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JFL That 16 year old foid I posted earlier was actually 12.

Poor excuse to fap to puberty age children.
JFL i don't need an excuse asshole. It's not illegal. don't impose your idiotic morals upon me as if you're better than me you self righteous prick
No. They weren't. And that's because I was not raised in a degenerate place where children are encouraged by media to fuck each by media.
doubt it. i mean you mind sharing what country you live in? adolescents fucking happens all over the world
JFL i don't need an excuse asshole. It's not illegal. don't impose your idiotic morals upon me as if you're better than me you self righteous prick
You wouldn't be making this thread if you didn't need an excuse. Its just a guy coping with the fact that he's fapping to children.
doubt it. i mean you mind sharing what country you live in? adolescents fucking happens all over the world
I am pretty sure. And no. Children that young fucking is not common at all. Atleast in places where a thing called "parenting" still means something.
You wouldn't be making this thread if you didn't need an excuse. Its just a guy coping with the fact that he's fapping to children.
JFL gigacope. Appeal to motive. I made this thread to expose the concept of "oversocialization" that exists in society, if you read the OP.

you keep appealing to arbitrary social norms and using shitty logically fallacious arguments bro. hebephilia=/=pedophilia
I am pretty sure. And no. Children that young fucking is not common at all. Atleast in places where a thing called "parenting" still means something
what places? i wanna know
J. I made this thread to expose the concept of "oversocialization" that exists in society, if you read the OP.
you still had no reason to lie and say she is 16,if you are not a 'moralfag' why you didnt tell the real age from the beggining?because u wanna bait people
you still had no reason to lie and say she is 16,if you are not a 'moralfag' why you didnt tell the real age from the beggining?because u wanna bait people
He wanted users to admit that they could feel attracted to a 12 year old, jfl.
you still had no reason to lie and say she is 16,if you are not a 'moralfag' why you didnt tell the real age from the beggining?because u wanna bait people
incorrect. the part of lying was to remove the social stigma so people would admit their true biological feelings.
see the post below, a SCIENTIFIC STUDY
It's science bro.

OP's thread is similar to this.
Heterosexual Men's Ratings of Sexual Attractiveness of Adolescent Girls: A Cross-Cultural Analysis
"mean ratings of the sexual attractiveness of the girls labelled as younger were lower than those of the (same) girls labelled as older"
I'm happy I don't talk about the ages of the foids I can be attracted to considering how much flak you get for being attracted to mere 12 or 13 year olds, which isn't really that bad :feelstrash::feelstrash::feelstrash:
I'm happy I don't talk about the ages of the foids I can be attracted to considering how much flak you get for being attracted to mere 12 or 13 year olds, which isn't really that bad :feelstrash::feelstrash::feelstrash:
someone with some sense.

too many agecucks here who toss out buzzwords as a substitution for logical debate
JFL @psygnosis-owl lurking in this thread, dude is probably seething :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
were you bullied in that age?
I don't think he was bullied. I think he is just mentally stuck. He doesn't want to fuck 11 year olds. He wants to live as an 11 year old again( a part of which, according to him, is being able to fuck 11 year old kid foids)
were you bullied in that age?
I don't think he was bullied. I think he is just mentally stuck. He doesn't want to fuck 11 year olds. He wants to live as an 11 year old again( a part of which, according to him, is being able to fuck 11 year old kid foids)
jfl now you two are some deep psychological analysis?

jfl now you two are some deep psychological analysis?

I don't think he was bullied. I think he is just mentally stuck. He doesn't want to fuck 11 year olds. He wants to live as an 11 year old again( a part of which, according to him, is being able to fuck 11 year old kid foids)
exactly what you say,bullying is too brutal for some people i guess
nice diversion attempt, fuck you troll.

address the study I posted.
how tall are you
exactly what you say,bullying is too brutal for some people i guess
so bullying leads to feeling attraction for pubescent girls?

lmao cope.
no i just wanna see if u are bullied and short
i'm 5'11

some people actually think that's tall jfl. i think it's normal, maybe an inch above average
have they not finished yet :dafuckfeels::dafuckfeels::dafuckfeels:
I told about precisely that a while ago. Her mother basically controls how her underage daughter exposes herself in public. Imagine, just imagine if a man did this kind of shit.
that's empowering sweaty:soy:

Damn, this thread is really popular
the ammount of cope in this thread top fucking kek.Chad was busting a huge fat nut inside your 12 year old oneitis pussy while you were fapping on newsground to the shittiest hentai imaginable.keep coping copers.
11-14 year olds ARE children. Heck, I was still watching pokemon in that age range.

I never claimed that attraction isn't possible on a base physical level. Read my other posts. Its still a lot different from seeking out 11-12 yo not fully developed bodies in undies on instagram to fap to.
This entire thread be like:
They aren’t children they’re adolescents
They aren’t children they’re adolescents
Look. You just made a post about how strangers touching children's junk is not a bad thing.

So yeah, let's stop focusing on repressed paraphilic sexual frustrations and instead talk about regular incel frustrations shall we.

This girl.

That's her at 12, not 10. You can see her developing secondary sexual features.
Look. You just made a post about how strangers touching children's junk is not a bad thing.

So yeah, let's stop focusing on repressed paraphilic sexual frustrations and instead talk about regular incel frustrations shall we.

That's her at 12, not 10. You can see her developing secondary sexual features.
I never said it’s ok, I just said how does someone walking up to you, touching you and then walks away give you lifelong trauma? It’s just a touch on a body part. If a foid received cunnilingus from a dog the dog won’t be damaged but it’s still bad. So it might not be inherently traumatic but it’s still wrong to touch someone but one guy said he was touched and it wasn’t traumatic
I never said it’s ok, I just said how does someone walking up to you, touching you and then walks away give you lifelong trauma? It’s just a touch on a body part. If a foid received cunnilingus from a dog the dog won’t be damaged but it’s still bad. So it might not be inherently traumatic but it’s still wrong to touch someone but one guy said he was touched and it wasn’t traumatic
Oh but that's the thing. In the legal narrative if the effects of such an act are downplayed then so will be the gravity of the offense and the sentence of offender. Also it would change the larger attitude towards these offenses.

Also, such a narrative may embolden prospective pedophiles to endulge in such actions instead of repressing them. (not that most of them care about such stuff. They can always find another excuse for their sick activities).

Now I do not favor needless hysteria. But we can't decide here just how traumatizing the effect of childhood sexual assault could be. Unless we are in that situation or working on it.

I can personal say though that I would hate it if I found out my kiddie junk was sucked and doddled by JoePedo
Oh but that's the thing. In the legal narrative if the effects of such an act are downplayed then so will be the gravity of the offense and the sentence of offender. Also it would change the larger attitude towards these offenses.

Also, such a narrative may embolden prospective pedophiles to endulge in such actions instead of repressing them. (not that most of them care about such stuff. They can always find another excuse for their sick activities).

Now I do not favor needless hysteria. But we can't decide here just how traumatizing the effect of childhood sexual assault could be. Unless we are in that situation or working on it.

I can personal say though that I would hate it if I found out my kiddie junk was sucked and doddled by JoePedo
So? We can still rehabilitate child molesters even if we show the truth of the real effects of mere touching and many child molesters don’t reoffend
So? We can still rehabilitate child molesters even if we show the truth of the real effects of mere touching and many child molesters don’t reoffend
No fault in that. Can't say about the trauma tho. I am not a child pychology expert. If you believe in capturing and institutionalizing offenders that's fine by me.
So? We can still rehabilitate child molesters even if we show the truth of the real effects of mere touching and many child molesters don’t reoffend
No fault in that. Can't say about the trauma tho. I am not a child pychology expert. If you believe in capturing and institutionalizing offenders that's fine by me.
capturing and institutionalizing offenders
but what defines offenders?

you might think i'm an offender because i fap to slutty jb's
Should I catfish as some young foid on tinder?

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