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RageFuel [STUDY] Female Privilege is Very Real, and Very Big. Statistics Prove It.

Nearly impossible for a woman to be homeless, unless she wants to. There's always a whiteknight beta simp rushing to the rescue.

I was watching a YT channel where a guy interviews homeless people. His video with a female had its comment section spammed with whiteknights saying "talk to me I'll help you". He did an update video a month later and of course she's no longer homeless and is already pregnant lmao. Meanwhile, men get thrown away and spitted on like garbage.
Ofcourse they won't
People here say all normies are like this and uphold the system but really if you look closely look to those that bully incels and sexually and socially unsuccessful males overall and you'll see a lot of the blame goes to people that join in on those opportunistic bullying. That's why sometimes even they touch these threads and gaslight further. To some extent they know they are part of the reason the world is like this and how they encourage it by always coming to women's aid and treating women better than they treat most men in everything (giving women the benefit of the doubt far easier then men, their excuses for and dismissal of misandry but rabid hatred against misogyny, their insistence that femcels are less hateful than incels despite femcels copying incel terminology and just flipping the genders)
Female privilege is extremely obvious. But foids are solipsistic (therefore they consider any petty problem they face as more serious than a man going through something 100x worse) + only truly pay attention to the top men, that's why they don't see it.
This tbhtbh
For them 90% of men don't really exist
you don't need a study to prove they have it all easy it is just like studying why water is wet.
Female privilege is extremely obvious. But foids are solipsistic (therefore they consider any petty problem they face as more serious than a man going through something 100x worse) + only truly pay attention to the top men, that's why they don't see it.
Well said
Don't even need statistics to prove this.
The way I see it, that argument was pointless and both of you were coping tbh. It's easy to fall for copes, I don't blame you. :cryfeels:
Except I do have coin and can theoretically throw an offer at his mother :lul:

He's the one coping hard, I haven't recieved a single dime from my parents in years JFL
Deboonker | Know Your Meme
Deboonker | Know Your Meme
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Man can you even imagine how much it suck for men who die on the job, dying a fucking wageslave to make more money for his boss retirement.
I honestly would rather quit. I remember one time I had to work with a sandblasting machine that blew that fucking dust everywhere. Shit ended up in my mouth, yet they gave no masks. I went up to the shift leader and said I won't work if I get no mask. They didn't budge. Luckily I knew every nook and cranny of that shitty facility, so I LITERALLY went away from my job posting and spent the last 2 hrs playing games on my phone, till my shift ended. Faggots didn't even manage to find me lol.
Fuck getting lung cancer silicosis just for wagecucking.
you don't need a study to prove they have it all easy it is just like studying why water is wet.
My thoughts exactly. As a foid, even with a shitty university degree you're guaranteed to get an easy desk-job in HR (where u don't do actual work lol). They only need a basic resume and apply. That's it. No self-improvement. No experience, no nothing.
Boils my piss every time I see that shit.
I don't need any statistic for that.
The government of my country LITERALLY gives money to women just for being women.

There are at least a dozen social assistance programs directed solely to help and support women.

Free food, free shelter, free hygiene products, free school supplies, free medicine in some drug stores. Free this free that. Free education, free college. Public hospitals always tend to foids first. I went there with some health problems I had to wait all day long. Meanwhile the whores went to do abortions every fucking hour.

Business are forced to give I don't know how many % of the jobs to women.
The other day there was a news on TV about business having problem getting women to fill in those jobs, because foids didn't want to work the dirt hard jobs.

Meanwhile that, in the rest of the country, men are suffering under the biggest unemployment rate ever.


If you are a whore foid that allowed Tyrone to cum inside you and didn't abort the cumturd. The government LITERALLY gives you $1600. And $300 more for every other children. There are whores in my country with more than 10 children that make more money than me and they don't even lift a fucking finger.

So far, the normie cattle has been able to pay for all that shit and shoulder the foids through their taxes.
What country are you from, if you mind answering(no need to if you don't want to) You just made me curious
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Females literally have life handed to them, they get absolutely everything they want in life and it is still not enough. They have never and can never know true suffering. I hate women and hope to see them suffer.
But sweaty, muh oppressed white girls can't wear bikinis to school and people frown at them when they get an abortion!?! Don't be a sexist muhsaggenist pig!!!

Woke people only like science when it benefits their ideas.
But sweaty, muh oppressed white girls can't wear bikinis to school and people frown at them when they get an abortion!?! Don't be a sexist muhsaggenist pig!!!
It's funny how the things these bitches complain about aren't even real problems.

They'll go on and on about 'oh men look at me with rapey eyes,' or 'oh there's no cloths in my size,' when 1. Those are non-problems and 2. THE SOLUTION IS SO CLEAR CUT AND OBVIOUS.


Women can't even make the basic sacrifices required to live the lives they want so they get men to change/do it for them. Fuck that shit
Females literally have life handed to them, they get absolutely everything they want in life and it is still not enough. They have never and can never know true suffering. I hate women and hope to see them suffer.
Spot on. And one thing they really love is to do is to pretend to suffer, and use their fake victimhood to punish innocent men. They get off on the thought of it. And when they don't get it, they write books and make believe on how much they suffer in this society that hands them everything, gives them unfair advantages, makes things easier for them in every occupation, goes out of its way to protect them from harm, and helps them destroy anyone who dares to question their status and role as a protected, privileged, and pampered class. Meanwhile, outside of the comfortable and pampered society that western men have literally suffered and died to give them, reality is much more harsh. It must be nice to have the privilege to complain that being pampered and spoiled isn't enough.
Female privilege, unlike my penis, is very big and super obvious. Fml
I think my favorite lovely piece of hypocrisy or conflating heap of bullshit is how women complain nowadays that there just isn't enough high income male earners in today's modern economy to merit their sexual affections, hand in marriage, family creation, or general interest whatsoever, yet unironically these same women will say that male privilege rules over society within a patriarchal framework where they're constantly at a collective disadvantage as a gender, well, doesn't that seem like an elaborate contradiction?

But of course when they're talking about male patriarchy they're only talking about the top 20% of men [Chads] they have to compete with or against within society, the bottom 80% percent of men they don't have to compete against where of course they don't even view us as men and humans at all, we're merely house niggers, tax cattle, drones, or useless props in the background of society where they don't even acknowledge us at all. We simply don't exist at all in their minds...
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It's funny how the things these bitches complain about aren't even real problems.

They'll go on and on about 'oh men look at me with rapey eyes,' or 'oh there's no cloths in my size,' when 1. Those are non-problems and 2. THE SOLUTION IS SO CLEAR CUT AND OBVIOUS.


Women can't even make the basic sacrifices required to live the lives they want so they get men to change/do it for them. Fuck that shit
What do you consider as a "real problem"? As far as I know, bodies are different and just by eating less, It would not be a solution at all. I can agree that It's shitty, indeed, that some people cannot fit with social standarts. If being ugly is an issue most of us face, why "having no clothes of their size" would not be a problem as well?
Female privilege is extremely obvious. But foids are solipsistic (therefore they consider any petty problem they face as more serious than a man going through something 100x worse) + only truly pay attention to the top men, that's why they don't see it.
Nailed it mate, very well put.
so uh — why’d the op get banned?
Normies can go out screaming "Say no to patriarchical oppression". It is easy. Woman=Victims just because .

On the other hand the observation of construction workers being ALWAYS male just evades them. They can't put 1+1 together and understand that the most dangerous jobs are undertaken by men.

Who the fuck cares no? Bluepillers would suck a cock just for their queen's pleasure. Do it then, and let us fight our fight.
Hasta la Muerte
Hail O Death
Women Live life on recruit diffculty
Females are protected from genital mutilation, but males aren't. My idiot boomer parents literally had me surgically molested and permanently disfigured as an infant because they think I'm too retarded to wash my own dick. Eric Clopper got fired from Harvard because he gave a lecture explaining how circumcision is bullshit.

Circumcision NPC
The way I see it, that argument was pointless and both of you were coping tbh. It's easy to fall for copes, I don't blame you. :cryfeels:
I can buy foidologist's mom for a night :feelzez:
Females are protected from genital mutilation, but males aren't. My idiot boomer parents literally had me surgically molested and permanently disfigured as an infant because they think I'm too retarded to wash my own dick. Eric Clopper got fired from Harvard because he gave a lecture explaining how circumcision is bullshit.

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Clopper himself is Jewish, but that didn't even save him from being falsely labeled antisemite.

I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
Put this thread in Sticky, next to Females are Psychopaths – A Socio-Historic Review.
@Master @SergeantIncel @Gymcelled @ThoughtfulCel @foidologist @FullTimeLoser
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Women are born into privileges that they wouldn't otherwise enjoy had they been born a male, but exactly how far can the power of a vagina get you in life? How much privilege do women truly have? What are your chances of losing at life as a women?

0.17% Of the Population is Homeless, when accounting for gender differences the amount of Homeless females drops to an astonishing 0.3%

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But what percentage of Them are Unsheltered?

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In the Worst Case Scenario ONLY 1.26% OF FEMALES GO UNSHELTERED, and in the Best States for Women That percentage is 0.54%



Men are 10 TIMES more likely to die in the workplace.
Looking at 139 separate occupations and discrete industries, an obvious pattern quickly emerges: the safest workplaces are indoors and the safest occupations frequently require education beyond high school. The most deadly occupations, on the other hand, are outside and often involve operating equipment. This largely drives the huge difference in workplace fatalities between men and women, with 4,761 men dying on the job compared to 386 women in 2017. The fatality rate for men was about 10 times that of women: 5.7 per 100,000 vs. 0.6 per 100,000 for women.


Meaning that as a women, you have a 0.00050226409% Chance of Dying at Work

From an experiment in the Justice System and Law Enforcement:

More than 500 judges from a state court system (68 percent men, 30 percent women, and 2 percent unidentified) participated in the study in an effort by that court system to address gender bias. The court system wasn't identified for confidentiality reasons.
More than 500 lay people (59 percent men, 41 percent women) also were recruited online to take part in the study.

The judges and lay people analyzed two mock court cases, including a child custody case and a sex discrimination lawsuit where the plaintiff was presented as either a man or woman. The participants also completed surveys about their beliefs in traditional gender roles, such as stereotypes that women are more interested in raising children than in their careers and that children are better off if their fathers are the primary breadwinners for the family.

In the divorce case, the father and mother both sought primary custody of their two children. Both spouses worked full-time jobs and sometimes had conflicts with caring for their children. Judges and lay people who supported traditional gender roles allocated more custody time to the mother than to the equally-qualified father, but the judges were even more biased in favoring the mother than were laypeople. Only three percent of the judges in the sample gave the father more custody time than the mother.

In the exact same scenario as a man, a women has only a 3% chance of losing custody.

But what about in cases
that do not involve child custody?

Scholars have found that women receive shorter sentences for sex crimes than men. A 2014 study suggests that federal courts are more lenient on femaledefendants in general. ... Women were less likely to be detained before trial. They were 46 percent less likely than men to held in jail prior to a trial.

From the 2014 Study:

In general, it was found that females were treated more leniently by the court system, although specific groups of female defendants were found to experience cumulative disadvantage across the criminal court system.

Another Study shows that Women are More Likely to be Promoted into Management Positions then Men "B-buh, but the pay-gap...":

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Despite this however, other studies show that women have an increased chance of having anxiety and make poorer leaders then men:

The majority of Relationships are ended by Women, with them accounting for 76% of breakups:

YouGov, an online market research and data analytics firm, surveyed around 1000 adults who have been or still are in a long-term relationship. The participants were asked questions related to their love life including, how many long-term relationships they have been in so far? To how many partners they have said ‘I love you’? Did they ever have
a break-up in their long-term relationship? If yes, then who ended it?

Going by the statistics, a whopping 76 per cent of the female participants admitted ending their long-term relationship
Digging deeper into this topic, 84 per cent men revealed that they were dumped in their previous relationship

--Someone isn't being honest here... virtue signalling gender:feelsseriously:?

https://www.sup.org/books/title/?id=1844 -- There's even a whole book on how women have leveraged the power of their vaginas to get high ranking political positions in Britany and used it to harm disenfranchised men.

Conclusion: As a female you have an increased chance of being promoted in the workforce despite showing lesser performance, holding power in and ending relationships. You have a lower chance of being homeless, being homeless and unsheltered and an advantage in the legal system. You have the power to abort a baby.

What do the statistics say?
privilege is very real, and very big, as a women, it's damn near impossible to lose"

BONUS: GENDER EQUALITY HAS BEEN SHOWN TO INCREASE CRIME RATES AMONG WOMEN, https://apolitical.co/en/solution_article/has-gender-equality-made-women-commit-more-crimes


Just wanted to comment that I’ve noticed the management aspect of this happen in real time throughout my working career.

Women with less seniority who aren’t even good at their jobs get promoted into management. I know women in real life who are dumb as bricks who somehow magically ended up as middle managers and I just don’t get how they’re able to swing these positions when they don’t do anything.

It’s honestly rage fuel to be work a garbage job for years and be treated poorly by those above you and repeatedly get passed over for advancement when some woman that’s been here for 4 months who has lower output than any of us makes manager almost immediately.

The question is “why” this happens so much and I could give a few reasons but really at this I’m just tired of all the anti man bullshit I experience all the time. It’s not fair and men need to get wise to the way we’re being mistreated and act for change. Too bad men won’t do shit apparently.
Nature doesnt give a fuck about us and yet we are expected to wageslave like good little boys.
Man are the supposed Lepers of this World .

Imagine cucking yourself even Harder while already getting cucked , KEK :feelskek:
I personally think that sex work is one of the reasons fewer women are homeless. If a man is at rock bottom, he can't do anything to get money. If a woman is at rock bottom, she can easily find some guy to fuck for $ and thus escape homelessness. She might not like it, but it still shows female privilege: Women often complain about having only bad options (also e.g. in dating), while men often simply don't have any.
I personally think that sex work is one of the reasons fewer women are homeless. If a man is at rock bottom, he can't do anything to get money. If a woman is at rock bottom, she can easily find some guy to fuck for $ and thus escape homelessness. She might not like it, but it still shows female privilege: Women often complain about having only bad options (also e.g. in dating), while men often simply don't have any.
Or they can just find a moneymaxxed normie to betabuxx her.
Just wanted to comment that I’ve noticed the management aspect of this happen in real time throughout my working career.

Women with less seniority who aren’t even good at their jobs get promoted into management. I know women in real life who are dumb as bricks who somehow magically ended up as middle managers and I just don’t get how they’re able to swing these positions when they don’t do anything.

It’s honestly rage fuel to be work a garbage job for years and be treated poorly by those above you and repeatedly get passed over for advancement when some woman that’s been here for 4 months who has lower output than any of us makes manager almost immediately.

The question is “why” this happens so much and I could give a few reasons but really at this I’m just tired of all the anti man bullshit I experience all the time. It’s not fair and men need to get wise to the way we’re being mistreated and act for change. Too bad men won’t do shit apparently.
Most are cucks and the older generation of cucks do not understand what's happening or if they have an inkling about it they have checked out and don't care to spend the energy to intervene. Truly a sad state of affairs.
LMAO we posted a thread almost at the same time

And despite all the advantages that women have they still larp as oppressed and say the government should step in to help them more
I hate them so much.
Most are cucks and the older generation of cucks do not understand what's happening or if they have an inkling about it they have checked out and don't care to spend the energy to intervene. Truly a sad state of affairs.
Old men are fucking bluepilled as HELL, they do not understand nor care about what has happened to young men under their nose
I hate them so much.
It’s crazy to me how most people just irrationally believe that hatred falls out of the sky. Any criticism of a protected groups is not really met with argument it’s shut down with shaming language and insults instead. The real question that should be asked when a criticism is levied at a group is: Is it true? Sometimes it’s not so it could be dismissed as bigotry sure. Often times though it’s at least partially justified sometimes very justified. The hatred came about at least in some cases for very valid reasons.
Old men are fucking bluepilled as HELL, they do not understand nor care about what has happened to young men under their nose
I would say that they are stuck in their own form of masturbation and can therefore never see it. The ones who do know and we're actively promoting cuckery were doing it because they thought THAT was the religion we all wanted, since sexual authority reins supreme in our time, there is no other recognised religion other than the foid worship religion in the West.
It’s crazy to me how most people just irrationally believe that hatred falls out of the sky. Any criticism of a protected groups is not really met with argument it’s shut down with shaming language and insults instead. The real question that should be asked when a criticism is levied at a group is: Is it true? Sometimes it’s not so it could be dismissed as bigotry sure. Often times though it’s at least partially justified sometimes very justified. The hatred came about at least in some cases for very valid reasons.
Oh for sure.

We don’t just hate them just to hate them, we hate them because they are without a doubt evil. Not all, but enough.

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