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Venting Teenage girls are whores, not "children" (Rant, Water, My life)


This is something that always infuriates me.

In 2024, the average 15 yo female has more sexual experience, both in terms of number of partners AND in terms of "expertise" (anal, facial, BJ, etc...) than your typical 50 yo boomer who will call you a pedophile if you dare to break the myth of the pure teenage girl.

Now, sit down and listen. Back when I was a teenager (20 years ago):

- an 11 yo girl was filmed blowing a guy 2 years older than her in the toilet. Said guy was of course high-value (good looking, agressive, lots of friends, not listening in class, etc..). I was not part of the cool kids so I didn't get to see the video, but everyone was talking about it

- 11-12 yo girls were starting to wear thongs and making sure they were visible above their low waist jeans (the fashion at the time). Boys would become crazy because of that, and position themselves in class as to be able to look at these girls’ asses.

- When I was 14 yo a girl discussed how she got fingered by her boyfriend and how she fingered herself. I had the opportunity to sit and listen to that conversation (such thing was extremely rare for me as I was not tolerated in these circles) and it turned me on like crazy. I kept thinking about that girl all the time.

- When I was 15, a stud in my class shove his finger in my oneitis' ass while she was climbing a fence in an extremely tight pair of jeans. I got shocked, I thought this was unacceptable and couldn't process why she was laughing. Back in the days I was convinced that my reserved, respectful and gentlemanly attitude would get me these girls, one day.

:heart: Fun fact about that one girl : I remember day dreaming non stop about her, I was making movies in my mind where I imagined she was being attacked and that I was coming to defend her. Must have thought about this a thousand times.

- I once caught a conversation during class between that same girl and her friend, when, while laughing, they were saying that they wanted to "kill themselves" but that before, they wanted to “do it” with someone. They then started to think about who, and of course the 2 guys that came to their mind were the 2 classroom alphas (agressive, bullies, bad grades, you got the picture).

- A 15 yo girl used to regularly be chased by a group of alphas trying to pull her thong. To this day, I still remember her joy, her laughter when this was happening.

- When I was 16, a girl in my class was dating a 23 years old man.

- Another one, which was 17 and with who I was madly in love, was dating a guy in college who used to come take her with his car (in France we don’t have cars in highshcool). When I witnessed that for the first time, I got devastated, as I felt like a child in comparison to this man. I was thinking about this girl all the time, absolutely all the time, at the cost of my grades.

- Around the same age, another girl from my class once discussed with her friends how she was embarrassed when her mother came to pick up the sheets after her boyfriend had ejaculated in them. Now, before that event , I knew girls had boyfriends, but I was under the illusion that they just kissed. As I realised that this very girl, who was in my class, was actually having sex, was actually receiving semen in her vagina, I froze. It was as if I got hit by a train. Said boyfriend was of course older and used to play with his butterfly knife in front of the school. He also had a scooter which again, at that time and in my country, was a massive status symbol.

- Fun, fact, and I’m just gonna drop their real names because IDGAF at that point : During my last year of highschool, I was first in love with a girl called Adèle. Her boyfriend was a popular kid in another class, called Alban. Later, I gave up on Adele and felt in love with Moana.

Moana was particularly hot and was dating a guy in college, so I thought “well, she’s out of my league, but she’s out of everyone’s league”. But guess what, she broke up with that dude and started dating… Alban’s brother, Quentin. These 2 brothers were dating the two girls I had felt in love with. They were popular, charismatic and very extroverted. Adele and Moana didn’t even know each other.

:yes:Pro tip : What could be something that attract girls and that two brother have in common ?

I could go on and on and on. Notice how I vividly remember these memories even 20 years later. Back in these days there were no pill. No red pill, no black pill. You were either bluepilled, or hateful and frustrated, and that was the reason why you weren’t getting any girls.

Another fascinating thing is that I struggled to think about these girls in a sexual way. I was jerking off porn, but these princesses were different. They were kind, pure, innocent. In my mind I was saving them (like in the movies), I was holding their hands, I was kissing them. Nothing more. As mentioned before, I couldn’t acknowledge the fact that they were having sex. Sure, they had boyfriends, but that didn't mean anything. Surely they just hold hands and kissed.

Meanwhile, I was playing World of Mother Fucking Warcraft and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.

My point ?

These innocent, clueless, pure teenagers : they’re the boys.

The girls ? They’re whores.
Chad too although not as much.
Girls are basically fully grown by 13/14 depending on theyre race
the fact western society has accepted the jewish lie about a teenage girl being some sort of taboo baby that makes a man a pedophile for being attracted to is the weirdest thing ever. its been normal for millenia for grown men to want teenage girls. now suddenly its" weird" and " creepy" . agefaggotry is nothing but jew propaganda. its perfectly fine to be a faggot and adopt a baby or be tranny thats cool and totally not creepy in todays clown world , but god forbid u message a teenage girl 10 years ago.
My point ?

These innocent, clueless, pure teenagers : they’re the boys.

The girls ? They’re whores.

Yeah I would even go so far to say that the average 15 year old female has more sexual experience than the average 30 year old male today.

Calling these females "children" is a joke and any references to them being "pure" or "innocent" is even more of a joke.
its perfectly fine to be a faggot and adopt a baby or be tranny thats cool and totally not creepy in todays clown world , but god forbid u message a teenage girl 10 years ago.

That's the worst part, how contradictory it all is.

What's funny is that some of the biggest age faggots are the LGBTQ+ crowd. They'll literally look down on a 25 year old guy dating... a 20 year old female, like it's so weird and unusual.

Yet they're literally a fucking freak of nature of themselves. It blows my mind. But their insanity is protected meanwhile normal guys are being called pedophiles for not following some oddly puritan-esque mathematical formula of ((his age / 2) + 7) in this circus.
Yeah I would even go so far to say that the average 15 year old female has more sexual experience than the average 30 year old male today.

Calling these females "children" is a joke and any references to them being "pure" or "innocent" is even more of a joke.


That's the worst part, how contradictory it all is.

What's funny is that some of the biggest age faggots are the LGBTQ+ crowd. They'll literally look down on a 25 year old guy dating... a 20 year old female, like it's so weird and unusual.

Yet they're literally a fucking freak of nature of themselves. It blows my mind. But their insanity is protected meanwhile normal guys are being called pedophiles for not following some oddly puritan-esque mathematical formula of ((his age / 2) + 7) in this circus.

Purge them all
the fact western society has accepted the jewish lie about a teenage girl being some sort of taboo baby that makes a man a pedophile for being attracted to is the weirdest thing ever. its been normal for millenia for grown men to want teenage girls. now suddenly its" weird" and " creepy" . agefaggotry is nothing but jew propaganda. its perfectly fine to be a faggot and adopt a baby or be tranny thats cool and totally not creepy in todays clown world , but god forbid u message a teenage girl 10 years ago.
Yeah I would even go so far to say that the average 15 year old female has more sexual experience than the average 30 year old male today.

Calling these females "children" is a joke and any references to them being "pure" or "innocent" is even more of a joke.
Based as fuck. That's defining it in a single phrase.
That's the worst part, how contradictory it all is.

What's funny is that some of the biggest age faggots are the LGBTQ+ crowd. They'll literally look down on a 25 year old guy dating... a 20 year old female, like it's so weird and unusual.

Yet they're literally a fucking freak of nature of themselves. It blows my mind. But their insanity is protected meanwhile normal guys are being called pedophiles for not following some oddly puritan-esque mathematical formula of ((his age / 2) + 7) in this circus.
It goes well beyond this. Not only are they freaks of nature, they will take children to those LGBT parades, where all of the freaks are exposing themselves and will interact with children.
Based as fuck. That's defining it in a single phrase.

It goes well beyond this. Not only are they freaks of nature, they will take children to those LGBT parades, where all of the freaks are exposing themselves and will interact with children.

Yes and the reason they get triggered over older males/younger females is because these are the relationships that are most likely to succeed, and what's wrong with that? Well, the problem is that these relationships are HETEROSEXUAL.

They want to turn everything gay and trans, which necessitates making it as difficult as possible for heterosexual relations to form. It's pure logic. IF the goal is to encourage "anti-heteronormativity", THEN this MUST be their goal.

This right here shows us beyond any doubt that they are the bastards they always insist they aren't and that they belong in camps with the rest of the subhumans.

It's no accident that the LGBTQ+/furry community seem to be vehemently against age differences. Firstly, because on the surface it makes no sense for them to care about the relations between straight people, unless of course they have an ulterior motive; after all, it quote "doesn't affect them so why do they care" as they always like to tell us! Secondly, they've shown us time and time again that in the "right context" there's nothing wrong with exposing LITERAL PREPUBESCENT children to cross-dressing men and half-naked degenerates; they never mention it outright, but by simply paying attention we can see that their outrage primarily occurs in the context of a heterosexual relation between two post-pubescent people.
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For me it was super common to see foids with kids by the age of 12-13 yet some even still continued with their education.
Thank the sexual liberation and social media for that.
Acting Whorish is simply female nature, but social media put more oil on the already existing fire.
he said this was over 20 years ago. there's no way social media existed back then.

This is something that always infuriates me.

In 2024, the average 15 yo female has more sexual experience, both in terms of number of partners AND in terms of "expertise" (anal, facial, BJ, etc...) than your typical 50 yo boomer who will call you a pedophile if you dare to break the myth of the pure teenage girl.

Now, sit down and listen. Back when I was a teenager (20 years ago):

- an 11 yo girl was filmed blowing a guy 2 years older than her in the toilet. Said guy was of course high-value (good looking, agressive, lots of friends, not listening in class, etc..). I was not part of the cool kids so I didn't get to see the video, but everyone was talking about it

- 11-12 yo girls were starting to wear thongs and making sure they were visible above their low waist jeans (the fashion at the time). Boys would become crazy because of that, and position themselves in class as to be able to look at these girls’ asses.

- When I was 14 yo a girl discussed how she got fingered by her boyfriend and how she fingered herself. I had the opportunity to sit and listen to that conversation (such thing was extremely rare for me as I was not tolerated in these circles) and it turned me on like crazy. I kept thinking about that girl all the time.

- When I was 15, a stud in my class shove his finger in my oneitis' ass while she was climbing a fence in an extremely tight pair of jeans. I got shocked, I thought this was unacceptable and couldn't process why she was laughing. Back in the days I was convinced that my reserved, respectful and gentlemanly attitude would get me these girls, one day.

:heart: Fun fact about that one girl : I remember day dreaming non stop about her, I was making movies in my mind where I imagined she was being attacked and that I was coming to defend her. Must have thought about this a thousand times.

- I once caught a conversation during class between that same girl and her friend, when, while laughing, they were saying that they wanted to "kill themselves" but that before, they wanted to “do it” with someone. They then started to think about who, and of course the 2 guys that came to their mind were the 2 classroom alphas (agressive, bullies, bad grades, you got the picture).

- A 15 yo girl used to regularly be chased by a group of alphas trying to pull her thong. To this day, I still remember her joy, her laughter when this was happening.

- When I was 16, a girl in my class was dating a 23 years old man.

- Another one, which was 17 and with who I was madly in love, was dating a guy in college who used to come take her with his car (in France we don’t have cars in highshcool). When I witnessed that for the first time, I got devastated, as I felt like a child in comparison to this man. I was thinking about this girl all the time, absolutely all the time, at the cost of my grades.

- Around the same age, another girl from my class once discussed with her friends how she was embarrassed when her mother came to pick up the sheets after her boyfriend had ejaculated in them. Now, before that event , I knew girls had boyfriends, but I was under the illusion that they just kissed. As I realised that this very girl, who was in my class, was actually having sex, was actually receiving semen in her vagina, I froze. It was as if I got hit by a train. Said boyfriend was of course older and used to play with his butterfly knife in front of the school. He also had a scooter which again, at that time and in my country, was a massive status symbol.

- Fun, fact, and I’m just gonna drop their real names because IDGAF at that point : During my last year of highschool, I was first in love with a girl called Adèle. Her boyfriend was a popular kid in another class, called Alban. Later, I gave up on Adele and felt in love with Moana.

Moana was particularly hot and was dating a guy in college, so I thought “well, she’s out of my league, but she’s out of everyone’s league”. But guess what, she broke up with that dude and started dating… Alban’s brother, Quentin. These 2 brothers were dating the two girls I had felt in love with. They were popular, charismatic and very extroverted. Adele and Moana didn’t even know each other.

:yes:Pro tip : What could be something that attract girls and that two brother have in common ?

I could go on and on and on. Notice how I vividly remember these memories even 20 years later. Back in these days there were no pill. No red pill, no black pill. You were either bluepilled, or hateful and frustrated, and that was the reason why you weren’t getting any girls.

Another fascinating thing is that I struggled to think about these girls in a sexual way. I was jerking off porn, but these princesses were different. They were kind, pure, innocent. In my mind I was saving them (like in the movies), I was holding their hands, I was kissing them. Nothing more. As mentioned before, I couldn’t acknowledge the fact that they were having sex. Sure, they had boyfriends, but that didn't mean anything. Surely they just hold hands and kissed.

Meanwhile, I was playing World of Mother Fucking Warcraft and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.

My point ?

These innocent, clueless, pure teenagers : they’re the boys.

The girls ? They’re whores.
SUIFUEL AS FUCK. People have a better life at 12 than we do at 40. These people achieve more before the age of 18 than we will ever achieve. It's over bro I have no hope anymore.
- When I was 15, a stud in my class shove his finger in my oneitis' ass while she was climbing a fence in an extremely tight pair of jeans.
thats whats chads do all the time and nobody will say that they are perverts
- When I was 14 yo a girl discussed how she got fingered by her boyfriend and how she fingered herself.
did you want that I kill myself this night? fucking suifuel

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