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Story Tale of an Incel Gorilla. Chapter 3 The Zoo



G.O.R.I.L.L.A _M.A.X.I.N.G
Sep 30, 2019



@Copexodius Maximus



@Transcended Trucel

Chapter 2 below


Last time on Tales of an Incel Gorilla: "The Zoo is where I learned to hate many humans, and its where i learned more about human culture."

Chapter Three The Zoo

After my capture I awoke to the sound of many animals howling and hooting. I rose to my feet and looked around. While i got familiar with my whereabouts, i soon realized that i was no longer within a forest, but some sort of enclosure. The enclosure (Picture Below) was fairly big. I was the only person who inhabited it after a couple of incidents i had with other Apes (I killed them).

I'd like to mention that this "Zoo" Wasn't a typical Zoo. It wasn't a zoo open to the general public. No, this Zoo was a special one that housed very special creatures such as myself. Creatures that also went through special testing and genetic alteration. The Zoo was frequented mainly by Scientists, The government, and those who had enough wealth and power to be granted information on the zoos existence.


My time at The Zoo, for lack of a better word, was shit. But it was a step up from my previous accommodations inside of the laboratory.

I was monitored 24/7 in my enclosure, and treated as a prop, a spectacle, something for the scientists to study, the rich piece of shit assholes to be entertained by, and something for the government to keep locked away and hidden. Had i not escaped this place, im sure i would have spent the remainder of my days inside of that lonely piece of shit enclosure. Now that it think about it, my current situation is honestly no different.

Im getting off track.

The one saving grace i had, and the difference between me and the other animals being held there, is that i was allowed to occasionally leave my enclosure and expand my knowledge at a library. After testing my mental capacity, i was tested to see how i held and processed certain information.

There was a grand library full of thousands of books that i was given access to. No one dared entire the library with me, so i was able to freely browse and read books uninterrupted for hours on end.


This is where i learned a lot about human history. Don't get me wrong, my time on this website has taught me much, and for that i am grateful. But the grand library was where i discovered who and what my creators were.

I read about your wars.


about your gods


about your greatest achievements


as well as your darkest times


and because of this, i came to the conclusion that you're all terrible creatures.


Animals kill for food. They rape, murder, and do bad things for seemingly no reason, and i'll admit that. But humans? Human behavior is appalling.

You were given sentience, consciousness, tools and advantages over other creatures, a bigger brain and higher intelligence, and still with all of those gifts you managed to be the worst of all the creatures to walk earth.

My hatred before this knowledge was animalistic. It had no basis other than my short time of being experimented on. But after gaining the knowledge i did, i actually had more of a reason to hate all of human kind. Not just for creating me, but for being the literal devils that you write about in your silly holy books.

Something broke inside of me that day, and before i was just like you.


I was content with my meager existence. Content to have my enclosure and my books. Content to be somewhere i wouldn't be bothered, so long as i didn't do anything wrong. The same trap that has been designed to keep all of you working, producing, and making the people above you happy.

After those months of reading, and learning. I decided that being content wasn't enough. The more content i was, the more control that they had over me.

It didn't take me long to escape.

They weren't planning on me doing it. They were used to me being submissive, and thus weren't ready to deal with my rage. I broke free of the walls surrounding my enclosure, and i beat and maimed anyone who stood in my path.

I only spared those who had even the tiniest bit of kindness for me during my stay.


Before i knew it, i was free. I ran from that place and never looked back. Not once. I feel guilty for leaving the others behind. I often think about the animals that i didn't save. I cope with telling myself they weren't as intelligent as i, and i often wonder if its true.


It was another few years before i made my way to the hellhole they call the land of "freedom" and "opportunity" I had to. After my incident i was constantly hunted and searched for. Those were hellish times, but i somehow got through them.

To be continued.

402529366 0ecdbf069d b
Put me on your taglist pls
This is actually art wtf
every word and then re read it again!
That was a really good story. Seriously exited for the next part. You're expanding the world and lore way better than normie capeshit "stories". You have a gem right here dedsrs. @ThoughtfulCel
Humans are an overrated species.
Very solid story. Looking forward to next part.
It was worth the wait.

You were given sentience, consciousness, tools and advantages over other creatures, a bigger brain and higher intelligence, and still with all of those gifts you managed to be the worst of all the creatures to walk earth.

Humans are pieces of shit, yes, including me.



@Copexodius Maximus



@Transcended Trucel

Chapter 2 below


Last time on Tales of an Incel Gorilla: "The Zoo is where I learned to hate many humans, and its where i learned more about human culture."

Chapter Three The Zoo

After my capture I awoke to the sound of many animals howling and hooting. I rose to my feet and looked around. While i got familiar with my whereabouts, i soon realized that i was no longer within a forest, but some sort of enclosure. The enclosure (Picture Below) was fairly big. I was the only person who inhabited it after a couple of incidents i had with other Apes (I killed them).

I'd like to mention that this "Zoo" Wasn't a typical Zoo. It wasn't a zoo open to the general public. No, this Zoo was a special one that housed very special creatures such as myself. Creatures that also went through special testing and genetic alteration. The Zoo was frequented mainly by Scientists, The government, and those who had enough wealth and power to be granted information on the zoos existence.


My time at The Zoo, for lack of a better word, was shit. But it was a step up from my previous accommodations inside of the laboratory.

I was monitored 24/7 in my enclosure, and treated as a prop, a spectacle, something for the scientists to study, the rich piece of shit assholes to be entertained by, and something for the government to keep locked away and hidden. Had i not escaped this place, im sure i would have spent the remainder of my days inside of that lonely piece of shit enclosure. Now that it think about it, my current situation is honestly no different.

Im getting off track.

The one saving grace i had, and the difference between me and the other animals being held there, is that i was allowed to occasionally leave my enclosure and expand my knowledge at a library. After testing my mental capacity, i was tested to see how i held and processed certain information.

There was a grand library full of thousands of books that i was given access to. No one dared entire the library with me, so i was able to freely browse and read books uninterrupted for hours on end.


This is where i learned a lot about human history. Don't get me wrong, my time on this website has taught me much, and for that i am grateful. But the grand library was where i discovered who and what my creators were.

I read about your wars.


about your gods


about your greatest achievements


as well as your darkest times


and because of this, i came to the conclusion that you're all terrible creatures.

View attachment 395293

Animals kill for food. They rape, murder, and do bad things for seemingly no reason, and i'll admit that. But humans? Human behavior is appalling.

You were given sentience, consciousness, tools and advantages over other creatures, a bigger brain and higher intelligence, and still with all of those gifts you managed to be the worst of all the creatures to walk earth.

My hatred before this knowledge was animalistic. It had no basis other than my short time of being experimented on. But after gaining the knowledge i did, i actually had more of a reason to hate all of human kind. Not just for creating me, but for being the literal devils that you write about in your silly holy books.

Something broke inside of me that day, and before i was just like you.


I was content with my meager existence. Content to have my enclosure and my books. Content to be somewhere i wouldn't be bothered, so long as i didn't do anything wrong. The same trap that has been designed to keep all of you working, producing, and making the people above you happy.

After those months of reading, and learning. I decided that being content wasn't enough. The more content i was, the more control that they had over me.

It didn't take me long to escape.

They weren't planning on me doing it. They were used to me being submissive, and thus weren't ready to deal with my rage. I broke free of the walls surrounding my enclosure, and i beat and maimed anyone who stood in my path.

I only spared those who had even the tiniest bit of kindness for me during my stay.


Before i knew it, i was free. I ran from that place and never looked back. Not once. I feel guilty for leaving the others behind. I often think about the animals that i didn't save. I cope with telling myself they weren't as intelligent as i, and i often wonder if its true.


It was another few years before i made my way to the hellhole they call the land of "freedom" and "opportunity" I had to. After my incident i was constantly hunted and searched for. Those were hellish times, but i somehow got through them.

To be continued.

View attachment 395295
Great read. One thing I want to note is that animals are obviously conscious, sentient, and many even use tools.
Even fish can pass the mirror test and can figure out that the image in the mirror is actually of themselves.
They are also able to notice when spots are placed on their bodies by looking at the mirror and try to get it off.
Many of the researchers in light of this perform mental gymnastics and say the test isn't showing what it is obviously showing.
Animals have self awareness.

Also, I wonder how you got blackpilled.

Btw, the zoo picture you posted is from a panda zoo JFL
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Nice, I've been waiting for part 3. will read
Put me on your taglist pls
This. Also, thank you for sharing your harrowing tale against us worthless humans. Gorilla-kind will be far more just once humans kill themselves off. Cheers, my friend.
This. Also, thank you for sharing your harrowing tale against us worthless humans. Gorilla-kind will be far more just once humans kill themselves off. Cheers, my friend.
Based brocel

I would also like to subscribe. I am a great admirer of gorillas, I still mourn Harambe while others have forgotten about him

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