Projection of one's ignorance is literally gasligthing, which is a Narcissist tactic. Of course everyone needs to dumbed down for you to have a nice pillow under your twisted head, but it could be Tauri snuffing. Again, if you didn't put the work to understand what you are criticzing, you can't make any value judgement about it. I told you what leads everyone to do anything at all are their values.
it's not, values are the eigenvectors of your personality. Exception cases exist, but they often are a reflection of other values that the user has and it almost always has a connection to his core ones (those who define his principles and he wouldn't want to change them)
If you truly understood what the whole website, not just the homepage too, was like, you would look past it. If you cared about knowledge at all, the way he sounds would matter less than what he says, and a lot of it has provable connections with reality. A lot of people start like you, judging the guy as a schizo, and then there are people who create accounts just to talk o him or thank him.
But hey, I wasn't expecting that a Tauri forum valued intelligence in any way, in fact Tauri find it a disease in some cases. But I've found that too late.