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Blackpill The ACTUAL reasons why we are hated

How do I escape this? My apartment is so cold, so meaningless, tell me how to escape it
That's also why they hate foids more than we do.
Incels don't hate women ffs

Why would we hate them

Goal for most incels is getting a girlfriend, wtf would you date a gender you hated?
Very high IQ, but i think you missed one: the fact that women aren't allowed on incel communities. Modern feminist society absolutely hates safe spaces for (loser) males like this one. It's why they used to be so obsessed with gaming being a "boys only club" and shit like that
Anyone can lie about their gender when registering.
Anyone can lie about their gender when registering.
That is true, but they can't openly reveal they are female and that's what triggers them.
Incels don't hate women ffs

Why would we hate them

Goal for most incels is getting a girlfriend, wtf would you date a gender you hated?
I hate them for bullying me in school and destroying my self-esteem at a young age.
To be fair I was never bullied (when I was a teenager) by women. It was only men. women back then didn't care much about me either way, I can't remember a single time one of them laughed at me. Only other men made that kind of jokes.
Yeah for me it was mostly other men trying to keep me down due to sexual competition with foids, I have had a few mean words from foids but not enough since I could not interact with them enough and trying to do that would be pointless, I think it is most brutal with foids if your face is hideous
It’ll take less than 15 minutes to create an account, write the most painfully obvious “w0men baD, r1pe g0od” bait thread in a bad light, screenshot it, post it on r/inceltear, push the ‘incels deserve all the hate they receive because they’re not good people’ narrative in your favor, and then proceed to self-righteously crown yourself as the morally superior opponent in a completely imaginary battle against imaginary enemies who’ve been deemed the most evil entity in your world.

But why would anyone do all of this? What’s the motive behind all this heinous shit? What would they achieve in the end?

Well, there’s plenty but I categorized a few main ones.

1. It is politically correct

That is the #1 reason. In spite of the fact that the term incel itself represents a wide variety of men with different struggles and beliefs, they all fall under the same category: men who refuse to pedestalize and mindlessly cherish women, ergo anti-women, therefore anti-progressive, anti-woke, etc.

Coupled with this, there really is no downside in being the most patronizing sadist imaginable who enjoys kicking the ones that are already down all while pretentiously masquerading as the holier than thou know-it-all “good guy” in good faith on the internet. In fact, it’s a very good midwit fun.

2. Virgin-shaming has become socially acceptable on account of two things

1. You’re living in a paradigm in which sexual abstinence and chastity are perceived as orthodoxically amoral, outdated, and close-minded due to how they reputedly “control women” and are supposedly governed by patriarchy; in light of this, women unconsciously opt for freedom by being as sexually active, uninhibited and promiscuous as humanly possible (they’d rather guzzle on birth controls religiously than to remain celibate for a day, that I can guarantee you). And so, figuratively speaking, this sort of hatred can manifest itself and little by little, being virgin is among THE WORST things you can possibly ever be in a woman’s book, which can relatively explain why this forum is abundant in teenagers with the peer pressure of losing their virginity.

2. It’s easy to bully the victim. If being virgin is considered a loser in favor of women's liberty, then the losers must be kept in check. A story as old as time, the social outcast must be punished rather than provided with the necessary help and support, all so the “winners” can continue building. Nothing new. Plus, it’s always fun for the Plebeian family to look down on someone or something. It gives them a false sense of hope, or that common feeling that they should be grateful forwhy it could’ve always been worse.

3. Ugliness is the common enemy

That is to presume that the average member of this community is somewhat facially repulsive and physically unattractive. But just generally speaking, human beings gravitate towards pristine beauty. It’s intrinsic and by all odds, there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. Your biological imperative is 100% dictated by sexual dimorphism and how the greatest of genes only get to propagate, and so naturally, the lower ends of the gene pool must perish, one way or another. The infamous “I know a legendary 4’11 (it keeps getting shorter and shorter with these people) balding Indian janitor who walks around the jungle and fucks like rams” is an invalid argument, for which it’s not complying with the objective beauty standards placed on men and anomalies are to be expected in every rule + other factors can potentially come into play.

4. Blackpill and how it contradicts the just world fallacy

This community is centered around the idea that your fate’s been more or less sealed the moment you were born and people refuse to accept it, simply because A. They take it to an extreme length. B. Exceptions apply and C. It’s easier to live a comforting lie than to face the facts of an unbearable world, and if one were to suggest the existence of such, they’re bound to be abruptly attacked out of emotional outrage. Simple as. People have to keep faith in order to keep on chugging. What would be the point of life if you suddenly became cognizant of the fact that being a “good” person means absolutely nothing in a world in which materialistic values are rampant? Then everything will just become pointless, and you’ll be left with no incentives to properly function and contribute to society in a healthy manner since nothing will be guaranteed anymore.

And I think lastly, it’s very, VERY, hard and challenging to relate to this community, purely because most people are average, if not striving to become above average-looking and overall, normies don’t tend to take kindly to outsiders or those who’re judged as abnormal. We should never, EVER, aim for providing a community to these people. We should (gate)keep them AWAY, not invite them in our “cause” or whatever stupid shit the glows and autists on here would want you to believe.
Mostly because of female nature .
Very accurate, especially how we're an easy target for people to just virgin shame, but that brings into question, why do it? I wouldn't crush a bug minding it's own business, why bother mocking and shaming those who are deemed inferior already?

Also, IT won't touch this
Always wondered this myself, I guess its because they feel they are fighting some sort of perceived 'evil' where the evil inkwells (verbally) attack (in)perfect women, all for a crumb of poosay.

After all the time I have spent in the bp space as a whole, I burst into laughter whenever generic advice is spit at those who have been doing the best they can with the hands they have been dealt with their whole lives yet they still get mocked for things that are largely out of their control.
1) Because we are man. and high T and based

2) Because we are not chads.

3) Because many of us are either Invisible or too ugly and repulsive.

4) Because we are not cuck and simps.
Honestly, one of the main things I hate about being incel is how everyone thinks you're a creep based on the sole fact that you just can't find love. Like they just outright assume that you are some kind of rapist and belong on some kind of watchlist while in reality you're just ugly/ not NT.

Another thing I really hate is when they try to gaslight you into thinking that "you aren't trying hard enough" or spout retarded bluepill sayings like "just approach her bro" or something along the lines of "Things don't happen for a reason, someday the right one will come to you".
Very based.

The hatred of incels is also a consequence of the culture of foid worship we have today. It goes something like this:
  1. Foids are amazing, angelic creatures of pure benevolence and beauty. Everyone is lucky to be in their presence;
  2. Foids control who has sex;
  3. If these amazing humans are not giving you sex, it must be because you're the most vile and evil beings to walk this earth, therefore you must be hated for your entire existence.
There is no "maybe women's standards are really unrealistic", no introspection nor reflection whatsoever.
My University has so many safe spaces, but when we try to create our own safe space we're shamed for it.
The mere fact this site, and incels in general, are critical of women and speak about FACTS such as blackpill, is already enough to get them to hate incels.
Make no mistake... if it was legal to kill incels, those fucking normies would be hunting us like rabbits
We are hated because we are ugly and autistic.
and at the same time female '#safe havens'' and female only societies/ groups are endorsed and supported everywhere in soyciety. Last week there was a female only cruise of some half important female politicians from one of the major poltical parties here, perfectly justified, but you could never in ur wildest dreams imagine a male version of this. I hate this double standart that is so typical of females.
I hate them for bullying me in school and destroying my self-esteem at a young age.
Most bullies are male. girls don't bully incels in general because for them we're invisible during teenage years lol, can't bully what you can't see
Most bullies are male. girls don't bully incels in general because for them we're invisible during teenage years lol, can't bully what you can't see
Teachers hated me, so the foids Bully me to curry favor with the teacher.
It’ll take less than 15 minutes to create an account, write the most painfully obvious “w0men baD, r1pe g0od” bait thread in a bad light, screenshot it, post it on r/inceltear, push the ‘incels deserve all the hate they receive because they’re not good people’ narrative in your favor, and then proceed to self-righteously crown yourself as the morally superior opponent in a completely imaginary battle against imaginary enemies who’ve been deemed the most evil entity in your world.

But why would anyone do all of this? What’s the motive behind all this heinous shit? What would they achieve in the end?

Well, there’s plenty but I categorized a few main ones.

1. It is politically correct

That is the #1 reason. In spite of the fact that the term incel itself represents a wide variety of men with different struggles and beliefs, they all fall under the same category: men who refuse to pedestalize and mindlessly cherish women, ergo anti-women, therefore anti-progressive, anti-woke, etc.

Coupled with this, there really is no downside in being the most patronizing sadist imaginable who enjoys kicking the ones that are already down all while pretentiously masquerading as the holier than thou know-it-all “good guy” in good faith on the internet. In fact, it’s a very good midwit fun.

To be quite blunt, I would change "politically correct" to "politically acceptable". It is NOT CORRECT. It's down right despicable but it's acceptable behavior against our kind.
We are hated for speaking the truth

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