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It's Over Subhuman truecel trait: you are not good at ANYTHING



KHHDV Wizard Alchemist. Wageslavecel.
Nov 21, 2023
I've spent most of my life coping with video games, yet I suck at them. I play most on the 'easy' difficulty.

Some subhumans like Asmongold were able to make a career out of coping with video games. They become streamers. They were good and people had reasons to watch them...

I don't know how to play any musical instruments.

I don't have any DIY skills. I'm not good at singing, dancing, drawing.

I'm not good at any sports. I don't have the physical build to do outdoors activities like hiking, cycling. I have reduced muscle from klinefelter syndrome.

I don't know how to swim. I don't know how to ride a bike. I am not able to attract a female mate. Millions of years of struggles by my ancestors, and it all ends with me.

How is it possible to be such an utter failure in every imaginable way possible?
How is it possible to be such an utter failure in every imaginable way possible?
Statistically and mathematically speaking, there HAS to be a human who is just bad at everything. And it happens to be me. Me, of all billions of people. It's me
Don't remind me
Statistically and mathematically speaking, there HAS to be a human who is just bad at everything. And it happens to be me. Me, of all billions of people. It's me
Just like how there's always someone better, that means there will always be someone worse. I'm sure there's someone out there who's bad at everything but to a worse degree than you. If that serves as any consolation, I'll try to help you cope
I oscilate constantly between ''I'm a disgusting subhuman creature and I don't deserve women's love'' and ''I still have a soul and I deserve happiness and the pain to stop''. I don't know anymore. I know for a fact women can't possibly love ugly man with disgusting face. It's just impossible, even if they tried.
I know now. I simply don't deserve it. Me being ''incel'' is a cope. I will never have a wife and I never will deserve a wife :fuk:
Because I have so little work experience, I can only get entry level jobs and most of my coworkers have always been younger than me. At my last job, my superior was a 19yo foid (me being 29 jfl). I cannot express in written form how inferior I felt...
I've spent most of my life coping with video games, yet I suck at them. I play most on the 'easy' difficulty.

Some subhumans like Asmongold were able to make a career out of coping with video games. They become streamers. They were good and people had reasons to watch them...

I don't know how to play any musical instruments.

I don't have any DIY skills. I'm not good at singing, dancing, drawing.

I'm not good at any sports. I don't have the physical build to do outdoors activities like hiking, cycling. I have reduced muscle from klinefelter syndrome.

I don't know how to swim. I don't know how to ride a bike. I am not able to attract a female mate. Millions of years of struggles by my ancestors, and it all ends with me.

How is it possible to be such an utter failure in every imaginable way possible?
yh im not good at any skill either too tbh

but I am not bad at osmething things but its like I am capped

even in league of legends I reached Diamond 3 in Season 4 and couldnt go higher no matter how hard I tried I would lose all Elo, uits the same with other games, I realized I am capped I cant exceed and go be the best that is when I realzied its the same in life I am hardcapped in skills in life, its over.
Yeah this is pretty much me. Not that I have a burning desire or need to be good at really anything, but it would probably make life a lot more enjoyable. But when you're a subhuman genetic failure that should have never been born, this is our lot.
I've spent most of my life coping with video games, yet I suck at them. I play most on the 'easy' difficulty.
Same. And yet I still struggle. I genuinely think that video games can sense my subhumanity and make me have terrible luck so that I spend money on the game or on mods to make it somewhat enjoyable. But normies who have normal reflexes and aren't retarded can become OP at any game within 5 minutes of playing it
I don't have any DIY skills. I'm not good at singing, dancing, drawing.
My voice sounds retarded due to throat problems and I look clumsy af when trying to dance. Infact, when I was 12 I couldn't copy a dance everyone else in my class could and I was constantly laughed at for it.
I'm not good at any sports. I don't have the physical build to do outdoors activities like hiking, cycling. I have reduced muscle from klinefelter syndrome.
Relatable, I fucking hated sports I was the worst and was always tired quickly. Idk if I have klinefelters but my body looks weird and I have features like narrow clavicles and wide, uneven hips.
I don't know how to swim. I don't know how to ride a bike. I am not able to attract a female mate. Millions of years of struggles by my ancestors, and it all ends with me.
At least our hypothetical children won't exist to suffer from our genetics.
How is it possible to be such an utter failure in every imaginable way possible?
We lost the genetic lottery.
I'm a pathetic, worthless failure :feelsbadman:
Relatable, I fucking hated sports I was the worst and was always tired quickly.
High school was the most rough school period for me, partly because of sports.

Girls played for 30 minutes while boys watched them, then the last 30 minutes boys were playing while girls watched us.

We were playing basketball and I was getting tired running twice from one end of the court to the other.

Not only was I feeling bad because all the other boys were physically superior to me and stronger and had higher endurance, but THE FUCKING GIRLS IN MY CLASS WERE ALSO WATCHING US PLAY. IT WAS BRUTAL, MERCILESS HUMILIATION
Not only was I feeling bad because all the other boys were physically superior to me and stronger and had higher endurance, but THE FUCKING GIRLS IN MY CLASS WERE ALSO WATCHING US PLAY. IT WAS BRUTAL, MERCILESS HUMILIATION
It was a snowballing effect: the Chads and Chadlites were feeling better from outperforming the inferior classmates. Boosted confidence, boosted mental health. Not to mention EXTRA CONFIDENCE from being admired by the girls.

Meanwhile, the inferior male specimens like me were feeling the reverse snowballing effect: we were feeling even worse and more insecure from being humiliated at sports while girls were watching us and comparing us
"B-but everyone has a talent :soy: "
It was a snowballing effect: the Chads and Chadlites were feeling better from outperforming the inferior classmates. Boosted confidence, boosted mental health. Not to mention EXTRA CONFIDENCE from being admired by the girls.

Meanwhile, the inferior male specimens like me were feeling the reverse snowballing effect: we were feeling even worse and more insecure from being humiliated at sports while girls were watching us and comparing us
High school is the most important developmental stage of your life. You're no longer a kid in middle school.

In high school you're supposed to get your first girlfriend, to lose your virginity, to experience teenage love. It would boost your confidence immensely.

You're supposed to socialize more, and you're old enough to go out and do more activities with your friends. You're supposed to go out, experiment, get life experience. It's a core socialization block and I don't have it.
You're supposed to socialize more, and you're old enough to go out and do more activities with your friends. You're supposed to go out, experiment, get life experience. It's a core socialization block and I don't have it.
Beginning to shape your social life in high school is essential. Even if you mess up and embarass yourself, you're just a teenager. It's okay.

Now I'm a grown ass man, I no longer have any excuses being a socially awkward retard. All my peers have 10-15 years worth of socializing experience.
High school was the most rough school period for me, partly because of sports.

Girls played for 30 minutes while boys watched them, then the last 30 minutes boys were playing while girls watched us.

We were playing basketball and I was getting tired running twice from one end of the court to the other.

Not only was I feeling bad because all the other boys were physically superior to me and stronger and had higher endurance, but THE FUCKING GIRLS IN MY CLASS WERE ALSO WATCHING US PLAY. IT WAS BRUTAL, MERCILESS HUMILIATION
When we played basketball, boys and girls were both put into each team by the teacher. Most of the girls didn't try but the ones that did, were better than me at sports. Whenever we did badminton or table tennis, I didn't even play because no one wanted me in their group, so I just walked around the corner of the hall like a weirdo. The only people who would occasionally invite me to their team would be the tallfag athletes who knew I was shit at sports and laughed at me each time I made an error during these humiliation rituals. When I was a kid, normies would always complain to me about how I wasn't even trying, and would even joke that I'm the "best at sports". I stopped doing PE as soon as I was allowed to.
I've spent most of my life coping with video games, yet I suck at them. I play most on the 'easy' difficulty.

Some subhumans like Asmongold were able to make a career out of coping with video games. They become streamers. They were good and people had reasons to watch them...

I don't know how to play any musical instruments.

I don't have any DIY skills. I'm not good at singing, dancing, drawing.

I'm not good at any sports. I don't have the physical build to do outdoors activities like hiking, cycling. I have reduced muscle from klinefelter syndrome.

I don't know how to swim. I don't know how to ride a bike. I am not able to attract a female mate. Millions of years of struggles by my ancestors, and it all ends with me.

How is it possible to be such an utter failure in every imaginable way possible?
you shouldn’t have to be good at anything. Do you think the average chad is good at anything really? he just exists and is rewarded for his existence purely on his looks. talent all comes down to perception unless you’re some freak of nature such as Isaac Newton or Edison, or at least, that’s what I believe.
you shouldn’t have to be good at anything. Do you think the average chad is good at anything really?
Chad has value in society by being attractive. So do women. Chads and women don't need to be good at anything to be valued by society.

But if you're an ugly man, you need something else to have value and compensate for your bad looks. If not, you're just a worthless sack of meat, skin and bones.
Chad has value in society by being attractive. So do women. Chads and women don't need to be good at anything to be valued by society.

But if you're an ugly man, you need something else to have value and compensate for your bad looks. If not, you're just a worthless sack of meat, skin and bones.
according to you and society maybe, but as far as I am concerned, I don’t have to be anything. There is no law or rule saying I have to make myself valuable to anyone, or that I have to have any sort of special skills. The only thing that matters is if I’m comfortable or not, and I am. Society can lick my ass and go worship chads cock, I will continue to do whatever the hell I want.
I've spent most of my life coping with video games, yet I suck at them. I play most on the 'easy' difficulty.
I am the same, but I made my peace with it. So what if I play out my virtual life in 'easy' mode? In real life I am stuck on the hardest difficulty.

I have also started making paintings and playing the piano. I am horribly untalented at both of these things but that doesn't matter. My art is for my eyes only, my music for my own ears. Society can go fuck itself. I am an incel, I am by definition a failure. So I might as well have some fun doing it.
I am the same, but I made my peace with it. So what if I play out my virtual life in 'easy' mode? In real life I am stuck on the hardest difficulty.

I have also started making paintings and playing the piano. I am horribly untalented at both of these things but that doesn't matter. My art is for my eyes only, my music for my own ears. Society can go fuck itself. I am an incel, I am by definition a failure. So I might as well have some fun doing it.
Setting yourself a goal you think you personally can be proud of is better than letting the expectations of other people define whether or not you're successful or good at something. As long as it gives you satisfaction and fulfillment in life, more power to you. To hell with what everyone else says and thinks.
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Im only very good at useless things

Everyday productive tasks are hard for me
I have played Dota for 3 000 hours and Im still herald (lowest rank)
Because I have so little work experience, I can only get entry level jobs and most of my coworkers have always been younger than me. At my last job, my superior was a 19yo foid (me being 29 jfl). I cannot express in written form how inferior I felt...
Brutal. I'm 31 and in the same boat
according to you and society maybe, but as far as I am concerned, I don’t have to be anything. There is no law or rule saying I have to make myself valuable to anyone, or that I have to have any sort of special skills. The only thing that matters is if I’m comfortable or not, and I am. Society can lick my ass and go worship chads cock, I will continue to do whatever the hell I want.
Based but even if there was a law or rule I wouldn't respect it.
We are human side characters and exist as a comic foil

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