you're on, if you think this is more important than inceldom then you're on the wrong site. An incel who believes in an imaginary being in the sky is still more my brother than an atheist sex-haver.

I don't participate in atheist forums because the vast majority of them are soyboy feminists who worship faggots like Bill Maher in the same way that Christians worship Jesus Christ. They treat atheism as if it's a religion itself, with saints to be worshipped and "sinners" (incels, anti-feminists, anti-homos, etc.) to be hated and thought of as their version of the devil. Also they only focus on Christianity and give other religions a free pass for extremely stupid shit (Judaism "muh chosen people," Islam "muh 72 virgins," Hinduism "muh cows are sacred," Sikhism "muh ceremonial dagger must be carried into courtrooms and airplanes," Buddhism "muh being a cuck and earning good karma will get me reincarnated as Chad in the next life," etc.)
It's funny how incels on both sides get so passionate and emotional about this shit. Personally, I'm an atheist but honestly the percentage of atheists who are retards is about the same as the percentage of religious people who are retards. Whichever side you're on, if you think this is more important than inceldom then you're on the wrong site. An incel who believes in an imaginary being in the sky is still more my brother than an atheist sex-haver.

I don't participate in atheist forums because the vast majority of them are soyboy feminists who worship faggots like Bill Maher in the same way that Christians worship Jesus Christ. They treat atheism as if it's a religion itself, with saints to be worshipped and "sinners" (incels, anti-feminists, anti-homos, etc.) to be hated and thought of as their version of the devil. Also they only focus on Christianity and give other religions a free pass for extremely stupid shit (Judaism "muh chosen people," Islam "muh 72 virgins," Hinduism "muh cows are sacred," Sikhism "muh ceremonial dagger must be carried into courtrooms and airplanes," Buddhism "muh being a cuck and earning good karma will get me reincarnated as Chad in the next life," etc.)
Exactly. This shows that humans need something to believe in. They might think that they have thrown away religion, but they will still believe stuff like horoscopes, palm readings, and other new age shit

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