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It's Over Teen Love Pill: Never Received Nudes From A Foid

Me too, I've never recieved any affection digitally or otherwise from any foid, no nudes or anything else whatever
The teen love pill kills me tbh i can't fathom that i missed out and there is no going back
I've never received one nor seen a woman naked in real life nor likely ever will unless I have to pay for it for escorting or something. I missed out on teen love so there is not future for me which i still struggle to accept. :feelsbadman:
i got some from ugly foids i met online and when i was chadfishing i got some from hot ones too :forcedsmile:
We will never truly realize how much we missed on.

All the sex messages that got exchanged, all the nudes that got sent, all the sex parties that happened while we were rotting alone in our rooms.

We know this kind of shit happened, but we'll never be able to realize how far that shit went in our respective schools.
This pill is something which sits in my head a lot of the times, especially recently where I've entered a lot of "dwams" or daydreams -which have consisted of anxious anticipations of the future & the ghost of the past haunting me still- where I've reminisced over how I(and all here) were deprived of experiencing teen love.

Now obviously, we know the damage has been done, there's no going back, etc. However, one thing which I have seldom -if ever- seen in conjunction to this pill, is people not mentioning the absence of nudes or sexting from foids. I recall back to around 7th-8th grade & first hearing of this, yet my naivety at the time enabled me to cope & assume it was only a few others doing it, that it was some kind of "meme" etc.

But then, Highschool started: If I had a fucking penny for every time I overheard normies, "friends," etc. speak about some foids nudes, I could have escortmaxxed in Holland by now & smoked a fat one with @Ron.Belgrade

Obviously, if you didn't receive these it's 99.999999% likely you never got sex, but it also highlights something else: It indicates that you are completely "out of the loop" socially, and were never even seen as "in the game" should that summarize it up.

And boy...was it a blackpilling moment when I overheard some guys I played Tennis with mention how the foid I thought was "sweet" was sending nudes to half of the normies in my grade.......

I hate the fact that in a few months I will legally not have experienced teen love ever.
With that being said, nudes are kinda retarded. If you really like each other you should just get intimate.
Relatable man. Crazy to think they were doing that in 7th-8th grade. I thought normies got gfs at age 16, but I’m beginning to think most of them got it even earlier than that. I knew many guys who had gfs at 13-14 too.
I worked at a library for over a decade, and many high school girls 13-16 volunteered during summer.

100% of those girls talked about sex and boys they were into. Either they were fucking already, or at least wanted to fuck.

This belief that girls are sweet innocent angels until 18 is utter horseshit normies say to soothe themselves.
I worked at a library for over a decade, and many high school girls 13-16 volunteered during summer.

100% of those girls talked about sex and boys they were into. Either they were fucking already, or at least wanted to fuck.

This belief that girls are sweet innocent angels until 18 is utter horseshit normies say to soothe themselves.
Absolutely true. I knew many girls were in relationships at that age and I can bet almost all of them were having sex. Too many normies and foids act like young teen girls are sweet innocent angels. They are not.

I always saw the girls go after the football players. It was classic to see 2-3 teen girls competing for a football player’s attention.
Lmao. I thought the same thing. Most teen girl will most definitely send nudes to guys they like
I'm not disagreeing with this but that's because most females (most people in general) are low-IQ and I don't know if I'd find them that impressive anyway.

I know there's this vibe I've gotten familiar with, whether it's drug use or non-con stuff, of this whole 'let's do illegal things together as a trust exercise' but it's overdone, not unique, and set up to exploit men at the behest of women who can destroy them at a whim as they decide you're not simping enough to fund their chad excursions.
Exactly. Thank God my high school was basically all male and I was too much of a recluse to know how much the girls in middle school were doing this, but I still heard about the guys in HS exchanging nudes with their GFs.
The only nudes I seen in school were on other guys phones.
Yeah I remember hearing about people in my year group sending nudes and sexting since the ages of 13.
This fact genuinely crushes me, while I rotted on Destiny, they did this
Even a virgin that's sexted and gotten nudes sent before greatly lifemogs me who's never done either.

It's not that uncommon to be a virgin in high school but to have gotten no female attention at all makes you a major outlier and is a bad sign for your future.
Yeah 100%

Like I said, it shows you weren't even "in the game" back then, and is 100% a bad sign
AWALT is fucking soul destroying, discovering even the cute innocent looking christian foid is letting chad shit down her throat
Yup, that moment & realization made my soul fucking sink like the titanic
I heard people in high school talk about receiving nudes from females, and i never got one sent to me:feelsbadman::feelsbadman::feelsbadman:
Yup, it was like a feast I couldn't partake in
I admire your coping abilities
Yeah jfl, I mean it's "illegal" but do you think anyone would fuck over a kid for that? No way, unless they already had something against them and wanted to do what we term "stacking charges" here in the US
Will bump after work pls remind me if I forget
Yeah, even if i ascended rn, I would be forever fucked up and mentally scarred from all the developmental milestones ive missed out on, the long term damage rotting and inceldom has on your brain, there is no making up for lost time.

I could ascend, get into a relationship, even get married & have kids, but I will always be mentally destroyed by this.
I imagine that all of these foids probably send the same pics to multiple guys as well.
That's what hurts even more
Meanwhile the orbiters are in their dms giving them constant praise and validation.

This world just makes me sick man. The fact that I couldn't get what I wanted while some douche bag chad goes from whore to whore just solidifies that god is a fucking faggot, and I hate his guts.

The only people that he ever blesses are the people who never deserved it in the first place, meanwhile the rest is discarded as if we don't even fucking exist.
I was the most polite, relaxed, friendly, and mature kid

Yet what did that get me? Nothing. Fucking, nothing.
Never thought about this, I’m too busy in my own world to give a damn about normies.
Clearly, you never tried to normiemaxx

And tbh, in some cases that's a good thing, because it mentally fucked me even harder
The teen love pill kills me tbh i can't fathom that i missed out and there is no going back
It's the most brutal pill imo
We will never truly realize how much we missed on.

All the sex messages that got exchanged, all the nudes that got sent, all the sex parties that happened while we were rotting alone in our rooms.

We know this kind of shit happened, but we'll never be able to realize how far that shit went in our respective schools.
And that's also even more haunting
A girl I met on discord sent me nudes and called me daddy for awhile. It wasn't great. She was very unhinged and insane. Her sole purpose in life was consuming miniature videos on TikTok and amassing a legion of admirers to inflate her ego.
And boy...was it a blackpilling moment when I overheard some guys I played Tennis with mention how the foid I thought was "sweet" was sending nudes to half of the normies in my grade.......
Those nudes are still circulating for sure. She will probably move to another city, make a new life for herself, and settle down with some poor unknowing goof.
I remember back in 8th grade when an Italian Becky in my grade sent nudes to a ballplayer Black/Rican Tyrone that eventually got leaked, prompting the principal of our school to literally call our entire grade in for a conference pertaining to the topic of sexually explicit photos. Was the first time in my life that I experienced a soul-crushing lifemog.

Ironically, the only other time she gathered us all for a conference that year was when I told some pajeet the answer to a question on a mid term (I had already taken it, he hadn't yet), only to be overheard by some nigger/curry mutt who started telling everyone the answer and saying "[my name] cAmE iN cLuTcH WiTh iT!":soy::soy::soy: I ended up getting called to the Dean's office, getting screeched at, having a false confession blackmailed out of me (it was also partially my fault since I tried to cover for the pajeet and nig-curry mutt, I was brainwashed by nigculture into thinking "snitching is bad brooo":soy::soy::soy: and also was trying to get on these people's good side to be popular), taking a fucking 0 for the exam that nearly crushed my grade, and prompting a conference about academic integrity from our bitchass principal.

Sorry for the tangent, but I had to get that story out :feelskek: :feelsrope: FUCK, man, I despise the cunts I grew up with
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