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JFL studymaxxing is cope



Feb 28, 2022
my parents used to tell me, study hard so you'll become an engineer, doctor,lawyer and you'll get all the girls. This is pure cope. In my university i see a lot of riceles, currcels and incels studying for litterally 8 hours a day in the library. While the chads are going out partying, drinking and having fun with foids. These incels are studying so hard for what??? so 5-10 years down the line they are going to have some shitty office 9-5 job. Where they're going to sit in front of a comuter screen 8 hours a day in their crap office where the aircon doesn't even work. And every morning they're going to get shit on by their boss whos gonna give them a crap load of work everyday while the boss who was probably a chad in his prime and graduated college with C's and D's, skipped classes, probaly paid someone to do their exam for them has a more better and successfull than these incels. All these incels can do is betabux when they're 30 for a 4/10 landwhale wife with a body count over 100.
Indeed. This is why you should work from home and make money online


Fuck working for a boss. Be your own.
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Kinda but it’s good if you do it , right now I know I can’t finish college so I’m just trying to pass as many courses as possible , I’ll think about the future after my school kicks me out for being an Incel loser who jerks off to girls in toilets and to their Instagram pictures
I'm in college too. I want to make games. Seeking a degree in something that I've been dreaming of doing is my way of telling myself that I'm not a pussy. But this is my last chance though.. If I dropout, I'll know that I failed myself. So then, I'll probably get a low-stress job. Work there for 1-2 years. Then rope.
工程師已經是社會底層了 機械系更是工程師之底層
工程師已經是社會底層了 機械系更是工程師之底層
"Engineers are already at the bottom of the society, and the mechanical department is the bottom of the engineers." :fuk:
If you can get trained in a trade like electrician or painter, you can become an independent contractor and it isn’t that bad, you just find projects and have decent money for copes
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Honestly, as a currycel, I don't know why am I studying. Everyone is enjoying their lives while I have to sit down on my ass studying and wageslaving for my whole life. Arranged marriage won't exist after a decade. I don't know what am I going to do. No girl wants a manlet, ugly, nerdy currycel.
blue collar jobs now pay better than white collar jobs because everybody does white collar nowadays
I'm supposed to study to get my GED, but haven't even been able to motivate myself to do that. Over for low IQ / lazy cels.
the only thing im studying is looksmaxxing :lul:



Thanks. There's actually a website they linked me to that has tutorial videos and practice questions / quizzes, everything I need to study on it I just have to put in the effort.
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I'm in college too. I want to make games. Seeking a degree in something that I've been dreaming of doing is my way of telling myself that I'm not a pussy. But this is my last chance though.. If I dropout, I'll know that I failed myself. So then, I'll probably get a low-stress job. Work there for 1-2 years. Then rope.
that's cool man. i am slowly trying to write a visual novel(it's going very slow though),so it's cool to see brocels wanting to make games too
I tried college (dropped out of first semester after I flunked hard when I was young and dumb as academically ill-prepared) as a non-traditional student, and now I cannot finish a fucking degree (general studies, no idea wtf to do with my life) because I’m illiterate in math, thanks to horrible public education system that neglected me and turned me into a socially inept dorky retard.

It’s been a decade since I dropped out of college with only one class left, and that is college algebra, which is a tougher hurdle to jump higher than even biology and mandatory bullshit “all whites are racists” diversity commie class.

If I had finished a degree, maybe I get a shot at decent salaried job (no idea what job), maybe a bullshit government job. Then score a woman on a dating web site or somewhere. (Never degenerate artificial SMV hypergamy-pushing speed dating market like Tinder which further alienates the incel male populace to suffer despair as outcast.)

University where I went to even (implicitly, same university brand ad propaganda seen on hdtv’s in the halls) said if you cannot attain a completed degree, you are worthless and useless. Like college is all that fucking matter to our lives as if we are taxpaying hamster running on wheel statistics to nick and dime to obey, grind degrading bullshit jobs and marry to fuck and reproduce.

Without a college degree, I’m a worthless welfare man who is forced to work occasional gig jobs like Uber (suspended for alleged crime, even before conviction; fuck Uber for undermining my livelihood to fire me). Therefore, without a marketable degree to get a half-assed job to grind for a maybe decent salary, I cannot even hope to score a good-looking woman to marry and reproduce. (Not just cuz I’m uglycel, clowncel and mentalcel with shitty genes as a failed first born prototype, hence born loser.)

Fuck this world! For ridiculous social expectations that are improbable or impossible to overcome, cuz I scrape at the bottom of the barrel.

O Russia, spread the wings on the nuke missiles to fly to the targets, to vaporize the sinecure communist city and cuckservative faggot/feminist cunt power state where I live to end my suffering. (Sarcasm) :feelsbadman:
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Programming. But I want to do both. Idk if that's unrealistic or not. :feelsbadman:
one man teams or small teams isn't strange anymore,so it's probably not that unrealistic. seems like a lot of heavy work,but if you enjoy it you enjoy it.
one man teams or small teams isn't strange anymore,so it's probably not that unrealistic. seems like a lot of heavy work,but if you enjoy it you enjoy it.
How was your trip? Are you feeling better since last week?
I can't even study because of my agoraphobia
How was your trip? Are you feeling better since last week?
yes and no. after going on that trip,i am thinking heavily of going backhome for good. Everyone there is much poorer,much uglier, and much less everything compared to here in london.over there i am just a normie and the thing is online dating isn't a thing there and a lot of people can't afford to live by themselves,so there are a million couples(both young and old).I doubt i will find a catholic women there who will want to be with me,but i know for sure that i have a zero chance of getting anything here in london,so it's not like i have much of a choice . i also feel incredibly guilty over all my sins,so staying in london is making me go even crazier since you can't even hope for anything here in london. so hopefully i will this year be backhome either studying or having some random job(which is hard over there but it's either that or london kek).

the no bit is because i have never felt so depressed and sad in my entire life. whenever i take a shower i literally stay in the hot tub for 5 hours straight(i am being serious.i counted it.sometimes it's for less but yeah) because i don't have the energy to get up. Everything feels pointless and tiring. thoughts of suicide have come back(they pretty much vanished for like 2 years straight) and i am afraid that i will become a statistic in 2 or 3 years as the pain of living gets worse and worse every year(also suicide seems way more natural and "possible" now then ever with the way i am feeling about it) and i have no idea how i am going to handle it. christ will surely give me the strength to support it,but man is very selfish so it's a complicated situation. i don't want to sin,but when the pain comes,the mind numbs. man gives every man a chance to not sin,but yeah.

the trip wasn't horrible apart from the boredom and everything involving my grandmother. there are a lot of couples there(in london most couples are like 30+ and not the majority whilst backome couples are everywhere and go from teens to elders), and it does make me sad to a certain extent(not out of envy but because it reminds me of my loneliness and that which i will probably never have),but at the same time it does give a man some hope as there are guys who look to be in the same level of looks in relationships and with kids(that i assume are from them).

so yeah.never been so sad and desperate.maybe there will be a good ending who knows.i know for sure that london is a blackhole where nothing good every happens.Apart from learning english(which eventually lead me to christ) this hellish landscape has only served to torture me. so leaving it might be good.
it's not a cope to studymaxx if you need a certain degree to work for yourself, which is the main goal.

I used to put lot's of effort into studing but then realized the workplace is all about having connections/being sociopath/good genetics.

Now I am really tired and just lie in my resume, I have a degree in IT, but I'm tired from all of this, I will try to do as few shit as posible in my future jobs and if they want to fire me I will just find another shitty spot.

Right now what fullfills me is doing graffiti (check my last thread), vidya, weed/shrooms, fapping, music, reading etc.

Fuck the workplace and fuck every one of those selfish brats who only want to step on your head.:feelsUgh:
yes and no. after going on that trip,i am thinking heavily of going backhome for good. Everyone there is much poorer,much uglier, and much less everything compared to here in london.over there i am just a normie and the thing is online dating isn't a thing there and a lot of people can't afford to live by themselves,so there are a million couples(both young and old).I doubt i will find a catholic women there who will want to be with me,but i know for sure that i have a zero chance of getting anything here in london,so it's not like i have much of a choice . i also feel incredibly guilty over all my sins,so staying in london is making me go even crazier since you can't even hope for anything here in london. so hopefully i will this year be backhome either studying or having some random job(which is hard over there but it's either that or london kek).

the no bit is because i have never felt so depressed and sad in my entire life. whenever i take a shower i literally stay in the hot tub for 5 hours straight(i am being serious.i counted it.sometimes it's for less but yeah) because i don't have the energy to get up. Everything feels pointless and tiring. thoughts of suicide have come back(they pretty much vanished for like 2 years straight) and i am afraid that i will become a statistic in 2 or 3 years as the pain of living gets worse and worse every year(also suicide seems way more natural and "possible" now then ever with the way i am feeling about it) and i have no idea how i am going to handle it. christ will surely give me the strength to support it,but man is very selfish so it's a complicated situation. i don't want to sin,but when the pain comes,the mind numbs. man gives every man a chance to not sin,but yeah.

the trip wasn't horrible apart from the boredom and everything involving my grandmother. there are a lot of couples there(in london most couples are like 30+ and not the majority whilst backome couples are everywhere and go from teens to elders), and it does make me sad to a certain extent(not out of envy but because it reminds me of my loneliness and that which i will probably never have),but at the same time it does give a man some hope as there are guys who look to be in the same level of looks in relationships and with kids(that i assume are from them).

so yeah.never been so sad and desperate.maybe there will be a good ending who knows.i know for sure that london is a blackhole where nothing good every happens.Apart from learning english(which eventually lead me to christ) this hellish landscape has only served to torture me. so leaving it might be good.
Life truly is a struggle, Billowel. I hope that we can find our own peace without murdering ourselves.
my parents used to tell me, study hard so you'll become an engineer, doctor,lawyer and you'll get all the girls. This is pure cope. In my university i see a lot of riceles, currcels and incels studying for litterally 8 hours a day in the library. While the chads are going out partying, drinking and having fun with foids. These incels are studying so hard for what??? so 5-10 years down the line they are going to have some shitty office 9-5 job. Where they're going to sit in front of a comuter screen 8 hours a day in their crap office where the aircon doesn't even work. And every morning they're going to get shit on by their boss whos gonna give them a crap load of work everyday while the boss who was probably a chad in his prime and graduated college with C's and D's, skipped classes, probaly paid someone to do their exam for them has a more better and successfull than these incels. All these incels can do is betabux when they're 30 for a 4/10 landwhale wife with a body count over 100.
The whole “study hard, get a good job” meme can work “if” you’re willing be a betabux for a post wall woman. A good job/education level/resources are plusses to women, sure, but those things can never create genuine attraction. They just might be with you for a time to mooch while putting out as little as possible.

That said betabuxing seems like a pretty horrible deal for obvious reasons
1) the woman is just using you because they’re probably post wall fatties that don’t want to work anymore. Being a stay at home mom requires no education and is easy as fuck compared to an actual job. There’s a reason why in surveys men too say they’d rather be home makers but in reality that option isn’t given to us, men must provide and work their assess off just for the privilege of being a betabux that will get dispassionate star fish sex once every few months.

2) tons (maybe most) betabux marriages don’t last — the woman can and does divorce once and take half of your hard work and savings — then they can coast in retirement on social security + what they took from you when you worked your ass off in Uni and in your crushing STEM job and they barely did anything. Men are so desperate simps feel honored that any woman at all would be with them while they offer next to nothing in return often times. Our legal system is retarded. My own mother did this to my father, it’s common as day. If you follow the studies women imitate divorce in the US ~70-80% of the time depending on citation, it’s a complete joke. Women of course blame men for these statistics (“well the man was the problem! It’s his fault I divorced him!”).

Don’t get me wrong I think incels broadly are perfectly fine with accepting their looksmatch — online dating studies and like show us that men are much more willing to compromise/are less picky when it comes to looks, education, income (you name it) versus women. But being a betabux isn’t a great situation.

At the bar I’ve heard my guy friends who have STEM jobs (but who aren’t good looking) talk about their relationships and the common gripes are 1) girlfriend/wife doesn’t put out and doesn’t want sex (obviously because the woman isn’t attracted to them but women always deny this — probably because they don’t want to appear shallow or because they want to cast the blame onto the man but what do I know) and 2) the woman contributes nothing financially and/or doesn’t even do the home maker stuff (cooking cleaning, etc).

As for cooking and cleaning it’s ironic that none of the women in my family can cook for shit and they’re all slobs. Back when I lived with my family before moving out for my job the amount of garbage I would pick up for the women just passively was insane — the really gross shit was that they wouldn’t flush their period blood (absolutely sick) and would leave used tampons everywhere in bathroom. Had to get the fuck out of there. The real kicker is my own family charged me as much in rent as my whole apartment cost lol.

Naturally whenever they talk about their relationships (they have tons of options, what else is new — even the older ones. My own mother went to online dating and got no joke 50 matches in one day) it’s “men are evil” blah blah.

Normies/women whatever always say this kind of take is sexist but that would only be true if what I’m saying is not correct. What I’ve observed my whole life flies directly in the face of what men are indoctrinated with when it comes to women. Beyond the anecdotes normies will say that the studies compiled on the blackpill wiki and the like are invalid but nah, they just think anything is “invalid” if they don’t like it or if it makes them look bad. It’s all so tiresome.
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yes and no. after going on that trip,i am thinking heavily of going backhome for good. Everyone there is much poorer,much uglier, and much less everything compared to here in london.over there i am just a normie and the thing is online dating isn't a thing there and a lot of people can't afford to live by themselves,so there are a million couples(both young and old).I doubt i will find a catholic women there who will want to be with me,but i know for sure that i have a zero chance of getting anything here in london,so it's not like i have much of a choice . i also feel incredibly guilty over all my sins,so staying in london is making me go even crazier since you can't even hope for anything here in london. so hopefully i will this year be backhome either studying or having some random job(which is hard over there but it's either that or london kek).

the no bit is because i have never felt so depressed and sad in my entire life. whenever i take a shower i literally stay in the hot tub for 5 hours straight(i am being serious.i counted it.sometimes it's for less but yeah) because i don't have the energy to get up. Everything feels pointless and tiring. thoughts of suicide have come back(they pretty much vanished for like 2 years straight) and i am afraid that i will become a statistic in 2 or 3 years as the pain of living gets worse and worse every year(also suicide seems way more natural and "possible" now then ever with the way i am feeling about it) and i have no idea how i am going to handle it. christ will surely give me the strength to support it,but man is very selfish so it's a complicated situation. i don't want to sin,but when the pain comes,the mind numbs. man gives every man a chance to not sin,but yeah.

the trip wasn't horrible apart from the boredom and everything involving my grandmother. there are a lot of couples there(in london most couples are like 30+ and not the majority whilst backome couples are everywhere and go from teens to elders), and it does make me sad to a certain extent(not out of envy but because it reminds me of my loneliness and that which i will probably never have),but at the same time it does give a man some hope as there are guys who look to be in the same level of looks in relationships and with kids(that i assume are from them).

so yeah.never been so sad and desperate.maybe there will be a good ending who knows.i know for sure that london is a blackhole where nothing good every happens.Apart from learning english(which eventually lead me to christ) this hellish landscape has only served to torture me. so leaving it might be good.
Im telling you, dharmamaxxing is what fully eradicated my suicidal thoughts since 2020. Abrahamism aint the answer. been there, done that… no flavor of kikery & its spawns will save you
Im telling you, dharmamaxxing is what fully eradicated my suicidal thoughts since 2020. Abrahamism aint the answer. been there, done that… no flavor of kikery & its spawns will save you
i believe in christ,so no i am fine. also before two months ago, i had barely any suicidal thoughts(like wasn't on my mind at all) for 2+ years(almost 3),so it's not like you are proving anything with your statement.the more one ages,the more one struggles in my experience.i am not an oldcel by any means, but yeah.

still i wonder what pulled you away from *Abrahamic * religions.
i believe in christ,so no i am fine. also before two months ago, i had barely any suicidal thoughts(like wasn't on my mind at all) for 2+ years(almost 3),so it's not like you are proving anything with your statement.the more one ages,the more one struggles in my experience.i am not an oldcel by any means, but yeah.

still i wonder what pulled you away from *Abrahamic * religions.
Abrahamic religions are only good as stepping stones. At some point, you move on, like taking training wheels off of a bike, so to speak
graduated college with C's and D's,
You can only pass exams with at least Cs. Not being told this by my education/government, practically made my: Education, Career and Finances over before it began.

They really really wanted me to want to work with my hands. Whereas; All I wanted was an office cubical.
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my parents used to tell me, study hard so you'll become an engineer, doctor,lawyer and you'll get all the girls. This is pure cope. In my university i see a lot of riceles, currcels and incels studying for litterally 8 hours a day in the library. While the chads are going out partying, drinking and having fun with foids. These incels are studying so hard for what??? so 5-10 years down the line they are going to have some shitty office 9-5 job. Where they're going to sit in front of a comuter screen 8 hours a day in their crap office where the aircon doesn't even work. And every morning they're going to get shit on by their boss whos gonna give them a crap load of work everyday while the boss who was probably a chad in his prime and graduated college with C's and D's, skipped classes, probaly paid someone to do their exam for them has a more better and successfull than these incels. All these incels can do is betabux when they're 30 for a 4/10 landwhale wife with a body count over 100.
BASED:blackpill: If your an incel male, espeically ethnic, DONT studymaxx, it is a long diffuclt journey to nowhere but an abyss of wage slavery, SCAMMAX instead, start a ponzy scheme and steal money from normies.....in a video game of course.
I tried college (dropped out of first semester after I flunked hard when I was young and dumb as academically ill-prepared) as a non-traditional student, and now I cannot finish a fucking degree (general studies, no idea wtf to do with my life) because I’m illiterate in math, thanks to horrible public education system that neglected me and turned me into a socially inept dorky retard.

It’s been a decade since I dropped out of college with only one class left, and that is college algebra, which is a tougher hurdle to jump higher than even biology and mandatory bullshit “all whites are racists” diversity commie class.

If I had finished a degree, maybe I get a shot at decent salaried job (no idea what job), maybe a bullshit government job. Then score a woman on a dating web site or somewhere. (Never degenerate artificial SMV hypergamy-pushing speed dating market like Tinder which further alienates the incel male populace to suffer despair as outcast.)

University where I went to even (implicitly, same university brand ad propaganda seen on hdtv’s in the halls) said if you cannot attain a completed degree, you are worthless and useless. Like college is all that fucking matter to our lives as if we are taxpaying hamster running on wheel statistics to nick and dime to obey, grind degrading bullshit jobs and marry to fuck and reproduce.

Without a college degree, I’m a worthless welfare man who is forced to work occasional gig jobs like Uber (suspended for alleged crime, even before conviction; fuck Uber for undermining my livelihood to fire me). Therefore, without a marketable degree to get a half-assed job to grind for a maybe decent salary, I cannot even hope to score a good-looking woman to marry and reproduce. (Not just cuz I’m uglycel, clowncel and mentalcel with shitty genes as a failed first born prototype, hence born loser.)

Fuck this world! For ridiculous social expectations that are improbable or impossible to overcome, cuz I scrape at the bottom of the barrel.

O Russia, spread the wings on the nuke missiles to fly to the targets, to vaporize the sinecure communist city and cuckservative faggot/feminist cunt power state where I live to end my suffering. (Sarcasm) :feelsbadman:
You seem pretty high IQ judging from your writing ability, did you find college algebra that hard that you had to compleltey drop out and force yourself into lower class wage slavery ?
it's not a cope to studymaxx if you need a certain degree to work for yourself, which is the main goal.

I used to put lot's of effort into studing but then realized the workplace is all about having connections/being sociopath/good genetics.

Now I am really tired and just lie in my resume, I have a degree in IT, but I'm tired from all of this, I will try to do as few shit as posible in my future jobs and if they want to fire me I will just find another shitty spot.

Right now what fullfills me is doing graffiti (check my last thread), vidya, weed/shrooms, fapping, music, reading etc.

Fuck the workplace and fuck every one of those selfish brats who only want to step on your head.:feelsUgh:
Your basically me, but i havent graduated yet, nothing motivates me in life to study beyond not live on the streets, the only thing worse then being incel is being a homeless incel, seeing you cant even cope with the little trinkets wage slaving can buy you. Fuark, i dont know what to do either
You seem pretty high IQ judging from your writing ability, did you find college algebra that hard that you had to compleltey drop out and force yourself into lower class wage slavery ?
Correct. I received bad education in Grade 5-11 and so I learned how to write well by self-teaching (autodidact) from voracious reading over the years.

For example, Ludwig van Beethoven only know how to do simple math with addition and subtraction.

Besides, college has devolved to white-bashing communist bullshit now. Another reason not to go back to college.
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Correct. I received bad education in Grade 5-11 and so I learned how to write well by self-teaching (autodidact) from voracious reading over the years.

For example, Ludwig van Beethoven only know how to do simple math with addition and subtraction.

Besides, college has devolved to white-bashing communist bullshit now. Another reason not to go back to college.
You might have a high verbal IQ but no a high mathematical IQ
Fuck the workplace and fuck every one of those selfish brats who only want to step on your head.:feelsUgh:
and at the end they will die like you or I will. Stupid idiots think status means anything :lul::lul::lul:
Studyingmaxing is intended to be a stepping stone for MoneymaxXxing which is an Incels only hope in life.
It depends if you have a high iq it's ok you can afterwards monneymax otherwise it's a cope majority of incel are low iq so jfl.

BASED:blackpill: If your an incel male, espeically ethnic, DONT studymaxx, it is a long diffuclt journey to nowhere but an abyss of wage slavery, SCAMMAX instead, start a ponzy scheme and steal money from normies.....in a video game of course.
I am getting two Stem degrees and am an Incel, while my room mate is getting a retarded Business degree and is a Chad with GF and friends. This proves that getting harder degrees is not worth shit.
Based. Most post graduate jobs won’t hire ugly inkels unless it’s a remote stem job and you can nerdmaxx your aesthetic to look smart enough to get hired. Also the point of studymaxxing is to moneymaxx and that’s been proved useless. You can afford to go overseas and get hookers but that’s not truly ascending. I’d rather just coom than go thru all that work for some gross hooker with 1000+ Previous sexual encounters
my parents used to tell me, study hard so you'll become an engineer, doctor,lawyer and you'll get all the girls. This is pure cope. In my university i see a lot of riceles, currcels and incels studying for litterally 8 hours a day in the library. While the chads are going out partying, drinking and having fun with foids. These incels are studying so hard for what??? so 5-10 years down the line they are going to have some shitty office 9-5 job. Where they're going to sit in front of a comuter screen 8 hours a day in their crap office where the aircon doesn't even work. And every morning they're going to get shit on by their boss whos gonna give them a crap load of work everyday while the boss who was probably a chad in his prime and graduated college with C's and D's, skipped classes, probaly paid someone to do their exam for them has a more better and successfull than these incels. All these incels can do is betabux when they're 30 for a 4/10 landwhale wife with a body count over 100.

I sympathize with those currycels and ricecels studying so fucking hard and trying to make their parents happy, while also believing in their lies (which may have been true in the past, but if they were right back then, they are completely wrong now).

It just isn't worth it. Parents let their daughters do whatever they want, but continue pressuring their sons to be a carbon copy of their fathers or grandfathers (not even true in my case, both my father and grandfather forged their own path rather than slaving for a boss, and they weren't even Incels, but my mom has always raised me as much as possible to be an obedient worker drone). The problem is, the rewards for standard wageslaving have diminished so much that they are virtually nonexistent now. Getting a used up whore at 30-35, who has had 100 cocks inside her, has a horrible attitude, and feels entitled for you to serve her while she has no obligation to do anything and who is likely to be a single mother for all that hard work is such a joke. And then they expect you to MARRY that creature. It's absurd.

Some of these faithful Incels go on to work really hard, putting in 50, 60, 70 hours per week. They make lots of money but if it's like here, they will be taxed very brutally, and most of their tax dollars just goes to waste feeding these fucking whores and their bastard offspring.

Sometimes I want to tell my parents all about how I feel, but I just can't right now, considering my grandmother could find out. I need to play it smart and cool at least until that inheritance is safe and secured in my bank account. Like my grandfather said before he died, it is all about owning capital. That will be my stepping stone to true freedom.
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