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Blackpill Terry Richardson the ugly photographer that fucked stacies

Jason Voorhees

Jason Voorhees

Apr 24, 2024
Expanding on this thread

Many oldcels might recognize this guy since he made the headlines during the early 00s for dating and fucking top tier young supermodels. Terry Richardson was a famous NYC fashion photographer who would look scout young models in the streets and manipulate them into having sex with him. According to rumours he had a triple digit body count.

Ofc we lack the NTness, Low Inhibition or even the bare minimum looks to pull this off but these are some truthpills about how women are retarded. Many people here genuinely think that women are just superior genetic seeking machines when they are plain stupid sheep in most cases. The guys you slaying everyday are not psl morphs it's guys like these. The drug dealers,thugs, photographers, fitness trainers etc. You have to be blind to nit notice this. It's not just chads that get laid

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@VideoGameCoper @DarkStar @kay' @glowIntheDark
Agreed yall cope too much with looks while you got zero social skills
Agreed yall cope too much with looks while you got zero social skills
You're gay and now this?...
I never said looks are everything but it's laughable how niggas like @based_meme and @NorthernWind think looks are the end it be all. If it was only that straight forward and simple. Honestly we will probably find the origins to life before we understand thr female mind.
I never said looks are everything but it's laughable how niggas like @based_meme and @NorthernWind think looks are the end it be all. If it was only that straight forward and simple. Honestly we will probably find the origins to life before we understand thr female mind
You are not even blackpilled and you are a fakecel. Fuck off back to looksmaxx.org
You are not even blackpilled and you are a fakecel. Fuck off back to looksmaxx.org
I am crimsonpilled if it makes sense. I believe in the redpill with many of the aspects of the blackpill because that is the objective truth from what ive seen. I can make a thread to elaborate if yall want. Redpill and blackpill both correctly explain many things about the female nature but take everything to the extreme.
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You are not even blackpilled and you are a fakecel. Fuck off back to looksmaxx.org
I am crimsonpilled if it makes sense. I believe in the redpill with many of the aspects of the blackpill because that is the objective truth from what ive seen. I can make a thread to elaborate if yall want. Redpill and blackpill are both correctly explain many things about the female nature but take everything to the extreme.
Yeah shit like sub 8 theory are the most retarded, if you are MTN and above average height you can still have success contrary to PSL theories
Yeah shit like sub 8 theory are the most retarded, if you are MTN and above average height you can still have success contrary to PSL theories
This guy @NeverGetUp36 himself claims he sees ugly niggers with girls and still denies some fundamental aspects about the female nature bht somehow thinks it is JBB and had to do with them being black. I
This guy @NeverGetUp36 himself claims he sees ugly niggers with girls and still denies some fundamental aspects about the female nature bht somehow thinks it is JBB and had to do with them being black. I
Jbb only works because the Jews brainwash white girls to go for black guys. Plus black men from West Africa are often robust and tall which certainly helps in attraction. A 5'7 black guy like that youtuber Joey Tamara(or whatever his name is) could never be with a white girl, maybe only for a one night stand if the girl has a bbc fetish because of again the media brainwashing. Not to mention black guys nowadays are more masculine than whites which also probably has to do something with the soy and junk food filled diets people consume in the west. Looks and especially height are everything at the end of the day. Yes personality matters to an extent but its not the first thing we see when we are looking for a partner naturally
I actually mog him but he's NT
Hes a kike who used his power back then to fuck whores who wana advance in hollywood.

Exactly the same as harvey weinstein.

Then 10 years later the whores who willingly slept with him open a case against him

I never said that looks are everything. Ofc if you have power and status women will gladly let you fuck them in all their holes to advance their career.

Nothing new here.
Jbb only works because the Jews brainwash white girls to go for black guys. Plus black men from West Africa are often robust and tall which certainly helps in attraction. A 5'7 black guy like that youtuber Joey Tamara(or whatever his name is) could never be with a white girl, maybe only for a one night stand if the girl has a bbc fetish because of again the media brainwashing. Not to mention black guys nowadays are more masculine than whites which also probably has to do something with the soy and junk food filled diets people consume in the west. Looks and especially height are everything at the end of the day. Yes personality matters to an extent but its not the first thing we see when we are looking for a partner naturally
. Blacks aren't masculine. They are just dark skinned with rugged features and are portrayed as such by the media. Male dimorphism and rugged/robustness are not the same thing. It's germanics who show the most male dimorphism. Ever notice how often germanic women are wide jawed with broad shoulders and west afrcians aren't taller than europeans. You yourself mention jewish brain washing in the beginning and back track and say looks and height are everything in thr same reply. I expected a better reply than this.
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I never said looks are everything but it's laughable how niggas like @ B @based_meme and @
@NorthernWind think looks are the end it be all.
yeah, if that was true autism would have no effect whatsoever on dating
I mean how would you even start doing this? Maybe he could pull it off before the internet or he had serious connections that would in fact skyrocket the career of these whores. But we don't.

I agree with the drugdealer stuff but that's a big commitment for some pussy.
no accounting for foids' lack of good taste
I mean how would you even start doing this? Maybe he could pull it off before the internet or he had serious connections that would in fact skyrocket the career of these whores. But we don't.

I agree with the drugdealer stuff but that's a big commitment for some pussy.
I knew a club owner with a huge body count he was like an MTN but status maxxed because he owned a popular club in the town.. foids would fuck him for special privileges and get free booze
@Copexodius Maximus kikes are fakecels. Just become a Jewish porn director theory
They almost never use Jewish porn actors because no one wants to see that.
Mate social skills matter yiu cant just go to some girl talk like an insecure lil bitch with zero confidence and expect her to like you
now go fuck yourself
Expanding on this thread

Many oldcels might recognize this guy since he made the headlines during the early 00s for dating and fucking top tier young supermodels. Terry Richardson was a famous NYC fashion photographer who would look scout young models in the streets and manipulate them into having sex with him. According to rumours he had a triple digit body count.

Ofc we lack the NTness, Low Inhibition or even the bare minimum looks to pull this off but these are some truthpills about how women are retarded. Many people here genuinely think that women are just superior genetic seeking machines when they are plain stupid sheep in most cases. The guys you slaying everyday are not psl morphs it's guys like these. The drug dealers,thugs, photographers, fitness trainers etc. You have to be blind to nit notice this. It's not just chads that get laid

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@VideoGameCoper @DarkStar @kay' @glowIntheDark
perhaps you have to status maxx . Like even Harvey Weinstein was ugly as shit yet got to fuck the hottest women on the planet
I am crimsonpilled if it makes sense. I believe in the redpill with many of the aspects of the blackpill because that is the objective truth from what ive seen. I can make a thread to elaborate if yall want. Redpill and blackpill both correctly explain many things about the female nature but take everything to the extreme.
i agree with you behaviourpill needs to be propagated on .is
perhaps you have to status maxx . Like even Harvey Weinstein was ugly as shit yet got to fuck the hottest women on the planet
behaviour matters when youre average guys on here dont like admitting this but normies get sex and relationships too so when youre normie competing with other normies what you have to do is try to outperform other normies by your behaviour and the way you do that is by acting dominant and putting others down since foids find that attractive

Expanding on this thread

Many oldcels might recognize this guy since he made the headlines during the early 00s for dating and fucking top tier young supermodels. Terry Richardson was a famous NYC fashion photographer who would look scout young models in the streets and manipulate them into having sex with him. According to rumours he had a triple digit body count.

Ofc we lack the NTness, Low Inhibition or even the bare minimum looks to pull this off but these are some truthpills about how women are retarded. Many people here genuinely think that women are just superior genetic seeking machines when they are plain stupid sheep in most cases. The guys you slaying everyday are not psl morphs it's guys like these. The drug dealers,thugs, photographers, fitness trainers etc. You have to be blind to nit notice this. It's not just chads that get laid

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@VideoGameCoper @DarkStar @kay' @glowIntheDark
NTpill deniers on suicide watch.
I never said looks are everything but it's laughable how niggas like @based_meme and @NorthernWind think looks are the end it be all. If it was only that straight forward and simple. Honestly we will probably find the origins to life before we understand thr female mind.
Looks first and foremost above everything else. If you don't understand this, you're not black pilled. Stay in looksmaxx.fag.

@WorthlessSlavicShit @gymletethnicel @DarkStar Look at this fucking KEK fuel. Sky-is-blue tier black pills are being rejected by 2024fags. The Absolute State.
I never said looks are everything but it's laughable how niggas like @based_meme and @NorthernWind think looks are the end it be all. If it was only that straight forward and simple. Honestly we will probably find the origins to life before we understand thr female mind.
You are your looks. People perceive you through your looks.
How tf is this nigga doing it
He isn't attractive but he isn't that ugly.
Looks first and foremost above everything else. If you don't understand this, you're not black pilled. Stay in looksmaxx.fag.

@WorthlessSlavicShit @gymletethnicel @DarkStar Look at this fucking KEK fuel. Sky-is-blue tier black pills are being rejected by 2024fags. The Absolute State.
Looks are everything.
Looks first and foremost above everything else. If you don't understand this, you're not black pilled. Stay in looksmaxx.fag.

@WorthlessSlavicShit @gymletethnicel @DarkStar Look at this fucking KEK fuel. Sky-is-blue tier black pills are being rejected by 2024fags. The Absolute State.
Looks are everything.
You are your looks. People perceive you through your looks.
I never looks aren't important but thinking looks is everything is just as delusional as thinking personality is everything or money is everything.

Explain to me why she guys like the ones OP get women then or drug dealers, club owners etc.I dont understand why some nuance cannot be applied here
Too many people on here underestimate the importance of NTpill. I will admit, if you have Chad tier looks, it doesn’t really matter because women will like you either way, and if you are super ugly it also doesn’t matter because they will hate you either way. Where it matters a lot is for mid tier looks level guys. Even Rehab Room admits being NT or autistic will make or break the normie looks level guys. I have seen guys I used to be friends with as a kid who are way uglier than me getting girlfriends without issues. Think about it. Being nonNT makes it almost impossible to even make guy friends, so imagine what it does to your chances of getting a gf.
He isn't ugly. Also I don't know niuanses. Maybe he promised something to these females. Maybe he had connections. Or other things. He already was a famous fashion photographer.
Also it's funny how people write 'ugly' and then post examples like this.
I need examples of guys like these with attractive women.

728x539 1 9de521fed26e7c9f251ff75cfafb31011100x815 0xac120003 19304929441560331470
Looks first and foremost above everything else. If you don't understand this, you're not black pilled. Stay in looksmaxx.fag.

@WorthlessSlavicShit @gymletethnicel @DarkStar Look at this fucking KEK fuel. Sky-is-blue tier black pills are being rejected by 2024fags. The Absolute State.
If that's the case, NT pill is bullshit and irrelevant
If that's the case, NT pill is bullshit and irrelevant
Looks matter first, then other things like status and NT. This shit isn't complex.
I never looks aren't important but thinking looks is everything is just as delusional as thinking personality is everything or money is everything.

Explain to me why she guys like the ones OP get women then or drug dealers, club owners etc.I dont understand why some nuance cannot be applied here
Exceptions don't disprove the rule. Classic cherry-picking.
@Jason Voorhees is saying the same thing

Exceptions don't disprove the rule. Classic cherry-picking.
You are low iq. Keep thinking looks are everything when you get nothing due to having 0 social status and being quiet, awkward, high inhb introvert with no social skills. You wish looks were your only problem.

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