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Venting The agepill is going to kill me.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 60
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Deleted member 60

Deleted member 60

Nov 7, 2017
I just saw a clip of a TV show I watched in the early 2000s and it almost made me cry. Can't believe it's been 18 years. Where did my life go?

I can't help but think about all the people who were a part of my childhood. I wish I got the opportunity to say goodbye to them. I wish I could meet them again just to tell them how much they meant to me. Those were the best years of my life, the only time I was truly happy. The sad part is I know the feelings aren't mutual. They probably wouldn't even remember me. They've all moved on with their lives while I've been stuck in the same place forever.

It took years to build those relationships. I haven't been able to connect with anyone like that since I started high school a decade ago. "Friends" are nothing more than accessories in the age of social media. All of them are disposable, including the ones I have now. They could drop dead and I wouldn't feel a thing. I still remember how empty I felt on graduation night while everyone else was turning on the waterworks. The only people I really missed were a couple of my teachers. It's crazy how so many of those kids are still in contact with each other...

Anyway, I feel like I lost everyone who mattered. The few who stayed in my life became enemies or we simply grew apart. It also really hurts to see all the people you looked up to as a child become everything you hate about the world. Like there were girls I had a crush as a kid and now I see them openly talking about the most degenerate shit you can think of. It's even worse when it hits close to home, like with my older siblings/cousins. All those folks who were supposed to be good role models were never really about that life. They were all hypocrites, doing the exact opposite of what they preached.

idk what else to say. I'm tired of dealing with people and their lies. I was fed so much bullshit as a kid that I can't cope with reality. I feel like the only constant in a world that never stops changing.
Saying it's over is an understatement, the further forward in time you get the more over it is. It never gets better, there is no light at the end of the tunnel, there isn't even a constant state of shittiness for long periods if time because it keeps managing to get worse and worse.
Saying it's over is an understatement, the further forward in time you get the more over it is. It never gets better, there is no light at the end of the tunnel, there isn't even a constant state of shittiness for long periods if time because it keeps managing to get worse and worse.
I'm actually tearing up right now. It's like every positive memory I have is contaminated.
I'm actually tearing up right now. It's like every positive memory I have is contaminated.
They say every negative experience a person has is interpreted by our brain as being several times more significant than a positive one, so basically it takes a few positive experiences to make up for a negative one. As an incel your life has probably been mostly negative experiences, and the good memories you have will never add up to it.
Agepill is one of the toughest pills to swallow. When you think about all the things you missed out on when you were still young, living carefree, rent free etc. It really makes you want to kys. Now you gotta be a big boy now, got bills to pay, jobs to do. Not to mention most women are jaded and if they're not still on the cock carousel, they're looking for a beta buck doormat who she'll maybe give sex once a month. This is our future if we even make it that far :feelscry::feelsrope:
Agepill is one of the toughest pills to swallow. When you think about all the things you missed out on when you were still young, living carefree, rent free etc. It really makes you want to kys. Now you gotta be a big boy now, got bills to pay, jobs to do. Not to mention most women are jaded and if they're not still on the cock carousel, they're looking for a beta buck doormat who she'll maybe give sex once a month. This is our future if we even make it that far :feelscry::feelsrope:
yeah I want to die.
Agepill is going to kill a lot of us
This post hit me very hard because this is so true. "childhood was paradise" the only time I was happy was in my childhood so before age 12. I had a best friend I met in daycare yes daycare we were about 3 years old and we instantly became best friends and we had so wonderful experiences and adventures together we did everything together, we had play dates almost every day and were inseparable I realized at age 11 that we no longer were best friends and had drifted apart his name is Daniel and I miss him so much.

I can so relate to wanting to tell how I feel about him I often daydreamed about if I ran into him on my usual walks in my hometown back when I had my car a few months back and when I drove out to my childhood town I would hope I ran into him and just imagined asking him if he ever misses his childhood and the wonderful times we had together I still am considering maybe asking him this over a Facebook message before I rope because even though we never speak I am sure he still can admit how good of a childhood we had together playing with Beyblade, Yugi-Oh and Dragonball Ball Z, Pokemon all the good stuff siiigh...I really miss my magnificent childhood and I will never experience it again, life peaked as a child and after the peak it can only go downhill from there and boy how it have been a long way down.

And of course as it is now December it hits me so hard how little I am able to feel there is no Christmas spirit at all that last spark died out many years ago and it makes me so sad when I think back to the true happiness and magical wonders of experiencing Christmas as a child I had so many Christmas adventures and December lasted so incredibly long because I was so excited for Christmas Eve to get presents and of course I got smaller presents in my stockings every day so I was very excited for every single day of December. One of my happiest times of my childhood was on Christmas Eve (24th in Denmark) and my dad had dressed up as Santa Claus as he did every year and got us presents and me and my brothers truly believed it was the real Santa Claus I remember when I got my first Nintendo GameBoy Color with the Pokemon Silver gen 2 game from "Santa Claus" I was so happy and I can still remember how amazing a time I had that night starting up this amazing game, it was the best game I have ever played in my entire life I just had such a good time playing that game with my brothers and friends while we had our own GameBoy to play on.

Sorry to go on a rant on your thread but when people bring up nostalgia I can´t help it, it just takes me back to a simpler time of true happiness and ignorant bliss a world of pure paradise where the only job was to have the most fun we could possibly have, damn I miss my childhood so much now I am just an empty shell of what I once was..
David Gandy  3249657b
You're lucky to still have a childhood of happiness. Cherish those memories.

I don't have that luxury. My parents were physically and verbally abusive. They ruled me with fear thank God I'm away from them!

Only thing that stopped me from reporting them to child services was the possibility I'd be transferred to a foster home with pedophile foster parents who would be worse than my parents.
I cant believe its december already :feelsrope:
I'm dead inside and have no dreams left in life despite trying hard to find something to live for.
I just wish I could have one of those bittersweet series finale moments in my life. :cryfeels:
Normies get to have them all the time when they graduate, move out, get married, etc.
No one will ever hold back tears for me.
Your post destroyed me
Wow dude. This hits home.

I often say high school were the worst years of my life, and they were. I was viciously bullied every day and wanted to die but I had a few very good friends. A few people that were also bullied and we stuck together. We had some good times together but now it’s all gone. I have no one. It fucking hurts man.
This is one of the most lethal blackpills, sallow this and in one way or another some part of you will die wheather that be a finite amount of hope you thought you had, or an entire ability to not to absolutely hate anyone without your struggles. From that point on, all it takes is a bad two hours to bring out a rabid dog coming to a realisation that us humans aren't hung up by the strings of rationality but the sum of our instinctual desires to ensure our not well aknowledged primitive way of going about the security of our survival.
Time is running out tbh
You mean to tell me you guys weren't born bitter, misogynistic, and TOXICZ?


"So why did you just randomly decide to become those things, which is the reason you are incel, since it can't be your looks?!?!?" - IT.
Saying it's over is an understatement, the further forward in time you get the more over it is. It never gets better, there is no light at the end of the tunnel, there isn't even a constant state of shittiness for long periods if time because it keeps managing to get worse and worse.

Brutal Blackpill :blackpill:

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