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Blackpill Terry Richardson the ugly photographer that fucked stacies

You are low iq. Keep thinking looks are everything when you get nothing due to having 0 social status and being quiet, awkward, high inhb introvert with no social skills. You wish looks were your only problem.
I don't get what these people believe.

Either behavior, high inhib, network doesn't matter, It's purely about looks. So NT pill is bullshit
You are low iq. Keep thinking looks are everything when you get nothing due to having 0 social status and being quiet, awkward, high inhb introverts with no social skills. You wish looks were your only problem.
Study after study shows the importance of looks being primary. Go to the must-read section and read for yourself. This is all literally water tier for the rest of the world, except for blue pilled normies (who know deep down that personality is bullshit and that looks reign supreme) and you red pill faggots ("crimson pilled..." crimson is just a shade of red JFL. fucking cringe and goofy).
I don't get what these people believe.

Either behavior, high inhib, network doesn't matter, It's purely about looks. So NT pill is bullshit
These niggss just want to think they will somehow be transported into another dimension if they woke as normie tomorrow. They like to hide behind their looks as a coping mechanism because it's much easier to accept that you are ugly and blame everything on your circumstances than it is to accept that u are a no life autistic loser who wasted his youth.
Study after study shows the importance of looks being primary. Go to the must-read section and read for yourself. This is all literally water tier for the rest of the world, except for blue pilled normies (who know deep down that personality is bullshit and that looks reign supreme) and you red pill faggots ("crimson pilled..." crimson is just a shade of red JFL. fucking cringe and goofy).
Yeah then NT pill is bullshit
Thought it was mostly directors
All of the people in Hollywood are Jews. Just google shit. Stop deceiving me kike

Study after study shows the importance of looks being primary. Go to the must-read section and read for yourself. This is all literally water tier for the rest of the world, except for blue pilled normies (who know deep down that personality is bullshit and that looks reign supreme) and you red pill faggots ("crimson pilled..." crimson is just a shade of red JFL. fucking cringe and goofy).
Every study that days dark triad, NT pill, social status, money etc being important is all fake then. How convenient of you to ignore every studies that takes into account the other things and them being important but you only choose to believe in the ones that are talk about looks
It's not either or. It's both, but different in degree and effect. Looks > NT.

Shitskin IQ moment.
Same this with what @Jason Voorhees is talking about. Can't you see the parallels?
Every study that days dark triad, NT pill, social status, money etc being important is all fake then. How convenient of you to ignore every studies that takes into account the other things and them being important but you only choose to believe in the ones that are talk about looks
What the fuck are you talking about? Looks are a qualifier, before any of those other things are even considered and factored in. What part of that is difficult to comprehend?
It's not either or. It's both, but different in degree and effect. Looks > NT.

Shitskin IQ moment.
You are retarded nigger. When did I said otherwise. You grasping onto straws at this point.
Same this with what @Jason Voorhees is talking about. Can't you see the parallels?
Where is he saying this? Stop rubbing his cock and balls and show what he's saying.
You are retarded nigger. When did I said otherwise. You grasping onto straws at this point.
State clearly and precisely exactly what the fuck it is your red pill bullshit is saying.
State clearly and precisely exactly what the fuck it is your red pill bullshit is saying.
Ofc we lack the NTness, Low Inhibition or even the bare minimum looks to pull this off but these are some truthpills about how women are retarded. Many people here genuinely think that women are just superior genetic seeking machines when they are plain stupid sheep in most cases. The guys you slaying everyday are not psl morphs it's guys like these. The drug dealers,thugs, photographers, fitness trainers etc. You have to be blind to nit notice this. It's not just chads that get laid
You're saying that we think only "psl gods" get laid, and then you're the one calling us low IQ?


Why are you even here on the forum? To give red pill sermons? Go back and stay in looksfags.
You're saying that we think only "psl gods" get laid, and then you're the one calling us low IQ?


Why are you even here on the forum? To give red pill sermons? Go back and stay in looksfags.
Precisely. Sub 8 men don't register in her mind as men, so when she uses the word man or men she already has a tall, prettyboy chadlite at the minimum in mind when she talks about men approaching her.
You did
Yes. In the female mind men who she's not attracted to don't register as mates when talking about "men" in the context of anything romantic or sexual. But according to your red pill bullshit, millions of years of evolutionary programming is suddenly switched off when an ugly, NT-maxxed club owner tries to "rizz her up" or whatever zoomer brainrot phrase is used these days. :feelskek:
Sub 8 theory is the most retarded theory in the world. It's spouted by faggots mostly.

If you are NT, MTN+ and above average height there isn't anything limiting you for the most part
Yes. In the female mind men who she's not attracted to don't register as mates when talking about "men" in the context of anything romantic or sexual. But according to your red pill bullshit, millions of years of evolutionary programming is suddenly switched off when an ugly, NT-maxxed club owner tries to "rizz her up" or whatever zoomer brainrot phrase is used these days. :feelskek:
You can take advantage of whores in desperate and weird circumstances
Yes. In the female mind men who she's not attracted to don't register as mates when talking about "men" in the context of anything romantic or sexual. But according to your red pill bullshit, millions of years of evolutionary programming is suddenly switched off when an ugly, NT-maxxed club owner tries to "rizz her up" or whatever zoomer brainrot phrase is used these days. :feelskek:
Millions of years of programming was not just for looks alone that is the fallacy retard.
Millions of years of programming was not just for looks alone that is the fallacy retard.
It's fitness markers. Strong jawline, hunter eyes, all of the "chad" facial features + height and musculature is exactly that - fitness markers.

Fucking hell. :feelstastyman:

Sub 8 theory is the most retarded theory in the world. It's spouted by faggots mostly.
Yeah, it is. But first, tell me - in your words - what you think sub8 theory is.

If you are NT, MTN+ and above average height there isn't anything limiting you for the most part
@gymletethnicel Hey brocel, I didn't know you were an absolute slayer. :feelskek::feelshaha:
It's fitness markers. Strong jawline, hunter eyes, all of the "chad" facial features + height and musculature is exactly that - fitness markers.

Fucking hell. :feelstastyman:

Yeah, it is. But first, tell me - in your words - what you think sub8 theory is.

@gymletethnicel Hey brocel, I didn't know you were an absolute slayer. :feelskek::feelshaha:
You are low iq and stubborn . Keep believing what you want to believe telling yourself everyone is an outlier
You are low iq and stubborn . Keep believing what you want to believe telling yourself everyone is an outlier
Keep being delusional that NT and other shit is more important than looks, but be delusional in .org, not here.
It's fitness markers. Strong jawline, hunter eyes, all of the "chad" facial features + height and musculature is exactly that - fitness markers.

Fucking hell. :feelstastyman:
If you are acting like this-

charles manson GIF

Good chance nobody is going to reproduce with you even if you are Chad. I agree that the programming is not JUST about looks.
But I understand why looks would be at the top of the pyramid.
Yeah, it is. But first, tell me - in your words - what you think sub8 theory is.
You don't have to be a chad to slay. Conservative Red pill shit would work for MTNs
@based_meme explain this situation to me this

Pictures of the UK lady prison guard that fucked the inmate. Her husband is a 6'3 tyrone


And this is the guy that cucked him amd he stole 65k of goods and has a white girlfriend who is 7 months pregnant. He's a ugly 5'9 mutt. How did this happen then? How did thr tyrone get cucked? Is this yet another cherry pick?

@based_meme explain this situation to me this

Pictures of the UK lady prison guard that fucked the inmate. Her husband is a 6'3 tyrone

View attachment 1195457View attachment 1195458View attachment 1195459

And this is the guy that cucked him amd he stole 65k of goods and has a white girlfriend who is 7 months pregnant. He's a ugly 5'9 mutt. How did this happen then? How did thr tyrone get cucked? Is this yet another cherry pick?

View attachment 1195460View attachment 1195461View attachment 1195462
OK, but first...
Idk. Some of them randomly start a conversation with me and sometimes sit next to me but nothing ever happens. I go to class and straight to my dorm after that. I don't hang around and talk to them after class.
Please kys immediately.
If you are acting like this-

charles manson GIF

Good chance nobody is going to reproduce with you even if you are Chad. I agree that the programming is not JUST about looks.
But I understand why looks would be at the top of the pyramid.
Right. Psychological fitness marker. If he had chad tier looks, women would comment about his looks first and then add a "but" before describing this schizo behavior. Looks (height, muscles, face) are always the first qualifier. Everything else follows.

Top KEK gif, btw. :feelskek:
Looks first and foremost above everything else. If you don't understand this, you're not black pilled. Stay in looksmaxx.fag.

@WorthlessSlavicShit @gymletethnicel @DarkStar Look at this fucking KEK fuel. Sky-is-blue tier black pills are being rejected by 2024fags. The Absolute State.
He’s also a .org user
Chill who hurt you bro im not from the tranny subreddit
Jfl infiltrators aren't sending their best

it's nice when infiltrators have the confidence to just show up and spout bluepill talkingpoints so everyone can tell what they are
All of the people in Hollywood are Jews. Just google shit. Stop deceiving me kike

Most of them are only part Jew jfl. But Natalie Portman is the only one I knew was Jewish.
Men like this are usually charismamaxxed to a degree unachievable through practice; you have to be born with brain that facilitates this level of social success.
Never forget that autism is the single largest predictor of incelism, the majority of the incel community, myself included, likely consists of high functioning autists, with or without a professional diagnosis, and that means even if any of us were professional photographers surrounded by models we would never be able to fuck them.
Most of them are only part Jew jfl. But Natalie Portman is the only one I knew was Jewish.
Cope all of Hollywood is comprised and operated by (((you))). (((You))) control the world
Men like this are usually charismamaxxed
no they are a part of the industry

several foids have dated photographers, it's not bc photography is the most charismatic profession jfl

Cope all of Hollywood is comprised and operated by (((you))). (((You))) control the world
nigga's jewpilling a jew jfl brutal
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Study after study shows the importance of looks being primary. Go to the must-read section and read for yourself. This is all literally water tier for the rest of the world, except for blue pilled normies (who know deep down that personality is bullshit and that looks reign supreme) and you red pill faggots ("crimson pilled..." crimson is just a shade of red JFL. fucking cringe and goofy).
These niggss just want to think they will somehow be transported into another dimension if they woke as normie tomorrow.
It would help for sure, but yeah, whether much would change is very questionable. Also a pretty good point since the thread is about a guy who was a good-looking mogger in his youth, and probably got used to be very low-inhib with women and remained so even after the agepill hit him hard.


Also, quite often, old Chads are still Chads with all the benefits that brings, even if we don't see that. Just like in this study, where using people's opinions of how the older CEOs looked, it was impossible to find any correlation with their incomes, but when an AI that didn't care much about the wrinkles and which didn't get the ick factor from older faces analysed them, it clearly found that the better-looking ones were being paid better:

Every study that days dark triad, NT pill, social status, money etc being important is all fake then. How convenient of you to ignore every studies that takes into account the other things and them being important but you only choose to believe in the ones that are talk about looks
It's not either or. It's both, but different in degree and effect. Looks > NT.

Shitskin IQ moment.
True to both of those comments. Which is why it's unfortunate how few studies actually try to deeply analyze the order of those things, the different weights assigned to them by each gender, and so on. Because of that, we get the cope "studies", where the researchers focus on what people are looking for in long-term relationships. Purposefully avoiding asking about their preferences in one-night stands or short-term relationships. That usually ends with women claiming that they value money over looks in that case, and then we get all the right-wing, trad, redpill types saying that looks don't and if you can't become rich and get a hot wife then you're a loser or whatever:feelskek::feelskek:... when they hadn't even compared how much either of the two genders actually cares about those things, and it could still perfectly easily be that women care about looks more than men do even if they care about money even more, if they simply care about all of those more than men do:feelsthink:.

The only one I know of that tried this is this one from incels.wiki which I made a thread about recently:

The full study goes into a lot of detail not mentioned on the wiki itself, on what is the effect of those three on one-night stands, sexual enjoyment, starting serious or casual relationships, and so on. Rather water overall, but still funny to see blackpill shown in actual stats like that, such as looks being the king for one-night stands, especially for women deciding whether to sleep with men, and "good personality" actually being a negative for those:feelshaha:.

Yes. In the female mind men who she's not attracted to don't register as mates when talking about "men" in the context of anything romantic or sexual. But according to your red pill bullshit, millions of years of evolutionary programming is suddenly switched off when an ugly, NT-maxxed club owner tries to "rizz her up" or whatever zoomer brainrot phrase is used these days. :feelskek:
Ricky Gervais Lol GIF
The entire case of Terry Richardson is very fascinating.

That being said, you couldn't replicate his success today. All foids now have internet access and phones that can take good photos.
Hes a kike who used his power back then to fuck whores who wana advance in hollywood.

Exactly the same as harvey weinstein.

Then 10 years later the whores who willingly slept with him open a case against him

I never said that looks are everything. Ofc if you have power and status women will gladly let you fuck them in all their holes to advance their career.

Nothing new here.
He looks like a normie to me - definitely not an incel. Of course he fucked a carnival of women during his time.
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JFL @ this delusion. What being on looksfags.org does to a mfer.
Read the replies in that thread . The only people arguing are @SoycuckGodOfReddit and you. The rest of the users all agree with points I made while you kept parroting the same shit and moving the goal post every time.
Read the replies in that thread . The only people arguing are @SoycuckGodOfReddit and you. The rest of the users all agree with points I made while you kept parroting the same shit and moving the goal post every time.
dnr but looks are everything

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