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JFL That 16 year old foid I posted earlier was actually 12.

I told about precisely that a while ago. Her mother basically controls how her underage daughter exposes herself in public. Imagine, just imagine if a man did this kind of shit.
They live through their daughters, want to relive being whores
The last person to use this word was banned. You're treading dangerously close to infiltration, just so you know.
:feelskek: Buddy boyo you don't even know me. You think, at this age, a KHHV incel like me would gaf about the threats of a bunch of edgy pedo-wannabe kids on an obscure forum on the internet? Well, with all due respect, let's turn up the heat and test your hypothesis, shall we?

I @Caesercel , having full conscious over my words, hereby proclaim that @tulasdanslos is actually a full raging P E D O P H I L E who faps vigorously, 4 times a day, to his 10 TB collection of BDSM Lolicon.

I won't even bother tagging the mods, I'll have mah pet pussies do it 4 me.
She is a couple years younger in the pics posted in the current thread tbh, has to be.
I was thinking the same. If she is the same age she is def not the same girl.
Bluepillers: 113

A big part of the attractiveness of younger women is the innocence, purity, awkwardness, shyness. By being so exposed, acting like this, and probably calculating already for a career she has already lost some of this even before taking Chad dicks.
Can a girl have a thousand cock stare before she even has seen one? Maybe trough things like this.

BTW I don't know which pictures you had post here before, but she doesn't look like 16 on IG.
:feelskek: Buddy boyo you don't even know me. You think, at this age, a KHHV incel like me would gaf about the threats of a bunch of edgy pedo-wannabe kids on an obscure forum on the internet? Well, with all due respect, let's turn up the heat and test your hypothesis, shall we?

I @Caesercel , having full conscious over my words, hereby proclaim that @tulasdanslos is actually a full raging P E D O P H I L E who faps vigorously, 4 times a day, to his 10 TB collection of BDSM Lolicon.

I won't even bother tagging the mods, I'll have mah pet pussies do it 4 me.

I was thinking the same. If she is the same age she is def not the same girl.
God fucking damn it. I lost the battle of wits I started!
BTW I don't know which pictures you had post here before, but she doesn't look like 16 on IG.
He posted the most mature lookin one's where she pops her ass out from a side frame, hiding part of her front body and bust . Even I didn't think she looked 16, more like 14-15ish. But if the girl you saw on IG was the same one as his then this entire thing was a misdirection to begin with.
God fucking damn it. I lost the battle of wits I started!
JFL anythin' for the fun:feelsYall:
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He posted the most mature lookin one's where she pops her ass out from a side frame, hiding part of her front body and bust . Even I didn't think she looked 16, more like 14-15ish. But if the girl you saw on IG was the same one as his then this entire thing was a misdirection to begin with.
i posted one pic where you could see her from front, she was wearing a Christmas hat in it.

in fact she was 12 i that pic, but the previous year took the pic in the same outfit and looked the same at age 11
The problem with girls that young is that they're just too small imo. Regardless, I try to avoid thinking about it. No point in engaging with and strengthening sexual feelings which can't be legally indulged in, seems to be doing little more than harming yourself.

Of course for people like us, excessively thinking about sex at all outside of fapping is pretty much harming ourselves.
Not always the case, my 11 year old sister is "bigger" than my 16 year old sister and even my mom.
i posted one pic where you could see her from front, she was wearing a Christmas hat in it.

in fact she was 12 i that pic, but the previous year took the pic in the same outfit and looked the same at age 11

She is attractive here imo, but with the IG pics she is too young, feel nothing towards them tbh.
her mother is sexualizing her on insta,propably wanna make her hollywood famous and get money out of her,i saw her q&a and she was uncomfortable as fuck
on the other hand you posting her as 16 for some kind of expirement to prove what exactly?
i posted one pic where you could see her from front, she was wearing a Christmas hat in it.

in fact she was 12 i that pic, but the previous year took the pic in the same outfit and looked the same at age 11
Numbers don't mean shit. If you show me something where she almost passes for freshman year then proceed to fap to her regular pre-school looking self then my approval to her attractiveness wouldn't count for shit.

She is attractive here imo, but with the IG pics she is too young, feel nothing towards them tbh.

if she is 12 here, she is def ready for breeding. only problem is she is very skinny, which is likely due to her diet
I have no context for the op, but I googled and she looks like a damn child. What idiot thought she was 16?

she looks older than 13 here now Im confused.
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Numbers don't mean shit. If you show me something where she almost passes for freshman year then proceed to fap to her regular pre-school looking self then my approval to her attractiveness wouldn't count for shit.
i actually haven't fapped to her because her pics aren't slutty enough
i'm being serious.

she isn't wearing thong bikinis or even booty shorts

yoga pants is the sluttiest but those don't show flesh
lmao what difference does it make

if anything it makes me look less bad.

and i ain't telling people IRL about this, i know better than that
I honestly don't think .co is any safer than irl
lmao what difference does it make

if anything it makes me look less bad.

and i ain't telling people IRL about this, i know better than that
Confessing your attraction to her isn't anything close to the same thing as saying that you'd act upon it. I mean if someone did intend to do that, then why would they admit the attraction in the first place, especially on a public forum?
I honestly don't think .co is any safer than irl
why? its an anonymous obscure forum
Confessing your attraction to her isn't anything close to the same thing as saying that you'd act upon it. I mean if someone did intend to do that, then why would they admit the attraction in the first place, especially on a public forum?
so which is better?

saying i do jerk off to her or not?
How about just...….NO
do whatever. This place is not rl, but its filled with people from rl. Many of whom would quite reasonably find this entire thing sickening. Just that they cannot ostracize you the same way rl people would cuz different context. But be ready to be called out, just like any homo, tranny or bluepiller would be.
How about just...….NO
do whatever. This place is not rl, but its filled with people from rl. Many of whom would quite reasonably find this entire thing sickening. Just that they cannot ostracize you the same way rl people would cuz different context. But be ready to be called out, just like any homo, tranny or bluepiller would be.
the only reasoning they find it "sickening" is because of how they were raised and brainwashed.

for thousands of years girls were married off at age 11-13, it was a very normal thing.

and now suddenly some stupid feminists think they can change what is "proper", fuck them. @Billowel
the only reasoning they find it "sickening" is because of how they were raised and brainwashed.
A lot things we are raised to believe are there for a reason.
for thousands of years girls were married off at age 11-13, it was a very normal thing.
acceptable yes, but not common.
and now suddenly some stupid feminists think they can change what is "proper", fuck them. @Billowel
Not sexualizing 11 year old children goes beyond feminism. If anything, they are doing more to sexualize kids as fair game.
the only reasoning they find it "sickening" is because of how they were raised and brainwashed.

for thousands of years girls were married off at age 11-13, it was a very normal thing.

and now suddenly some stupid feminists think they can change what is "proper", fuck them. @Billowel
Well you have a point but don't you think cops won't make a distinction what was moral then and what now when they come to question you.
Well you have a point but don't you think cops won't make a distinction what was moral then and what now when they come question you.
cops are going to question me? i didn't post anything illegal buddy boyo. I don't look at child porn and I have zero intents of approaching girls under the age of consent.

and the word you're looking for isn't "moral", it's "Socially acceptable"
cops are going to question me? i didn't post anything illegal buddy boyo. I don't look at child porn and I have zero intents of approaching girls under the age of consent.
This, jfl. Let them come, I've done nothing illegal either.

See this is the problem right here, simply admitting you feel attraction to a girl is suspect, even if it's completely natural to feel that way.
Damn 12 that's perfect, I apologise for saying she's too old for me okay
i remember at about that age 12-13 some classmates had gf and bf already showing their condoms to us even. some foids had large tits already at 12-13. at that age you get horny hell i remember masturbating before 12.
the only reasoning they find it "sickening" is because of how they were raised and brainwashed.

for thousands of years girls were married off at age 11-13, it was a very normal thing.

and now suddenly some stupid feminists think they can change what is "proper", fuck them. @Billowel

it was also moral to burn witches at the stake. Whats your point? Can we not evolve?
it was also moral to burn witches at the stake. Whats your point? Can we not evolve?
lmao keep coping with that shitty comparison
i remember at about that age 12-13 some classmates had gf and bf already showing their condoms to us even. some foids had large tits already at 12-13. at that age you get horny hell i remember masturbating before 12.
cops are going to question me? i didn't post anything illegal buddy boyo. I don't look at child porn and I have zero intents of approaching girls under the age of consent.

and the word you're looking for isn't "moral", it's "Socially acceptable"
No, I just think it is really unnecessary to even say something like that, like if you want to fap to a given underage girl or not. Even if it's not illegal it doesn't mean cops don't pay attention to stuff like that. And when ("if" I should say, as I agree that this is very unlikely) they come, it is basically game over because you certainly don't want to defend yourself against these accusations before your family, friends, community, etc
No, I just think it is really unnecessary to even say something like that, like if you want to fap to a given underage girl or not. Even if it's not illegal it doesn't mean cops don't pay attention to stuff like that. And when ("if" I should say, as I agree that this is very unlikely) they come, it is basically game over because you certainly don't want to defend yourself against these accusations before your family, friends, community, etc
game over in what sense? i don't have a social life anyway. unless you're implying people are going to come to my house with pitchforks and torches
No, I just think it is really unnecessary to even say something like that, like if you want to fap to a given underage girl or not. Even if it's not illegal it doesn't mean cops don't pay attention to stuff like that. And when ("if" I should say, as I agree that this is very unlikely) they come, it is basically game over because you certainly don't want to defend yourself against these accusations before your family, friends, community, etc
We're on an obscure internet forum to discuss ideas and viewpoints unpopular to the masses, plus the servers for this site isn't on U.S. shores or any cucked western shores with cucked laws to begin with. we're able to freely speak our minds without worrying about nasty ramifications. Provided you don't get doxxed, you'll be safe no matter what you speak of.
game over in what sense? i don't have a social life anyway. unless you're implying people are going to come to my house with pitchforks and torches
having to deal with all this pressure when people decide if they see you as a potential pedo or not. You will always be remembered as that suspicious guy who got sudden attention from cops, even if you're technically innocent.
12 year old foids are fucking chads
See this is the problem right here, simply admitting you feel attraction to a girl is suspect, even if it's completely natural to feel that way.
:feelsUnreal: must only be attracted to old roasties who have taken a dozen dicks and creampied for decades YAS QUEEN!!!!!! :kys:
having to deal with all this pressure when people decide if they see you as a potential pedo or not. You will always be remembered as that suspicious guy who got sudden attention from cops, even if you're technically innocent.
i see, but i live in a small neighborhood anyway.

not only that, but if the cops interview me in my house, how the hell are people on the outside gonna find out what happened anyway? if i'm not arrested then people can't find out shit
So here's the real blackpill for some of you:

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/BmgDCv5nK77

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/BzitWsanrao

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/B0e46FcH0DV

Is this 13 yo girl more attractive than the pre-teen girls because she "looks older"?


You guys are faceblind as fuck, that's pretty obviously a preteen child.
Obviously not what OP was referring to, since younger than 12 in those pics. Idk what he used.
:feelsUnreal: must only be attracted to old roasties who have taken a dozen dicks and creampied for decades YAS QUEEN!!!!!! :kys:
I know right. Psychopathic capitalist soyciety neurotizes men into thinking it's something wrong with them if they prefere youth and fertility to roast flaps and cellulite. Seeing an attractive young girl and feeling the response from my body I always should question myself if it makes me a pedophile or I was born a pedophile by virtue of having a dick.
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