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Blackpill The anti religious sentiment on this forum is cringe and bluepilled

believing in religion is bluepilled

God = Chad

Just spend your money and time on Chad and he will give you "meaning" in life bro! Aka being cucked. Going to church is like worshipping a foid on twitch who doesn't even acknowledge you the slightest. And you donating to a church or mosque or synagogue for any reason = donating to a whore's patreon
Just look at this post for example.

Firstly the poster is attributing a human characteristic to an infinitely higher entity which inevitably leads to the dense rant the proceeds that comment. You'd have a better chance of writing the number infinity.
JFL at letting a book control you. Literally pea brain to be heavily religious
Ah because there's no opposing forces to God.

People seem to always neglect the fact there's an enemy of God who's bringing confusion and turmoil into this world.
Plankton IQ. If god is an omnipotent being he could destroy any enemy without even having to process a thought, he’s supposedly all powerful ffs.
Okay so you'd side over normies over an incel BECAUSE OF A DISAGREEMENT IN A THREAD.

Holy shit there is so many things wrong with this on so many levels. ALL INCELS WHO DISAGREE WITH ME VALIDATE NORMIE'S JUDGEMENTS OF INCELS SO I'M GOING TO SHAME INCELS.

You are a literal fakecel.

I wasnt shaming incels you idiot. I was saying branding anyone who disagrees with you as "redditors" is retarded and gives this community a bad rep. Anyways, it seems like you didnt have a valid argument anyways.
You guys are beyond bluepilled.
I'm not sayingit's real, I'm saying it's our best option for removing hypergamy and enforcing gender roles.
Without religion you cannot persuade the average man to go against hypergamy, because the average Male will think that if he just lifts enough weights or gets enough money he will become Chad
Religion is a tool for us
You're saying we should utilize male delusion to society's benefit, since humans can rarely swallow the truth? That makes perfect sense. Meanwhile @OldIncel is hurling insults like a pea brained monkey.
JFL at letting a book control you. Literally pea brain to be heavily religious

Based. Id rather create my own religion to cope. Would be a 1000 times better than what we have.
Religion is literally a cope, your imaginary friends aren’t real
Exactly. You dont need religion to take away foid rights.
So how are ae supposed to take away females rights?
You anti religious morons are not thinking critically and looking at the broader picture.
Throughout history religion has been the only force that has allowed for control of females and the destruction of hypergamy.
On the other hand, any society that has implications low religiosity or full blown atheism has always lead to mass amounts of hypergamy and female freedom
I wasnt shaming incels you idiot. I was saying branding anyone who disagrees with you as "redditors" is retarded and gives this community a bad rep. Anyways, it seems like you didnt have a valid argument anyways.

The reason why I don't pull out actual arguments on topics like this is most people have already established opinions that cannot be changed. Any argument will entrench people into their already established opinions even further.

And fuck you for holding incels up to normie's standards on what is "good behavior" and what isn't. YOU ARE A BLUEPILLED COPER.
Plankton IQ. If god is an omnipotent being he could destroy any enemy without even having to process a thought, he’s supposedly all powerful ffs.
See once again you're using human logic to a Godly being.

Human logic. Time. Space. Laws of Physics. Do not apply to him, he transcends all that.

You're correct. I'm not even going to call you "low IQ" as a rebuttal because from a human POV, a being that is infinitely powerful can crush Satan in a blink of an eye, however this is God - how he thinks, what he does is not with human logic but an infinitely Godly wisdom.

I don't know his plan, but it supersedes our understanding and religion isn't about logical reasoning to everything, but also faith in something.

It wouldn't be religion if it could all be explained with science.
Just look at this post for example.

Firstly the poster is attributing a human characteristic to an infinitely higher entity which inevitably leads to the dense rant the proceeds that comment. You'd have a better chance of writing the number infinity.

Just look at this post for example.

Firstly the poster is attributing a human characteristic to an infinitely higher entity which inevitably leads to the dense rant the proceeds that comment. You'd have a better chance of writing the number infinity.

there is no entity higher than humans
The reason why I don't pull out actual arguments on topics like this is most people have already established opinions that cannot be changed. Any argument will entrench people into their already established opinions even further.

Not really. Ive changed my mind over many topics after discussions here. That is the very point of posting on this forum.
So how are ae supposed to take away females rights?
You anti religious morons are not thinking critically and looking at the broader picture.
Throughout history religion has been the only force that has allowed for control of females and the destruction of hypergamy.
On the other hand, any society that has implications low religiosity or full blown atheism has always lead to mass amounts of hypergamy and female freedom

To control hypergamy, you need to make laws that go against hypergamous behaviour. Foids who go for men outside their league must be penalized. Also slutshaming must be adopted by society on a mass scale.
Believe what you will. I have my faith, you have yours.

A close minded religious person. How very unique!
You're saying we should utilize male delusion to society's benefit, since humans can rarely swallow the truth? That makes perfect sense. Meanwhile @OldIncel is hurling insults like a pea brained monkey.
Exactly. I'm trying to explain that the use of religion is our best chance at ever destroying hypergamy and female power.
All societies that embrace low religiosity or atheism always lead to hypergamy and female empowerment.
These anti religious incels are delusional if they think they can somehow mass blackpill the Male population. Its unironically easier to make the Male population believe in religion
Not really. Ive changed my mind over many topics after discussions here. That is the very point of posting on this forum.

The reason why I compared you to redditors is your logic of why "religion is bad" exactly matched their reasoning. Redditors would say, "lmao a man up in the sky making up all of the rules and look at this fucked up world, a God could not have possibly created this world."

This is bluepilled normie thinking. If you really think about God, you would know that he would be vastly beyond us and that any judgement that we throw at his way would be pathetic as an ant telling us that we're low IQ for trampling it's anthill.
That happens any way with religion, since you just get a bunch of religions all pushing their own unique set of morals. There will always be differences in morality, religion or no religion really.

I mean the thing is, plenty of leftwingers are defenders of islam, which is a religion, so you can easily argue the same there really.
I think you missunderstood me, i wasn't talking about anyone pushing their own stuff(though yea, that's kinda the point of an ideology) i was saying that because there is nothing to limit one from defining what is morality under an atheist system, degeneracy will just keep on getting worse.
With religion(at least Islam) there are clear traditions and lines that will never go out of style, and as soon as someone attempts to bring in something disallowed by the religion, he is instantly silenced about it.
Other similar systems based on atheism, to me at least, look like ideological dead ends. Humans seem to be driven by an urge to worship things, hence why pretty much everyone worships something even today: God, women, money, looks you name it.
Believe what you will. I have my faith, you have yours.

So god made you black and you resent it, and you accept that? Why would god give you a shit incel life when you've done nothing wrong? Perhaps it was because of your bad personality as a sperm
To control hypergamy, you need to make laws that go against hypergamous behaviour. Foids who go for men outside their league must be penalized. Also slutshaming must be adopted by society on a mass scale.

A close minded religious person. How very unique!
And how would you grow support for these laws?
In a non religious society the population will just say "let everyone do whatever they want, it's not like theres a God or anything"
The reason why I compared you to redditors is your logic of why "religion is bad" exactly matched their reasoning. Redditors would say, "lmao a man up in the sky making up all of the rules and look at this fucked up world, a God could not have possibly created this world."

This is bluepilled normie thinking. If you really think about God, you would know that he would be vastly beyond us and that any judgement that we throw at his way would be pathetic as an ant telling us that we're low IQ for trampling it's anthill.

You need to stop associating atheism with redditors. While its true leftist soyboy types tend to be atheists, incels can be too. Believing in a god, imo, is quite bluepilled. The equivalent blackpill in this context would be that we're all by ourselves and there is no man in the sky who gives a flying fuck what happens to any one of us.
I'd say the old religious order coming back is more likely than you think.
Just look at America rn, theres like 30% unemployment and society is going into disaster mode. People will be looking for something that they can believe in that will save them

I’d say a war with China is the most likely outcome of that.
And how would you grow support for these laws?
In a non religious society the population will just say "let everyone do whatever they want, it's not like theres a God or anything"

For obvious reasons. Polygamous societies are known to become ultraviolet. To prevent this from happening, society would have to make laws to enforce monogamy.
This has been discussed before. You don't need to believe. Just larp. Utilise the same stupidity for your own benefit.
Jfl exactly. It’s what I’m doing to make friends. There is no god, and most people know it deep down. I’m LARPing with some Christian people to try and social circle maxx
The problem with religion is it only works if you can convince people God actually exists and will punish them for not obeying. If someone does not believe in god, it loses its power. In my opinion that's a pretty thin ground for a moral system to stand on in its own right.

Good point. Religion works by delusionmaxxing.
You need to stop associating atheism with redditors. While its true leftist soyboy types tend to be atheists, incels can be too. Believing in a god, imo, is quite bluepilled. The equivalent blackpill in this context would be that we're all by ourselves and there is no man in the sky who gives a flying fuck what happens to any one of us.

The irony of incels using the soyboy archetype for atheists when I bet he hates normies using the fatass braziliansigma soyboy archetype for incels who "need to shower and get a haircut"
You need to stop associating atheism with redditors. While its true leftist soyboy types tend to be atheists, incels can be too. Believing in a god, imo, is quite bluepilled. The equivalent blackpill in this context would be that we're all by ourselves and there is no man in the sky who gives a flying fuck what happens to any one of us.

Believing in God is actually more blackpilled because it leaves us with very tough things to explain. "Why would God allow incels to exist? Why is this the way it is?"

Bluepilled is just saying, "Wow this world sucks! Proof that God doesn't exist!" You're taking things at face value rather than actually thinking it through.
Prove to me that God exists
Believing in God is actually more blackpilled because it leaves us with very tough things to explain. "Why would God allow incels to exist? Why is this the way it is?"

Bluepilled is just saying, "Wow this world sucks! Proof that God doesn't exist!" You're taking things at face value rather than actually thinking it through.

I never said god doesnt exist because "This world sucks". That is a stupid argument because the world is subjective. Truth has to be objective. Some men have it extremely good and most dont.

One can argue that if there is a god, hes a clueless faggot for making it so bad for the majority of men. But thats not my argument. Mine is more evidence based.
For obvious reasons. Polygamous societies are known to become ultraviolet. To prevent this from happening, society would have to make laws to enforce monogamy.
You are not thinking about this logically. Please try to understand.
In a non religious democratic society this is what would happen.
50% of the population (females) will be instantly opposed to the law since it will take away their ability to fuck chads.
20% of the Male population (chads) will be opposed since the law will stop them from slaying.
And then at the very least you will also have maybe 60% of the Male population (bluepilled copers) who will be against ths law because they will think that if they lift weight or get money they can become chads.
So at the most you will have 20% of the Male population (incels/blackpillers) supporting the law.
These laws will obviously never be able to be passed like this
Religion is giga cope.
The problem with religion is it only works if you can convince people God actually exists and will punish them for not obeying. If someone does not believe in god, it loses its power. In my opinion that's a pretty thin ground for a moral system to stand on in its own right.
Honestly i don't think so lol, i have seen many atheists that have a problem with the Qur'an saying that those who have knowledge of the religion but disbelieve in it anyways will go to hell. And i always found that funny honestly, if you don't believe in my "flying spaghetti monster" as they put it, why do you care that you are going to hell? And if you DO care and think there is a hell, why didn't you join us? The doors are wide open for pretty much every type of human being.
You are not thinking about this logically. Please try to understand.
In a non religious democratic society this is what would happen.
50% of the population (females) will be instantly opposed to the law since it will take away their ability to fuck chads.
20% of the Male population (chads) will be opposed since the law will stop them from slaying.
And then at the very least you will also have maybe 60% of the Male population (bluepilled copers) who will be against ths law because they will think that if they lift weight or get money they can become chads.
So at the most you will have 20% of the Male population (incels/blackpillers) supporting the law.
These laws will obviously never be able to be passed like this

I dont understand your point. Are you saying you need religion to brainwash people so foids can be kept on a leash? Thats not possible now. Foids have realized religion would keep their hypergamy on check.
I never said god doesnt exist because "This world sucks". That is a stupid argument because the world is subjective. Truth has to be objective. Some men have it extremely good and most dont.

One can argue that if there is a god, hes a clueless faggot for making it so bad for the majority of men. But thats not my argument. Mine is more evidence based.

Btw I'm sorry if I was annoying earlier in the thread. I just find it funny when atheists think they're "enlightened" beyond the average person. They are insufferable with their self-righteousness.

If you aren't one of those atheists then I apologize. If you are one of those atheists, I hope you die in a terrible manner soon.
Btw I'm sorry if I was annoying earlier in the thread. I just find it funny when atheists think they're "enlightened" beyond the average person. They are insufferable with their self-righteousness.

If you aren't one of those atheists then I apologize. If you are one of those atheists, I hope you die in a terrible manner soon.

I do find it quite suprising how the atheist movement has become filled with leftist cucks and foids. Its removed religion and replaced it with extreme levels of degeneracy.
I just find it funny when atheists think they're "enlightened" beyond the average person. They are insufferable with their self-righteousness.
Yea i hate people like that with a passion too.
I do find it quite suprising how the atheist movement has become filled with leftist cucks and foids. Its removed religion and replaced it with extreme levels of degeneracy.

My opinion is that's the end result of atheism. If you have no guidelines to define morality and you leave it up to society to make up the rules... It's gonna be a wild ride.
My opinion is that's the end result of atheism. If you have no guidelines to define morality and you leave it up to society to make up the rules... It's gonna be a wild ride.

You might be right, but i still cant beleive in something if i know its not true (even if it serves a purpose).
what god would put a subhuman like me through this life of torment
I dont understand your point. Are you saying you need religion to brainwash people so foids can be kept on a leash? Thats not possible now. Foids have realized religion would keep their hypergamy on check.
Your acting like you cannot brainwash females from birth with religion.
All youd need to do is get the majority of men on board and then the females will begin to follow too.
My main point however is that religion is the best chance we have at destroying hypergamy. I dont know how you think you would accomplish that without religion
Believing in God is actually more blackpilled because it leaves us with very tough things to explain. "Why would God allow incels to exist? Why is this the way it is?"

Bluepilled is just saying, "Wow this world sucks! Proof that God doesn't exist!" You're taking things at face value rather than actually thinking it through.

Believing in religion is almost exactly a 1:1 analogue to believing bluepill, it's quite mind boggling you can believe one and not the other, unless you're actually bluepilled, and not blackpilled.

"Just worship god more" = "Just improve your personality"
"Just submit yourself to god bro" = "Just let Chad cuck you bro"
"Donate to the church for nothing in return" = "Donate to patreon whores for nothing in return"
"So and so happened because you sinned" = "She rejected you because you didn't shower"
"Just wait until god shows you the way and wait for salvation bro" = "Just be nice and you'll eventually get a gf bro"

None of these things are true if you believe blackpill which is based on what actually happens, not what normies and foids virtue signal. Religion is essentially the same thing, extreme virtue signal. And before another one of you copes and says that religion gave structure to society, I don't disagree with that at all, but that has nothing to do with the acutal existence and worship of god, and more about how people threatened low level people and cultivated power and status back then, which was high IQ. But that has already been largely been replaced by pure status of money and wealth.
So god made you black and you resent it, and you accept that? Why would god give you a shit incel life when you've done nothing wrong? Perhaps it was because of your bad personality as a sperm
God made me black.

Human nature made me resent it.

In a the perfect Godly made world, me being black wouldn't cause me any strife, I'd feel happy being ethnic. Me being ugly wouldn't make me wish of dying everyday, it's human standards of physical beauty (particularly women's) that have caused it.

I say this with sincerity, there's a lot of members of this forum who in a sane world would be in a LTR with a foid who genuinely is attracted to them, but thanks to a "God of the world" (media), it's corrupted women to think they need to sleep with as many Chad's as they can. Traits such as a "stay at home wife" is "oppressive".

This world is going to get a lot worse the longer we make Man made objects/people our Gods.
God made me black.

Human nature made me resent it.

In a the perfect Godly made world, me being black wouldn't cause me any strife, I'd feel happy being ethnic. Me being ugly wouldn't make me wish of dying everyday, it's human standards of physical beauty (particularly women's) that have caused it.

I say this with sincerity, there's a lot of members of this forum who in a sane world would be in a LTR with a foid who genuinely is attracted to them, but thanks to a "God of the world" (media), it's corrupted women to think they need to sleep with as many Chad's as they can. Traits such as a "stay at home wife" is "oppressive".

This world is going to get a lot worse the longer we make Man made objects/people our Gods.

Black people existed before you, if god loved you then he would have just made you white.
That's probably more just a general disagreement with the concept of punishing someone for not believing something without evidence more than anything, rather than them having a genuine fear of it.
Correct me if im wrong, but before Muhammed came along arabs were mostly beyond stubborn people who fought eachother and who's only future was that they would be nomads, correct? I would say imo, that that fact alone is ample evidence for the religious system over an atheist, the second being the book itself.
Also the problem with what people consider evidence is the fact that they treat the Qur'an as if it were a scientific textbook, and not rulebook and guide to life.
I've had my own personal experience with being brought up religious, in a fairly strong and controlling religion, and honestly found them no better than anyone else
See that's the thing, you blame the religion for how PEOPLE are. There will always be retards in society, let's get that out the way instantly, but with religion people have an actual reason to be good to eachother. Now of course in these times it's very hard to be good to people, but then again i doubt you live in a country that heavily focuses on religion. Whether or not God is real isn't even relevant here, a religious society always has a reason to keep their chin up and keep going, to at least attempt to do good. Atheism on the other hand, will always promote the exact opposite:
"Why should i care that x is in misery, fuck him i gotta worry for myself"
And a thing we see even here on our forums way too often: People having fuckall reasons to live.
Simply put, religion just has a better foundation not just for life, but for society as a whole, irrelevant if it's true or not.
Black people existed before you, if god loved you then he would have just made you white.
I bet their lives were shit as well.

Since the dawn of time (exacerbated by the media), caucasian features has been painted as the idealistic standards of beauty (white skin halo).

I know God loves me, but he never assured my life on this earth would be easy, because the gift that awaits me is far greater than anything on earth.

That's why I don't care about dying. Being black makes me want to cry everytime I look in the mirror, but I just remind myself that eventually all this will be over. I don't know whether I'll end up speeding up my death-date or whether I'll cope until it happens.
Black people existed before you, if god loved you then he would have just made you white.
I bet their lives were shit as well.

Since the dawn of time (exacerbated by the media), caucasian features has been painted as the idealistic standards of beauty (white skin halo).

I know God loves me, but he never assured my life on this earth would be easy, because the gift that awaits me is far greater than anything on earth.

That's why I don't care about dying. Being black makes me want to cry everytime I look in the mirror, but I just remind myself that eventually all this will be over. I don't know whether I'll end up speeding up my death-date or whether I'll cope until it happens.
It is said that God divided the peoples of mankind into different areas of land to keep them from eachother.
So by gods plan he would have never even seen a white person and thus would not have any problem with his race
would have had their own religions rather than being atheists
They did, but it was limited to statue worshiping or something IIRC. Point is a man finally managed to unite a stubborn people into an actual nation, rather then just tribes. Given the context of the peninsula, it's an outright miracle.
Atheists be like my granpda posted on this site
Istockphoto 143921954 612x612
Believing in religion is almost exactly a 1:1 analogue to believing bluepill, it's quite mind boggling you can believe one and not the other, unless you're actually bluepilled, and not blackpilled.

"Just worship god more" = "Just improve your personality"
"Just submit yourself to god bro" = "Just let Chad cuck you bro"
"Donate to the church for nothing in return" = "Donate to patreon whores for nothing in return"
"So and so happened because you sinned" = "She rejected you because you didn't shower"
"Just wait until god shows you the way and wait for salvation bro" = "Just be nice and you'll eventually get a gf bro"

None of these things are true if you believe blackpill which is based on what actually happens, not what normies and foids virtue signal. Religion is essentially the same thing, extreme virtue signal. And before another one of you copes and says that religion gave structure to society, I don't disagree with that at all, but that has nothing to do with the acutal existence and worship of god, and more about how people threatened low level people and cultivated power and status back then, which was high IQ. But that has already been largely been replaced by pure status of money and wealth.
Belive as you wish or don't, but attempting to equate a human being to what is a transcendental one is pretty stupid.
To an extent, although the tribalism has never really gone away entirely, it's why the region is to this day still utterly fucked. I feel it was more people rallying around and influential leader than anything, a bit like Alexander the Great and how he made Greece great but then it all fell apart once he died.
That's a whole other can of worms, too many factors go into why everything played out the way it did for both Alexander and Muhammad.
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