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Venting Teenage girls are whores, not "children" (Rant, Water, My life)

Can confirm. When I was at that age, they'd wear thongs under pants with thin fabric, and they'd wedgie the pants deep into their buttcracks. Absolute whores. And, let's not forget, girls this age can't just go to Victoria's Secret and buy thongs. They don't even have their own money. Their moms always buy them this shit. It's like how normie dads want their sons to play handegg in high school, normie moms want their daughters to be sluts in high school.

Extremely based, I didn't even think about this.
Whores will say " but mooooom every girl in class has one ! "
- " okay honey, I'll buy you a thong "

* works with dildo too

Pic related v

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France is such a cucked shithole. All this 20 years ago, just imagine how bad it is now. Even parenity tests are banned there

As for me, I dont ever remeber hearing much, but I did hear some 12 year old slavic whore was fucking some chad nigger who was 13
France is such a cucked shithole. All this 20 years ago, just imagine how bad it is now. Even parenity tests are banned there

As for me, I dont ever remeber hearing much, but I did hear some 12 year old slavic whore was fucking some chad nigger who was 13

Brutal. Also, nigglets mature faster so he probably had the cock of a 16 yo.
I saw today two 15 years old white cunts at the barber shop sitting with sand nigger rats kissing. They were double their age.
I wish that was me JFL.

Agecucks are retarded and delusional, 12 year old me would’ve given anything to get molested by hot MILF teacher.
I ALWAYS daydreamed about this
What is this shit?

Why are there no photographic examples of this "whore" behavior?

You expect us to believe you without any evidence?
Nice try fed.
100%, I can testify that in France arab thugs make white pussies drool.

A couple of years ago there was a story were a white boy tried to defend 2 white girls being " harassed " by a group of arab thugs. He got destroyed and sent to the hospital. A couple of month later, the two sluts made video to talk about the incident, when describing how the white boy got punched, they laughed.
Tell me more stories about arabs in france. sounds interesting
Tell me more stories about arabs in france. sounds interesting

Here's another one :

A female (Axelle Dorier) had an argument with 2 arab thugs while in their car. She though she was dealing with your typical white cuck and raised her voice. The arabs literally drove over her and she was dragged over 800 meters, stucked between the car and the road, effectively shredding her and killing her in the most painful way.

The thugs took a bit of prison where they'll have fun with their muslim bros, play playstation and get blowjobs from female prison guards.
Here's another one :

A female (Axelle Dorier) had an argument with 2 arab thugs while in their car. She though she was dealing with your typical white cuck and raised her voice. The arabs literally drove over her and she was dragged over 800 meters, stucked between the car and the road, effectively shredding her and killing her in one of most horrible way you can think of.

The thugs took a bit of prison where they'll have fun with their muslim bros, play playstation and get blowjobs from female prison guards.
She looks jewish as fuck. You sure she's french?


Any personal stories? Arabs here in canada, I never see stuff like this happening with them.
She looks jewish as fuck. You sure she's french?

View attachment 1117765

Any personal stories, Arabs here in canada, I never see stuff like this happening with them.

Idk and idc, she was probably feminist and pro-immigration. French girls look disgusting nowadays, too much race mixing and mcdonalds.
20yrs ago whores were uncommon

this is more recent phenomena, after 2010. thats when social media and smartphones came

She looks jewish as fuck. You sure she's french?

Any personal stories? Arabs here in canada, I never see stuff like this happening with them.
arab in canada are cucked and passive, curries mog them hard in inhabitation.
a lot of arab in canada are in higher education and what not so they rather not ruin their good livelihood
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it's very true and something that modern society is obsessed with trying to sweep under the rug, especially by girls fathers and older females.

obviously the logical argument is that society should change so that this doesn't happen anymore, rather than mainstreaming this degeneracy even more, but i don't see any problem with talking about it. how are you ever going to correct it if you can't even talk about it?
that's exactly what the female hivemind wants, its bad behaviors to be forbidden from discussion, let alone examination and correction.
it's very true and something that modern society is obsessed with trying to sweep under the rug, especially by girls fathers and older females.

obviously the logical argument is that society should change so that this doesn't happen anymore, rather than mainstreaming this degeneracy even more, but i don't see any problem with talking about it. how are you ever going to correct it if you can't even talk about it?
that's exactly what the female hivemind wants, its bad behaviors to be forbidden from discussion, let alone examination and correction.
especially for undercover cucks like @Fatass3000
Maybe a bit off topic but i'm nearly 22 now. I would say I have certainly matured a little from when I was in my teens but the amount I matured was certainly not enough to justify all the agecuckery bullshit.
I think the only thing that has changed with me is the blackpill has given me perspective. If I hadn't taken the blackpill I would be way more naive than I am now. Of course reason does not always trump emotion and if a girl solicited me for sex today I can't say I would be able to exercise logic any more than I could when I was a teenager.
obviously the logical argument is that society should change so that this doesn't happen anymore, rather than mainstreaming this degeneracy even more, but i don't see any problem with talking about it. how are you ever going to correct it if you can't even talk about it?
that's exactly what the female hivemind wants, its bad behaviors to be forbidden from discussion, let alone examination and correction.
Female behavior often runs contrary to their feminist ideals. Its funny how they are incapable of adhering even to their own deeply flawed system of morality.
Growing up is realizing that women aren't good people
Women nowadays are disgusting cum dumpsters and all reek of future single-mom
it's very true and something that modern society is obsessed with trying to sweep under the rug, especially by girls fathers and older females.

obviously the logical argument is that society should change so that this doesn't happen anymore, rather than mainstreaming this degeneracy even more, but i don't see any problem with talking about it. how are you ever going to correct it if you can't even talk about it?
that's exactly what the female hivemind wants, its bad behaviors to be forbidden from discussion, let alone examination and correction.
The Rock Clapping GIF
Ultra based thread and pure suicidefuel. All this was 20 years ago. Today I bet the situation is much more extreme.

I also relate a lot to these. Couldn't imagine they were having sex at all. In truth, they were having the time of their lives.
Jfl there wasnt even social media or dating apps around back then just imagine how bad it is nowadays
I saw today two 15 years old white cunts at the barber shop sitting with sand nigger rats kissing. They were double their age. While me supreme gentleman have to jerk my off my dick in my small room. So no they are not innocent children they are ready to be burnt alive.
i could never understand why migrants get their ages ignored when it comes to age gaps (which are now getting very unpopular) they are literally like first class citizens or some shit, what is this cuckery
I wish that was me JFL.

I ALWAYS daydreamed about this
dude if you are an incel arab that wouldnt count.. You not gonna slay in western europe only BECAUSE you are arab.
i could never understand why migrants get their ages ignored when it comes to age gaps (which are now getting very unpopular) they are literally like first class citizens or some shit, what is this cuckery
i dont know what do you mean by unpopular but i see tons of 25+ years old chads with underage toilets especially 14yo and 15yo,
i dont know what do you mean by unpopular but i see tons of 25+ years old chads with underage toilets especially 14yo and 15yo,
the point is to stop ordinary men from having access to it, women have always made exceptions for chad

i already know that it's not uncommon for young girls to lose their virginity to some good looking guy who has some cool social job like beach lifeguard or whatever, and not some schoolkid, but it's not for most men
Interesting username for a guy 20 years out of high school. You went to some degenerate high school man. Or I was so out of the loop that I never realized these things were going on at my secondary school; could very well be tbh. You have good memory btw. To remember all that shit from 20 years ago. Agreeable conclusion. Children don't have sex; ergo, most teenagers ain't kids no more.
There was a story of some German cuck in Germany few months ago who defended some German slut from couple arabs, they stuck glass in his eyes and blinded him for life :feelsUnreal::feelscry:
Would never do it even if payed , I would really rope 100% after a thing like that .
The fucking Germans cucks so needy for validation...I would really just run away if I see something like that
Would never do it even if payed , I would really rope 100% after a thing like that .
The fucking Germans cucks so needy for validation...I would really just run away if I see something like that
Not only Germans. All westerners think they have to protect the woman which they are not related to. But in return they got nothing than that chad continues to fuck them.
I would only protect somebody else If I can put my hand on prime succubus loilita puzzy. In all other cases I will behave very antisocial in public places.
Not only Germans. All westerners think they have to protect the woman which they are not related to. But in return they got nothing than that chad continues to fuck them.
Damm bro if the problem was only that , looked what happened to that guy , just beyond brutal , he probably was a retard White knight but still fucking brutal .
If you want to get killed because somebody is taking a dick your life is probably not worth much
Damm bro if the problem was only that , looked what happened to that guy , just beyond brutal , he probably was a retard White knight but still fucking brutal .
If you want to get killed because somebody is taking a dick your life is probably not worth much
in some cases you get killed or at least stabbed. putting your life in danger for a public toilet is wrong. especially when you are incel. i would never defend my country in a war because i cant get fresh teen puzzy in return. while ukrainian soldiers are dying I see everyday young fertil ukrainian girls with arabs or other migrants kissing..
in some cases you get killed or at least stabbed. putting your life in danger for a public toilet is wrong. especially when you are incel. i would never defend my country in a war because i cant get fresh teen puzzy in return. while ukrainian soldiers are dying I see everyday young fertil ukrainian girls with arabs or other migrants kissing..
The normal cycle of life
Yo i'm from france too (eastern france) , what you wrote reminds me of my teenage years , when i was 11 to 13 there were a bunch of girls in my neighborhood and i used to get them in my room and we would play together we would grope each other and sh** there was one hottie that i wanted really to bang she had an amazing ass for a 13yo but i could only touch her , once we were on the bed in the dark and she sits on my leg and pretends we're fucking (we were not naked) , she was famous and was hanging around/being in couple with the chads and thugs never understood why she let me do that , i wanted her to be my gf she said no , she tried to come back to me years later she wanted to write poems to her i refused lmfao , she's whoring with the thugs and chads but i have to write her poems via sms fuck off (fun fact now she's a landwhale mom with a sub 5 guy) but this was another time when people were less picky i guess (from 2006 to 2007) , i was groping with other girls too , i put my head in the ass of one once she ended up being my gf for a day before a small local thug took her lmao , if i wasn't that shy i could have lost my virginity very early with her and guess what one of the first times i met this one i ended up kicking her and her friend because they were annoying me , i guess this is kind of the luck to grow up around an ethnic neighborhood , the first one was italian the second french gypsy (LOL).
I groped another girl in school when we were waiting to eat , i litteraly groped her ass for more than 10mins and came several times in my pants , her female friends ended screaming at me that she was in love with me later , i didn't do anything about it, this one ended up becoming super attractive and famous thanks god she's not pressing charges against me , all of this to say , i was a sub 5 looking young boy and look at the stuff that even i got , it's not a chad experience but still , as years went on i started getting fatter and fatter and of course social media/dating apps/feminism appeared and it ruined everything and yes , teenagers are super sexual even hornier than adults , i was horny af as a teenager.
I have a chad friend when we were 13 a group of girls was chasing him , the leader of the group of females litteraly put her hand in his pants and started playing with his cock he told me that he came several times lmao.
I have the impression that the girls were more attractive when i was in school than today but that's only my impression.
Females are indeed evil , one of the only fights i had in my life was in high school , long story short i ended up on top of the fight and one of the only females of the school i was in (the high school i was in was a high school full of thugs and 90% of boys of course i was bullied there), was looking at me with her pupils wide black and the face of her skin was red as she was sexually excited from what she saw.
I'm not lying or making up stories i swear it on my parent's head everything i said here is true , i swear it and yes even after all of this i'm still a fucking incel boyo. More recently when i was 23 i had a waitress close to her thirties giving me the wide pupils look with the red cheeks. She wanted kids and serious relationship lol i said no , she ended up winning because i wanted her to be my gf still and she rejected me but she was still pissed i stopped going to the place where she works.
It still happens to me to get attention from females even at my recent workplace weirdly and i'm barely 6feet tall and bald dude , pretty weak jawline , oval face , round eyes , big nipples even after a gyno surgery, very bad skin i had very bad acne my skin has traces of it that will never leave i also have red marks on the skin maybe the thing that saves me a bit is the fact that i work out a little bit but that's it............ Still with my parents at 28 , basement dweller but i have a job , no car , no appartment , escortmaxxer from time to time.
I probably forgot other things but i told you most of my experience , yeah , social media/dating apps/feminism/capitalism ruined everything and we have to accept our fate now.
Yo i'm from france too (eastern france) , what you wrote reminds me of my teenage years , when i was 11 to 13 there were a bunch of girls in my neighborhood and i used to get them in my room and we would play together we would grope each other and sh** there was one hottie that i wanted really to bang she had an amazing ass for a 13yo but i could only touch her , once we were on the bed in the dark and she sits on my leg and pretends we're fucking (we were not naked) , she was famous and was hanging around/being in couple with the chads and thugs never understood why she let me do that , i wanted her to be my gf she said no , she tried to come back to me years later she wanted to write poems to her i refused lmfao , she's whoring with the thugs and chads but i have to write her poems via sms fuck off (fun fact now she's a landwhale mom with a sub 5 guy) but this was another time when people were less picky i guess (from 2006 to 2007) , i was groping with other girls too , i put my head in the ass of one once she ended up being my gf for a day before a small local thug took her lmao , if i wasn't that shy i could have lost my virginity very early with her and guess what one of the first times i met this one i ended up kicking her and her friend because they were annoying me , i guess this is kind of the luck to grow up around an ethnic neighborhood , the first one was italian the second french gypsy (LOL).
I groped another girl in school when we were waiting to eat , i litteraly groped her ass for more than 10mins and came several times in my pants , her female friends ended screaming at me that she was in love with me later , i didn't do anything about it, this one ended up becoming super attractive and famous thanks god she's not pressing charges against me , all of this to say , i was a sub 5 looking young boy and look at the stuff that even i got , it's not a chad experience but still , as years went on i started getting fatter and fatter and of course social media/dating apps/feminism appeared and it ruined everything and yes , teenagers are super sexual even hornier than adults , i was horny af as a teenager.
I have a chad friend when we were 13 a group of girls was chasing him , the leader of the group of females litteraly put her hand in his pants and started playing with his cock he told me that he came several times lmao.
I have the impression that the girls were more attractive when i was in school than today but that's only my impression.
Females are indeed evil , one of the only fights i had in my life was in high school , long story short i ended up on top of the fight and one of the only females of the school i was in (the high school i was in was a high school full of thugs and 90% of boys of course i was bullied there), was looking at me with her pupils wide black and the face of her skin was red as she was sexually excited from what she saw.
I'm not lying or making up stories i swear it on my parent's head everything i said here is true , i swear it and yes even after all of this i'm still a fucking incel boyo. More recently when i was 23 i had a waitress close to her thirties giving me the wide pupils look with the red cheeks. She wanted kids and serious relationship lol i said no , she ended up winning because i wanted her to be my gf still and she rejected me but she was still pissed i stopped going to the place where she works.
It still happens to me to get attention from females even at my recent workplace weirdly and i'm barely 6feet tall and bald dude , pretty weak jawline , oval face , round eyes , big nipples even after a gyno surgery, very bad skin i had very bad acne my skin has traces of it that will never leave i also have red marks on the skin maybe the thing that saves me a bit is the fact that i work out a little bit but that's it............ Still with my parents at 28 , basement dweller but i have a job , no car , no appartment , escortmaxxer from time to time.
I probably forgot other things but i told you most of my experience , yeah , social media/dating apps/feminism/capitalism ruined everything and we have to accept our fate now.
Fuckşng whores
more like normie before online dating.is lol but even experiencing a bit of it like i did can make you even more depressed and sad that s why i kind of envy guys that are incel from the get go. I'm not 100% incel and not a virgin i lost my virginity to a hooker but i still consider myself an incel because i can't even get a match on tinder or a reply on a dating site , weirdly i can get some attention from females irl (even if i am a sub5 , wheat waffles rated me a 3.5 lol).

This is something that always infuriates me.

In 2024, the average 15 yo female has more sexual experience, both in terms of number of partners AND in terms of "expertise" (anal, facial, BJ, etc...) than your typical 50 yo boomer who will call you a pedophile if you dare to break the myth of the pure teenage girl.

Now, sit down and listen. Back when I was a teenager (20 years ago):

- an 11 yo girl was filmed blowing a guy 2 years older than her in the toilet. Said guy was of course high-value (good looking, agressive, lots of friends, not listening in class, etc..). I was not part of the cool kids so I didn't get to see the video, but everyone was talking about it

- 11-12 yo girls were starting to wear thongs and making sure they were visible above their low waist jeans (the fashion at the time). Boys would become crazy because of that, and position themselves in class as to be able to look at these girls’ asses.

- When I was 14 yo a girl discussed how she got fingered by her boyfriend and how she fingered herself. I had the opportunity to sit and listen to that conversation (such thing was extremely rare for me as I was not tolerated in these circles) and it turned me on like crazy. I kept thinking about that girl all the time.

- When I was 15, a stud in my class shove his finger in my oneitis' ass while she was climbing a fence in an extremely tight pair of jeans. I got shocked, I thought this was unacceptable and couldn't process why she was laughing. Back in the days I was convinced that my reserved, respectful and gentlemanly attitude would get me these girls, one day.

:heart: Fun fact about that one girl : I remember day dreaming non stop about her, I was making movies in my mind where I imagined she was being attacked and that I was coming to defend her. Must have thought about this a thousand times.

- I once caught a conversation during class between that same girl and her friend, when, while laughing, they were saying that they wanted to "kill themselves" but that before, they wanted to “do it” with someone. They then started to think about who, and of course the 2 guys that came to their mind were the 2 classroom alphas (agressive, bullies, bad grades, you got the picture).

- A 15 yo girl used to regularly be chased by a group of alphas trying to pull her thong. To this day, I still remember her joy, her laughter when this was happening.

- When I was 16, a girl in my class was dating a 23 years old man.

- Another one, which was 17 and with who I was madly in love, was dating a guy in college who used to come take her with his car (in France we don’t have cars in highshcool). When I witnessed that for the first time, I got devastated, as I felt like a child in comparison to this man. I was thinking about this girl all the time, absolutely all the time, at the cost of my grades.

- Around the same age, another girl from my class once discussed with her friends how she was embarrassed when her mother came to pick up the sheets after her boyfriend had ejaculated in them. Now, before that event , I knew girls had boyfriends, but I was under the illusion that they just kissed. As I realised that this very girl, who was in my class, was actually having sex, was actually receiving semen in her vagina, I froze. It was as if I got hit by a train. Said boyfriend was of course older and used to play with his butterfly knife in front of the school. He also had a scooter which again, at that time and in my country, was a massive status symbol.

- Fun, fact, and I’m just gonna drop their real names because IDGAF at that point : During my last year of highschool, I was first in love with a girl called Adèle. Her boyfriend was a popular kid in another class, called Alban. Later, I gave up on Adele and felt in love with Moana.

Moana was particularly hot and was dating a guy in college, so I thought “well, she’s out of my league, but she’s out of everyone’s league”. But guess what, she broke up with that dude and started dating… Alban’s brother, Quentin. These 2 brothers were dating the two girls I had felt in love with. They were popular, charismatic and very extroverted. Adele and Moana didn’t even know each other.

:yes:Pro tip : What could be something that attract girls and that two brother have in common ?

I could go on and on and on. Notice how I vividly remember these memories even 20 years later. Back in these days there were no pill. No red pill, no black pill. You were either bluepilled, or hateful and frustrated, and that was the reason why you weren’t getting any girls.

Another fascinating thing is that I struggled to think about these girls in a sexual way. I was jerking off porn, but these princesses were different. They were kind, pure, innocent. In my mind I was saving them (like in the movies), I was holding their hands, I was kissing them. Nothing more. As mentioned before, I couldn’t acknowledge the fact that they were having sex. Sure, they had boyfriends, but that didn't mean anything. Surely they just hold hands and kissed.

Meanwhile, I was playing World of Mother Fucking Warcraft and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.

My point ?

These innocent, clueless, pure teenagers : they’re the boys.

The girls ? They’re whores.
Holy mother of based. Great post, absolutely. Insane blackpill. The romantization of women part is brutal. Everything is brutal. Extreme demoralisation and incel fuel.
I hate women. I hate this world.
IMO ? There are only 2 situation where "rape" can happen :
- if she's married
- if she's a virgin

A slut who have sex with chads at frat parties can never be "raped".

Imagine having 10+ bodycount and saying you were "raped" LMFAO

True and Suifuel tbh
Oh shit you kinda have a point, I feel dumb now.
how are you ever going to correct it if you can't even talk about it?
that's exactly what the female hivemind wants, its bad behaviors to be forbidden from discussion, let alone examination and correction.
"If you want to know who rules over you, find out who you're not allowed to criticize."
IMO ? There are only 2 situation where "rape" can happen :
- if she's married
- if she's a virgin

A slut who have sex with chads at frat parties can never be "raped".

Imagine having 10+ bodycount and saying you were "raped" LMFAO
Based and Mosespilled.
Something about this story makes me feel such undescribable dread, mabye it's the fact that you still remember it after 20 years, or how you just wanted a wholesome gf this whole time, or everything else.

I felt like this song after reading this:


  • Dark is the Night - Soviet WW2 Song.mp4
    3 MB
Something about this story makes me feel such undescribable dread, mabye it's the fact that you still remember it after 20 years, or how you just wanted a wholesome gf this whole time, or everything else.

I felt like this song after reading this:

I felt a lot of melancholy writing it brocel
By age 13 most foids have had their cherry popped. Most foids are at double digit body counts by 16, and have roast beef by 18.

By 21 most foids are infertile, and by 25, the majority of foids have a triple digit body count, and a pile of roast beef left in their pants, where some semblance of a vagina once was
Holy Freak dude! Yeah most foids are promicous from Chads we envy those Chads and High tier normies
i was so bluepilled about how whorish foids are at a young age

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