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Take the Bonobo pill



Aug 21, 2018
Cognitive and behavioral differences between chimpanzees and bonobos that align with the

Even in the ape world, it pays to have dashing good looks. Researchers have found that the “Brad Pitt” of bonobos in one ape community they studied has managed to woo the majority of the females, and as such fathered most of the infants.

Published in Current Biology, the work found that even though bonobos in general live in a fair and equal society, this does not hold for who becomes the daddy. Surprisingly, the researchers discovered that a single particularly good-looking male within a community found in the Democratic Republic of Congo has sired 60 percent of all infants born over a 12-year period.

“The funny thing under such a scenario would be that most of the females would have the same preference for Camillo, the alpha male and 'Brad Pitt' of the bonobos at our research site,” explained the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology’s Martin Surbeck.
Soycucks: "Beta Alpha dichotomy doesn't exist! Patriarchy isn't necessary because bonobos are peaceful and have lots of sex!"

Meanwhile Blackpill:
Over for bonobocels

Even in the ape world, it pays to have dashing good looks. Researchers have found that the “Brad Pitt” of bonobos in one ape community they studied has managed to woo the majority of the females, and as such fathered most of the infants.

Published in Current Biology, the work found that even though bonobos in general live in a fair and equal society, this does not hold for who becomes the daddy. Surprisingly, the researchers discovered that a single particularly good-looking male within a community found in the Democratic Republic of Congo has sired 60 percent of all infants born over a 12-year period.

“The funny thing under such a scenario would be that most of the females would have the same preference for Camillo, the alpha male and 'Brad Pitt' of the bonobos at our research site,” explained the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology’s Martin Surbeck.
It's no coincidence feminists worship bonobos, that's what they want to turn human society into.
Chimpanzees seem a lot more based from that graphic
It's no coincidence feminists worship bonobos, that's what they want to turn human society into.
And it's proof that feminist policies and welfare will lead to Chad domination. That's why Incels should create a Rodgerist state, state assigned monogamous GFs now!
It's no coincidence feminists worship bonobos, that's what they want to turn human society into.
There's a difference between androcentric socialism (Rodgerism) and gynocentric socialism (most Marxists). Women, lesbians, Chads, and ignorant SIMPs use bonobos to justify why sexual liberalism will make everyone happy

There's actually a lot of violence in bonobo societies. They're not peaceful at all. It's just that they don't invade other tribes. But horny men are fighting with women to fuck them all the time. Younger women have lesbian sex with older women for protection from young men. Sounds exactly like universities today.and the "tee hee I'm bisexual" trend you see now days.
Don’t be fooled by their reputation for altruism and free love – bonobos hunt and kill monkeys just like their more vicious chimpanzees cousins, according to new research. “Bonobos are merciless,” says Gottfried Hohmann, a behavioural ecologist at Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. He witnessed several monkey hunts among bonobos living in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and says, “they catch it and start eating it. They don’t bother to kill it”.

I guess all the leftists who say Brazil is violent because of patriarchy just got proven wrong. Feminism does nothing to stop killing.
As we stood there watching the bonobos lounge peacefully that sunny day, Parish also told me about an even more sinister side to male-female bonobo relations. Females often initiate sex with males, and the males are often receptive. But sometimes an unenthusiastic male may try to shake off a female, to little avail. A female may “solicit” such a male again and again, putting her arms around him repeatedly as he attempts to slip away, refusing to be refused. Eventually, they have sex. “The situation of male-female sex sometimes looks coercive to me,” Parish observed as I hung on to her words, stunned to hear what she was telling me: Female bonobos force males to have sex with them against their will. This is not difficult to do, she pointed out, since the males frequently have erections from the anxiety of being dominated and coerced. During the sex, she elaborated, males may give distress vocalizations and attempt to escape.

The "rapeless " bonobos actually have a lot of female on male rape. Who would have thought?
Marxism-Rodgerism = Chimps
Sexual Capitalism = Bonobos​

first one from u/bcat124 : http://archive.is/EYevV

In fathering, peace-loving bonobos don't spread the love -- ScienceDaily​

Bonobos have a reputation for being the peaceful, free-loving hippies of the primate world. But, researchers reporting in Current Biology on July 10 have discovered that despite friendly relations between the sexes, particular males have a surprisingly strong advantage over others when it comes to fathering offspring. For example, researchers found in one group that the most reproductively successful bonobo male fathered more than 60 percent of the next generation.
The findings show that the reproductive skew -- the extent to which a single male versus many males sires offspring -- is much higher among bonobos than it is in male-dominated and more aggressive chimpanzees. While the reasons behind that skew aren't yet entirely clear, the researchers suspect that it may come down to a tendency for many females to choose to mate with the same attractive male.
"The funny thing under such a scenario would be that most of the females would have the same preference for Camillo, the alpha male and 'Brad Pitt' of the bonobos at our research site," says Martin Surbeck of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany.
Surbeck and colleagues, including Kevin Langergraber at Arizona State University's School of Human Evolution and Social Change and ASU's Institute of Human Origins, have a long-standing interest in bonobo society and particularly in the relationships between males and females. Bonobos are known for their friendly nature and lack of aggression. In that friendly setting, bonobo males often seem to invest in friendly relationships with particular females. The researchers wondered whether those "friendships" were leading to greater paternity success for those males.
To find out, the researchers tested paternity in 24 bonobo offspring conceived over the 12-year period from 2002 to 2013 in one bonobo community living in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They compared that paternity data to published data in chimpanzee communities.
The researchers had hypothesized that bonobo females' freedom to choose their mates would mean a more balanced distribution of paternity amongst males in the group. But they found just the opposite. While more work is needed to explore the reasons behind that skew, the researchers say, "if female choice is the mechanisms behind our observation, all females seem to prefer more or less the same male."
There may be other factors at play, the researchers say. Compared to humans and chimpanzees, bonobos tend to spend more time as a larger group. In that setting, lower-ranking males might have fewer opportunities for sneaking time away and copulating with particular females. But female choice most likely plays an important role.
"Unlike chimpanzees, where all adult males outrank all adult females, and even the lowest-ranking males can coerce females into mating, there appears to be a greater role for female choice in bonobos," Langergraber says. "Perhaps they choose high-ranking males."
The researchers say the discovery came as a big surprise to them, despite all of their time spent watching bonobos and chimpanzees in the field. However, they note, the findings were made in a single bonobo group. It will now be important to find out if the same skew turns up in others.


Second one: http://archive.is/mi2DY

Deceptive sexual signals keep the peace in a bonobo society -- Phys.org​

Female bonobos could have become the dominant sex in their societies by deceiving males as to when they are likely to conceive, according to research published in the open access journal BMC Evolutionary Biology. The females' unreliable sexual swellings, which can remain swollen up to 31 days, make it difficult for a male to monopolize and guard female mates to ensure he sires their offspring. This may reduce aggressive mate competition and male sexual coercion toward females, and result in bonobo societies being relatively peaceful.
Exaggerated sexual swellings occur in some species of nonhuman primates, where the skin surrounding the female genitalia changes in size, shape, turgidity and color during the phases of the menstrual cycle. Many female primates display tumescent (enlarged) sexual swellings to advertise to males that they are ready to mate and likely to conceive. However, they do not appear to be a reliable indicator of fertility in wild bonobos (Pan paniscus).
Lead author, Pamela Heidi Douglas from the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, Germany said: "The sexual swellings of female bonobos appear to send mixed messages to males, making it much harder for males to successfully time their mating efforts. We found that sometimes females would advertise they were fertile when they were not ovulating and thus unlikely to conceive. During other cycles, females did not display that they were fertile even though they were ovulating."
Male-male competition often occurs when sexual swellings are a reliable indicator of a female's condition. When sexual swellings are less precise indicators, this makes it increasingly difficult for males to predict when the female is ovulating and time their mating efforts accurately. This suggests that aggressive mating tactics and coercive mate guarding may not be beneficial mating strategies for male bonobos.
Pamela Heidi Douglas adds: "Males may have to rely on other signals, such as vocal or behavioral cues, to detect when a female is likely to conceive. They also may have to use other techniques to increase their mating success, such as spending more time with the females by grooming them, rather than competing with other males for mating opportunities." Such alternative mating strategies may have been one mechanism by which bonobo communities became relatively peaceful compared to other primates.
Wild bonobos live in multimale-multifemale societies in which females exhibit extended sexual receptivity and mating is polygynous (males mate with more than one female) and polyandrous (females mate with more than one male). The data were collected from the Bompusa community of wild bonobos at the Luikotale field site, located near the southern sector of Salonga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo, over a period of three years from December 2010 to December 2013.
A total of 13 mature females were observed to characterize female swelling cycles and nine females were used to assess the timing of ovulation in ovarian cycles. A total of 34 cycles were analyzed and female fertility was accurately signaled in only half of them.
The authors suggest that this study advances our understanding of the evolution of sexual signaling in our closest relatives. If the males can no longer rely on sexual swellings as signs of fertility and the females are free to express mate choice without being constrained by males, this could have led to female dominance in this species.


Third: http://archive.is/eVREm

In the Bonobo World, Female Camaraderie Prevails -- New York Times​

The female bonobo apes of the Wamba forest in the Democratic Republic of Congo had just finished breakfast and were preparing for a brief nap in the treetops, bending and crisscrossing leafy branches into comfortable day beds.
But one of the females was in estrus, her rump exceptionally pink and swollen, and four males in the group were too excited to sleep. They took turns wildly swinging and jumping around the fertile female and her bunkmates, shaking the branches, appearing to display their erections and perforating the air with high-pitched screams and hoots.
Suddenly, three older, high-ranking female bonobos bolted up from below, a furious blur of black fur and swinging limbs and, together with the female in estrus, flew straight for the offending males. The males scattered. The females pursued them. Tree boughs bounced and cracked. Screams on all sides grew deafening.
Three of the males escaped, but the females cornered and grabbed the fourth one — the resident alpha male. He was healthy, muscular and about 18 pounds heavier than any of his captors. But no matter.
The females bit into him as he howled and struggled to pull free. Finally, “he dropped from the tree and ran away, and he didn’t appear again for about three weeks,” said Nahoko Tokuyama, of the Primate Research Institute at Kyoto University in Japan, who witnessed the encounter. When the male returned, he kept to himself. Dr. Tokuyama noticed that the tip of one of his toes was gone.
“Being hated by females,” she said in an email interview, “is a big matter for male bonobos.”
The toe-trimming incident was extreme but not unique. Describing results from their long-term field work in the September issue of Animal Behaviour, Dr. Tokuyama and her colleague Takeshi Furuichi reported that the female bonobos of Wamba often banded together to fend off male aggression, and in patterns that defied the standard primate rule book.
Adult females responded to a broad range of male provocations — unwanted sexual overtures, food disputes, pushing, kicking, vocal threats, persistent pestiness — by forming coalitions of two or more females, who would then jointly take on their male tormentors.
Remarkably, the female partners in a bonobo posse cooperated with one another despite lacking any ties of blood or even close friendship. As the so-called dispersing sex, female bonobos must leave their birthplaces before puberty and find another social set to join, which means that none of the adult females in a given bonobo community are kin.
Moreover, female bonobos rarely formed coalitions with their preferred girlfriends — the individuals they spent the most time with and groomed the most ardently. Instead, the researchers found, coalitions arose when a senior female would step in and take the side of a younger peer caught up in an escalating conflict with a resident male.
By delivering the formidable luster of her social standing, as well as an extra pair of hands, the intervening senior pretty much guaranteed that the skirmish would break her way.
The new results add depth and complexity to our emerging understanding of Pan paniscus, the enigmatic, lithe great ape with the dark licorice eyes, who lives only in the Democratic Republic of Congo and is seriously endangered. The bonobo is a sister species to the more widespread common chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes, and the two share equal footing as our nearest primate kin.
Yet the apes have followed distinctly different behavioral paths. Chimpanzee society is male-dominated and features strong bonds between adult males and feeble ties between females.
In the bonobo world, by contrast, female camaraderie prevails, while the bonds between males are weak. “It’s a matriarchy,” said Amy Parish, a primatologist at the University of Southern California. “Females are running the show.”
The latest research indicates that the nature of the bonobos’ sororal bonds shifts depending on circumstances, and that the most effective deterrent to male harassment may be a cross-generational pact.
“I sometimes think that bonobos sit up late at night reading papers about primates, and then decide to do the opposite,” said Joan Silk, a primatologist at Arizona State University. “They’re unusual in so many ways.”
Bonobos are famed for their hypersexuality and the way they use sex as an all-purpose problem solver in every possible situation, permutation and combination. When bonobos come upon a great patch of fruit, for example, and tensions rise over feeding priority, the bonobos will decompress with a quick round of genito-genital rubbing and similar acts: males with females, males with males, females with females, juveniles with adults.
Female bonobos in Congo’s LuiKotale forest use specialized gestures and pantomime to convey their desire for a bit of girl-on-girl frottage, according to a report last year by Pamela Douglas and Liza Moscovice of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany. The soliciting female will point backward with a foot toward her sexual swelling and then shimmy her hips in imitation of a rub, at which display the second bonobo will embrace her for the real thing.
“It’s status acknowledgment,” said Barbara Fruth, a bonobo researcher at the Royal Zoological Society in Antwerp, Belgium. “The approaching female is saying, ‘I know you’re higher-ranking than I am, I know you’re superior, but I would like to sit near you and maybe share your food.’”
Bonobos tongue-kiss, practice oral sex, have intercourse face-to-face, and make sex toys. Frances White, a biological anthropologist at the University of Oregon, once watched a female bonobo turn a stick into a kind of knobby “French tickler,” with which she then stimulated herself. “They’re not always family friendly,” Dr. White said.
Such erotic antics have earned bonobos a reputation as laid-back “hippie apes,” a label that researchers say belies the primate’s strategic intelligence and capacity for brutality. Dr. Parish, who studies bonobos in captivity, has seen the young offspring of dominant females flaunt their inherited power by marching over to lesser-ranking female adults, prying their jaws open and extracting the food from their mouths.
She also recounted the time that two females attacked a male at the Stuttgart Zoo in Germany and bit his penis in half. Fortunately, she said, “a microsurgeon at the zoo was able to repair the damage, and the male went on to reproduce.”
Nevertheless, bonobos are far less violent than chimpanzees, and female bonobos clearly benefit from life in a constructed sisterhood. Female chimpanzees cannot pick and choose a partner from among the available males, but must mate with all of them. Female bonobos can reject suitors without fearing for their lives. Infanticide is common among chimpanzees, but unheard-of among bonobos.
The outstanding question for researchers is how the female solidarity routine started.
Male chimpanzees remain in their natal home, so their male-male bonds are built on the standard evolutionary principle of kin selection. Female chimpanzees end up surrounded by nonrelatives in adulthood, so they mind their own business.
Why did female bonobos defy the norm and start cooperating with one another? And why don’t male bonobos forge alliances with other nearby males who are likely their brothers and cousins?
Differing ecological conditions may have helped set the stage for the behavioral divergence. By this hypothesis, bonobos evolved in a region with a comparatively abundant and reliable food source, which meant that females could forage in view of one another without coming to blows.
The more time they spent foraging, the more affiliative they became, and soon they were applying their displays of mutual respect and tolerance to other tasks, like rebuffing male harassers.
Chimpanzees evolved in drier climates, where food was scarce and foraging females had to compete with one another for limited goods. Who has time for friends?
As for male bonobos, they may be subordinate themselves to females in cliques, and they may have no interest in hanging out with the guys. But they have a secret social weapon: their mothers. Male bonobos stay with their mothers for life, and as her status grows with age, so does his.
Dr. White suggested that senior females cultivate relationships with younger females partly as a matchmaking gambit.
“The mother is finding partners for her son,” she said. “Why would a male bother harassing a female when he could have his mother do it for him?”
Researchers suggested that the new work has implications for understanding human evolution and the future, especially for women.
“We’re equally related to chimps and bonobos, and we have their entire range of behavioral variation available to us,” Dr. White said. “We can be as aggressive as the chimpanzee, or as female-allied as the bonobo.”
That female bonobos have found a path to “solidarity and sisterhood,” Dr. Parish said, “should give hope to the human feminist movement.”



Bonobo ladies get to choose their mates and boy oh boy are they picky By Sara Chodosh posted Jul 13th, 2017​

Bonobos get it on every which way. Really, truly. Every. Which. Way. But there is a line that lady bonobos have drawn in the sand, and it turns out that line is “unattractive males.”
You might know bonobos as the more peaceful cousins of chimpanzees. If you didn’t already know them, welcome to the world of bonobos—there’s a lot of sex. Which isn’t to say that they’re constantly having sex, just that they’re a very free-spirited group of apes. Unlike humans, they don’t seem to have stigmas against sexual acts, so they pretty much do it any way they want. And they want it a lot of ways.
Until recently, primate biologists thought that meant that female bonobos must mate with a wide variety of males*. Their more aggressive chimp relatives have a hierarchy of males, and only the top of the pyramid gets to mate with the group’s females. But *bonobos spread the love, so it would make sense for them to have more mate pairings.
Not so. Three biologists spent years tracking matings in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and found that female bonobos pretty much all go for the same few males. They published their findings in the journal Current Biology on Monday.
The bonobos turned out to be even more selective than chimp groups, who have a notoriously strict hierarchy. That might seem a little backwards, but it actually makes a lot of sense. In the chimp world, it's perfectly acceptable to coerce a female into having sex, and “coerce” is a pretty generous word. If you’re okay with that method of persuasion, it follows that males who are lower on the ape totem pole will still be able to mate, if not quite as often as their stronger and more attractive adversaries. But bonobos are much more peaceful, so the lower-ranked fellas don’t even get a chance. It’s lady’s choice, and when she inevitably chooses your more desirable buddy—well, too bad.
This works out perfectly for female bonobos. Like humans, they only have to mate with partners they dig, which is definitely better than the whole violent coercion thing chimps have going on. Of course, if you're a bonobo lady your sexual freedom means being pretty much constantly pregnant and raising all your babies as a single mom.
And female sexual choice doesn’t always work out in the animal kingdom—for either sex. Just look at ducks. Go on, look at ‘em. Lady ducks have corkscrew-shaped vaginas, and it’s not because they like really kinky (sorry) sex. It’s because male ducks force themselves upon females so often that they've had to evolve physical defenses against intruding penises. See, male ducks have corkscrew-shaped penises—they just spiral in the opposite direction from duck vaginas. And oddly, this violent sexual arena is probably due to the evolutionary preservation of female choice. Having a defense against aggressive males means that the lady ducks still (mostly) get to pick their mates. They just have to put up with a lot of very unpleasant looking attempts from would-be suitors.
On the other hand (wing?), male birds get their beautiful plumage from female choice. Lady birds are usually pretty bland because they’re doing the choosing, so the men are forced to compete for female attention. The brighter or bigger the feathers, the more likely they are to be chosen.
Dominance is sexy to bonobos the way plumage is sexy to birds, so the dominant bonobos, well, dominate the sexual scene. And honestly, more power to them. They’re peaceful creatures who are totally chill about touching each other’s penises. Or vaginas! Any kind of touching, really. Shine on, you crazy bonobos.
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Bonobofoids also kick the males when they want to have sex:lul: when we go extinct and the chimps and bonobos get smarter like us and start fighting like when we did with neanderthals guess who'll go extinct first: the cucked bonobos :feelsYall:
If the bonobo males watched more female directed movies this would not happen
Bonobos also explain why male human sexuality is demonized - while bonobosl females evolved to appear fertile 24/7, human females evolved to look like they were never horny. That's why simps treat women as asexual angels too pure for sex, and why wanting to have sex with an adult woman is considered almost as bad as wanting to have sex with a nine year old like the Prophet Muhammed
And it's proof that feminist policies and welfare will lead to Chad domination. That's why Incels should create a Rodgerist state, state assigned monogamous GFs now!
Just relatively high standrd of living, free abortion/access to contraception and permissive sexual mores will do. No specifically feminist policies apart from that are even needed. And the US has less welfare than the old parts of the EU yet I see no evidence of inceldom being higher in the giga nanny state Sweden as opposed to the relatively brutal USA.
Just relatively high standrd of living, free abortion/access to contraception and permissive sexual mores will do. No specifically feminist policies apart from that are even needed. And the US has less welfare than the old parts of the EU yet I see no evidence of inceldom being higher in the giga nanny state Sweden as opposed to the relatively brutal USA.
Heck, Japan is relatively uncucked and even they has rampant inceldom. Saudi Arabia has incels. South Sudan has incels. Afghanistan has incels.

The only solution is locking women indoors, Ancient Greek style.
Heck, Japan is relatively uncucked and even they has rampant inceldom. Saudi Arabia has incels. South Sudan has incels. Afghanistan has incels.

The only solution is locking women indoors, Ancient Greek style.
South Sudan has loads of incels, because it's an officially polygynyous country as opposed to western style de facto polygynous society.

As to the Islamic countries, they have limited polygyny, too, but what hopelessly fucks up the situation are expectations for status from the potential hubby who very often has a same set of grandparents as his future waifu. Imagine having to wait till 30 to get married because you are low-status and don't have any male relative to arrange the marriager for you? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousi...a/File:Global_prevalence_of_consanguinity.svg In other words, in islamic world (at least its most barbaric parts like Afghanistan) we don't see much female choice in action. Rather, it's social engineering that ultimately doesn't work for anyone's benefit. Unlike the traditional "morally/customs-based enforced" monogamy in the West that permitted healthy competition for a desirable spouse yet ensured only the absolute wretches would be left unmarried.
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South Sudan has loads of incels, because it's an officially polygynyous country as opposed to western style de facto polygynous society.

As to the Islamic countries, they have limited polygyny, too, but what hopelessly fucks up the situation are expectations for status from the potential hubby who very often has a same set of grandparents as his future waifu. Imagine having to wait till 30 to get married because you are low-status and don't have any male relative to arrange the marriager for you? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousi...a/File:Global_prevalence_of_consanguinity.svg In other words, in islamic world (at least its most barbaric parts like Afghanistan) we don't see much female choice in action. Rather, it's social engineering that ultimately doesn't work for anyone's benefit. Unlike the traditional "morally/customs-based enforced" monogamy in the West that permitted healthy competition for a desirable spouse yet ensured only the absolute wretches would be left unmarried.
The only solution is Marxism Rodgerism
I look like a bonobo
researchers discovered that a single particularly good-looking male within a community found in the Democratic Republic of Congo


When the mask slips and zoologists reveal their true, furry nature.
They can continue to dream on about female controlled society, it will never happen, foids are the first to judge other foids and most foids respect men more than other foids. Also you cant be a leader and a victim at the same time and they want to be the pampered victims.
They can continue to dream on about female controlled society, it will never happen, foids are the first to judge other foids and most foids respect men more than other foids. Also you cant be a leader and a victim at the same time and they want to be the pampered victims.
An example from my personal life - a Stacey (only with makeup) was saying how her boyfriend is okay but she doesn't feel the "spark" and an older married lesbian started trying to convince her to dump him.

Most HR departments have old lesbians who have a harem of young straight girls begging for favours

Just look at how many women are bisexual now, it's to get older lesbians to simp for them

We are literally turning into bonobos.
The male bonobocels just need to work on their personalities, there’s plenty of fish in the sea
We need a projector for bonobocels playing Captain Marvel 24/7
An example from my personal life - a Stacey (only with makeup) was saying how her boyfriend is okay but she doesn't feel the "spark" and an older married lesbian started trying to convince her to dump him.

Most HR departments have old lesbians who have a harem of young straight girls begging for favours

Just look at how many women are bisexual now, it's to get older lesbians to simp for them

We are literally turning into bonobos.
Depends on the place, where i live situation is like this. They are trying to turn men into weaklings so they would have more dominant position, but they are repulsed by weak and submissive men so they still chase violent, dominant men. They dont want to end patriarchy because they want to have the protection of all men and men are shamed daily into helping foids. Every foid i know hate gays with burning passion because they dont have a use of them, they want the complete freedom for themselves but fight to keep the "true family values" so they and their bastards have the special privileges in the society once they settle.
I always knew chimps were based. That's why I made Saint Travis my pfp.
I have a bonor bonor in my pants but no womon womon to suckie suckie
bonobos mog. team players always mog.
There's actually a lot of violence in bonobo societies. They're not peaceful at all. It's just that they don't invade other tribes. But horny men are fighting with women to fuck them all the time. Younger women have lesbian sex with older women for protection from young men. Sounds exactly like universities today.and the "tee hee I'm bisexual" trend you see now days.
Bonobos is some faggot shit were females have all the rights without disposability.

For a 50/50 authority/disposability among sexes one should look more into ring tail lemurs than bonobos. The few monomorphic species come somewhat close to ideal society

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